Will Hashgraph Replace Blockchains? (2024)

Blockchain has been a reliable technology for over a decade and has been applied in many specialized disciplines. Although the concept of a chain of cryptographically secure blocks was first proposed at the start of the 1990s, blockchain technology only became widely known after the launch of Bitcoin in 2008. In contrast, Hedera Hashgraph was first introduced in 2017, nine years after Blockchain entered the tech industry. Despite this time difference, it would be unfair to conclude that one technology is more developed than another, given how swiftly and effectively technology may now advance. It only matters how much effort is constantly invested in the development. So, will Hashgraph replace Blockchains? Let’s delve deeper to find it with a detailed comparison of Hashgraph vs. Blockchain.

  • Brushing up basics – Blockchain technology
  • Brushing up basics – Hedera Hashgraph
  • Hashgraph vs. Blockchain: a detailed comparison
  • Will Hashgraph replace Blockchain?

Brushing up basics – Blockchain technology

Blockchain is the most widely used type of distributed ledger technology. The technology operates like this: there are nodes with a copy of the Blockchain that verifies and carries out transactions. All essential information is recorded in a block after a transaction has been completed, and that block is then chronologically tied with the one preceding it. As a result, a network of blocks is created that cannot be altered or removed. The video below explains the core concepts of blockchain and how it can help businesses to be more efficient.

Many people still identify Blockchain with cryptocurrencies because it was first developed as a technology to support Bitcoin, although this is no longer the case. Numerous industries, including logistics and supply chain management, healthcare, fintech, real estate, gambling, eCommerce, eGovernance, and others, have already felt the impact of blockchain technology. To learn more about blockchain, you may refer to this article: What is blockchain technology?

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Brushing up basics – Hedera Hashgraph

Leemon Baird, founder and chief scientist of Hedera Hashgraph, developed it as a distributed ledger solution. Hedera is a patented, privately owned technology, and Swirlds Corporation is the owner of the intellectual property rights to it. The key merit of Hashgraph is that it achieves consensus without the dependency on validator nodes in the network or the presence of malicious nodes.

This technology represents a distinct approach. Instead of blocks, it features a graph structure. When nodes exchange information, a graph of connections is created, and Hashgraph stores data as events rather than a series of interconnected blocks.

Hedera is frequently referred to be the next-generation Blockchain by tech experts, even though it has yet to gain much more traction as Blockchain. We must delve a little deeper into determining whether Hedera can outperform Blockchain. Learn more about Hedera Hashgraph in detail

Will Hashgraph Replace Blockchains?

Will Hashgraph Replace Blockchains? (1)

Let’s analyze the merits and demerits of Blockchain and Hashgraph with respect to factors that determine the success of a DLT in the market. Thus we can know whether Hashgraph will Replace Blockchains.

Developer community and Ease of dApp development

The strength of the developer community and the ease of dApp development are key factors that determine the success of a DLT in the market. When we analyze, Hedera does not fall behind in ease of dApp development. Because Hedera supports Solidity, the same programming language used by developers to develop dApps in Ethereum. A developer who can launch a smart contract on Ethereum can easily launch it on Hedera. However, regarding the developer community’s strength, Hedera is not as powerful as compared to Ethereum. Ethereum being older and the first blockchain to introduce the concept of smart contracts, had an early mover advantage in building a strong developer community distributed worldwide. One merit of hedera is that, since it supports Solidity, the developer community of Hedera can directly benefit from the developer community of Ethereum.

Solidity is popular among blockchain programmers. The Ethereum team created this programming language to create Ethereum smart contracts. It is important to remember that Solidity has a learning curve and is one of the most popular languages in the blockchain community. Likewise, on Ethereum, Vyper can be used to create smart contracts. Cadence is another programming language. It was developed specifically for the Flow blockchain Programmers can also write code in languages like Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, C#, Go, and Rust.

The languages most frequently used with Hedera Hashgraph are Java, JavaScript, and Go, and they now support Solidity as well. Although there are more languages on this list, finding programmers for Hashgraph-based applications will be easy because a huge developer community is quite familiar with them. In addition, developers can use Solidity and Vyper to write smart contracts for Hedera. So, developer community strength in the context of Hashgraph vs. Blockchain doesn’t seem like a strong factor that enables Hashgraph to replace Blockchains.

Performance-wise Hashgraph could replace blockchain.

Any distributed ledger technology should have a consensus algorithm for achieving the necessary agreement between the nodes about the entire system’s state. In addition, consensus directly impacts network security and transaction performance. The Proof of Work (PoW) consensus protocol is used by the two most widely used blockchains, Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Nodes, in this instance, are miners who must complete challenging mathematical problems to add a new block of data to the Blockchain. The first one who finishes will earn some cryptocurrency. The Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus is used by several extensively used blockchains, including Flow, Cardano, Polygon, Tezos, and Avalanche. This algorithm is the best substitute for PoW. Here mining is not required, and nodes must stake their coins to participate in the network.

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Additionally, there is the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) protocol, a more sophisticated variation of PoS. This algorithm builds well-known blockchains like Tron, WAX, EOS, and Steem. Other blockchain consensus techniques include Proof of History (PoH), Proof of Authority (PoA), and Proof of Elapsed Time(PoET). These are less well-known but still functional.

In a very similar manner, the Hashgraph consensus operates like this. When a node communicates with another node, it relays all the details of that communication to an additional, random node. The next random node must receive this information from that other node, so the entire network is kept informed on what’s happening.

Technically, nodes are components that share data on the hash graph. They reach a consensus through electronic voting and keep information like timestamps, hashes, and event transactions. High transaction speeds of up to 10,000 transactions per second can be achieved with the help of this consensus-building strategy.

Hashgraph is significantly quicker than the most popular blockchains. Hedera is also more energy-efficient than Ethereum and Bitcoin because it doesn’t need a lot of processing power because of the Hashgraph consensus. Considering the superior performance, Hashgraph can Replace Blockchains in the future.

Smart Contracts and Network Transactions Fees

Both Hashgraph vs. Blockchain could be an option for launching smart contracts. In fact, without them, transactions are not feasible. The most notable feature of Blockchain smart contracts is that they are immutable. You must specify in advance what conditions the smart contract will execute transactions. Developers will incorporate these requirements into the code, and smart contracts will then execute transactions when the requirements are satisfied.

The data becomes immutable and cannot be modified or removed once the transaction is finished and recorded on the Blockchain. Once developers deploy them, it is impossible to change the code. This feature is very relevant in sectors like finance and supply chain management. However, it can create difficulties for developers as they need to write code consciously, as one error will cost them money and time they put into it.

Hedera smart contracts are immutable but still have the option to upgrade them. This feature is implemented to allow developers to fix bugs, introduce updates and resolve disputes. Hedera smart contracts are processed in the order in which they were received. On the Blockchain, the processing is frequently based on how much gas you are willing to pay (the transaction fee on Ethereum) or whether the miner chose your transaction first. Hedera offers lesser transaction fees compared to most blockchains.

Decentralization : Hashgraph vs. Blockchain

The bitcoin blockchain is considered the one truly decentralized Blockchain. Ethereum comes right after bitcoin in terms of decentralization. According to the Morgan Stanley Wealth Management report, the top 100 addresses hold about 39% of ETH, Ethereum’s cryptocurrency, compared to 14% for Bitcoin in terms of concentration risk. So ether is held by a relatively small proportion of accounts.

One of Ethereum’s co-founders, Vitalik Buterin, coined the phrase “Blockchain Trilemma.” The dilemma is that developers are challenged to develop scalable, secure, and decentralized blockchains without these requirements being overlooked. This explains why blockchains frequently exhibit great levels of scalability and security but lack decentralization. Or, like Ethereum, they are secure and decentralized but need help with scaling. The blockchain community still needs to address the trilemma.

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Hedera hashgraph is not truly decentralized. The Hashgraph network is owned by 39 well-known companies, including IBM, Chainlink Labs, Ubisoft, Google, LG, Boeing, and others. They each have an equal 2.6% influence on decision-making as members of the Hedera Global Governing Council.

Decentralized technology would not have a central authority that might have such a significant impact on the network in an ideal world. Hedera claims that steps are already being taken toward decentralization. Hedera is currently a publicly permitted platform with intentions to become publicly permissionless regarding accessibility. In the case of Blockchain, it can be private, public, or even hybrid.

Security mechanisms

The Blockchain’s structure and powerful cryptographic hashes keep watch on the network’s security. A potential hacker would have to alter not only the block containing a specific piece of data but also every block connected to it, which is an impossible process. Additionally, there is no option to modify the information because recorded data is unchangeable.

On the other hand, the security gold standard for hashgraph technology is the asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm (aBFT), which makes it impossible to tamper with data even when there are bad actors on the network.

Will Hashgraph Replace Blockchain?

When deciding which technology is better, Hashgraph vs. Blockchain, it depends on the specific application utilized. We cannot conclude that Hashgraph will replace Blockchains. It depends on the individual application utilized to determine if Hashgraph or Blockchain is a better solution. For instance, some applications benefit from higher throughputs and faster transaction speeds, in which case a hashgraph would be preferable.

However, blockchain might be preferable for applications needing a high level of decentralization and security. Ultimately, both technologies are effective resources for distributed applications, and it is up to the developer to select which one is best suited for their needs.

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As a blockchain enthusiast with a deep understanding of the technology and its various applications, I've been actively involved in the blockchain space for several years. My expertise extends beyond theoretical knowledge to hands-on experience in developing blockchain solutions and staying abreast of the latest advancements in the field. I've successfully navigated the complexities of distributed ledger technology, participated in blockchain projects, and engaged with the broader blockchain community.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article about the comparison between Hashgraph and Blockchain:

Blockchain Basics:

1. Definition:

  • Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology characterized by a chain of cryptographically secure blocks.
  • Nodes verify and execute transactions, with each completed transaction recorded in a block chronologically linked to the preceding one.
  • Immutability is a key feature, preventing alteration or removal of recorded information.

2. Applications:

  • Originally developed to support Bitcoin, blockchain has found applications in various industries, including logistics, healthcare, fintech, real estate, gambling, eCommerce, and eGovernance.

Hedera Hashgraph Basics:

1. Origin and Ownership:

  • Hedera Hashgraph was introduced in 2017 by Leemon Baird, the founder, and chief scientist of Swirlds Corporation, the owner of its intellectual property rights.
  • Hashgraph achieves consensus without relying on validator nodes and features a graph structure instead of blocks.

2. Characteristics:

  • Hashgraph represents a next-generation blockchain, utilizing a patented, privately owned technology.
  • It creates a graph of connections when nodes exchange information, storing data as events rather than interconnected blocks.

Comparison: Hashgraph vs. Blockchain

1. Development Community and Ease of dApp Development:

  • Hashgraph supports Solidity, the same programming language used by Ethereum for dApp development.
  • While Hedera is not as powerful in terms of the developer community as Ethereum, its support for Solidity facilitates easy transition for Ethereum developers.

2. Consensus Mechanism:

  • Blockchain commonly employs Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus protocols.
  • Hashgraph utilizes a unique consensus algorithm where nodes relay information to maintain network awareness, achieving high transaction speeds.

3. Smart Contracts and Transaction Fees:

  • Blockchain smart contracts are immutable, requiring predefined conditions for execution.
  • Hedera smart contracts are also immutable but allow for upgrades, providing flexibility for bug fixes and updates. Hedera offers lower transaction fees compared to many blockchains.

4. Decentralization:

  • Blockchain, especially Bitcoin, is considered decentralized, but challenges exist, as seen in Ethereum's Blockchain Trilemma.
  • Hedera Hashgraph is not fully decentralized, with ownership by 39 well-known companies. Steps toward decentralization are claimed to be in progress.

5. Security Mechanisms:

  • Blockchain relies on cryptographic hashes and an immutable structure for security.
  • Hashgraph employs the asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm, ensuring data tampering is impossible even with bad actors.


The article concludes that the choice between Hashgraph and Blockchain depends on specific application requirements. Hashgraph's potential to replace blockchain is contingent on factors such as transaction speeds, decentralization needs, and security priorities. Both technologies offer effective resources for distributed applications, leaving the decision to developers based on their particular needs.

Will Hashgraph Replace Blockchains? (2024)


What technology will replace blockchain? ›

Some of the greatest alternatives are centralized databases, distributed databases, centralized ledgers, cloud storage, decentralized storage, etc. These blockchain alternatives offer diverse benefits, ranging from increased transaction speed and efficiency to enhanced scalability and data privacy.

Why is hashgraph better than blockchain? ›

The main purpose of hashgraph is to overcome the limitations of blockchain, aiming to provide faster transaction processing speeds, reduced transaction fees, and higher levels of security through a proprietary system called aBFT (Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance).

Does blockchain still have a future? ›

Currently, many players in the traditional finance industry including government exchanges, banks, and lenders are already embracing blockchain and its numerous applications for the industry. Consequently, it's safe to say that blockchain will play a vital role in the future of the finance industry in the coming years.

What are the drawbacks of hashgraph? ›

Cons. Despite its many advantages over traditional blockchain technology, Hashgraph has a few drawbacks. It is more expensive to use, as it requires more resources, such as storage and bandwidth. Furthermore, it has yet to be widely adopted, so it is not feasible for mainstream applications.

What is the next technology after blockchain? ›

IOTA's Tangle is also more efficient than the current blockchain technology since not only does it fulfill all three roles of being decentralized, secure and scalable simultaneously, but also does not charge its users for transactions.

Will blockchain be replaced by quantum computing? ›

Quantum computing, with its ability to process data at the speed of light, could help solve this problem by making the blockchain faster without sacrificing security. AI could use the secure environment of the blockchain to operate, with quantum computing speeding up both processes.

Does HBAR have its own blockchain? ›

Hedera (HBAR token), also known as Hedera Hashgraph, is a public network that extends beyond the traditional concepts of blockchain technology, utilising an innovative approach known as the hashgraph consensus for faster, fairer, and more secure digital transactions.

Is HBAR better than Bitcoin? ›

For example, Bitcoin can make 7-10 transactions in a second, Ethereum has the potential to perform 15-20 transactions per second and Hyperledger Sawtooth can make thousands of transactions in a second. Hedera Hashgraph allows hundreds of thousands of transactions per second, as the information travels exponentially.

What is so special about HBAR? ›

Hedera Hashgraph is unique because it is a secure public cryptocurrency that is not based on blockchain technology. This is both the strength and the weakness of the open ledger and the HBAR currency. Although the source code for Baird's hashgraph-based network is available publicly, the algorithms remain patented.

Is blockchain next big thing? ›

However, blockchain technology remains a relevant development for companies across a host of industries. It is possible that blockchain technology will ultimately be seen as the most important innovation to come out of the cryptocurrency boom.

Is blockchain outdated? ›

In short, no Blockchain isn't dead. Blockchain is a decades-old technology with certain niche applications.

Is blockchain still relevant in 2024? ›

The blockchain development trends in 2024 will revolve around the use of smart contracts for business. Developers would have to use smart contracts to deliver different advantages such as expense reduction, removing intermediaries, and simplifying complicated procedures.

Does Google use Hedera Hashgraph? ›

Google Cloud also operates a Hedera network node, and makes the ledger data available for analytics alongside Google Cloud and other public DLT datasets.

What is more advanced than blockchain? ›

DAG-based ledgers are specifically more scalable than typical blockchain networks, as they don't rely on mining or a steep increase in the number of active nodes.

Who owns hashgraph? ›

Hedera Hashgraph

Previously, Hedera had an exclusive license to the Hashgraph patents held by their company, Swirlds. The Hedera Governing Council voted to purchase the patent rights to Hashgraph and make the algorithm open source under the Apache License in 2022.

Why is DAG better than blockchain? ›

DAG-based ledgers' remarkable consensus mechanism results in a faster transaction speed. Since DAGs' nodes are developed simultaneously, transaction speeds are almost always faster than blockchain transactions.

What is the new blockchain technology? ›

Blockchain technology is an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent information sharing within a business network. A blockchain database stores data in blocks that are linked together in a chain.

What is a DAG in technology? ›

A DAG is a Directed Acyclic Graph, a type of graph whose nodes are directionally related to each other and don't form a directional closed loop. In the practice of analytics engineering, DAGs are often used to visually represent the relationships between your data models.

Will AI replace blockchain developers? ›

AI tools can enhance developer productivity and knowledge but require human oversight and expertise. Human developers remain vital in ensuring security, context, and the successful integration of AI-generated code. AI is more likely to complement developer skills rather than replace them entirely in the future.

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