Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (2024)

Average reading time – 9 minutes

When it comes to goal setting, you’ll probably have heard about setting goals using the SMART goal setting tool. This will be especially likely if you have a corporate background or work in government. Perhaps you are like me and you’ve been told time and time again, like when setting annual appraisals or scoping projects, how important it is to set a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (take the first letters and you have the acronym SMART).

The first-known use of the term occurs in the article, “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives”, written by George T. Doran and published in the November 1981 issue of Management Review. SMART criteria are commonly associated with management consultant and author Peter Drucker’s management by objectives concept, first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book The Practice of Management.

But if SMART goals are the way to do it, then why do so many of us not achieve our goals? Studies tell us that most people give up on their new year’s resolutions by mid-January. According to the article This Year, Don’t Set New Year’s Resolutions, published on the Forbes Business website, less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their new year resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% ever accomplish them. Even my recent Instagram polls, conducted in December 2020, revealed that people don’t feel they are achieving their goals in the way they would like.

So what’s going wrong?

From my personal experience of achieving (and failing at) my own goals and working with my 121 clients as a life coach, I think it is because we are going about it the wrong way when we’re setting our goals!

SMART is stupid – it doesn’t work!

Bit harsh? Maybe. But there are certainly many flaws within SMART goals that contribute to people often not achieving their goals. After all, what’s the point in having the most perfect SMART goals and then not going out & achieving them?

In this blog, I want to share with you some of the areas where SMART goals go wrong and give you alternative methods for setting your goals. I also want to introduce the power of setting forward-looking ‘Range Goals‘ and how you can introduce them into your personal life and business.

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (1)

5 reasons why 'smart' goals don't work

Reason 1:

Don’t be too specific with your goals

Reason 2:

Time-based goals don’t actually help with your time management

Reason 3:

Where is your “Why”?

Reason 4:

What’s going to trip you up?

Reason 5:

It forgets about resources you need and what you have available

Busy entrepreneur, is this you? You love your business, but you also love to do other things with your time. Are you finding business it is getting to the point where the other important values in your life (maybe friends, family, your health, etc.) are starting to be neglected?

If so, let me help you! Read my article How To Create Balance In Your Life As A Busy Entrepreneur 5 Top Tips to find out how you can reclaim the balance in your life

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (2)

Reason 1: Don’t be too specific with your goals

I understand why it does appear to make sense to have a specific goal, because it gives us a measurement marker and something to aim for, but the trouble is, it promotes a very “all or nothing” approach.

Let’s say for example that your goal was to lose weight. Sure, it is better to say “I want to lose 10 pounds” than just “lose weight” because it is unclear, is that lose a pound or 100 pounds? However, what happens if you lose 9 pounds? Have you completely failed at your goal because you were only one out?

The trouble with being too specific, is that it can make you feel like you failed, even if you done a pretty good job at your goal.

My suggestion then… set a RANGE GOAL!

As I explain in my blog Power of Goal Setting using ‘Range Goals’, forward-looking “range goals” are a smarter alternative to the traditional “specific” goals. Range goals are something I have developed and have incorporated into all my personal life and business objectives.

Range goals still require you to set a goal and be clear (ambiguity is never good), but instead of setting a specific target, you decide what your target is within a range.

The first advantage of setting range goals is, that you will not beat yourself up or be too hard on yourself if you just miss your target. The second advantage of range goals is, that setting range goals also allows us to exceed our expectations.

For example, if your target was to save money every month, you could make it a range goal of £300 – £500 a month, rather than a specific £400.

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field” and never score.”

– Bill Copeland (Cricket Umpire)

Reason 2: Time-based goals don’t actually help with your time management

The T in SMART is for “time based”. Having a deadline and time-based goal does make sense, but there is so much more to just putting a deadline on it. Plus, where does that deadline even come from? Because in my experience, people will just go for a deadline that sounds good, rather than one that actually works.

When thinking about your goals and their time frames, there is so much more to think about.

My suggestion then… carefully think about the other factors of time to your goal.

Things you need to think about include:

  • What other competing priorities you might have with the goal
  • All the other things you have to do in life, like chores, responsibilities, work etc., that take your time and will eat into the time available for you to spend on achieving your goals
  • How long will it take to achieve your goal, rather than a deadline made up. For example, if you are writing a book, how long does it actually take to physically sit at your laptop and type 10,000 words?

Reason 3: Where is your “Why”?

SMART goals all feel a bit too clinical for me. They fail to connect with a reason you are setting this goal in the first place – what is the desired outcome, why are you doing this, what is the motivation, is it worth your time?

When setting your goals, you have to have a fire in your belly! Without that it’s hard to motivate yourself towards achieving your goal. What is going to kick our butt out of bed in the morning? You need what author and inspirational speaker Simon Sinek called in his popular TED Talk a “WHY”.

Suggestion… connect with your why.

As Simon Sinek famously talks about this in his TED talk in 2009, your ‘why’ is your driver to your goal and it is what sets you apart from others. It is also what connects people to your cause, and what gives you the ability to pick yourself up when you come across a hurdle. A strong why connects you to your purpose of the goal. No one was ever motivated to do something just because they had to do something! What is your driver?

Reason 4: What’s going to trip you up?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there is never going to be a goal in our life that you achieve where it’s 100% plain sailing. You WILL trip, fall, fail, feel stupid, get hurt and want to give up.

This is not to be cynical or “glass half empty”, but by knowing that there will be obstacles makes us plan for them. After all, prevention is better than cure! When setting your goal, think beyond this – you need to ask, what hurdles will there be and what can I do to overcome them?

Suggestion… Cheat meal your goal

SMART goals don’t address the issue of things not going 100% all the time. Things will trip us up, we will make mistakes, and sometimes we won’t know where our motivation went!

One of the reasons we often derail from our goals is because we berate ourselves when we fall off the wagon or things go off-piste. When I set goals, I also factor in “buffers”. For example, if you were on a diet, you might factor in “cheat meals”, because we can’t be motivated to eat heathy 100% of the time. Whether your goal is to build a business, go for a promotion, start learning Chinese, or learn to drive, where can you factor in your ‘cheat days’ and buffers?

Reason 5: It forgets about resources you need and what you have available

When setting a goal the SMART way, you’ll check off that your goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time based, and you think you’re set. BUT, what about resources? What do you need to achieve your goal? SMART forgets about that.

There are lots of resources you need to consider including finance, time, your mindset, your confidence and building a network. You may need a coach who is going to support you. What access to knowledge do you have, yours or someone else’s?

Suggestion… think about your resources.

Good questions to ask are:

  • What do I need?
  • What do I already have?
  • What am I missing?
  • What do I need more of?
  • What can I utilise?
  • Where can I get them from?
  • Who can help me acquire or build them?

This is important because not only does every goal require some sort of resources, but acquiring that resources might be a goal in itself! Like a mini sub-goal to your main goal! For example, if you were changing industries in your career, before you achieve that goal you might have to work on a skill or qualification, and that in itself then becomes a goal. It is a stepping stone to the next goal.

  • Why the Pomodoro Technique Increases Your Productivity
  • Burnout – What it is, what the warning signs are and how to prevent it

Range Goals & Further Reading

So if SMART goals don’t work, how should you go about setting your goals? As I explain in my blog, Power of Goal Setting using ‘Range Goals’, forward-looking “range goals” are a smarter alternative to the traditional SMART goals. Range goals are something I have developed and incorporated into all my personal life and business objectives. Range goals still require you to set a goal, but instead of setting a specific target, you decide what your target is within a range.

The first advantage of setting range goals is that you will not beat yourself up or be too hard on yourself if you just miss your target. The second advantage of range goals is that setting range goals also allow us to exceed our expectations.

Read my blog Power of Goal Setting using ‘Range Goals’, to find out more about what a “range goal” is, how range goals are better for your mindset and motivation, why they are more likely to help you on your road to success, plus, how you can adopt ‘range goals’ professionally and personally. And don’t worry, I also share some practical tips and tools to help set them and implement them.

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New Kajabi Online Time Management Self-Study Course

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (5)

The Online Self-Study Time Management Course is an easy-to-do self-study course for time-poor professionals who are ready for quick-wins that’ll empower you to master your time management and unlock hours!

This is THE time management course for busy professionals that don’t have time to learn about time management!

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (6)

All modules are broken down into bite-sized content that is easy-to-digest, learn and implement which you can do at your own pace so it fits within your busy life!

This is the course for the person who want to feel organised and be productive and want the tools to make their time management actions work for them

You can find out more about theOnline Self-Study Time Management Course by clickingHERE.

Find Out More About The Online Time Management Course HERE

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Read My Brainz Article To Find Out More!

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (7)

Are you a busy entrepreneur? Do you love your business, but you also love to do other things with your time. Are you finding business it is getting to the point where the other important values in your life (maybe friends, family, your health, etc.) are starting to be neglected?

If so, let me help you! Read my article How To Create Balance In Your Life As A Busy Entrepreneur 5 Top Tips to find out how you can reclaim the balance in your life

My Collaboration book “Unstoppable: Female Entrepreneurs Living Fearlessly” is out NOW!

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (8)

My collaboration book, “Unstoppable: Female Entrepreneurs Living Fearlessly” was published in January 2024 a is already a BEST SELLER!!!

My chapter, titled “The Four Words That Changed My Life” shares my ‘unstoppable story’.

You know me, so expect rawness and honesty through my journey the last couple of years following that day in September 2020 that changed EVERYTHING!!!

Get your copy of my book “Unstoppable: Female Entrepreneurs Living Fearlessly”!

On sale in the UK for just 78p! To purchase your copy click HERE

In the USA you can purchase your copy for just 99 cents just click HERE

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (9)

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (10)

What Does it Take to Successfully Work From Home?

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (11)

Have you ever wondered what does it take to successfully work from home? My latest book is a hands-on guide for everyone working at home. It will show you in easy to read tips how to work from home, whilst staying productive, healthy and sane.

In informative, easy to read chapters, you will learn how to set up your own dedicated workspace, select the right office equipment and tips for video calling and conferencing. You will also learn the importance of setting and maintaining boundaries inside the home, managing distractions, avoiding procrastination and learn how to establish a routine that suits your lifestyle.

With many people working from home for the first time, this book is a practical guide to show you how to work from home, whilst staying productive, healthy and sane.

On sale for just £2.42 / $2.99! To purchase your copy click the Amazon button below!

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (12)

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (13)

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Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (14)

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (15)

Click below for more information!




This article is written by Alice Dartnell, life and success coach of Alice Dartnell Limited. Alice empowers busy professionals to be successful, transform their lives and achieve more by improving their confidence, mindset and time management.

For more information please see www.alicedartnell.com

Copyright ©️ 2022 Alice Dartnell Limited


This blog is published by Alice Dartnell Limited solely for educational and entertainment purposes. The author and publisher are not offering it as legal, accounting, health care or other professional services advice. While best efforts have been used in preparing this blog, the author and publisher make no representations or warranties of any kind and assume no liabilities of any kind with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be held liable or responsible to any person or entity with respect to any loss or incidental or consequential damages caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained herein. Every person and company are different, and the advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. Alice Dartnell or Alice Dartnell Limited is not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised in this blog. You should seek the services of a competent professional as appropriate. You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results. Always consult your own General Practitioner if you’re in any way concerned about your health.

Why ‘SMART’ Goals Are Stupid - Alice Dartnell (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.