Why Do Shiba Inu Puppies Experience Anxiety (2024)

Shiba Inu Puppies are famous for getting anxious when developed in isolation. The more anxiety grows in your pet, the higher the chances of it avoiding you by running away. As a dog owner, you must take action when you notice strange signs in your dogs. These signs include growling, uncomfortable movements, stress-related body language, unusual behavior, panting, and yawning. With the right training, your dog can get relieved of stress and anxiety.

Handling Shiba Inu Puppies anxiety is one of the most challenging issues faced by dog owners and trainers. Research shows that fear is the primary cause of anxiety in Shiba Inus, which, in most cases, leads to stress.

It is not unusual to see Shiba Inu puppies displaying irrational behaviors, especially biting and scratching their body. Whenever you see your favorite pet inflicted with injuries, there's no doubt it's from excessive itching as a result of fear. Sometimes, Shiba Inu puppies can even run away because of separation anxiety.

Most dog owners are unhappy with this strange behavior from their furry friend, and the only thing on their mind is to get a lasting solution to the problem. So, what is the best way to help your Shiba Inu Puppies suffering from anxiety problems?

Luckily for you, there are numerous ways to do this. However, before we delve into that, let's highlight symptoms you should look out for in your Shiba Inu puppies.

Signs Your Shiba Inu Puppies Are Experiencing Anxiety

Many dogs suffer from anxiety, but the case for Shiba Inu puppies is unique because of the adverse effect it has on them. If your dog has anxiety problems, there is a high probability of accidents in its environment. In addition, it will display a destructive habit, especially chewing your valuable properties.

Other signs of anxiety in Shiba Inus include trembling, running, defecation, urination, panting, and aggressiveness. However, it is worth noting that disobedient behavior is similar to anxiety, but in a real sense, they are different. At the early stage, actual anxiety challenges show symptoms like panting, whining, and chewing, while disobedient Shiba Inus choose not to follow the order. They exhibit destructive attitudes, especially when they are lonely.

Distinguishing between anxiety and disobedience is ideal for determining the training needed by your Shiba Inu puppies to behave correctly.This is to say managing anxiety in Shiba Inu is highly feasible through series of training, especially when they are still puppies. Other ways to handle anxiety in your favorite pet are by creating a relaxing atmosphere and ensuring adequate exercises to extract energy off their body.

What Gives Rise to Anxiety in Shiba Inu?

Many things could cause your little puppy to develop anxiety problems. These are things associated with the wrong upbringing of the Shiba Inu puppies. What we are saying here is that the early life of Shiba Inu puppies requires the utmost attention.

The first of many things you should take care of at the puppyhood stage is the socialization of your Shiba Inu puppies. If it goes wrong, your furry friend will likely develop anxiety. Naturally, Shiba Inu is one of the dog breeds for small game hunting. It originated from Japan, so, it possesses little or no habit of a domestic dog. Therefore, training is essential to prevent anxiety.

Socialization training for Shiba Inu puppies should last about 6 to 12 weeks. It is during this period that they learn to familiarize themselves and gain confidence. Getting it wrong may lead to anxiety. Shiba Inu puppies need exposure to people, things, and other dog breeds to help them adjust quickly.

Another cause of anxiety in Shiba Inu puppies is genetics and physiology. According to a study on dogs, about 25% of dogs are afraid of noises, including Shiba Inu puppies. As a result, they become apprehensive, anxiety sets in, and they begin to behave irrationally.

Shiba Inu can also become anxious when they have unpleasant life experiences such as traumatic events, sickness, and change of environment. When this happens, the little puppy can become depressed as well.

So if you are wondering if this could cause your Shiba Inu to be destructive, you guess right. Destruction in Shiba Inu comes into play during anxiety and stress. They will most likely chew and destroy things in the house. Biting, clawing, and scratching are other unsafe behavior displayed by this dog breed due to anxiety.

Having discussed the causes of anxiety in Shiba Inu puppies, let's look at dogs' different types of anxiety.

Dog Anxiety Types and their Implication

There are three significant ways in which dogs can become anxious. The most common anxiety among dogs is separation anxiety when canines are alone for longer hours than expected. Accordingly, loud noises affect Shiba Inu puppies and lack socialization.

Separation Anxiety

Irrespective of the breed, separation affects all dogs, especially the sheltered ones. They prefer to roam around amid people or other breeds of the same species. Barking, chewing, and decimating the surroundings are the effect of separation anxiety. These behaviors can be irritating to dog owners.

We have heard many dog owners asking if they could leave their Shiba Iny alone all day. This isn’t advisable even though Shiba Inu is an independent dog. Leaving your pet alone all day is the major cause of separation anxiety, especially when it happens often.

But with the right set of training, you can get your furry friend to grow in confidence when it is all alone by itself. We recommend that you spend some time with it, rather than being far away for many hours.

Another way to deal with it is by not making a big deal of your return back home from an outing. Make everything seem normal to your dog. First of all, you must not give the dog the attention it demands from you. Then, after a while, you can help your pet feel calm and relaxed. So do every time you go out and return home. Eventually, they will adapt to it.

Alternatively, you can keep one or two clothes that smell like you around your puppy. It gives it a sense of your presence.

Also, you can create a communication pattern with your dog. In most cases, it tells them you will be available shortly.

Noise Anxiety

Dogs have sensitive ears that make them react to noises. As a result, they become terrified when they hear a sudden or loud noise. No matter how courageous a dog can be, it will flee or hide somewhere when it hears sounds like thunder. In situations like this, the dog owners should be available to calm their furry friends and assure them of protection.

Social Anxiety

Dogs need adequate socialization training from birth until they become adolescents. If you fail to do what is right, when necessary, it will lead to social anxiety problems. The recommended weeks a puppy should stay with their mothers is eight weeks. After then, they must begin socialization training as soon as possible. Aggression and withdrawal are the reactions of a dog suffering from social anxiety.

Some owners were curious to know if Shiba Inu would like and socialize with other dogs. Based on our experience with dogs, their first contact with one another usually feels strange. Dogs of different species see themselves as a stranger at first, which sometimes leads to fights. It also applies to Shiba Inu too.

However, socialization training can help to eliminate the hatred among dogs. Therefore, you must socialize your Shiba Inu with other breeds. The ideal way to reduce the possibilities of uncontrolled behavior is by taking your pet for one on one sessions.

Managing and Treating Anxiety Problems for Shiba Inu Puppies

As said earlier, it is crucial to be sure that you didn't mistake anxiety for disobedience to avoid complicating the issues for your pet.

The ideal way to manage and treat anxiety in your Shiba Inu puppy is by being calm. Your calmness helps you to build trust and allows your dog to listen to you. Reacting angrily to your dog’s anxiety issues will only complicate matters.

There are no shortcuts to treating Shiba Inu's anxiety. However, it would be best if you were patient and consistent with the methods to achieve effective results. So, what are these methods? Of course, there are several methods you need to combine to get your dog treated. Your furry friend will get the proper solutions it needs, from medication to behavioral adjustment to changing environment.

Some veterinary doctors recommended intense exercise and supplements as a therapeutic method to dealing with Shiba Inu anxiety issues. In addition, dogs are famous for their excellent olfactory capabilities, making them ideal for targeting their intelligence when administering treatment.

Also, there are calming products that are highly effective for relieving Shiba Inu puppies from anxiety and fear. You can opt for a calming cuddle bed, calming spray, or a calming fountain+ to restore the quality of life of your favorite pet.

Behavioral Adjustment

One of the most challenging things dog trainers encounter is adjusting the pet's behavior. However, it is achievable when you use the proper techniques. Counter-conditioning and desensitization are a few of the compelling methods to get a dog to change its behavior.

behavioral adjustment involves teaching your dog to stay positive irrespective of the fearful incidents it encounters. For example, sudden loud noises are scary to dogs. Rather than watch your pet get scared out of its skin, you train it to get familiar with the situation by giving it treats or toys. The idea behind this is to create a positive atmosphere around your Shiba Inu puppy through things it likes.


Is it as good as it may seem to use this therapy for anxiety treatment? You need to take note to be extra careful to avoid complications. For example, using desensitization for adult Shiba Inus can complicate the problems, such that the dog becomes traumatized.

Desensitization is a direct approach to treating anxiety issues by gradually triggering anxiety in your Shiba Inu. The idea behind this is to help your furry friend stay positive when it becomes anxious. This therapy calls out anxiety and teaches the dog how to deal with it subsequently.

However, it is worth saying that it doesn't work for all dogs because of their different personalities. But it would help if you studied your pet's reactions to the triggers. By identifying its responses, you can continue or strategize until you arrive at the best option to work with anxiety triggers.

For every type of anxiety, you can combine counter-conditioning and desensitization in the best formula that suits the dog that requires treatment.


Except, if the anxiety issue is beyond therapy, using medication to treat your pet is not advisable. Unfortunately, the mistake many dog owners make is getting over-the-counter drugs by consulting a veterinarian. It doesn't seem right. While medication is helpful for treatment, doing so without guidance may be harmful.

The knowledge and expertise of a vet are essential in this case, especially those that understand anxiety in dogs.

Many veterinarians suggest the use of medication only when the anxiety problems take a new turn. For example, the aggressiveness trait in the dog is uncontrollable, which makes the dog more dangerous.

The Calming Dog Products for Anxiety

As we already said in the previous section, there are vet-recommended products for calming your dog down. These are scientifically proven products that use natural calming mechanisms to reduce dogs' anxiety and promote tranquility. Your Shiba Inu puppy can rest assured of improved life quality with any of these science-backed products.

Now let's discussed each of the peace-promoting products offered by Calming Dog to make your home peaceful.

Calming Cuddle Bed

Dogs like company, and it is impossible to be with your pet at all times. Calming cuddle beds can offer your pet the needed support when you are off to work. This amazing anxiety-solving cuddle bed offers comfortability, security, and above all, calmness to anxious dogs.

Calming cuddle beds are available in different colors and sizes, implying you can get what works best for your favorite pet. You Shiba Inu deserves to be happy when you are not around. This cuddle bed is the ideal way to make your dog feel secure in your absence. The calming cuddle bed is science-backed and tested. If our dogs at Calming Dogs can find peace of mind on this soothing bed, yours can as well.

Calming Zen Chews

You can help your anxious and stressed dog to feel relaxed with these tasty homeopathic calming chews. These pup-approved Calming Zen chews come in handy to help dogs get over stressful situations. The Calming Zen Chews component includes natural calming agents with no side effects, including Chamomile, L-Theanine, and L-Tryptophan.

Calming Zen Chews from Calming Dog prevent your pet from strange behaviors like biting when stressed or anxious. A bag of Calming Zen Chews includes 60 Chews that can keep your dog busy when you leave it all alone at home. You are subscribing to peace of mind for yourself and the dog when you introduce this natural stress reliever to it.

Calming Spray

These are amazing sprays for improving the quality of life for anxious dogs. It is one of the ideal ways to help your dog cope with stressful situations. By adding the Calming spray to the dog bed or blanket, you are helping it feel relaxed in times of adversities.

Your dog can feel connected to its sprayed bed without any worries. The production of the calming spray takes into consideration the wellness of dogs and the eradication of anxiety. The soothing scent of the spray proved to work effectively to help dogs stay calm and happy.

Calming FountainOffers your dog clean water for drinking with the aid of the triple filtration systems. The calming fountain was designed with food-grade material to ensure fresh water is available for your dog, even when you are not home.

The calming fountain features three strong suction cups underneath the base and an LED light that ensures you don't bump into it in the dark.


Taking Shiba Inu puppies as pets can be challenging for owners because they are prone to boredom and anxiety. However, they remain one of the best house pets any family can have. So, if you must own one, you must be ready to take the responsibility to help it stay healthy at all times.

Solving anxiety issues for Shiba Inu puppies can take several months, which implies you must be patient and consistent with whatever methods you apply. Also, it is essential to note what works best for your puppy. It is because applying the wrong method will only complicate the problems for the innocent pet. We are confident you don't want that to happen.

Not all dog owners have the required experience to take care of dogs. Therefore, you might need to approach a veterinarian for help when needed. Also, dog trainers and behaviorists are good options for you when seeking the solution to your dog's anxiety problems.

Not to forget, never jump to decide on using medication for your Shiba Inu puppies, except what veterinarians recommend that you do so to avoid adding to the current issues. Desensitization and counter-conditioning can be used interchangeably to manage Shiba Inu puppies' anxiety. Learn what works best for your pet and apply it. Remember, it can take many months before you begin to see the result.

Finally, we recommend that early training is the best for Shiba Inu puppies if you want them to have a normal life. Socialization training is essential at the puppyhood stage. Other training tasks you can include are crate training, housebreaking, and many exercises to exhaust their excessive energy.

Questions and Answers

Why Shiba Inu Puppies Experience Anxiety?

Shiba Inu puppies experience anxiety because of fear of the unknown. Panicking in this breed could result from occupying the same territory with bigger dogs of the same sex, strangers, and when it finds itself in an unknown environment. Additionally, Shiba Inus are prone to boredom and canine aggression, making them act out in response to what is happening in their vicinity.

Are there ways to solve the Anxiety Problems of Shiba Inu?

Managing anxiety in Shiba Inus is highly feasible through series of training, especially when they are still puppies. Other ways to handle anxiety in your favorite pet are by creating a relaxing atmosphere and ensuring adequate exercises to extract energy off their body.

Are Shiba Inu puppies destructive?

Destruction in a Shiba Inu comes into play during anxiety and stress. They will most likely chew and destroy things in the house. Biting, clawing, and scratching are other unsafe behaviors displayed by this dog breed due to anxiety.

Is it Difficult to Manage Shiba Inu puppies?

All breeds are not the same, but most Shiba Inu puppies can be challenging to train because they are sensitive to their only activities of interest. They prove stubborn to things that they don't find interesting.

Does a Hyperactive Shiba Inu calm down?

By the time your Shiba Inu becomes an adolescent, after about 5 to 6 months, they begin to show signs of calmness. However, it is vital to train them before they get to their adolescence age.

How do I fix Separation Anxiety?

Whether you are leaving home or returning, make everything seem normal to your dog by not making a big deal of it. First of all, you must not give the dog the attention it demands from you. Then, after a while, you can help your pet feel calm and relaxed. Do this every time you go out and return home. Eventually, they will adapt to it.

Alternatively, you can keep one or two articles clothes that smell like you around your puppy. It gives it a sense of your presence.

Also, you can create a communication pattern with your dog. In most cases, it tells them you will be available shortly.

Can I leave my Shiba Inu to itself all day?

Shiba Inu is an independent dog. However, leaving it alone all day can lead to anxiety problems, especially if it happens frequently. But with the right set of training, you can get your furry friend to grow in confidence when it is all alone. We recommend that you spend some time with it, rather than being far away for many hours.

Do Shiba Inu Like Other Dogs?

Dogs of different species see themselves as a stranger at first, which sometimes leads to fights. It also applies to Shiba Inus, too. However, socialization training can help to eliminate the hatred among dogs. Therefore, you must socialize your Shiba Inu with other breeds. The ideal way to reduce the possibilities of uncontrolled behavior is by taking your pet for one-on-one sessions.

Why Do Shiba Inu Puppies Experience Anxiety (2024)


Why Do Shiba Inu Puppies Experience Anxiety? ›

Shiba Inu puppies experience anxiety because of fear of the unknown. Panicking in this breed could result from occupying the same territory with bigger dogs of the same sex, strangers, and when it finds itself in an unknown environment.

Why are Shibas anxious? ›

Shibas are high-energy and very intelligent, so they require lots of mental stimulation and exercise. Their high energy and alertness also mean that they can be predisposed to anxiety and undesirable behaviors—like the Shiba scream—without proper exercise.

Why is puppy anxious? ›

The most common reasons for anxiety in a dog is abandonment, fear of being home alone, loud noises, traveling, and/or being around strange people, children, or other pets. We've also seen the anxiety in dogs that have been abused or neglected. The best way to treat your canine companion is to determine the cause.

What is the experience of a Shiba Inu? ›

Loyal and loving, Shibas form a strong bond with their owners and love being part of everything that goes on around the home. However, they are notoriously independent and have a stubborn nature. This means they are best suited to experienced owners and families with older children.

Is puppy anxiety normal? ›

While not uncommon, separation anxiety in puppies is not normal. There is a difference between your puppy exhibiting behaviors typical of an untrained dog and symptoms of a severe anxiety disorder. It's sometimes difficult to distinguish the two, but your vet will make a proper diagnosis.

Do Shiba Inus have anxiety? ›

Shiba Inus can develop anxiety issues and fear, which can eventually lead to biting, scratching, or clawing.

Are Shiba puppies shy? ›

Shibas are very aloof and independent.

They enjoy their alone time, need their space respe-pcted, and are not “cuddlers”. They are very hand-shy and will snub strangers, dodging their hands when they attempt to pet them. You have to earn their trust, and affection.

Does puppy anxiety go away? ›

Unfortunately, puppies don't just grow out of separation anxiety. If you leave it untreated, it will likely just get worse, and it certainly won't get any better! However, thankfully, it's not too difficult to treat and just takes a little TLC and training.

How do I control my puppy's anxiety? ›

Give Your Dog Plenty to Do When They're Alone

Give them a favorite chew bone or a food-stuffed chew toy to keep them occupied. Or consider using puzzle toys that exercise your dog's mind. Finally, some dogs like the background noise of a TV or radio so they don't feel as alone.

How do you stop puppy anxiety? ›

The key thing is to have slowly built up your puppy's time alone in training. Then, whenever you leave them alone, make sure they have been well exercised and have had the opportunity to go to the toilet. For some puppies, a small meal may help as this may make them feel more relaxed and sleepy.

Do Shiba Inus sleep with you? ›

Further, they tend to be stubborn and set in their ways, much like cats, and they also have a tendency to be a bit more aloof than other breeds their size. While some dogs can't bear to be more than a few feet away from their owners, you can often find a Shiba Inu sleeping contentedly in another room on their own.

Do Shiba Inus like to cuddle? ›

Shibas happen to be one of the most ancient canine breeds. Because of this fact, they exhibit a trace of their wild ancestry in their temperament. And believe it or not, this dash of “wild” often presents a no-cuddle zone. It's true—Shiba Inus are not so open to free cuddles.

Are Shiba Inus hard to take care of? ›

Shiba Inus are fairly low-maintenance dogs, but they need tons of training. Luckily, they're not high-energy dogs, so they don't need tons of exercise or adventures. Instead, they're relatively happy spending their time lounging in the sun after a walk.

What does puppy anxiety look like? ›

An anxious dog may pant, pace, tremble, drool, withdraw from its owner, or hide. Alternatively, they may appear irritable or aggressive (i.e., bark or growl at someone). The dog's tail may be low or tucked, ears back, eyes dilated or showing lots of white around them (whale eye).

Can a 12 week old puppy have separation anxiety? ›

Separation anxiety can happen at any time in a pup's life, so as much as you can do to prevent it, the easier it will be throughout their life to be alone when you need them to be. Mistakes new owners make that can actually promote separation anxiety in puppies!

Can anxiety make puppies sick? ›

Short-lived stressors can trigger bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in behavior and eating patterns, and chronic stress is known to increase the chances of developing serious and sometimes lifelong disorders, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Why are Shibas so dramatic? ›

Shibas can be a little on the dramatic side. Any time they have reason to be afraid or anxious, they might let out a Shiba scream. So anything from a trip to the vet, a bath, or even the arrival of a strange dog can provoke their dramatic vocalizations.

Why are Shibas hard to take care of? ›

Due to their stubborn nature, they are also prone to aggression issues including food aggression, dog to dog aggression, and stranger aggression. This requires significant patience while training and is often better suited to an experienced dog owner.

Why are Shibas not cuddly? ›

Shibas happen to be one of the most ancient canine breeds. Because of this fact, they exhibit a trace of their wild ancestry in their temperament. And believe it or not, this dash of “wild” often presents a no-cuddle zone. It's true—Shiba Inus are not so open to free cuddles.

Why are Shibas not affectionate? ›

He only likes being pet on his terms. Shibas are loyal and territorial. Shibas tend to really love their owners but not care so much for anyone else. And as a result, they worry a lot about protecting their owners, so they're very territorial.

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