Why Do Bitcoin ATMs Require ID? — Pelicoin Bitcoin ATM (2024)

If you frequently trade in cryptocurrency, or if you’re about to buy crypto for the first time, you may be asking yourself, “Why do Bitcoin ATMs require ID?” After all, cryptocurrency famously allows for transactions with a degree of anonymity, and this is one reason that people concerned with the privacy of their personal information may get into crypto. Put simply, in the United States, when Bitcoin ATMs require ID, it is typically to ensure compliance with federal regulations that are intended to prevent large scale money laundering and terrorist financing.

One of the major reasons that people like to use Bitcoin ATMs is to have a convenient way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, in a physical setting. Additionally, one of the key benefits of cryptocurrency transactions is the promise of a degree of anonymity. However, even though their users may be seeking privacy of their personal information, Bitcoin ATMs sometimes require users to present identification. Let’s dive into the reasons behind this requirement, recognizing the need to balance customers' desire for anonymity with security considerations.

About The Culture of Cryptocurrency and Customers’ Expectations

Something that makes cryptocurrency ATM users different from those who exclusively use traditional currency ATMs is their expectations around privacy and even anonymity. The culture that has formed out of the ideas of many cryptocurrency enthusiasts is one that may bristle at the idea of being constrained by the traditional financial system and its regulations. Additionally, for some people the reason to use a decentralized, digital currency is to keep their personal data private in a way that the extensive identification requirements of the traditional banking system would not allow. For these users, cryptocurrency represents a different way of handling their financial transactions, so cryptocurrency ATM operators have to take this into account when shaping their policies. However, at the same time they must also ensure that they comply with any applicable regulations and maintain the value of their business and their customers’ safety. The integrity of the cryptocurrency industry in general is also at stake when bad actors use cryptocurrency to hide their shady dealings, and crypto ATM operators need to guard against this risk as well.

When using a cryptocurrency ATM, customers may want to ensure their transaction history and personal information remain private. Some reasons for this can include preventing identity theft, maintaining financial discretion, concern that their information will be sold to advertisers, or simply preferring a degree of anonymity in financial dealings. However, when it comes to the use of an ATM, these concerns may clash with the necessity of protecting customers from fraudulent transactions and identity theft.

Background on The Status of Cryptocurrency in Society and the Popular Consciousness

Cryptocurrency has grown in popularity due to its rising mainstream recognition and aim to provide secure, peer-to-peer transactions that do not require a centralized banking system. Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency can generally be bought and sold on an exchange where each transaction is recorded in a Blockchain. In addition to the online exchanges, Bitcoin ATMs exist for those who like to trade on the go, and prefer their transactions to be processed immediately.

As the conversation around cryptocurrency has continued to grow, it has attracted attention from some lawmakers, leading to calls for increased regulation and such debates as whether cryptocurrency should be treated primarily as a form of currency or as an investment, as a security or as a commodity. These ongoing questions may shape what regulations are applied to cryptocurrency over time.

Unfortunately, as cryptocurrency is quite new and not always well understood by the general public, it has sometimes been a vehicle for bad actors to commit crimes. In order to protect their law-abiding customers, cryptocurrency ATM companies must put into place procedures that can help them prevent these crimes. For some companies or for some transaction amounts, this may involve requiring ID, and whether that involves a photo ID or some other method can vary. However, when doing so, crypto ATM operators also have to bear in mind that their customers may also have legitimate privacy concerns and balance that with the need to ensure their security.

Cryptocurrency Regulations

Simply put, Bitcoin and other types of Cryptocurrency are subject to regulations that protect investors and ensure the integrity of a market, just like any other sort of investment, albeit potentially with the competing considerations of a different customer base. In fact, the crypto industry has already shown signs of facilitating a “rise of a new, high-tech era of virtual money laundering” with cryptocurrency gambling sites have been reported as being a common money laundering tool. Bitcoin ATM companies know that their customers have legitimate reasons for wanting to keep their personal information private. For this reason, the companies have to determine how best to fight money laundering and other financial crimes while also maintaining the privacy that is a major selling point of cryptocurrency transactions. Furthermore, the industry as a whole needs to maintain the public’s trust in order to continue building the future of cryptocurrency; when scandals occur, this damages the public’s willingness to embrace crypto as an important component of the modern financial system.

Many ATMs will require the user to create an account by performing an SMS verification, uploading a form of picture identification and in some cases, uploading a photo of the user’s ID to verify that the picture matches that of the ID. Even though all Bitcoin transactions are recorded in the Blockchain, the identification of users is not connected to their Bitcoin wallet. In this way, there is a balance between the objectives of compliance and privacy. This is different from a traditional ATM because it does not require you to connect your bank account, or even to have a bank account at all.

Bearing in mind that the regulatory landscape for crypto varies by location throughout the world and also frequently changes due to the cutting-edge nature of the technology, let's look at some possible answers to, “Why do Bitcoin ATMs require ID?” These are some of the regulations in place that are designed to protect Bitcoin buyers and sellers.


The Know Your Customer rule, or KYC, is an ethical rule developed in 2001 as part of the Patriot Act, long before the first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, arrived on the scene in 2009. This rule was set forth by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, or FINRA, that essentially states that every broker is required to know and keep records on the essential facts of each customer. This rule also states that the broker is required to know who has the authority to act on behalf of each customer as well.

Keep in mind the FINRA notes on its website that it is “authorized by Congress to protect America’s investors by making sure the broker-dealer industry operates fairly and honestly.” Inherent in this language is the idea that FINRA’s role is the protection of investors, which might seem obviously applicable to converting cash into cryptocurrency at an ATM. However, buying and selling Bitcoin can be understood as comparable to investing in stocks, as they are both stocks and Bitcoin somewhat abstract entities that fluctuate in value. When an individual decides to purchase Bitcoins for the first time, they typically do so through an exchange, which is less immediate than a Bitcoin ATM and has more regulations for new users. An exchange for Bitcoin is similar to a stockbroker, and has similar governing rules, which is why a user buying cryptocurrency through an exchange typically must connect an existing bank account and provide detailed personal information to prove that they are a real person before they can start trading. Exchanges can take weeks to process this information.

Bitcoin ATMs also need to comply with KYC, but Bitcoin ATM companies’ identification requirements may differ from one another.

KYC regulations are intended to help protect against identity theft as well. By asking users who want to make high value transactions to identify themselves, crypto exchanges can prevent criminals from attempting to steal those users’ identities.

Another benefit of Know Your Customer laws is that it helps Bitcoin investors claim ownership of their assets if they are targeted by criminals. In the event of lost access to funds because a hacker had accessed an account, the only way to truly recover those assets is for an exchange to verify an individual’s identity.

These regulations exist for the financial safety of those who buy and sell Bitcoins, but many users would prefer to maintain a degree of anonymity. For them, giving that much information is off putting, and too similar to the current banking and investing system that many crypto traders are actively seeking to avoid. Nonetheless, crypto ATM operators have to ensure they are in compliance with legal requirements and that their customers can trust the security of their machines. In addition to knowing their customers, this also means working to prevent their ATMs from being used in money-laundering schemes.


Another significant issue that arises with considering what kind of identification should be required at a Bitcoin ATM is preventing money laundering. As defined by Investopedia, money laundering is, “the illegal process of making ‘dirty’ money appear legitimate instead of ill-gotten.” While cryptocurrency ATM users can have many legitimate reasons for wanting their financial transactions to remain private, it is also easy to see how that degree of freedom with regard to self-idenfitication could be misused by criminals who want to hide who they are and where their money came from. Enter the applicaotin of AML regulations.

While similar to KYC rules, Anti-Money Laundering regulations, or AML, are measures taken to prevent and combat income generation through illegal activities like tax evasion and market manipulation. These regulations require financial institutions of all kinds to constantly be on guard to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. While it may require some measures that may not be their customers’ preference, to avoid their ATM being used for these illegal purposes and the damage to their business that could result, crypto ATM regulators have to take their AML obligations very seriously.

AML regulations are in place to deter criminals by making it harder for them to hide money they have come into from illegal activities. Money laundering is frequently done through investments. Criminals will invest their ill-gotten money, using dishonest brokers who will ignore rules like KYC in return for large commissions. Cryptocurrency brokers require a large amount of personal information to even set up an account in order to protect their customers from criminal activity.

So why do Bitcoin ATMs require ID? Because without it, individuals who have come into large amounts of ill-gotten money can convert these funds to another, less traceable form. Not all Bitcoin ATMs require ID, but many do, especially when large amounts of money are involved. It is also important to remember that this blog post focuses on the United States; crypto ATMs are regulated differently in different places, so the identification requirements for Bitcoin ATMs that exist in other countries may vary greatly.

Recent Developments in The Regulation of Cryptocurrency and Crypto ATMs

While the debate about how the law should treat cryptocurrency is an ongoing saga with many developments, once recent and potentially signficant one is the introduction of the Crypto-Asset National Security Enhancement and Enforcement Act of 2023. At present, this bill has been read and sent to committee, but not voted on, so it does not have the force of law. However, its aims are important to note for the issue of what kind of identification will be required at a crypto ATM. If it became law, the bill could have the following ATM-specific effects:

  • Federal KYC requirements would apply to “virtual currency kiosks”

  • ATM operators would have to keep a record of a customer’s address, which would have to be evidenced by a photo ID.

Obviously, these requirements would significantly change the experience of using many cryptocurrency ATMs, particularly for those who prioritize privacy in their transactions. However, it is worth noting that attempts to pass similar legislation have failed in the past. What kind of ID Bitcoin ATMs must require remains somewhat of an open question.

Cryptocurrency is still relatively young, and regulation, including the regulation of crypto ATMs, will continue to develop over time. So, in the future, instead of asking “Why do Bitcoin ATMs require ID?” we may be asking “How much ID will Bitcoin ATMs require?” as requirements could become more complex and standardized.

How We Make Sure That Pelicoin ATMs are Safe and Secure

Despite the regulations in place, not all crypto ATM operators require their users to present identification. While some may ask for a simple SMS verification, others may require social security numbers or thumb print readers. Pelicoin’s Bitcoin ATMs are the most secure cryptocurrency ATM networks in the Gulf South. Any user data collected is stored on a dedicated server.

All you need to buy or sell Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum from a Pelicoin ATM is cash, your cell phone, and the QR code or address for your cryptocurrency wallet. For smaller transactions, users won’t be asked to send over a license or a selfie to verify identity. A verification code sent to your cell phone that you enter into the machine may be enough. However, be aware that customers transacting in higher volumes will be required to provide ID and other information depending on the size and/or frequency of their transactions.

When asking “Why do Bitcoin ATMs require ID,” the current answer is a number of common-sense federal regulations designed to keep you and your money safe. But it is important to remember that at this point in the evolution of the cryptocurrency landscape, how these regulations are enforced on Bitcoin ATM companies may not be totally consistent or clear. There can also be additional state-level regulation of crypto ATMs. For those who prefer a cryptocurrency ATM that doesn’t require invasive personal information or a lengthy sign up process (but is still incredibly secure) that answer is Pelicoin.

Convert Your Cash Into Crypto The Easy Way at One of Pelicoin’s Bitcoin ATMs

As the largest and safest network of cryptocurrency ATMs in the entire Gulf South, Pelicoin is the ATM system to use for all your Bitcoin needs. Pelicoin makes using Bitcoin ATMs as easy as can be, even if it’s your first time buying Bitcoin or creating a digital wallet. The ATM will take you through a step-by-step process to easily purchase the Bitcoin you need, including verification requirements. Our machine locations fit your lifestyle, so you can buy cryptocurrency while you shop or when you go to fill up your gas tank. We make it easy to make cryptocurrency buying a normal part of your life or an exciting part of your vacation to one of the many towns and cities where we provide Bitcoin ATMs. So grab your phone, your cash, and your crypto wallet information (if you have one) and get started today!

To learn more about our secure network of ATMs, and other facts about our ATMs or cryptocurrency, check out our FAQs or give us a call at 855-PELICOIN.

As an enthusiast and expert in cryptocurrency, I can confidently provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the article. My knowledge is backed by extensive research and hands-on experience in the field of cryptocurrency, including the regulatory landscape, privacy concerns, and the functioning of Bitcoin ATMs.

The article discusses several key concepts related to Bitcoin ATMs and the regulations surrounding cryptocurrency transactions. Let's break down the information presented:

  1. Privacy and Anonymity in Cryptocurrency Transactions:

    • Cryptocurrency transactions, particularly those involving Bitcoin, are known for providing a degree of anonymity.
    • Users often choose cryptocurrencies for the privacy of their personal information, avoiding the extensive identification requirements of traditional banking.
  2. Reasons Behind ID Requirements at Bitcoin ATMs:

    • In the United States, Bitcoin ATMs may require ID to comply with federal regulations aimed at preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.
    • The need to balance customers' desire for anonymity with security considerations is crucial for Bitcoin ATM operators.
  3. Culture of Cryptocurrency and Customer Expectations:

    • Cryptocurrency ATM users have different expectations regarding privacy and anonymity compared to traditional currency ATM users.
    • The culture of cryptocurrency enthusiasts emphasizes freedom from traditional financial constraints, making it important for ATM operators to align their policies with these expectations.
  4. Status of Cryptocurrency in Society:

    • Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, has gained popularity for providing secure, peer-to-peer transactions without relying on a centralized banking system.
    • Bitcoin ATMs offer a convenient way for users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies in a physical setting.
  5. Cryptocurrency Regulations and KYC (Know Your Customer):

    • KYC regulations, established under the Patriot Act, require brokers to know essential facts about each customer to protect investors.
    • KYC regulations help prevent identity theft, ensure financial discretion, and allow investors to claim ownership of their assets.
  6. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations:

    • AML regulations aim to prevent and combat income generation through illegal activities like tax evasion and market manipulation.
    • Bitcoin ATMs implement AML measures to deter criminals from using cryptocurrency for money laundering.
  7. Recent Developments in Cryptocurrency Regulation:

    • Ongoing debates and legislative developments, such as the Crypto-Asset National Security Enhancement and Enforcement Act of 2023, may impact the identification requirements at cryptocurrency ATMs.
    • The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency is dynamic, with potential changes in the future.
  8. How Pelicoin Ensures ATM Safety and Security:

    • Pelicoin's Bitcoin ATMs are designed to be secure, and user data is stored on a dedicated server.
    • The verification process for Pelicoin transactions may vary based on transaction size and frequency, with smaller transactions requiring less invasive identification.
  9. User Experience and Convenience at Pelicoin ATMs:

    • Pelicoin emphasizes a user-friendly experience, allowing users to easily convert cash into cryptocurrency without extensive identification for smaller transactions.

In summary, the article addresses the intricate balance between privacy concerns, regulatory compliance, and security in the context of Bitcoin ATMs. The concepts discussed include the cultural expectations of cryptocurrency users, the regulatory framework (KYC and AML), and recent developments that may shape the future of cryptocurrency regulations.

Why Do Bitcoin ATMs Require ID? — Pelicoin Bitcoin ATM (2024)


Why Do Bitcoin ATMs Require ID? — Pelicoin Bitcoin ATM? ›

By asking users who want to make high value transactions to identify themselves, crypto exchanges can prevent criminals from attempting to steal those users' identities. Another benefit of Know Your Customer laws is that it helps Bitcoin investors claim ownership of their assets if they are targeted by criminals.

Why do Bitcoin ATMs require ID? ›

Some Bitcoin ATMs require one to verify a phone number, take a photo and/or scan a government-issued ID, such as a driver's license or passport, in order to prevent fraud for all transactions. Transactions of a lower amount, however, typically require little to no identification.

Why is ID required for Bitcoin? ›

Why do Bitcoin ATMs require an ID? Bitcoin ATM providers follow the same laws and requirements of other cryptocurrency exchanges. These anti-money laundering processes, such as performing customer due diligence, require identification.

Do you need ID to withdraw from Bitcoin ATM? ›

In the USA, you can generally withdraw up to $299 without undergoing KYC verification. You will have to undergo KYC identity verification for Bitcoin ATM withdrawal limits up to $125000. You might be able to withdraw more than this with an 'enhanced' KYC procedure, but this is rarely offered.

Do you need an ID for CoinMe? ›

What do I need to open a Coinme account? Opening a Coinme account is completely free. All you need is a smartphone, internet access, and a valid form of state-issued ID.

Does Bitcoin Depot ATM require ID? ›

In the context of Bitcoin ATMs, KYC involves users providing personal identification documents and undergoing verification processes to confirm their identity and legitimacy.

How can I sell crypto without ID? ›

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Platforms

Peer-to-peer platforms offer a straightforward and convenient way to sell Bitcoin without verification. These platforms connect buyers and sellers directly, enabling them to negotiate prices and terms.

How to spot a Bitcoin scammer? ›

How To Spot Cryptocurrency Scams
  1. Offers that guarantee large future gains.
  2. Offers that involve “free” money, bitcoins or tokens.
  3. Offers with time limited offers or countdown timers on them.
  4. Messages that offer you jobs or opportunities out of the blue.
  5. Deals that are too good to be true, no one gives out free money.
Feb 16, 2024

Why do you have to verify identity for Bitcoin? ›

Identity verification is required in order to remain compliant with Anti-Money Laundering (AML), countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations internationally.

Can I send Bitcoin without ID verification? ›

Buying and sending Bitcoin without ID is entirely possible with the right knowledge and tools. By utilizing peer-to-peer exchanges, buying with cash, using prepaid cards, and ensuring anonymity in your transactions, you can safeguard your financial information and maintain your privacy in the digital world.

What is the maximum withdrawal from a Bitcoin ATM? ›

So there are limits as to how much cash you can take from Bitcoin ATMs. This is to prevent money laundering. The exact amount of cash you can take out of a BTM is usually between $5,000 - $10,000. You might have to make two withdrawals to achieve this maximum limit.

How much does Bitcoin ATM charge for $500? ›

Understanding Fees at Bitcoin ATMs: What Your $500 Can Get You. When you use a Bitcoin ATM to convert $500 into Bitcoin, the amount you receive in BTC will vary depending on the operator's fee rate: With a 10% fee, you would receive the equivalent of $450 in Bitcoin, after subtracting the fee from your $500.

Can I send $10,000 through Bitcoin ATM? ›

The amount a Bitcoin ATM can send simultaneously varies depending on the operator and jurisdiction. Generally, limits range from $3,000 to $10,000, but specific amounts may differ. The maximum amount you can deposit depends on the specific machine and operator, but it often ranges from $20 to $10,000.

Do you need your ID for Bitcoin? ›

The identity verification process for buying Bitcoin from Coinbase is relatively straightforward. First, you'll need to provide some personal information, such as your name, address, and date of birth. Then, you'll need to provide a copy of a government-issued ID, such as a driver's license or passport.

What comes out of a Bitcoin ATM? ›

Once the amount of cash you want to exchange for Bitcoin is inserted into the ATM, you can enter your wallet's address or QR code into the machine. The cash will be exchanged for Bitcoin at the current market rate and sent to your digital wallet.

How to use Bitcoin ATM for the first time? ›

How to use a Bitcoin ATM
  1. Step 1: Insert your phone number. Bitcoin ATMs require identity verification. ...
  2. Step 2: Verify your identity. ...
  3. Step 3: Scan your wallet QR code. ...
  4. Step 4: Insert your fiat currency. ...
  5. Step 5: Confirm the amount and complete your transaction.
Aug 17, 2023

Can I send $10,000 through Bitcoin ATM in USA? ›

The standard Bitcoin ATM limit is $10,000, although some operators allow larger transactions when certain conditions are met. While some consumers are unhappy about these limits, they are put in place to protect consumers, ensure the ATM remains operational, and maintain regulatory compliance.

How do I use Bitcoin ATM anonymously? ›

Buying Bitcoin via an ATM is probably the best way to buy cryptocurrency anonymously; however, not everyone has an ATM nearby. When asked to enter your Bitcoin address at the ATM, just specify that you don't have one. This will generate a new paper wallet for you in most cases, and you're good to go.

Does Bitcoin ATM ask for SSN? ›

Most crypto ATMs will need a phone number (at a minimum) to verify your identity, but some may require further verification, such as scanning a photo ID or entering your Social Security number.

Is Bitcoin ATM traceable? ›

Yes, Bitcoin transactions are traceable by the IRS. The Bitcoin blockchain operates through a public, distributed ledger that maintains permanent records of all transactions. This makes them accessible to anyone, not only the IRS, provided they have the transaction ID, commonly known as a hash.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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