Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (2024)

Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (1)

Google’s Blogger (BlogSpot) vs Wix Blog has been searched by many people in 2022, because people are confused about which one to choose.

Wix blog shows you blogging features whenever you need them. So, you don’t see all the option always.

For example, when you select the text or image or video, the Wix editor shows you all the options just above the selected element. So you don’t need to move your cursor. It makes easy & quick writing. The Wix blog editor may help you stay focused on blogging, while at the same time providing you with more features.

Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (2)

Blogger/Blogspot is a basic editor. You have to move your cursor / mouse every time to get the options.

Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (3)

Blogger & Wix blogs are completely different. Wix Blogs focus on the latest professional business blogs to personal blogs, photography blogs, fashion blogs, music blogs, food & travel blogs, artists’ blogs, portfolio related & SEO friendly blogs. However, Blogger is just a basic blogging platform.

Wix blog is better than Blogger, even though your goal is just writing and publishing. There is no extra SEO benefit of using Google’s Blogger. You can add your Blogger site or any Blogger pages on your Wix website, but you can’t add the Wix site on Blogger. So, the clear winner is Wix. This is because you will get all the Blogger features as well as Wix features on Wix but you will not get Wix features on Blogger.

You can make money with Wix Blog as as easy as Blogger. Google AdSense approve rate is better for Wix blog than Blogger. Because those who create blogs on Wix are matured and serious than the Blogger users. In addition, there are many ways to generate income on Wix Blog using Wix ecommerce features.

The Blogger homepage looks great, but when you go inside, you just get a basic editor & you can’t get Wix type of page design.

Now, Let’s Compare Them Head To Head

Our Rating5/5
See Our Detailed
Wix Review
Users Ratings[gdrts_stars_rating type="posts.post" item_id="41" distribution="normalized" template="light" alignment="none" style_type="image" style_font_name="star" style_image_name="oxygen" style_size="25" /]We don't have enough user ratings show here
All Essential Blogging FeaturesWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (4)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (5)
Blogger even failed to show basic blog backbone features. There is no SEO setting. No Review or Rating elements, No share buttons. If you want to add share buttons, then you need to register from a third-party service, get the code, then insert. Sometimes those don't work well with Blogger like mobile issues or overlapping with contents, not showing at all etc. There is a lot of drawbacks. They stopped the development. Blogger/BlogSpot may soon shutdown just like Google plus.
Wix has a proven record of its trustworthy. Money back immediately with no question asked. Protected its customers from Google de-index issues. It gives all its tools for free trial for unlimited time. Complete freedom. Website restoration even you forget to renew. 24x7 Dedicated support with different languages.
No support, no money back, no updates from the past 8 years!
Google completely ignores Blogger/Blogspot. Because Blogger is negligible in front of its Google ad revenue. Today I am about to publish this post, So searched Blogger. Guess What I got? Here Today I got this news.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (6)
Usually, big companies renew for 10 years or set it automatic renewal payments. But Blogspot forgot to renew the domain that millions of bloggers depend on! Why Google forgot Because it is free and does not generate any revenue. So, we give trust score 0% . People treat Google like God!, But they don't know it is running with people just like you. But they may little intelligent than you in maths. Wix may little bit costly, But it is safe. Wix proved it in the recent Google search deindex issues & protected its customers from Google's mistakes.
Free Domain NameWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (7)
You can get premium domain names like .com, .org, .net and many more for free.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (8)
You need to connect from external service. Blogger recommend Google domain, but they are different companies (Yes. Even it is owned by Google, they operate as a different companies) and they don't give you for free. Google domain settings also difficult for beginners.
Ease of UseAdd blog element to any page or any location. Once you added, then you don't need to add it every time. Whenever you post, the blogs will appear there according to your setting, layout option etc.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (9)
Click on the blogs, then you see "manage blogs" click to post new blogs or change settings.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (10)
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (11)

Conclusion: In the beginning, Blogger is simple and looks easy. But in Wix once you added the blog element, then you will realize Wix is as easy as the Blogger with Also Wix gives you 100% freedom. You can add your blogs anywhere any pages, any location with any type of layouts, settings, subscription box and lots of settings while in Blogger 0% freedom, no options & no elements.

Ease Of Use ConclusionOnce you added the blog on Wix, then it is just as easy as Blogger. So there is no clear winner
Blog EditorWix Blog Editor
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (12)
Blogger Editor
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (13)
ConnectionYou can add Blogger on your Wix! Yes. You can display. It feels very strange. But here is the guide ->
How To Add Your Blogger Site With Your Wix Website In 5 minutes
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (14)
You can show all your Blogger's blogs on your Wix website. Yes. Anywhere on your Wix site. Another surprise -> You can even write, save or post directly from your Wix dashboard!!
You can't add Wix on your Blooger. So here the clear winner is Wix.
Blog Editor WinnerHere anyone can see the clear winner is Wix
Blog & Website OptionsIf your purpose is just writing only, then once you added the blog element, go to dashboard -> click blog menu. Edit or post new blogs there only. If you want to change your blog layout or settings,then go to "site action" -> "Edit site"
So you can use Wix as Blogger as well as website builder.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (15)
Options are on different menu.
Templates or Themes1000+ Ready made entire website and templates, uncountable third party templates &
Infinity sub-templates. Because Wix is 100% flexible. While you are editing, you actually create new templates automatically. In fact, you don't even need templates. You can even start from blank template. You can call Wix blog templates as ready-made blog websites. See Wix Templates below.
Wix Fashion Blog Template
Wix Travel Blog Template
All Wix Blog Templates
But you can select any templates other than blogs, then add a blog to it.
Here Choose Any Wix Amazing Templates
You can select any template like Photography, Music, Fashion, business etc, then you can add blog anywhere or any pages you want. It won’t make you confuse. Because Wix gives you a clean and perfect blog manager. There you can add new posts, delete, change blog feed designs, recent posts, blog related apps etc.
Main - 11 &
Sub - 54
Uncountable third party templates
Add Multiple Authors, users, comment mangers etcWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (16)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (17)
SEO(People say SEO doesn't work, but Google itself recommends basic SEO settings So that it can easily understand your web page. However, SEO settings don't boost Google ranks unless you don't get enough shares, backlinks and positive user interactions. But If you got all these things then don't make basic SEO settings and it may cause a little negative effect. Also, Wix offers amazing design and user-friendly functionalities. It will increase user spending time, interactions, reduces bounce back and a lot of positive interactions. So Wix boosts your blog SEO directly as well as indirectly.)
1. Latest SEO
2. Separate SEO manager Dashboard.
3. Inbuilt SEO features for individual blog posts.

Wix is growing faster than any other website platform. Its revenue, Stocks, as well as user base growing like an exponential curve. Already 180 Million people using Wix. Even Google Sites itself recommend Wix!, but not Blogger!

Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (18)!!!
Blogger doesn't have review & rating rich snippet or even it doesn't include basic SEO settings like meta descriptions. Because Blogger only focused on Hobby bloggers who don't want visitors & just who writes for themselves.

Google's Blogger extra SEO benefit is a BIG misconception. Most of the people think the Blogger got some SEO benefits Because it is Google's company. In fact, the Blogger can make a negative effect on SEO both directly & indirectly, because of its limited & very old basic functions you may not able to increase users spending time on your page. If user spending time decreases, then your SEO rank will reduce. There are so many bloggers who got lots of visitors after changing their blogging platform from Blogger (Including Me!). Blogger is completely independent and isolated from the Google search team. Google is just a company and dominated on Search, but it doesn't mean all Google products are good. In 2020, Blogger is almost dead just like Google plus. You know Google plus is officially closed on 2nd April 2019 And some insider says Blogger may also soon shutdown.

Android App ReviewsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (19)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (20)
iPhone App ReviewsWix iPhone app is one of the best-rated apps. You can blog post directly from your iPhone or iPad
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (21)
Blogger officially not launched its app for iPhone, but there is a Blogger App, that got 1.4/5 stars. One of the worst rated apps.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (22)
Best ForFashion bloggers, Photography blog, Business Blog, Music Blog, Food & Travel Blogs, eCommerce blogs, Portfolio related blogs, Hobby blogs, Personal blogs, Artist Blogs, Lifestyle blogs, Fitness blogs, DIY blogs, Sports blogs, Finance blogs, Parenting blogs, Political blogs, Movie blogs, Car blogs, Pet blogs, Gaming blogs.
[In addition, Youtubers & Vloggers(Video bloggers) can also insert their Youtube videos on their Wix website, Whenever someone types your name or title, then your website will come 1st or 2nd. So that it will increase your Youtube views by hiding other related videos on your website. Also, you can earn higher income from your website by placing ads or selling merch or promoting services or products. This help you to boost your income]
Only for basic hobby blogging who don't want traffic for their website.
Blog Email Subscribe BoxWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (23)
Advanced email marketing automation.
Also you can purchase external services
Old feedburner.
FeedBurner is Google’s RSS feed management service. But it is not updated from several years!
Feedburner API is taken down. They retired the Adsense for feed features. This happened in 2012!!.
However you can purchase external services, but the Blogger is not updating, so you may get problems later.
100% ( Visit Wix )
1. Fully Drag & Drop Live Editor With All Features Visible In One Screen. The blog posts can be accessed from live editor & Dashboard. Once you added the blog on your page, then you can directly post new contents from your Dashboard. This makes clean, easy & faster work. The blogs will segregate automatically on the page you added with new post links.
2. Quick Navigation.
3. Manage Everything in one dashboard
4. A.I. will build the entire site in a minute according to your goal & likes..!
5. Great Support from real people as well as huge resources & community discussions.
6. Easy App Settings & Marketing Tools
7. Elemental level undo-redo & you can restore for your every savings with one click..!
Websites Created180+ MillionN/A
Recent Posts, Categories, blog view counts, HashtagsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (24)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (25)
Quick ManagementYou can reply comment on your phone quickly & directly from the dashboard.
You can see all the stats. Delete, post, add or change settings using quick easy navigation from your mobile app or from the dashboard. iPhone & android both app got the best rating 4.7/5.
You can quickly reply, but the app got very bad rating.
Main FeaturesWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (26)
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (27)
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (28)
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (29)
Reviews in commentsReady-made app available fot this on Wix app store. Just type review, you get many review related apps.Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (30)
PodcastsReady-made app available.You can buy external service
Apps/plugins/ IntegrationsInbuilt apps 600+
You can buy any external apps
Inbuilt apps - 0
You can buy any external apps that are compatible with Blogger
Automatic NotificationMembers can get the email and mobile notifications on people they follow, comments and more advanced settings available.Basic notifications for new blog posts, & comment replies.

& relatively costly or affordable for the business.
Try Wix All Features For FREE! ( No Card Required..!)
(Affordable & Flexible)
$13 (Unlimited)
$23 (eCommerce)
$39 (VIP)
$500 (Enterprise Level end to end solution)
Custom plans
$13 plan is enough to make an amazing website on Wix with almost all features as well as 100's of free apps for your website like a booking system, Automated chat support, Popup subscribe, discounts and so many functions, Free domain registration & everything. Very cheap for its features compare to other website builders
But the domain is not free. It cost from $12 to $70 depending on which domain you choose.
Money Back Guarantee14 Days Click Here To Try All Wix Features For FREE!Blogger is free.
Free Plan ForeverWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (31)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (32)
Design Functionalities
Editor Types of editor available and you can add the blog anywhere on the editor.
1. 100% smooth drag & drop live editor
2. Block editor with A.I. designer.
3. Wix Editor X (Coming soon)
4. Rich Text Editor
You can switch any editor at any time.
Rich Text editor only
Design Freedom100%0%
There is not design functionality avaiable
Artificial IntelligenceWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (33)
Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) designs your entire blog website or any type of website just infront of you..!!
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (34)
Parallax DesignWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (35)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (36)
(In the front page of the blogger, you see amazing motion with parallax designs, but inside it is only basic
a editor. You can't get that design for your blog or front page.
Background EffectsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (37)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (38)
True Image EditorWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (39)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (40)
Design AnimationsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (41)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (42)
Automatic Mobile Site (Responsiveness)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (43)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (44)
Mobile EditorWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (45)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (46)
Mobile friendly score100% ( If you use mobile editor and made unfriendly purposefully, then it will reduce)
But Wix ADI & Wix editor X are always 100% mobile-friendly
100% (But no 100% design flexibility)
Logo Maker & Video MakerWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (47)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (48)
One Click Entire website Design Structure Change?Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (49)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (50)
ON-Site Features
Complete Blog Business solutionWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (51)
See Wix Complete Business Automation Example
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (52)
Sell Your Blog Reviewed product & Online StoreWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (53)
Many bloggers sell their blog related items. E.g. Fashion bloggers sell Fashion items from makeups to dresses.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (54)
Transaction Fees?0%
(100% profit is your..!)
You can't sell here
Worldwide Payment, Shipping & TaxWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (55)
You can set customized Payment, tax and shipping rules for each destination.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (56)
Business Blog FeaturesWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (57)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (58)
Fashion Blog FeaturesWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (59)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (60)
Photography blog & its features
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (61)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (62)
Accommodation, Restaurant, Designer, Event, Music blog related featuresWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (63)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (64)
Portfolio FeaturesWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (65)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (66)
Forums, discussions, advanced comments & Knowledge base featuresWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (67)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (68)
Marketing Tools
Inbuilt Email Marketing AutomationWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (69)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (70)
Complete Popup Box Marketing
See 1,2,3 Features
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (71)
All Features included Plus advanced features available
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (72)
However you can purchase external services by putting codes.
Countdown Timer & One Time Discount CouponsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (73)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (74)
Heatmap & User InteractionWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (75)
Crazy Egg, VMO Wix app
You can buy external services. But you don't get single easy dashboard
Complete Website Analytic Report, Google Analytics, Facebook PixelsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (76)No complete analytics. You can inject codes to use Google Analytics & FB Pixel
Live Chat Automated RepliesWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (77)
1. See Wix live chat example
2. Wix live chat, free calls, video calls, call back, marketing automaton apps
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (78)
Social MarketingWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (79)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (80)
Easy Inbuilt A/B Testing toolsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (81)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (82)
Monetization or Ways to make money from your websiteAll available online income generating ways are possible with Wix.
You cab Sell Products, Services, Sell Digital Goods like Software, Music, eBooks, Graphics, Photos, Videos, Designs, Greeting cards etc.
Subscription & Recurring Payments to anything, Online courses, Host Webinars, Job Board, Ad Manager, Google Adsense, Media.net Ads, Accepting Donation.
Google Adsense
Technical Stuff
Web Hosting1. SSD Cloud Hosting & storage for all sites
2. Wix is powered by World No. #1 Cloud hosting Amazon Web Service.
3. Wix CDN with so many locations all over the world. So Wix site loads faster in any given location
4. Quick Scalable & Unlimited bandwidth
Blogspot is powered by World No. #3 Cloud Hosting Google Cloud
Transfer WebsiteWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (83)
Use CMS2CMS.com to transfer your website from Wix to WordPress
or use SiteBuilders.pro to transfer Wix to squarespace or Weebly or anywhere..!
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (84)
There are many plugins to transfer Blogger to WordPress or if you use SiteGround hosting, then do it for free.
Export/Import Website contentsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (85)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (86)
Backup-Restore WebsiteWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (87)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (88)
But quick inbuilt online backup-restore is not available
Free SSL SecurityWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (89)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (90)
Website Speed
(First Byte Time In seconds)
or Server Response Time (Lower Is Better)
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (91)

Here is another test.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (92)

Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (93)
Can You Write Your Own Code?Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (94)
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Database builder at the same easy drag & drop page. Or you can use developers friendly Wix's open rapid web development platform Corvid Also you can use PHP, MySQL or any program you want by creating applications on Wix app market.
UL library, HTTP API, Stats Dashboard, Meetups, support and a huge community.
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (95)
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (96)
HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
OFF - Site Functionalities
Business EmailsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (97)
Inbuilt Google's G-Suit.
or you can use Zoho mail. Zoho is free, G-suit cost you around $6/user/month
Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (98)
Business email related to domain.
Use Google's G-suit or Zoho. But there is no inbuilt. So you may find difficulty to configure your business mail. Zoho is free, G-suit cost you around $6/user/month
Inbuilt AnalyticsWix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (99)Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (100)
Support24X7 live chat, phone, ticket & email support in English. All supports are FREE & UNLIMITED..!

callback service is available in English 24X7, French (Monday-Friday from 9am-6pm GMT+2), Italian (Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm GMT+1), Portuguese (Monday-Friday from 3am-8pm EST) and Spanish (Monday-Friday from 3am-8pm EST).

Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (101)
No support

Highly Recommended Post – 10 Best Website Builder Reviews With Head To Head Comparison Chart (Features, Pricing, Business, and Everything)

Try Wix & Create Any Type Of Website For Free

Wix vs Blogger - Which One Is The Best For Blogging? (2024) (102)

Jack Cox

Jack is the Co-founder of WebsitebuilderLy, a Software Engineer from Standford University, An entrepreneur with 12 years of Website Creation, Management, Marketing Automation & App Development Experience. Worked for the world’s leading companies such as Roblox, HTC, etc.

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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

Last Updated:

Views: 5741

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.