Why Women are Ditching the Pill for the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) (2024)

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Hello lovely readers! Today Justina Thompson fromRed Coral Fertilityshares here thoughts with us on why women are Ditching the Pill and switching to the Fertility Awareness Method:

Have you ever felt like the birth control pill is the only good option despite feeling like a different person while taking it? Or maybe you gained a puzzling amount of weight post partum only to realize your mini-pill was the culprit?

You are not alone.

According to a study published in Contraception, 47% of women discontinue use of oral contraceptive pills within the first year of use.
(1) The top reasons cited include emotional side effects like depression, worsening of PMS, and a vanished sex drive. Additionally, abnormal weight gain is one of the most reported side effects by women taking the mini-pill after giving birth.Hormonal birth control introduces artificialhormonesinto the body to prevent pregnancy (and/or to treat reproductive health). (2) All hormonal contraceptives contain artificial versions of our natural hormones and work to overpower our natural cycles. Included in this category are not only oral pills, but also all hormonal devices like the patch, ring, shot, implant, and the hormonal IUD. For brevity, the remainder of the information will reference all hormonal birth control with the term “the Pill.”

The body does not know what to do with artificial hormones in the body and as a result the endocrine system is impacted and side effects surface. In addition to the side effects listed above, the Pill increases the risk for blood clots, strokes, heart disease, infertility, severe nutrient depletion, glaucoma and cancer of the liver, breasts, and cervix. (3,4)

Personally, the negative experience I had with taking the Pill, like most women, was not obvious for quite some time. As months passed, I thought my emotional and physical descent were “just a phase” or proof that “I wasn't trying hard enough.” I’m not the only one. More and more women are speaking up boldly about the side effects and health problems they encountered while using the Pill. Author and researcher Holly Grigg-Spall recently wrote the book Sweetening the Pill: How We Got Hooked on Birth Control and explains her story to The Independent in an article called: “Why I’ll Never Take the Pill Again.” In the last year, many other bold women have shared their experience and research. Here are a few oftheir testimonies:

Yes the Pill sucks, but Is It The Only Good Option?

Actually, no! That's the good news. If you are experiencing symptoms and currently taking the pill or have discontinued use in the past 3 years, please know two things: 1) Your experience is not in your head! 2)There are natural, alternative, EFFECTIVE options for preventing pregnancy.

One of the most popular being the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).Human Reproduction published a research study proving that FAM is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly, which is as effective as oral contraceptives. (5)

What is FAM?

  • FAM is based on the observation and charting of two scientifically proven fertility signs that determine whether or not a woman is fertile (capable of getting pregnant) on any given day.
  • FAM is NOT the rhythm method previous generations used. The rhythm method predicts when a woman will ovulate and is therefore ineffective, but FAM is based on daily observation ofa woman’s two fertility signs:Cervical Fluid (CF) and Basal Body Temperature (BBT).

Unfortunately, these fertility signs are not something we learn about in sex and health education class. However, women who take a workshop from a qualified teacher learn the facts and develop confidence to practice FAM effectively and accurately.

What to Rely on After Pregnancy?

In addition to working with irregular cycles, FAM is also an effective birth control method for post-partum moms who are breastfeeding. Generally, doctors will prescribe a low dose, progesterone only pill (mini-pill) to prevent a new mom from conceiving before she is ready (mentally and physically) for another pregnancy. The reasons for allowing space between pregnancies are important. However, is the mini-pill safe after pregnancy? On one hand, the few conventional studies done have shown that not enough of the artificial hormones are passed to the baby via breast milk to effect development or health. It’s worth noting that those studies did not measure long-term effects. On the other hand, Naturopathic doctors and holistic health practitioners working with such families are seeing the opposite and advising against it. Healthy child spacing and wellbeing for mother and child are more reasons women are ditching the pill to use FAM.

What about those taking the Pill to Treat Symptoms?

The decision about birth control is certainly one that is both personal and multi-faceted. Women who were prescribed the Pill to treat symptoms of hormonal imbalance may be glad the Pill helped relieve some of those. However, it’s important to understand that the Pill works to treat the symptom and not the underlying cause. As a result, women who get off the Pill when they are ready to conceive are back at square one as they are faced with the same problems they had before. Be encouraged to seek out better answers from an array of health professionals including holistic health practitioners.

Much of the alternative realm of health care approaches the imbalance of a female's hormones in a holistic way. Instead of pumping artificial hormones into the body to treat the symptoms of irregular cycles, natural health care practitioners look at the whole person and seek the underlying cause. That way, a woman can begin taking steps to heal the actual problem with natural therapies and can be on her way to maintaining healthy cycles, periods, and fertility. Learning to chart with FAM is a wonderful first step in the journey of taking back control of your health so that feeling great and vibrant is your new norm!

The Top 5 Reasons Women are Ditching the Pill for FAM:

  1. It Works.FAM is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. Take a workshop to learn the facts while developing the confidence to use FAM most effectively.
  2. No Side Effects. Not only is FAM over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, it’s also 100% natural meaning no artificial hormones and no side effects.
  3. Cost Free. Beyond the one time class fee and an inexpensive thermometer, FAM is a no cost birth control! (Prescription birth controls can cost up to $1,600 per year).
  4. Body Knowledge. Being a woman can feel like a mystery, but not anymore. Learning in depth info about the female cycle including hormones, energy, and emotions deepens a woman’s self awareness on a whole new level.
  5. Empowerment=Confidence. Knowing one’s body on a deeper level empowers a woman to have greater confidence in all areas of life: work, relationships, self-image, sex, and health.

Justina Thompson is a Fertility Awareness Educator (FAE) and founder of Red Coral Fertility, Justina’s passion for natural living and belief in the benefits of alternative therapies led her to a 2-year certification program in Fertility Awareness and Holistic Reproductive Health. As an educator, she connects women with a deeper knowledge about their bodies and teaches women (and men!) how to use the effective and natural Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) for birth control and healthy cycles as well as optimizing chances of conception. You can visit her website for a free email subscription to newsletters with up-to-date information on how to support hormonal health and wellbeing.Visit Justina on her Website orBlog, and connectwith her onFacebookand Twitter.


1.Sanders, SA,Graham, CA,Bass, JL, &Bancroft, J. (2001). A prospective study of the effects of oral contraceptives on sexuality and well-being and their relationship to discontinuation.Contraception, 64(1), 51-58.Retrieved from URL.

2. Norethindrone Related Abnormal Weight Gain. (2012). DrugInformer, by aculus, LLC.Retrieved from URL.
3. Bennett, J & Pope, A. (2008).The Pill: Are You Sure It’s RightFor You?Austrailia. Allen & Unwin.
4. Grant, E. (1985).The Bitter Pill: How Safe is the Perfect Contraception?Elm Tree Books.
5. Frank-Herrmann, P., Heil, J., Gnoth, C., Toledo, E., Baur, S., Pyper…Freundl, G. (2007). The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple's sexual behaviour during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study.Human Reproduction,(22)5, 1310-1319.Retrieved from URL.

Wanting to learn more about FAM? Here are a few books I would highly recommend checking out:

See it on Amazon.

by Katie Singer is a short and concise book that explains how a baby is conceived, explains how to chart your body's fertility to either plan for pregnancy or to avoid it. Includes excellent dietary advice for optimal health and fertility.

See it on Amazon.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Guide toNatural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive HealthWhy Women are Ditching the Pill for the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) (6) by Toni Weschler. A very large, information-full book. For more than ten years women have used this as a go-to reference for achieving pregnancy, natural ways to avoid pregnancy and generally gain control of their bodies and health.

See it on Amazon.

The Garden of Fertility: A Guide to Charting Your Fertility Signals to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy--Naturally--and to Gauge Your Reproductive HealthWhy Women are Ditching the Pill for the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) (8)by Katie Singer. An excellent guide for understanding and using the fertility awareness method (FAM) to either achieve or prevent pregnancy. This book provides detailed description for describing how to chart to understand genealogical health. This is the information you should have learned in sex education class, but didn't.

See it on Amazon.

Cycle Savvy: The Smart Teen's Guide to the Mysteries of Her BodyWhy Women are Ditching the Pill for the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) (10)by Toni Weschler. Teenage girls have so many questions about their bodies that go completely ignored. This books helps them understand what is happening with their bodies in a fun and informative way.

(Note: this post contains affiliate links. Meaning if you shop on Amazon afterclicking on one and shop, you are helping support my blogging endeavors. Thank you!)


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Why Women are Ditching the Pill for the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) (2024)


Why are so many women turning away from the pill? ›

A return to non-hormonal methods

For some women, the risk of any side effects at all is a deal-breaker. Add to this some women's general desire to live a more "natural" lifestyle, says Dr Farrell, and we're seeing an uptake of other non-hormonal contraceptive methods.

Why are women ditching the pill? ›

Concerns of weight gain, lack of libido, depression, severe mood swings, suicidal thoughts, and even cancer are all well-known side effects that often plague the minds of those considering the drug despite potential risks.

Why are so many women quitting birth control? ›

Over the decades, several studies have found that many people who start taking the pill will eventually go off it because the side effects are so intolerable. Concerns about side effects are also frequently named as a reason women resist taking their “preferred contraceptive method” in the first place.

Why is fertility awareness not a very effective method? ›

The reliability of fertility awareness may depend on the methods people use and how correctly and consistently they use it. The standard days method may only be effective for people with a regular menstrual cycle, meaning it is consistently between 26–32 days.

Why are women against birth control? ›

Past research has found hormonal contraceptive pills may increase women's risk for chronically elevated inflammation, which carries the long-term risk of developing illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune disorders, as well as potential mood disorders, including depression.

Why do doctors push birth control? ›

In the last two decades, doctors have encouraged women to choose long-acting reversible contraceptives, or LARCs, because they are the most effective method of preventing unplanned pregnancies.

How bad is the pill for women? ›

Common side effects of the combined pill

Taking the pill can cause high blood pressure in a small number of people. Some people report headaches, feeling sick or dizzy, and sore breasts. But there is not enough evidence to say whether this is caused by taking the pill.

Why do people not want birth control? ›

Rejection of hormonal contraception include negative experiences and fears of side effects. Rejection of hormonal contraception is linked to a demand for naturalness. Women expressed a desire to regain control of their own bodies.

What happens if a girl stops taking the pill? ›

When people stop using birth control, they may experience side effects, including irregular menstrual cycles, cramping, acne, and weight changes. To come off birth control, people can simply stop taking pills or removing birth control rings.

Are people happier off birth control? ›

In some cases, symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions worsen when using hormonal birth control. “These folks will likely feel brighter after going off the method,” said Vitti. The copper IUD doesn't affect your hormone levels, so it's unlikely to cause mood changes during or after use.

Is it beneficial to get off birth control? ›

Benefits of Getting Off Birth Control

A decrease in weight-related effects – Stopping birth control may lead to a decrease in fluid build-up and lower hunger levels. Reduced risk of certain cancers – Getting off birth control may reduce the risk of cancers like breast cancer.

At what age do most women stop taking birth control? ›

Both the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the North American Menopause Society recommend that women continue contraceptive use until menopause or age 50–55 years (333,334). The median age of menopause is approximately 51 years in North America (333) but can vary from ages 40 to 60 years (335).

How accurate is the fam method? ›

How effective are fertility awareness methods? FAMs are about 77%–98% effective. That means 2–23 out of 100 couples who use FAMs will get pregnant each year, depending on which method(s) are used. If you use multiple FAMs together, they work even better.

What are three disadvantages to using the fam method? ›

  • High failure rate if not used consistently and correctly.
  • Fewer "safe" days to have intercourse each month.
  • Training is essential.
  • Breast feeding, illness and other factors can obscure fertility signs.
  • No protection from STIs.
  • If periods are not regular, may not be as effective.
Jun 17, 2019

What are the side effects of the fertility awareness method? ›

There are no health risks or side effects with using fertility awareness for contraception — except for the high risk of pregnancy.

Why do people hate the pill? ›

One of the most commonly cited complaints from those on hormonal birth control is changes in mood. Hill proposes two reasons. First, naturally occurring progesterone creates a powerful anti-anxiety effect, but artificial progestins in birth control don't seem to offer the same benefits.

What percentage of women are on the pill? ›

In 2015–2017, 64.9% of the 72.2 million women aged 15–49 in the United States were currently using contraception. The most common contraceptive methods currently used were female sterilization (18.6%), oral contraceptive pill (12.6%), long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) (10.3%), and male condom (8.7%).

Why do so many women have control issues? ›

There are several different reasons why women try to have control over various things in their lives: a way to feel empowered because they lack a sense of control in other areas of their life. they had very little control when they were growing up. they've been victims of abuse, neglect or mistreatment.

Do girls lose feelings on birth control? ›

But studies show that the pill stops production of these attraction-enhancing pheromones, and that might have negative consequences for your romantic and sexual life. It might make your attraction to your current partner disappear (gasp!).

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