Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (2024)

There has been speculation lately that the U.S. dollar is on the verge of a major decline and might even lose its status as the world's major reserve currency. "De-dollarization," or the movement away from using the U.S. dollar as the primary currency of exchange in global trade and investment, has become a hot topic in financial publications. It appears to stem from news that China is beginning to use the yuan in commodity trades with a handful of trading partners, and Brazil and Argentina are exploring the potential for a common currency. Extrapolating these trends, the argument is that demand for dollars will fall, sending its value steeply lower.

Our view is that this argument is overblown. A long-term trend toward diversification of currencies in global financial transactions and trade may develop, but it's a big leap from dollar dominance to de-dollarization.

While the dollar has declined over the past six months, it remains close to a 10-year high versus currencies of countries with which the U.S. trades. It also remains the primary currency used for trade and financial transactions in the global economy. The size of the recent non-dollar transactions that have raised alarm are very small. Trade in yuan accounted for less than 2% of global trade in 2022.

There are few signs that major foreign holders are poised to suddenly shift away from U.S. dollars and there are few other currencies that could take its place as a reserve currency. In our view, a gradual move to a global economy with a less-dominant dollar is possible over time, but we don't see the dollar losing its reserve currency status.

A decade-long bull market

There are several ways to measure changes in the level of the dollar. We generally look at indices that compare the dollar's value to the values of a broad range of currencies, weighted according to the value of their trade with the U.S. By most measures the dollar has fallen by about 8% to 10% in both real and nominal terms since late last year.

As you can see in the chart below, during the past decade, the dollar has been propelled higher by relatively high U.S. interest rates compared to other major countries, strong capital inflows, and its status as a safe haven in times of turmoil. Its value increased by 1.4 times from its 2011 low to its peak in 2022 in real terms (that is, adjusted for inflation).

The dollar's real value has risen during the past 10 years

Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (1)

Source: Bloomberg, monthly data as of 2/28/2023.

The U.S. Federal Reserve Trade Weighted Real Broad Dollar Index (USTRBGD Index) is a measure of the inflation-adjusted foreign exchange value of the United States dollar relative to other world currencies.

The dollar's gains have been broad-based, with similar appreciation versus emerging market and major developed market currencies. This chart shows it in nominal terms.

Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (2)

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, daily data as of 3/24/2023.

The Nominal Broad U.S. Dollar Index (Jan 2006=100, Daily, Not Seasonally Adjusted) is a measure of the nominal value of the United States dollar relative to other world currencies. The Nominal Emerging Market Economies U.S. Dollar Index (Jan 2006=100, Daily, Not Seasonally Adjusted) is a weighted average of the nominal foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against a subset of the broad index currencies that are emerging-market economies.

Coming out of the long stretch of lackluster growth in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the dollar was largely range-bound against major currencies, but it began to move higher in 2015 as U.S. interest rates moved up. Higher interest rates boosted returns to dollar-based investors. At that time, central banks in Europe and Japan were keeping policy rates at zero or in negative territory, while U.S. rates were positive. The combination of stronger economic recovery and higher yields helped push the dollar higher.

The dollar has moved higher as U.S. interest rates rose

Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (3)

Source: Bloomberg, daily data as of 4/3/2023.

U.S. (USGG2YR Index), Germany (GTDEM2Y Index), Japan (GTJPY2Y Index), U.K. (GTGBP2Y Index), Canada (GTCAD2Y Index). Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Demand is still strong

Foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury securities have grown since 2013, as you can see in the chart below.

Foreign holdings of U.S. Treasuries have expanded over the past few years

Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (4)

Source: Bloomberg.

U.S. Treasury securities held by foreign holders for China, Japan, UK, Ireland, Luxemburg, Brazil, and Others (HOLDCH Index, HOLDJN Index, HOLDUK Index, HOLDIR Index, HOLDLU Index, HOLDBR Index). Monthly data as of 2/28/2023.

International investment flows indicate that demand for U.S. dollars extends beyond U.S. Treasury securities. With a resilient economy, the U.S. saw the largest inflow of foreign direct investment, long-term investment in businesses and property, of any major economy in 2022. It's also worth noting that much of the rise in investment flows in the U.S. over the past few years has gone into equities.

Foreign holdings of U.S. assets

Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (5)

Source: Bloomberg, monthly data as of 3/31/2023.

Holdings of U.S. Long-Term Securities by Foreign Residents. U.S. Treasuries (USLTTRGR Index), U.S. Agency Bonds (USLTABGR Index), U.S. Corporate and Other Bonds (USLTCBGR Index), U.S. Corporate Stocks (USLTCSGR Index).

Dollar demand for transactional purposes has remained steady over the years, as well. It still accounts for more than 80% of financial market transactions. (Foreign exchange turnover adds up to 200% because there is a currency on each side of the trade.)

Over-the-counter (OTC) foreign exchange turnover by currency

Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (6)

Source: Bank for International Settlements (BIS), triennial data as of 12/31/2022.

The BIS Triennial OTC Derivatives Statistics: FX Turnover by currency. USD = U.S. dollar. EUR = euro. JPY = Japanese yen. CNY = Chinese yuan. For illustrative purposes only.

Dollar's reserve currency status still holding

The dollar's position as the world's major reserve currency is periodically a source of concern among investors, even though its position hasn't changed much in decades. The dollar's share of global reserves has declined gradually over the past 20 years as central banks diversified their holdings, mostly into the euro since its introduction in 1999. Allocations of reserves to other currencies, such as the British pound and Canadian dollar, have gained modestly as well. Overall, however, the dollar still represents about 60% of global reserves, a modest decline from 67% 20 years ago.

Foreign exchange holdings by currency

Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (7)

Source: Bloomberg, quarterly data as of 12/30/2022.

Foreign exchange holdings as a percentage of total allocated in U.S. dollars (U.S. Dollar), the euro (Euro), the Japanese yen (Yen), the renminbi/Chinese yuan (RMB), and other reserve currencies, which are the Swiss franc, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, British pound, and unclassified others (CCFRUSD% Index, CCFREUR% Index, CCFRJPY% Index, CCFRCNYP Index, CCFROTR% Index, CCFRCHF% Index, CCFRCADP Index, CCFRAUDP Index, CCFRGBP% Index).

There aren't currently any viable reserve-currency alternatives

A reserve currency needs to be freely convertible and have deep and liquid bond markets to be considered safe for foreign central banks to hold. Central banks need to know that their money is easily and readily available when needed, particularly in times of stress. The U.S., with a large, open, and liquid market for Treasury securities, fits that role. That's why when the COVID crisis hit the global economy, the U.S. Federal Reserve expanded its swap lines with foreign central banks to enable access to dollars for countries that were struggling to access dollars for trade and debt payments.

While other major countries' markets have these qualities, the size and openness of the U.S. market is difficult to match. Europe's bond markets are more fragmented than the U.S. market although a movement toward euro-denominated sovereign debt issuance would provide a stronger base for it as an attractive alternative. Japan's bond market is closely controlled by its central bank, which owns the bulk of its government debt. China has capital controls, and its currency isn't even freely convertible. Giving up capital controls would mean that the government would relinquish control over investment flows and leave the currency susceptible to decline if domestic investors moved their money elsewhere.

Short- and long-term views

Over the next six to 12 months, we see room for a moderate cyclical decline in the dollar. The main driver is likely to be a greater convergence of interest rates in the major economies as the U.S. Federal Reserve nears the end of its rate hiking cycle while other central banks continue to tighten policy. The European Central Bank and Bank of England appear on track to keep hiking rates due to persistently high inflation. The Bank of Japan may loosen its yield curve control policy, allowing bond yields to move up, which would likely mean less demand for U.S. dollar-denominated assets by Japanese investors. We view these developments as the most significant risk to the dollar's strength in 2023 and 2024.

Longer-term, movement to a multi-currency global economy is possible and could have benefits, particularly for emerging-market countries where moves in the dollar can have big effects on economic growth. However, it would require some major structural changes in many regions—such as reducing barriers to trade and investment, along with strengthening protections for investors. These changes take time and political will.

Diversification benefits

Although we don't see a major bear market in the dollar developing soon, we do believe that investors can benefit over the long run from global diversification. Diversification works best when economic cycles diverge, which may happen later this year if U.S. economic growth slows relative to expansions in other countries. With U.S. interest rates likely to peak in the next few months, returns in global bond markets may improve. The current yield on the Bloomberg Global Aggregate ex-USD index is 2.8%, compared to the Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index yield of 4.4%. That yield gap still favors U.S. bond investments, but it is narrow enough to be offset by a modest drop in the dollar.

Overall, a further easing in the dollar's strength over the course of 2023 could be an opportunity for investors to diversify globally, but we don't see it portending a major structural change in the world currency order.

Will the U.S. Dollar Be Dethroned? (2024)


Can the US dollar be dethroned? ›

De-dollarization efforts won't do much to dethrone the dollar, Morgan Stanley said. There are no true alternatives to holding the US dollar at the moment, Morgan Stanley strategists said. The bank pointed to three reasons why de-dollarization fears are overblown.

Is the US dollar in trouble in 2024? ›

We expect 2024 to be a year of diverging trends for the dollar. It will likely move lower on a broad trade-weighted basis early in the year but stabilize as the year progresses. Although we expect a general downward drift for the dollar, performance of individual currencies will likely vary widely.

Is the world moving away from the US dollar? ›

Taking a longer view, over the last two decades, the fact that the value of the US dollar has been broadly unchanged, while the US dollar's share of global reserves has declined, indicates that central banks have indeed been shifting gradually away from the dollar.

Why are countries ditching the US dollar? ›

The US dollar has been the world's reserve currency for decades, but its dominance is fading. Sanctions against Russia have spurred other countries into considering backup currencies for trade. US monetary policies, the strong USD, and structural shift in the global oil trade also contribute.

What happens to my savings if the dollar collapses? ›

In the event of a dollar collapse, diversification becomes a critical strategy for safeguarding assets. Relying solely on fiat money, such as the United States dollar, Euro, or the Japanese yen, exposes investors to the risk of inflation and depreciation, eroding the purchasing power of their savings.

What will replace the US dollar? ›

But that begs a critical question: What would replace the dollar? Some say it will be the euro; others, perhaps the Japanese yen or China's renminbi. And some call for a new world reserve currency, possibly based on the IMF's Special Drawing Right or SDR, a reserve asset.

What should you own if the dollar collapses? ›

What To Own When the Dollar Collapses
  • Traditional Assets. ...
  • Gold, Silver, and Other Precious Metals. ...
  • Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies. ...
  • Foreign Currencies. ...
  • Foreign Stocks and Mutual Funds. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Food, Water, and Other Supplies. ...
  • Stability and Trust.
Dec 14, 2023

What is the US dollar backed by? ›

Prior to 1971, the US dollar was backed by gold. Today, the dollar is backed by 2 things: the government's ability to generate revenues (via debt or taxes), and its authority to compel economic participants to transact in dollars.

Is the US dollar going to lose value? ›

Despite uncertain macro conditions, the dollar has continued to demonstrate strength — largely thanks to sticky inflation, a resilient U.S. economy and year-to-date highs in yields. Indeed, in a display of U.S. exceptionalism, the greenback has gained against just about every other major currency in 2024.

What countries are trying to get rid of the dollar? ›

This is an effort by a growing number of countries to reduce the role of the U.S. dollar in international trade. Countries like India, China, Brazil, Malaysia and Bolivia, among others, are seeking to set up trade channels using currencies other than the almighty dollar.

Is the US dollar in danger? ›

There is no reason to expect the U.S. dollar to collapse in the near future.515 Such a change would require the entire world to change its adherence to an international monetary system that has the greenback at its center. As yet, no replacement is anywhere on the horizon.

Will the world ever stop using money? ›

Nope. We might use less cash, but our society still has a long way to go before it's totally and completely cashless. And just because some stores didn't want to accept dollar bills for a while (and maybe still don't), that doesn't mean a cashless society is here to stay.

What happens if the USD is no longer the reserve currency? ›

However, broader currency portfolios would have to be held for trading, and costs of trade would therefore somewhat increase. Rising interest rates in the US might also put further pressure on the ECB to prevent currency depreciation against the dollar. Interest rates are therefore also likely to increase.

Will the dollar collapse in 2024? ›

In 2024, the dollar has regained some ground, though it's somewhat lower now compared to earlier in the year. Changes in valuations between the two currencies have been less volatile recently than earlier in the past decade.

Is China ditching the US dollar? ›

BRICS: China Expects Major Economic Growth After Ditching US Dollar. As BRICS founder China continues its mission to ditch the US Dollar with de-dollarization initiatives, the nation expects major economic growth in 2024.

Can BRICS dethrone the US dollar? ›

Even as other currencies increase their participation in foreign reserves, trade invoicing and transactions, incumbency, liquidity, efficiency and confidence in the dollar mean none can likely challenge it in the medium term.

What will happen if dedollarization happens? ›

A depreciated national currency resulting from de-dollarization may lead to increased export competitiveness, benefiting domestic industries. However, it could also lead to higher import costs, potentially affecting consumer prices and triggering inflationary pressures.

Will the dollar stop being the global currency? ›

Despite some recent announcements of countries bypassing use of the dollar in trade contracts, the U.S. dollar remains dominant as the currency of choice for international transactions.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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