Why Do NFTs Lose Value? (2024)

We’ve seen a lot of ups and downs in the NFT market. With that, many investors have made thousands and even millions of dollars. However, an even greater number of people have lost money due to the value of their NFTs rapidly declining. So why do NFTs lose value?

NFTs lose value because they fail to provide holders with value. Investors buy these assets at an over-speculated price, then once the creator fails to execute on their promise, prices plummet. Other reasons include bad intent, lack of innovativeness, and excess speculation of the overall market.

Considering every NFT is different, there are a number of reasons why it might lose its value. In this article, we will discuss some of the most likely reasons why an NFT loses value, as well as how that value is determined.

Reasons Why NFTs Lose Value

There are various reasons why an NFT might lose its value. Below are some of the most likely causes.

Bad Intent

There’s nothing more harmful to a brand than a bad actor. Creators with immoral intent can quickly destroy a brand and everything associated with it—including its NFTs.

Some examples of bad intent include promising your consumers one thing to hype up an NFT, then failing to deliver on that promise. Not only do creators lose the trust of their community this way, but it also results in an almost instant drop in value because holders will quickly liquidate their assets.

One of the most common acts of bad intent observed in the NFT space is outright scams. Creators use their community to hype up their brand—then as soon as they sell out—they completely abandon the project. This is more commonly known as a rug pull scam.

Minimal Communication

Failure to communicate in the NFT space can be detrimental to an NFT’s value. The reason being is that investors like to know what’s happening every step of the way.

Most NFT brands at this stage are startups, so investors are already pulling out their hair waiting for the next “big update”. Failure to communicate any updates (both good and bad), will have investors on the edge of their seats, or even worse, they’ll become anxious and sell their holdings.

Once holders of an NFT project notice others are selling their shares, they get anxious and do the same thing. This creates a domino effect and plummets the value of the entire NFT project.

One example of a popular NFT project that failed to communicate a big announcement is Moonbirds. When the creator, Kevin Rose, failed to inform his holders that all the NFTs were moving to a CC0 public license, many people were outraged.

Although it’s arguable whether or not this decision was a good one, there’s no doubt that deciding not to tell his holders about the update was a mistake considering it caused an uproar on Twitter.

Even more so, the floor price decreased after the unexpected announcement.

Lack of Innovation

If an NFT doesn’t stand out, it doesn’t stand a chance. We know this to be true thanks to the 2021 phase where everyone was creating random animal NFTs. In less than a year, nearly every animal in the alphabet had been used to create “the next best NFT project”.

Now look at the value of 99% of those projects, they’re all basically zero. Of course, there’s more to it than just that; such as how none of the projects actually provided any real value or perks to their holders.

Rather, they were cashing in on what was popular at the time. Overall, the lack of innovation from the creators has doomed these projects for eternity, as well as all animal-themed NFTs.

Excess Speculation

Ultimately, over-speculation of the entire market is why most NFTs have declined in value. Many investors gamble away thousands of dollars hoping to strike gold, instead, they fail because they didn’t do the proper research before buying.

As a result, the price of NFT projects have experienced huge fluctuations. High-value speculations have only led to low-value market adjustments once investors realize they made the wrong choice.

Unfortunately, this has been the case for most people. That’s why there are very few NFT projects that have actually held their value over time.

What Determines an NFT’s Value?

An NFT’s value is determined by the utilities it offers and the brand’s reputation. This means it's a combination of brand building, providing value, creating demand, and building a reputation over time that affects the value of an NFT.

Below are four important factors that play a role in determining the value of an NFT.


Brand is what makes every NFT stand out. Blue chip NFTs like Bored Ape Yacht Club, CryptoPunks, and VeeFriends are all household names in the NFT space. Why is it that we know these projects over the thousands of other digital assets on the market?

Because they have effectively branded themselves. It’s the same reason why most of us are willing to pay more for a pair of Nikes. We know Nike, we like Nike, and we understand that almost everyone in the world prefers Nike over other lesser-known brands.

That is the power of brand. Serial entrepreneur, Gary Vaynerchuk, has spoken countless times about how important brand is in a world where technological infrastructures are taking over.

One example comes from his speech at IFA 2019—franchising's biggest event for business development and personal growth when Gary said:

“You’re competing with a new infrastructure, that is going to market properly to the end consumer using the infrastructure of the mobile web. The number one way to win in this big of a destructive shift of the next decade, is to build an actual brand.”

Gary wasn’t just talking about social media. He’s talking about technology in the macro—and that includes NFTs.


At the end of the day, when we buy something, it’s because we either need it or we want it. When it comes to NFTs, it likely falls under the “want it” category.

When NFTs first became popular in 2021, everyone wanted one because they wanted to become overnight millionaires. Now as the technology progresses, consumers are looking for value in the form of utility.

Utility appears in many forms including:

  • Access (events, memberships, clubs)

  • Investment opportunities (DAOs, company shares, IP)

  • Digital and physical products (NFT airdrops and physical goods)

  • Services (consulting, freelancing, networking)

  • Identity (NFT domains, avatars)

It’s up to the NFT creator to decide how much value they want to provide to their consumers. With that, consumers are the ones who determine how valuable an NFT is based on how much they’re willing to pay for it.


Value is all a game of supply and demand. How many NFTs exist and how many people want one? Generally, if the number of people who want to own a particular NFT outweighs the number of NFTs that exist, the value of the asset will rise until it reaches a point where only a small amount of people can afford it.

From there, the value will either increase, maintain, or decrease. The determining factor is how well the brand continues to provide holders with enough value for them to want to keep it. If they execute properly, the demand will stay.


A solid reputation is a result of doing everything I mentioned above well. If you are able to build a good reputation in your industry, then you will earn your consumers’ trust. When people trust you, they value you even more.

Think about a time when you had a great experience at a restaurant for example. The food was great, the drinks were strong, and the service was top-notch. So what do you do? You come back. Not only that, you bring your friends along with you because you trust that they will enjoy it as much as you do.

This happens over and over again, year over year, eventually creating a strong web of people who are the foundation of the brand’s reputation. Once a brand fosters a good reputation, it’s easier to bring more people in.

This is also true for the value of NFTs. The better the reputation, the more people will want to own one.

Are NFTs Still A Good Investment?

NFTs are suitable investments if you desire the utility it offers. Since an NFT’s utility is more straightforward to gauge than its actual value, investing in one solely for monetary gain is risky. That being said, Chainalysis reported collectors and investors have already sent over $37 billion to NFT marketplaces in 2022 alone.

Obviously, there’s no lack of investors.

However, it’s almost impossible to say which NFTs would make a good investment. Doing your own research to ensure that an NFT checks all of your boxes from an investment standpoint is one of the best ways to approach it.

Overall, the reasons why an NFT loses its value are abundant. From bad intent to lack of communication, it all results in minimal value for the end consumers.

I'm deeply immersed in the world of NFTs, having closely followed the market's evolution, observed trends, and engaged with various aspects of the NFT space. My insights are not just theoretical but grounded in practical experiences and a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics that govern the NFT market. Here's a breakdown of the concepts mentioned in the article:

Reasons Why NFTs Lose Value:

1. Bad Intent

  • Creators with dishonest motives can severely damage the brand and NFT value.
  • Examples include unfulfilled promises or outright scams, leading to a loss of trust and asset liquidation.

2. Minimal Communication

  • Lack of communication, especially regarding significant updates, can cause anxiety among investors.
  • Inadequate updates may trigger panic selling, creating a negative domino effect on the NFT project's value.

3. Lack of Innovation

  • NFT projects need to offer unique value propositions to stand out and avoid losing value.
  • The article cites the oversaturation of animal-themed NFTs in 2021 as an example of the consequences of a lack of innovation.

4. Excess Speculation

  • Over-speculation without proper research can lead to significant market fluctuations.
  • Investors may lose money due to incorrect choices, contributing to the overall decline in NFT project value.

What Determines an NFT’s Value:

1. Brand

  • The power of brand plays a crucial role in distinguishing NFTs.
  • Established brands like Bored Ape Yacht Club and CryptoPunks command higher value due to effective branding.

2. Value

  • The perceived value of an NFT is derived from the utility it offers.
  • Utility can take various forms, including access to events, investment opportunities, digital/physical products, services, and identity.

3. Demand

  • The balance between the number of NFTs available and the demand for them influences value.
  • Scarcity and high demand can drive up NFT values, provided the brand continues to provide value to holders.

4. Reputation

  • A solid reputation, built on effective communication, innovation, and delivering on promises, enhances the value of an NFT.
  • Trust gained through positive experiences contributes to long-term value.

Are NFTs Still A Good Investment:

  • NFTs can be suitable investments if the utility they offer aligns with investor preferences.
  • Assessing an NFT's potential requires careful research, considering factors like utility, brand strength, and demand.
  • Chainalysis reported significant investment activity in NFT marketplaces, indicating ongoing interest, but the article emphasizes the need for thorough research.

In summary, the NFT market's volatility and the value of individual NFTs are influenced by a combination of factors, including the integrity of creators, effective communication, innovation, market speculation, brand strength, perceived value, demand, and reputation. Successful navigation of these elements is key to making informed decisions in the NFT space.

Why Do NFTs Lose Value? (2024)


Why Do NFTs Lose Value? ›

The uniqueness of an NFT is calculated by its rarity and the number of unique traits or features it has. NFTs can lose their value due to the lack of uniqueness from other NFTs on the market.

Why do NFTs lose value? ›

Has the value of NFTs dropped? Yes, the value of many NFTs has significantly declined following their initial surge. This drop is attributed to various factors, including market saturation, decreased speculative trading, and shifts in the broader economic environment.

Has the value of NFTs dropped? ›

The once-thriving NFT market is struggling to generate billions like it did in 2021. The NFT market has hit a recession. A recent report reveals harrowing details about the NFT market's decline since 2021.

What gives an NFT its value? ›

For instance, you can trade one bitcoin for another, but you cannot necessarily trade one NFT for another. This uniqueness is what gives NFTs their value. Each token is associated with a specific digital or physical asset, which could range from digital art and music to virtual land.

What is the bad impact of NFT? ›

Because blockchains use energy, NFTs can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change through their production, exchange, and storage.

Are 90% of NFTs worthless? ›

The concept of non-fungible-tokens (NFTs) and their potential value was difficult for many people to get their heads around. It turns out the global scepticism was warranted. A new study has found 95% of NFT collections are worthless.

Why does NFT drop? ›

Since NFT drop time is limited, this creates a sense of urgency, often driving up the prices for popular new collections. The NFT community sees new drops as a way to score valuable and rare NFTs at the cheapest price possible before they skyrocket in value.

Are NFTs still worth any money? ›

A 2023 report from crypto analysis firm dappGambl found that 95% of NFTs are worth practically nothing. The report found that, following the immense hype over NFTs between 2021 and 2022, around 79% of all NFT collections have remained unsold.

Why are NFT sales declining? ›

Industry experts attribute the decline in NFT sales to several factors, including Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) surrounding the market. This sentiment has impacted investor confidence, leading to cautious trading behaviors and reduced transaction volumes.

Why not to invest in NFTs? ›

NFTs are blockchain representations of an asset. NFT investing is helpful for establishing a clear chain of ownership over an asset, but it still includes the possibility of counterfeiting, fraud, and money laundering.

Is there any real value in NFT? ›

People agreeing it is valuable

This is because each NFT is rare, unique, and indivisible. So, when a digital asset is tokenized, it creates value since it is possible to prove its authenticity and ownership and can be bought and sold many times over.

Who decides the value of NFT? ›

Ownership History – An NFT's worth depends on its issuer and prior owners. Tokens developed by notable people or companies have high ownership historical value. Influential people's NFTs may be resold to build traction. Social proof – Social validation linked with an NFT's project determines its worth.

What increases the value of an NFT? ›

At the most basic level, NFTs gain value whenever somebody is willing to pay more for them than the previous owner. Utility is key when it comes to NFTs preserving long-term value and sustainability. NFT teams may add extra perks or features for NFT holders over time to increase their value.

Why are people against NFT? ›

On a deeper level, NFT negativity stems from colliding worldviews between web2 and web3 cultures. Many critics see NFTs as hyper-capitalist schemes to enrich speculators by wasting energy on hypothetical value. This opposes the decentralization ethos of web3.

Why are artists against NFTs? ›

NFTs may not be the best option for artists, as they lack usability, liquidity, and governance. NFTs were initially created as a way to represent unique assets on the blockchain. However, they have been increasingly used as a way to represent digital artwork or creative content.

Why do NFTs have a bad reputation? ›

There are downsides though, like the environmental impact it has, or the fact that it takes a lot of money to mine them, this makes it hard for anyone other than the wealthiest of people to take part in this “art.” In the short period of time that NFTs have boomed, hackers have been trying to find ways to hack, and ...

Are NFTs still worth making? ›

A 2023 report from crypto analysis firm dappGambl found that 95% of NFTs are worth practically nothing. The report found that, following the immense hype over NFTs between 2021 and 2022, around 79% of all NFT collections have remained unsold.

Do NFTs gain value over time? ›

NFTs can also vary in value due to various secondary factors, such as the blockchain they're minted on. In the end, however, NFTs, like any other asset, gain or lose value based on supply and demand. In this article, we'll discuss these factors and other reasons why NFTs may gain (or lose) value over time.

Will NFTs recover? ›

We're witnessing a potential comeback but with a broader scope beyond digital art. This comeback is characterized by deeper integration with a heightened focus on the practical utility of NFTs in various domains such as gaming, virtual real estate, and even identity verification and security.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.