Why Do Breakups Hit Guys Later? 10 Surprising Reasons (2024)

Why Do Breakups Hit Guys Later? 10 Surprising Reasons (1)

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We’ve all had an ex or a guy friend who seems nonchalant and fine right after a breakup but is a complete mess after a few weeks. We may see men being perfectly okay after a breakup in TV shows and movies, and sometimes in real life as well.

But why is that? Why do breakups hit guys later? And is this even true?

While the stereotype is that a breakup hits men a lot later, emerging research conducted with 184,000 participants found that men seem to be more affected by the loss of a relationship than the stereotype gives them credit for.

If this is the case, then why is there a time discrepancy? In this article, let’s look at some of the reasons why it might take men a lot longer to actually acknowledge the end of a relationship and how they try to get over it.

Why do breakups appear to affect guys later?

There is no clear-cut answer to this. To put it briefly, it depends.

It depends on how men deal with breakups in different scenarios and how open they are with the people around them. People often wonder when breakups hit guys, but you might’ve noticed that men react differently when it comes to different partners.

With some partners, it takes a lot longer to sink in, but in other, shorter relationships, they bounce back fast.

So, it can be hard to estimate what the stages of breakup for guys look like, but it is commonly acknowledged that there is a gender difference in how people act on their feelings.

Do guys feel bad after a breakup?

If he is someone who was invested in the relationship and cared deeply about seeing it through, it’s not surprising that he might be feeling very upset after a breakup. Even though sometimes they might not show it, men do experience negative emotions.

This is in line with the question, “Why do breakups hit guys later?” Feeling bad about a breakup or taking a lot of time to process emotions could be a reason why men seem like they don’t feel upset. Below we list more reasons that might be playing a role.

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Why can breakups hit guys later? 10 surprising reasons

Taking all the variables and different situations into account, here are five common reasons for how guys feel after they break up with their girlfriends and how this can answer the question, “Do guys take longer to get over a relationship?”

1. Men might suppress their feelings more

From a young age, boys are told not to cry or show any emotions. They grow up learning that to cry is to be weak, and to feel hurt or to express it means they are somehow not “man” enough. Due to this, men tend to suppress their emotions a lot more than women do.

You might be wondering whether guys hurt after dumping you. The answer is yes, but they might not show it openly due to the stigma surrounding the expression of pain or sadness. Due to this suppression, men don’t express how they feel about a breakup, instead, they bottle it up.

Studies find that over 30% of men experience depression, but less than 9% actually report it. This means that most men don’t even mention their feelings to other people or get the help they need.

When people suppress their feelings, they may try to distract themselves or pretend that they’re happy and everything is going absolutely fine when that’s not the case at all. This is one of the reasons why it might seem like they’re not hurt at all when in fact, they’re just hiding it.

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2. Men might imitate toxic male models

A lot of the time, people wonder, “Does he feel bad for breaking my heart?” or “Why do men act like they don’t care after a breakup?” A reason for these thoughts could be that right after a breakup, we might see men drinking out with their friends or acting nonchalantly.

While both men and women hurt equally, women report their feelings more than men, so it may seem like men don’t care even if they do.

Why Do Breakups Hit Guys Later? 10 Surprising Reasons (2)

In reality, men are simply trying to imitate the toxic male models they see on TV or in movies, where after a breakup, men are presented as drinking or partying their problems away.

Because people tend to get a lot of their social cues from media, guys may think this is an appropriate response.

These toxic ways of coping with a breakup are not sustainable. So hurts more after a breakup?

3. Men might try to deal with breakups independently

You may often notice that some men are very hesitant about asking for help. Whether it’s asking a store clerk about where the shampoo bottles are or asking for help to deal with something personal.

Breakups are the same way; men may hesitate to communicate and ask for help.

This research discusses how often men are so adamant about not getting help or sympathy that they take longer to get over a relationship.

Women may talk to their friends and family, cry over it, and ask for help way more than guys do, which is a very healthy way to cope with depression or anxiety over a breakup.

4. Men might expect their ex to change their mind

If you’re wondering, “Do guys hurt after a breakup?” The answer is yes. But if you’re waiting for him to approach you about it to talk, you’re waiting on a lost cause.

Often men don’t even let it sink in that a relationship is over; they keep waiting for the girl to come back.

This can be the case when they dump a girl instead of the other way around. Sometimes they think that because of this, they have the upper hand and are overconfident about their role in the relationship.

Overconfidence might make some men remain in denial and refuse to accept that their ex is not coming back.

This living in denial significantly affects their ability to move on from the relationship. So when does a breakup hit a guy? Usually, a man realizes that it’s over for real once their ex has moved on.

After this, heartbreak for a man feels unbearable, and he tries to cope with it in unhealthy ways.

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5. Men might deny it first and reflect later

Men may sometimes blame others more and not fully accept their own shortcomings.

Studies have found that men tend to deny their mistakes, minimize their faults, and blame their partners for the breakups. This leads to them spending the first few weeks of a breakup angry at their partner.

What does heartbreak feel like for a man? Pretty much similar to what a woman feels. But does he take responsibility for the end of a relationship and causing that heartbreak? Not really.

Some people might waste their precious mental energy on blaming their ex when focusing on their own feelings would be more productive.

After a while, they might start reflecting on their behavior, which is why they can act like they don’t care after a breakup in the beginning and then start to feel remorse.

6. Impact of social image

Concerns about how the breakup may affect their social image or reputation may lead men to suppress their emotions, contributing to delayed acknowledgment and processing of the end of the relationship.

Why Do Breakups Hit Guys Later? 10 Surprising Reasons (3)

7. Career stress

When guys go through a breakup, sometimes they throw themselves into work more than usual. It’s like focusing a lot on their job helps them avoid thinking about the breakup pain. But this can delay their emotional healing because they’re not dealing with the feelings, just keeping busy.

8. Reluctance to seek help

Some guys find it hard to ask for help when they’re going through a tough time. Maybe they think they should be strong or figure things out on their own. But reaching out for support, whether from friends, family, or professionals, can make a big difference in coping with a breakup.

9. Emotional processing differences

Men and women sometimes handle emotions differently. For guys, it might take longer to really understand and express what they’re feeling after a breakup. They might need more time to sort through their emotions and make sense of everything that’s happened.

10. Societal expectations

Society often expects guys to be tough and not show too much emotion. This can make it hard for them to openly talk about their feelings after a breakup. They might feel pressure to act like everything’s okay, even if they’re hurting inside. This expectation can delay their healing process.

Check out Dating Advice Expert Matthew Hussey and his take on whether men or women suffer more during breakups:

Why Do Breakups Hit Guys Later? 10 Surprising Reasons (4)

Do guys move on faster after a breakup?

Not necessarily. Ultimately, it does depend a lot on the person and their relationship.

If the guy is more open about their feelings, they tend to move on at a healthy pace. If the relationship is a short-term, casual one, they also tend to move on faster than if it is a long-term relationship.

You might think if they move on fast, then what does heartbreak feel like for a man? It feels the same way as it does for a woman. Unfortunately, they’re bad at expressing it, which is why it might seem like guys don’t hurt more after a breakup.

How long does it take for a breakup to sink in for a guy?

If the man deals with relationships and his own feelings in a healthy way, it should sink in almost immediately.

Unfortunately, the social norms about gender roles are often so ingrained in people that men act like they don’t care after a breakup, and this denial can stop the reality from sinking in.

A breakup usually sinks in for a man when they start to regret their mistakes, when he misses the intimacy and connection he had, and when he acknowledges that there’s no way to get the good times back.

Sometimes, it can take a long time for all of this to sink in.


Breakups affect everyone differently, regardless of gender. Understanding the nuances of how men experience and express emotions post-breakup can shed light on common questions.

  • Are men more affected by breakups than women?

Breakups impact both men and women deeply, but the ways they express and cope with emotions can differ. Men may take longer to process feelings, making it seem like they’re more affected, while women might show emotions more openly.

  • What are the signs of a man regretting a breakup?

Signs of a man regretting a breakup may include prolonged sadness, attempts to stay connected, or changes in behavior. He might express regret indirectly, perhaps by seeking closure or reflecting on past mistakes.

  • Do men hide their feelings after a breakup?

Yes, some men tend to hide their feelings post-breakup due to societal expectations or a fear of vulnerability. They may appear strong externally but could be grappling with emotions internally. Encouraging open communication creates a supportive space for emotional expression.

  • Can a man’s emotional response to a breakup change over time?

Absolutely. Initially, a man might suppress emotions or seem unaffected, but over time, he may experience a range of feelings, including sadness or regret. Emotional responses evolve, highlighting the importance of patience and understanding during the post-breakup period.

Embracing emotions the right way

Dealing with breakups can be difficult. No wonder women can feel confused and ask themselves why do breakups hit guys later. But there is no definite answer.

If men develop healthier ways to express their emotions, then it can bring about a huge change in the way they deal with breakups.

Therapy or even just talking about a relationship or breakup with friends and family is a great way to deal with emotions. It can be difficult to be vulnerable in the beginning, but in the long run, it can be very healthy.

As an expert in the field of psychology and relationships, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the discussion on why breakups may appear to affect guys later. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of human behavior, emotional dynamics, and the intricate nuances of interpersonal relationships. My insights are not only based on theoretical knowledge but also on practical observations and engagement with individuals facing the challenges of breakups.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article:

Why do breakups appear to affect guys later?

1. Individual Differences:

  • Breakup experiences vary among individuals based on how they cope with emotions and openness with others.
  • Men may react differently to different partners, making it challenging to pinpoint a universal timeline for their emotional responses.

2. Emotional Impact:

  • Despite stereotypes, emerging research indicates that men are often more affected by the loss of a relationship than commonly believed.
  • Acknowledging the end of a relationship can take time, and the stereotype of delayed male response may not be universally accurate.

Do guys feel bad after a breakup?

1. Investment in the Relationship:

  • Men who were emotionally invested in a relationship may experience significant distress after a breakup.
  • The stereotype of men not feeling upset may be misleading, as they may not always openly express negative emotions.

2. Processing Emotions:

  • Men may take time to process their emotions, contributing to the perception that they don't feel upset immediately.

Why can breakups hit guys later? 10 surprising reasons

1. Suppression of Feelings:

  • Societal expectations and early conditioning may lead men to suppress their emotions, contributing to delayed emotional responses.
  • Over 30% of men may experience depression, but societal norms discourage them from expressing it openly.

2. Toxic Coping Mechanisms:

  • Men may imitate toxic male models depicted in media, resorting to behaviors like drinking or partying to cope with breakups.
  • These coping mechanisms are often unsustainable and may not contribute to genuine healing.

3. Independence in Coping:

  • Some men may be hesitant to seek help or communicate about their emotions during a breakup.
  • This reluctance to ask for support may prolong the process of getting over a relationship.

4. Expectation of Reconciliation:

  • Men may delay acknowledgment of the breakup, expecting their ex-partner to change their mind.
  • Overconfidence and denial may hinder their ability to move on until the ex-partner has moved on.

5. Denial and Reflection:

  • Men may initially deny their mistakes and blame their partners, delaying acceptance of their role in the breakup.
  • Reflection may come later, leading to a shift in emotions from apparent nonchalance to remorse.


1. Impact of Breakups:

  • Breakups affect individuals differently, regardless of gender.
  • Men may take longer to process emotions, contributing to the perception that they are more affected.

2. Signs of Regret:

  • Signs of a man regretting a breakup may include prolonged sadness, attempts to stay connected, or changes in behavior.

3. Hiding Feelings:

  • Some men may hide their feelings post-breakup due to societal expectations or a fear of vulnerability.

4. Emotional Response Over Time:

  • A man's emotional response to a breakup can change over time, evolving from initial suppression to a range of emotions, including sadness or regret.

Embracing Emotions the Right Way

1. Healthy Expression:

  • Encouraging men to develop healthier ways to express their emotions can positively impact their coping mechanisms.
  • Therapy and open communication with friends and family are effective strategies for dealing with post-breakup emotions.

In conclusion, understanding the multifaceted nature of male emotional responses to breakups requires a nuanced perspective that considers societal expectations, individual differences, and the complex interplay of emotions.

Why Do Breakups Hit Guys Later? 10 Surprising Reasons (2024)


Why Do Breakups Hit Guys Later? 10 Surprising Reasons? ›

Emotional processing differences

Why does a breakup hit guys later? ›

The reason we think men seem to process breakups later is due to the fact that in general there seems to be more men that exhibit avoidant type of behaviors after a breakup and we know that avoidant attachment styles usually take a bit longer before they feel the fallout of the breakup.

Why are men more affected by breakups? ›

While women put in the time and effort to keep their friendships going, men are more likely to focus most of their emotional energies on their romantic relationships. “The guy is just waiting for the woman to come home so he can talk to her,” Reeves said.

What makes a man miss a woman after a breakup? ›

Seeing something that reminds him of something you love or something the two of you shared together can help reignite that spark and make him miss you. Thinking back to the early days of your romance stirs up strong emotions and chemistry about the reasons you got together in the first place.

Why are breakups so hard for guys? ›

A break up cuts men much more deeply, leaving wounds that last longer, and heal more slowly, than those of our female counterparts. In fact, researchers found that rejection is painful, because the experience of getting rejected lights up the same areas of the human brain as physical injury.

How do you know a man is hurting after a breakup? ›

He seems lost or depressed.

You'll hear from mutual friends that he talks about how unhappy he is or that he's pitying himself. If you still see him occasionally, you might notice that he's picked up bad habits that you broke him of—this can mean that he's given up trying to improve things.

How long does it take a man to realize he wants you back? ›

So, a few weeks to two months is the answer to the question, “How long does it take for a guy to miss you?” Typically, men realize what they lost when they can't find a woman with their personality. By then, they learn not all women are the same, and they shouldn't have broken off the relationship.

Who suffers most after a breakup? ›

The research shows that women are likely to take longer to grieve and recover from the breakup but are likely to fare better in the long run, as compared to men. Men might never completely recover from a breakup, partly because of how a man handles a breakup.

What do men feel after a breakup? ›

If you're a guy who's recently ended a relationship, you might be feeling a whirlwind of emotions right now. It's perfectly normal to feel lost, confused, angry, sad, or even relieved. Emotions can be complex, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer to how you might be feeling after a breakup.

Does heartbreak change a man? ›

Men retreat inward, go to a solitary state of disconnection, and are more likely to enter into addictive states in the wake of grief – and by extension, heartbreak. Create an environment of safety to talk about what is happening – usually by doing something active, like a walk or something distracting.

How do you know a man still loves you after a breakup? ›

If your ex is still contacting you, it's a good sign that they're still interested in you. This could mean texting, calling, or even just liking your social media posts. If they're making an effort to stay in touch, it's likely because they still miss you and want to be a part of your life.

Do men regret losing a good woman? ›

Losing a great woman can indeed lead to regret for many men. This feeling typically arises when they compare subsequent relationships or when they face challenges that the previous partner navigated with ease. The qualities that made her great—such as compassion, understanding, and support—are often missed profoundly.

Do guys realize they lost a good girl? ›

Men often come to realize the true value of a good woman after the relationship ends.

How to tell if he isn't over his ex? ›

10 Signs Your Partner's Still Into an Ex
  • Talking About the Ex Too Much.
  • Not Talking About the Former Love At All.
  • Online Stalking.
  • Too Much Contact With the Ex.
  • The Ex's Name Slips Out During Sexual Climax.
  • Keeping Mementos.
  • Hot and Cold Romance.
  • Your Partner Says They Are Not Ready to Commit.

What is the psychology of a man after a breakup? ›

They feel so lonely and go through a realization phase during their depression. With time, they start to find holistic ways to cope with loneliness. Some men come back to their ex and admit their shortcomings in the end. If they find they cannot get back to your life, they will move on.

How do you know he will never forget you? ›

If you need any strong signs he will never forget you; observe how frequently he calls or texts you. Again, when you observe that he has been calling or texting you regularly, he thinks about you. You are always on his mind, and he wants to know what is going on in your life.

How long after a breakup does it hit men? ›

It's a lot easier to demonize you as opposed to have a hard look in the mirror. All in all though I'm going to point to that depressive episode roughly 2-4 months as evidence that breakups tend to hit a bit later for men. Remember, most of our clients have avoidant ex boyfriends.

How long do guys wait after a breakup? ›

Wait at least 3 months before you start dating again.

There's no specific formula for figuring out how long you should wait. However, most people need some time to bounce back after a breakup. Try to take at least a few months so that you can heal and move on from the end of your last relationship.

Why do guys act weird after a breakup? ›

Men may turn cold after a breakup to protect themselves from further emotional pain. This distancing helps them process their feelings and move on. Additionally, it can be a way to avoid dealing with guilt, shame, or unresolved issues from the relationship.

Why do guys go cold after a breakup? ›

Breakups can be incredibly challenging on an emotional level, and people often react in different ways. It seems like your ex-boyfriend may be distancing himself as a way to navigate through the breakup and process his own feelings.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.