WireGuard VPN : Tutorial About WireGuard - zenarmor.com (2024)

Since there is a high risk of sniffing network traffic by hackers, companies that have one or more branch offices need to transfer their private and mission-critical data in a secure way between these remote and main corporate networks. Also, working remotely has become common practice and is deemed necessary for most organizations around the world following the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it carries significant risks too. Remote users may expose the company networks or systems to cyber threats such as malware, cybercriminals and more.

To accomplish the data transfer between remote sites/users and the data center securely an encrypted tunnel is created by applying virtual private network solutions on network infrastructures. The following VPN protocols are commonly used:

  • OpenVPN

  • IKEv2/IPsec and L2TP/IPsec

  • WireGuard

  • SoftEther

  • SSTP

IPsec and OpenVPN are the most common VPN protocols used in cybersecurity. Although both IPsec and OpenVPN are secure, reliable, stable, and reputable VPN solutions, a fairly new VPN protocol is already revolutionizing the VPN industry: WireGuard

In this tutorial, we will cover the following information about WireGuard:

  • What is WireGuard?

  • How does WireGuard work?

  • Is WireGuard Safe?

  • Advantages and disadvantages of WireGuard VPN

  • Privacy problems of WireGuard and solutions

  • Installation of WireGuard on different platforms

What is WireGuard?

WireGuard is an open-source, incredibly simple, blazing-fast, and modern VPN that employs cutting-edge cryptography. WireGuard was created in 2016 by Jason Donenfeld with the objectives of usability, high speed performance, and a low attack surface. It aims to be significantly more efficient than OpenVPN and IPsec.

WireGuard is a VPN designed to function on both embedded interfaces and supercomputers, making it suitable for a variety of situations. It was originally designed for the Linux kernel, but it is widely deployable now and you can run it on many popular platforms such as Windows, BSD, macOS, iOS, and Android. It is presently undergoing intensive development, but it may already be considered the most secure, user-friendly, and straightforward VPN solution in the industry.

If you are looking for a very simple, but fast and modern Virtual private network (VPN) solution that employs cutting-edge cryptography, then WireGuard is best for providing your expectations. Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel, praised WireGuard, calling it a work of art in comparison to OpenVPN and IPsec. WireGuard has been included by default in Linux since Kernel version 5.6 released on March 29, 2020. This is also considered the first stable release of WireGuard. The kernel components are released under the GPLv2. Other projects are licensed under Apache 2.0, MIT, BSD or GPL.

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How does WireGuard work?

WireGuard enables the implementation of a virtual private network that is both simple and effective. By default, it was intended to make the tunnel more secure and easier to manage.

The implementation of the WireGuard registered mark of Jason Donenfeld has the following goals:

  1. Keep it short and simple so that auditing and reviewing the code for security flaws is simple. WireGuard contains fewer than 4,000 lines of code (excluding cryptographic primitives).

  2. Be extremely fast, so that it can compete with IPsec in terms of performance.

  3. In response to incoming packets, avoid allocations and other resource-intensive allocations.

  4. Integrate with existing kernel infrastructure and userland expectations, tools, and APIs as natively and smoothly as possible.

  5. Be able to be built as an external kernel module without requiring any modifications to the core Linux kernel.

To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the listed capabilities and features are implemented on the WireGuard:

  • WireGuard is a Layer 3 secure network tunnel that works with both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. It supports the v4-in-v6 encapsulation and vice versa.

  • It is a UDP-based service, which is one of the primary reasons for its speed. So, it consumes network bandwidth more efficiently than other VPN protocols.

  • It is implemented as a kernel virtual network interface for Linux.

  • It is based on modern conservative cryptographic principles. The protocols and primitives listed below are used:

  • ChaCha20 for symmetric encryption.

  • BLAKE2s for hashing and keyed hashing

  • SipHash24 for hashtable keys

  • HKDF for key derivation

  • Curve25519 for ECDH

  • Its authentication model is similar to the one used by OpenSSH. Short pre-shared static keys Curve25519 points are used for mutual authentication.

  • The following topologies may be implemented by using WireGuard:

    • Mesh
    • Point-to-Point
    • Star(Client/Server)

WireGuard has unique attributes and a set of very lightweight tunnels. The WireGuard tunnels are sufficiently lightweight to enable the creation of a multi-hub setup with little effort. The WireGuard mesh VPN facilitates direct connections between all nodes, allowing any node to establish connections with every other node. Each node in the WireGuard mesh VPN network is interconnected with every other node in an efficient and dependable manner.

The following VPN applications and providers support the WireGuard protocol:

  • OPNsense

  • pfSense

  • NordVPN via NordLynx

  • Mozilla VPN

  • NetworkManager(>1.16)

  • Surfshark

  • Mullvad

  • Private Inernet Access

  • AzireVPN

  • OVPN

  • TorGuard

You can read more about WireGuard's deep technical details on their website.

Is WireGuard safe?

Yes. One of the main goals of WireGuard's developers is to gain speed without causing any security vulnerabilities. WireGuard employs cutting-edge encryption protocols, making it potentially more secure than older VPN protocols.

WireGuard's design lends itself to secure coding patterns in practice. Some aspects of WireGuard grew out of an earlier kernel rootkit project. It runs in stealth mode and has a minimal attack surface. It does not respond to any unauthenticated packets. Since WireGuard only responds to packets with correct crypto, scanners and service discovery are hampered. When the peers have no data to exchange, both of them become silent. It also has a novel cookie structure to reduce DoS risks.

WireGuard is a simplified VPN protocol. It has only 4.000 lines of code which is far less than other VPN protocols. For comparison, IPsec has 419.792 lines of code. The smaller code, the more secure application. Since compact codes allow for easy and regular auditing and development, which leads to fewer vulnerabilities.

As explained above WireGuard is a highly secure protocol, but it is not designed with privacy in mind. WireGuard's most serious privacy flaw is the way it assigns IP addresses. Instead of assigning a different IP address to the user, it gives the same IP address each time. This IP address allocation mechanism allows the WireGuard to be fast. On the other hand, it means the VPN server must keep track of the user's real IP addresses and connection timestamps. Anyone who have an access to the logs can view that who accessed to VPN server and when.

Despite the privacy concerns, some VPN providers, including NordVPN, IVPN, and Mullvad, have mitigated the risks of WireGuard by combining it with custom security features.

What Are the Benefits of WireGuard VPN?

WireGuard VPN provides its users with many advantages that make it very attractive in the cybersecurity industry. In this section, we will cover the following benefits of the WireGuard:

  • Simple

  • Lighter

  • Fast

  • Updated Encryption

  • Works Well Across All Major Platforms

1. Wireguard is Simple

One of the main advantages of the WireGuard is its simplicity. It is easy to install, configure, and maintain. To summarize, it simplifies administering the virtual private networks. The following features of WireGuard are examples of its simplicity:

  • WireGuard uses a simple standard interface via an ordinary network interface card. Here is a sample configuration:

    # ip link add wg0 type wireguard
    # ip address add dev wg0
    # ip route add default via wg0
    # ifconfig wg0
    # iptables A INPUT -i wg0
    /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}, bind(),
  • While the WireGuard interface can exist in one namespace, the physical interface can live in another.

  • Everything that normally builds on top of network interfaces such as eth0 can also be built on top of WireGuard interface wg0.

  • The administrator can definitely say where the packet is coming from. If the packet comes from the WireGuard interface and has Adam's tunnel IP address as a source IP, then it absolutely comes from Adam's device.

  • WireGuard appears stateless to the user. The administrator sets up an interface, configures its peers, and then the tunnel just works. Everything else, such as session state, connections, and so on, is invisible to administrators.

  • If the WireGuard is not configured correctly, most of the time it will not work, rather than running insecurely.

  • WireGuard, like SSH, uses identities that are simply static public keys.

  • WireGuard works with iptables rules which are plain and clear.

2. Wireguard is Lighter

WireGuard has a smaller code base which is less than 4,000 lines of code. It is easily implemented with basic data structures.

WireGuard VPN : Tutorial About WireGuard - zenarmor.com (1)

Figure 1. Lines of Code comparison for VPN protocols

Being a lightweight protocol gains an edge for WireGuard over its competitors. Because it has much less code than other VPN solutions, it has the following benefits:

  • it is faster and more secure(much smaller attack surface) than other VPN protocols

  • it is suitable for embedded devices with limited computing power, such as a router or mobile device too

  • its codebase is easily and quickly auditable. Easier to audit means easier to find vulnerabilities

  • it can be easily maintained and integrated with other applications

  • it consumes fewer CPU resources than other VPN solutions. That means longer battery life and less lag when using other applications on mobile devices.

3. Updated Encryption

To protect the user data WireGuard employs cutting-edge cryptographic techniques such as:

  • ChaCha20 for encryption,

  • Poly1305 for data authentication

  • Curve25519 for key exchange

  • BLAKE2 for hashing

  • SipHash24 for hash keys

  • HKDF for key derivation

  • Noise protocol framework.

Some advantages of the cryptographic methods used by WireGuard are listed below:

  1. ChaCha20 with Poly1305 outperforms AES on embedded devices that don't have cryptographic hardware acceleration.

  2. BLAKE2s is faster than SHA-3.

Security researchers from different sectors such as academia and IT have reviewed the WireGuard covering aspects of the protocol, cryptography, and implementation. They formally verified it to make conservative and reasonable choices. This means that there is security proof of the WireGuard protocol. It has been proven to have the following security features:

  • Correctness

  • Key secrecy

  • Forward secrecy

  • Strong key agreement & authenticity

  • Session uniqueness

  • Identity hiding

  • Key-compromise impersonation resistance

  • Unknown key-share attack resistance

The WireGuard keeps its cryptographic techniques up-to-date. If a serious security flaw in the cryptographic primitives used is detected, a new version of the protocol is released.

You can learn more about WireGuard's modern cryptography on the official website or in the technical white paper.

4. Wireguard is Fast

The biggest advantage of the WireGuard protocol is that it provides extremely fast VPN connections that connect almost instantly. Since it operates exclusively in kernel space, it does not need to copy packets twice between user space and kernel space. As a result, it is much faster than other VPN solutions which live in userspace and use a virtual network interface driver.

Another factor that boosts the WireGuard's performance is that it uses ChaCha20 with Poly1305 which is extremely fast on nearly all hardware. ChaCha20 can be implemented efficiently on nearly all general-purpose processors.

WireGuard has a simple design which means that it has less overhead than its competitors. Having less overhead provides it better performance.

There are many WireGuard benchmarks on the internet. WireGuard's official website shares benchmarks that show WireGuard has four times better throughput and ping response time than OpenVPN and better speeds than IPsec protocols on the same hardware.

WireGuard VPN : Tutorial About WireGuard - zenarmor.com (2)

Figure 2 Comparison of WireGuard with other VPN protocols

WireGuard provides you not only high throughput and less ping response time but also quick handshake which means high connection and reconnection speeds. Therefore, on mobile phones switching from mobile data to Wi-Fi or vice versa does not make a significant disruption to WireGuard users.

Non-Linux WireGuard implementations such as Windows, Android, and macOS, on the other hand, run in userspace and do not benefit from the same performance as the kernel implementation. Nonetheless, they match or outperform OpenVPN in the majority of cases.

5. Wireguard is Works Well Across All Major Platforms

It was originally designed for the Linux kernel, but it is widely deployable now and you can run it on many popular platforms such as Windows, BSD, macOS, iOS, and Android.

Because WireGuard has a simple design, it can be easily independently verified and reimplemented on a wide range of platforms. The cryptographic constructions and primitives used ensure high speed in a wide range of devices, from data center servers to cell phones, as well as long-term security properties. For example, ChaCha20 with Poly1305 used by WireGuard can be implemented efficiently on nearly all general-purpose processors.

What Are the Disadvantages of WireGuard VPN?

Although WireGuard possesses many important benefits, there are certain drawbacks that should not be ignored. Before deciding on using the WireGuard protocol in your network infrastructure, it is advised to examine the disadvantages of WireGuard listed below:

  • Privacy Concerns
  • Protocol Support
  • Stability Issues

1. Privacy Concerns

The main drawback of the WireGuard protocol is that it was not built for anonymity and privacy. Its privacy is primarily questioned because it requires users to log their data. Instead of assigning a different IP address to the user, it gives the same IP address each time. This IP address allocation mechanism forces the VPN server to keep track of the user's real IP addresses and connection timestamps. These user IP addresses are stored indefinitely on the server, or until the server is rebooted. Anyone who has access to the logs can view who accessed the VPN server and when. This is a violation of the VPN provider's privacy policies. Therefore VPNs that offer WireGuard solve this problem in their own software. Some VPN services have also stated that they will not use WireGuard until the issue is resolved.

2. Protocol Support

It may be skeptical because WireGuard does not use the internet's gold standard of encryption, AES-256, and instead employs an untested component of encryption known as ChaCha20.

Another disadvantage of WireGuard protocol is that most of the time it is blocked by a network administrator. This is due to the fact that it currently only supports UDP. HTTPS traffic port known as Port 443 is not supported too.

3. Stability Issues

The WireGuard protocol is currently experiencing a number of stability difficulties. It could be in the form of either speed or security. Because the WireGuard is in trial mode, these issues are typical. These may usually be corrected when the development stage is completed.

What Are The WireGuard Privacy Problems and Solutions?

WireGuard has some inherent flaws that, if not addressed properly, can jeopardize user privacy.

As explained above WireGuard does not allocate a dynamic IP address to the VPN user. And, it indefinitely stores user IP addresses on the VPN server until the server reboots. So, there is no anonymity and privacy in WireGuard. Before using the WireGuard VPN protocol, make sure to investigate how your VPN provider protects user privacy through WireGuard implementation.

Fortunately, some VPN providers that provide WireGuard have developed their own systems to circumvent this privacy flaw. They offer their own modified versions of WireGuard that work around the IP address issue and do not keep user logs.

The following WireGuard providers solve its privacy problem:

  • NordVPN

  • Mullvad

  • OVPN

Solutions for keeping user IP addresses

NordVPN developed their WireGuard implementation which called as NordLynx. NordLynx uses a double-NAT system for privacy.

"The double NAT system allows us to establish a secure VPN connection without storing any identifiable data on a server. Dynamic local IP addresses remain assigned only while the session is active. Meanwhile, user authentication is done with the help of a secure external database." - NordVPN

Mullvad and OVPN have practical solutions available right now as well. To address the WireGuard privacy issue, they delete unnecessary records. The records that map the IP addresses to encryption keys are erased as soon as the session ends between the VPN client and server for three minutes. Storing data only for as long as necessary and having as little information as possible reduces the risk of personal data being revealed significantly.

Solution for Static IP Problem

Assigning a static IP for each device, even internally, is not ideal. Because if a user experiences WebRTC leaks, that static internal IP address could be exposed to the outside world. Also, the static IP assignment method quickly becomes complex in enormous networks.

Both Mullvad and OVPN have devised methods for managing IP addresses and securely generating keys. They allow you to regenerate keys and, as a result, IP addresses are rotated. This helps to mitigate this issue.

Since WireGuard is based on statically assigned IP addresses, a WebRTC leak can reveal your internal/external IP address. This is not a problem with your VPN service, but with your web browser. It is strongly recommended that you should disable/block WebRTC in the browser. To prevent yourself from WebRTC attacks, you may also use a secure and private browser that limits data exposure. A list of secure and private browsers are available here:

  • Firefox: Unlike Chromium browsers, you can simply disable WebRTC on Firefox.

  • Brave: Brave is a Chromium-based browser that is fast, secure, and privacy-focused by default.

  • Tor: The Tor browser is a fortified version of Firefox that is set up to operate on the Tor network.

  • Bromite: Bromite is a Chromium-based browser for Android only. It includes some excellent features by default, such as ad-blocking and various privacy enhancements.

What is the Difference Between WireGuard and NordLynx?

NordLynx is a fork of WireGuard, the two protocols are really quite similar. For instance, NordLynx and WireGuard both provide comparable bandwidth and performance. They do not, however, agree on several points when you compare WireGuard and NordLynx. For example, while WireGuard is becoming more and more popular, not all VPN providers have included it in their apps. NordLynx is compatible with all main operating systems. From an alternate angle, WireGuard can swiftly establish a fresh connection; nevertheless, some iOS users have encountered connectivity issues with NordLynx. It's up to you to decide.

What's the Difference Between WireGuard and OpenVPN?

OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol that creates secure site-to-site or point-to-point connections. James Yonan first published it in 2001, and it is now one of the most extensively used VPN protocols among VPN users. The main differences between WireGuard and OpenVPN will be discussed briefly below.

First of all, OpenVPN is more compatible than the WireGuard. It supports not only common platforms, such as Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS but also less common platforms like Solaris, ChromeOS, and QNX. On the other hand, you can use WireGuard on the most common desktop/server platforms, such as Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, and mobile devices like Android and iOS. Both of them are supported by the most popular VPN service providers. While the fastest VPN provider that uses WireGuard is NordVPN, ProtonVPN is one of the fast VPN services that supports OpenVPN. In summary, WireGuard is currently supported by fewer VPN services providers and on fewer devices than OpenVPN.

Secondly, WireGuard provides a more secure VPN service than OpenVPN by using more modern and updated encryption techniques. While WireGuard supports ChaCha20, BLAKE2s, Curve25519, and SipHash24, OpenVPN uses outdated RSA and AES encryption. OpenVPN employs certificates for authentication and encryption, but WireGuard does not. For those duties, WireGuard employs public-key encryption. Secure key generation and administration are performed in the background, with the option to pre-share a key for added security. Also, WireGuard has less code than OpenVPN. Therefore, its attack surface is smaller. But, neither of them has any known security vulnerabilities.

Another important difference is that WireGuard is faster than OpenVPN and has higher performance.

OpenVPN is better than WireGuard in terms of privacy. Because WireGuard may cause privacy problems. While OpenVPN doesn't keep any personal information, such as IP addresses are stored by WireGuard on the VPN server until it reboots. This poses a privacy concern since if the server is hacked in any way, users' IP addresses will be disclosed, revealing their online activities.

WireGuard is more easy-to-use, user-friendly, easy-to-audit, and has fewer lines of code. However, OpenVPN's code is sophisticated, with hundreds of thousands of lines. Therefore dealing with OpenVPN code will take a long time, and you'll need skills to do it.

OpenVPN offers TCP connections but WireGuard can not. OpenVPN may be readily set up to use either UDP or TCP to run on any port, such as 443, to bypass firewall restrictions. OpenVPN performs better at protecting users from being prevented by censorship since WireGuard can only be used with UDP (User Datagram Protocol) rather than TCP.

Finally, when roaming across networks, WireGuard is more stable than OpenVPN. WireGuard clients can switch networks without losing the connection. However, over unreliable networks where packet loss and congestion are widespread, OpenVPN is very steady and quick. It provides a TCP mode for very unstable connections, but due to the inefficiencies of encapsulating TCP within TCP, this option sacrifices significant performance.

You can find out who won compared to some categories in the table below.

Censorship CircumventionOpenVPN
Device CompatibilityOpenVPN
Table 1. WireGuard vs OpenVPN

What's the Difference Between WireGuard and IPSec/IKEv2?

IPSec is a speedy and relatively modern VPN protocol. WireGuard has two advantages, however: its cryptographic primitives may be quicker, and it is integrated into the Linux kernel. In one test, IPSec outperformed WireGuard in a specific scenario, but WireGuard was consistently faster.

Another difference between IPsec and WireGuard is that IKEv2 will be supported by default on the vast majority of devices in contrast to WireGuard. You will need to install additional files for WireGuard. However, it has an advantage due to its more modern cryptographic libraries. Despite the fact that IKEv2's defense is not CPU-intensive and will be quick in the majority of usage scenarios.

Which Commercial VPNs offer WireGuard support?

Many commercial VPN providers have been quick to jump on the WireGuard trend due to its significant advantages for the average end user.

  1. NordVPN: The first "big" VPN to employ WireGuard is NordVPN. They accomplished this by modifying the open-source WireGuard software and developing their very own protocol, NordLynx. As a result, NordVPN is the finest WireGuard VPN.
  2. Surfshark: Surfshark is a well-known VPN service that implements cutting-edge security features. WireGuard is one such protocol. Surfshark gives its WireGuard users dynamic IP addresses as opposed to static IP addresses. Consequently, your online privacy remains intact.
  3. CyberGhost: CyberGhost is a robust VPN service with a large server fleet and WireGuard protocol support. In 2020, CyberGhost implemented WireGuard, which is now accessible via desktop and mobile applications.
  4. IPVanish: IPVanish is a versatile VPN service that has only recently added the WireGuard tunneling protocol to its list of available features. It is an essential enhancement to IPVanish's overall service.

How to Install Wireguard?

To learn how to install WireGuard server on Linux, you can view the peer-to-peer WireGuard VPN installation tutorial.

WireGuard VPN : Tutorial About WireGuard - zenarmor.com (2024)


WireGuard VPN : Tutorial About WireGuard - zenarmor.com? ›

WireGuard is considered by many to be one of the safest, most secure VPN protocol options available today. Simplified design using less code equals fewer bugs and security vulnerabilities, while WireGuard's faster state-of-the-art cryptography employs superior default security settings.

How do I connect to VPN with WireGuard? ›

  1. Step 1: Expose Wireguard VPN Server to the Internet. Your Public IP Address. ...
  2. Step 2: Setup Wireguard VPN Server. Install the wireguard software and dependencies. ...
  3. Step 3: Setup client connections. ...
  4. Step 4: Setup clients. ...
  5. Step 5: Test Connection.
Sep 29, 2023

Is WireGuard VPN legit? ›

WireGuard is considered by many to be one of the safest, most secure VPN protocol options available today. Simplified design using less code equals fewer bugs and security vulnerabilities, while WireGuard's faster state-of-the-art cryptography employs superior default security settings.

Does WireGuard hide my IP address? ›

When you connect to our VPN server via WireGuard, your device can only see the IP address 10.2. 0.2, and the website you visit can only see the public IP address of our VPN server. Your true IP address remains secure and private, just as it would with OpenVPN.

How does WireGuard VPN work? ›

WireGuard relies on routing to direct network traffic. Each peer has a routing table that defines which packets should be sent through the WireGuard tunnel. This routing ensures that only intended traffic passes through the VPN connection.

How do I log into WireGuard VPN? ›

Open up your web browser and paste in your server's IP address and port and hit 'Enter'. This will now take you to the login page. Simply input your username and password into the corresponding fields and click on the 'Sign In' button.

How to open WireGuard VPN? ›

WireGuard Road Warrior Setup
  1. Step 1 - Configure the Wireguard Instance. Go to VPN ‣ WireGuard ‣ Instances. ...
  2. Step 2 - Configure the client peer. ...
  3. Step 3 - Turn on/restart WireGuard. ...
  4. Step 4 - Assignments and routing. ...
  5. Step 5 - Create firewall rules. ...
  6. Step 5a - Create normalization rules. ...
  7. Step 6 - Configure the WireGuard client.

Can WireGuard VPN be tracked? ›

WireGuard does not provide obfuscation, meaning that internet service providers (ISPs) can see when you are using it — although, of course, they can't see what you're using it for.

Can police track IP address with VPN? ›

The good news is that there is almost no way to track live, encrypted VPN traffic. Law enforcement can only obtain data, if available, about websites visited and so on. Otherwise, hackers and snooping government agencies are generally blocked by the fact that the data is encrypted.

Can WireGuard VPN be detected? ›

Yes, WireGuard can be detected. It doesn't do VPN obfuscation, mostly because of the insistence on UDP transmission mode.

How much does WireGuard cost? ›

Cost and Licensing

Since WireGuard and OpenVPN are free software, there is no expense associated with using them. Though there are some free solutions, you'll still need to pay for a VPN subscription. Since WireGuard and OpenVPN are free software, there is no expense associated with using them.

What port to use for WireGuard? ›

The default port is 51820 , additional tunnels must use a different port. The GUI will automatically suggest the next highest available port.

What is the difference between VPN and WireGuard? ›

The biggest notable differences between WireGuard and OpenVPN are speed and security. While WireGuard is generally faster, OpenVPN provides heavier security. The differences between these two protocols are also what make up their defining features.

How do I connect to VPN unlimited via WireGuard? ›

Sign in to your User Office > select the VPN Unlimited application > click Manage. Press the field under Device and click Manually create a new device… > set it's custom name, for example WireGuard > choose appropriate location of the Server > select the WireGuard protocol from the dropdown menu > click Generate.

How to connect to WireGuard on Windows? ›

Connect and disconnect
  1. Open the WireGuard app.
  2. Select a Server in the list to the left.
  3. Press "Activate" to connect, and "Deactivate" to disconnect.
  4. You're all set! You can visit our Connection check to check your connection.
Apr 25, 2024

What is the port number for WireGuard VPN? ›

The 51820 is the default Wireguard (listening) port. You should have a port forward of 51820 from your main router to the IP address allocated by your main router to your gl.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.