Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (2024)

Divide et impera. Divide and conquer. This method helped Julius Caesar to conquer the divided Gallic tribes centuries ago. Nowadays, it is still in use in various domains such as politics, sociology, algorithmics, and project management. Only project managers do not usedivide et imperato conquer people, but their projects and the chaos that comes with it. A divide and conquer paradigm is used in aproject management work breakdown structure (WBS).

In this article, we will talk about aWBS in project management and how project managers can leverage it to become Julius Caesars for their projects.

What is WBS in project management?

Work breakdown structure (WBS) in project management visually outlines acomplex and multi-step project. As the name suggests, it breaks down the structure of work that needs to be done, starting from the most overarching objective down to the smallest chunk of deliverables. A WBS is atype of adivide and conquer approach because it allows project managers to handle their projects one or afew deliverables at atime, instead of completing awhole project in one go.

Typically, it comes with adictionary—a document that briefly describes each deliverable and awork package. It helps project team members understand the scope of the tasks they must complete to deliver the work.

Types of WBS in project management

There are two types of WBS: deliverable-based and phase-based. These two differ in how they identify the project structure elements in the first level of the WBS.

  • Adeliverable-based WBSvisualizes the relationship between the project deliverables (e.g., aproduct or service) and the scope of the work. It breaks down the project scope into control accounts and divides it into project work packages and tasks.
  • Aphase-based WBStypically breaks the first level down into five elements (initiation, planning, execution, control, closeout) and then identifies deliverables within those phases.

Work breakdown structure hierarchy

When it comes to the hierarchy, work breakdown structures usually consist of aminimum of three levels. To visualize and help you understand those levels better, we will create aWBS chart for aclassic project plan. Let’s assume that the project we want to complete is awedding coming up in afew months. Here’s what aWBS for such aproject could look like.

What are the 4 WBS levels?

Since aWBS is ahierarchical structure, it usually consists of three to four levels. The number of levels of the work structure will depend on the size and complexity of agiven project. But in the case of our sample project, four levels are enough.

WBS level 0

The first (top) level of the WBS is theproject titleand the final deliverable. According to our project, the title is a“Wedding Plan.” Therefore, adeliverable is amemorable day for two people saying “I do” for life. The zero level is the broadest and states the project’s entire scope.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (1)

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (2)

What are the 4 WBS levels?

Since aWBS is ahierarchical structure, it usually consists of three to four levels. The number of levels of the work structure will depend on the size and complexity of agiven project. But in the case of our sample project, four levels are enough.

WBS level 0

The first (top) level of the WBS is theproject titleand the final deliverable. According to our project, the title is a“Wedding Plan.” Therefore, adeliverable is amemorable day for two people saying “I do” for life. The zero level is the broadest and states the project’s entire scope.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (3)

WBS level 1

The second WBS level iscontrol accounts. Control accounts is amanagement control point that groups work packages and measures their status. As such, it controls areas of the project scope. Control accounts include project major parts, phases, systems, or features the customer expects you to deliver. The main parts of the wedding project are all the components that regular weddings consist of, such as: choosing an attire, organizing meals, taking care of the guests, delivering speeches, etc.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (4)

WBS level 2

The third WBS level iswork packages. Each work package in aWBS is adeliverable (a noun), not an action (a verb). In other words, adeliverable is not what your team will be doing but what the customer or other stakeholders is going to get when the package is completed (outcome). When the work packages come together, they constitute the control accounts level.

It is important to note that work packages must be small enough to allow you to manage, coordinate, execute and monitor them easily. After all, this is the main reason for creating aWBS in the first place. And while you are at the work packages level, you also can define the time each deliverable will require for completion (in hours) and their costs (to calculate the cost of the project).

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (5)

Let’s come back to the example from above. The “Bride’s Attire” is asmall task that one can easily manage, coordinate, execute, and monitor. When completed, the deliverable is that the bride will have separate attires for the individual wedding events (“Attire for Wedding Party” control accounts). Additionally, you could add how many hours it would take to purchase such attire and the overall cost.

WBS level 3

The last one of the WBS levels isactivities.The completion of the set of activities leads to the delivery of the individual work package. For instance, sample activities for the work package “Bride’s Attire” consist of three tasks: Wedding Attire, Luncheon Attire, and the Departure Attire.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (6)

Here, the tasks under level 3 “Music” are additionally further broken down into smallersub-tasks(level 4). Each of the finished sub-tasks, activities, and packages should bring you closer to the victory (completed project).

How to create awork breakdown structure?

To use awork breakdown structure in project management effectively, it is important to arrange all the elements of aproject in accordance with the 100% rule. For this purpose, you can use avariety of tools, including spreadsheets.

But if you really want to create aWBS that you will later on use to effectively manage your project, you may want to consider using dedicated software. The software we recommend isBigGantt—the most powerful Gantt chart application for Jira on the market. It comes with all the features you are going to need when creating and working with your work breakdown structure.

WBS software—essential features for project managers

The great thing about project management software is that it is designed to accommodate your work breakdown structure with some convenient features. Here’s what you should look for in your WBS software.

Task breakdown

WBS is about breaking down work packages into tasks and sub-tasks, and BigGantt supports you all along the way. It will let you allocate task owners and set priorities and durations for every task. And if you have already created aWBS for your project with Jira or Excel, you can import it to BigGantt.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (7)

Project tracking

No project is the same. Your WBS may consist of hundreds of work packages and tasks with individual duration periods you want to monitor. Therefore, you need features that give you aquick overview of your project, down to the shortest task. BigGantt has several ways oftracking progressandtime, including progress bars, milestones, and critical paths. It also supportsresource planningand basicresource management.

Hint: If you need more advanced resources management options, you may consider using theResources modulewhich is part of the BigPicture app.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (8)

Task dependencies

The bigger and more complex project, the more room fordependencies between tasksto emerge. After you finish creating your WBS, you will notice that some tasks cannot start or finish until another has started or finished. Such mutual dependencies can cause delays across your project—unless you can spot them early.

That is why marking task dependencies is another must-have feature that you will find in BigGantt. It will let you visualize dependencies between specific tasks and between the groups of deliverables or whole initiatives. Moreover, you will also get several types of dependency links and auto-scheduling functionality with so-called Strong links.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (9)

Task scheduling

Scheduling is the process of positioning tasks on atimeline so that you know which phase agiven task belongs to and when it should start and finish. However, scheduling each task by hand may not be practicable if your WBS is large. So how about some automation? The BigGantt app can auto-schedule tasks and generate aproject schedule for you. This way, you can save time and keep hundreds of tasks under control and within deadlines.


What-if scenariosare afantastic addition to astrategic planning toolset. They provide apossibility to test how certain variables could affect your plan, project, or timeline. So instead of hoping that the structure you have created will work, you can try different scenarios against such variables as delays, risks, resources availability, and workload allocation. Scenarios will help you make informed decisions and decrease uncertainties.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (10)


So far, you and your team might have been using different management tools where they add and track their work. Luckily, switching to BigGantt does not mean you will need to give up on them. You canintegrate BigGanttwith other applications and import/export some data to keep your team in aloop.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (11)

Creating WBS—good practices and rules

To make your WBS work as intended, there are afew rules worth keeping in mind.

The 100% rule

One of the most critical work breakdown structure principles is the 100% (one-hundred percent) rule. It states that the sum of the work spent on the child elements (e.g., aset of tasks) must be 100% equal to the work effort assigned to the parent element (e.g., awork package). The 100% rule applies to all WBS levels, and the total percentage sum cannot be any higher or lower.

The 8/80 rule

The 8/80 rule will help you decide whether agiven work package is small enough. The 8/80 means that aWBS work package should not take less than 8 (eight) hours of effort and athe same time, not more than 80 (eighty).

Work package assignments

You should assign each work package to aspecific team or individual. If you create your WBS right, there will be no overlap in work and responsibilities.

Unique deliverables

You must not add to your WBS any work package, task, or other work more than once. Otherwise, you will violate the 100% rule and receive incorrect effort and cost calculation results.

Clear deadlines

If you set deadlines for the work items at every WBS level, you will be able to estimate the overall timeline for your project. It will help you keep your team on track, communicate with stakeholders, and ensure timely project delivery.

Outcomes over actions

When naming project deliverables, try to use nouns rather than verbs. It does not mean that you cannot use verbs at all. But according to thePMI’s WBS definition, nouns are preferable.

How aWBS helps the project manager?

A WBS is afantastic tool for breaking down large complex projects, visualizing their scope, and managing them in an organized manner. It will also help you be more accurate when:

  • Establishing dependencies between the tasks.
  • Assessing and mitigating potential risks.
  • Estimating the costs of your project.
  • Developing aproject schedule.
  • Determining aproject timeline.
  • Planning project resources.
  • Assigning tasks and roles.
  • Tracking the progress.

Work breakdown structure formats

The hierarchy of awork breakdown structure can take different formats. We have used atree (or flowchart) format for the Wedding Plan. The tree hierarchy structure is similar to an organization chart and allows easy editing. Other WBS types you can use include:

Outline WBS

The WBS outline is the simplest format for breaking down alarge project or deliverable. It resembles atable of contents in abook or amaster thesis.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (12)

Table WBS

A simple table is another way you can visualize the hierarchy of your project work structure. Similarly, you can use aspreadsheet to create your WBS to achieve this format.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (13)

Gantt chart WBS

You can visualize your WBS as aGantt chart. A Gantt chart will include both your project work hierarchy and atimeline. This way, you will be able to link task dependencies, mark project milestones, and track when each activity is supposed to start and end.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (14)

Gantt chartscomplement WBS in project management pretty well. They help estimate the period of individual tasks and visualize the overall project timeline from the initiation to completion.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (15)

WBS in Agile project management

There is acommon belief that WBS goes well only with traditional project management methodologies such as Waterfall. Classic methodologies, in contrast to Agile methodologies, suit very well projects whose goals are unlikely to change. Because of that, awork breakdown structure is thought not to be flexible enough to match the Agile iterative nature.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (16)

But that is not entirely true. Just think about it—if aWBS represents all the work that your teams need to put into the project, then aproduct backlog typical to Agile projects is sort of aWBS, too. In Agile, you break down large epics or features into smaller units (user stories) as you are about to develop them and control them during the sprints. In Waterfall, you break down the entire project into smaller units (work packages and tasks) upfront and control them throughout the project.

So in this sense, awork breakdown structure is the equivalent of the product backlog. However, please keep in mind that in agile projects, the scope of work comes from the backlog and you do not know what you will be working on straight away. This is in contrast to the Waterfall methodology where you have defined the entire scope of the project before the project execution has begun.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management (2024)


What is the work breakdown structure answer? ›

The WBS is a hierarchical decomposition of a project into smaller, more manageable components. The top level of the hierarchy represents the project's major deliverables, while the lower levels break down each deliverable into smaller, more manageable tasks.

What are the 5 steps of WBS? ›

A phase-based WBS typically breaks the first level down into five elements (initiation, planning, execution, control, closeout) and then identifies deliverables within those phases.

What is the WBS in project management? ›

Work breakdown structure (WBS) in project management is a method for completing a complex, multistep project. Within a larger project plan, it's a way to divide and conquer large projects to get things done faster and more efficiently.

What is the 100 percent rule in WBS? ›

The rule applies at all levels within the hierarchy: the sum of the work at the “child” level must equal 100% of the work represented by the “parent”—and the WBS should not include any work that falls outside the actual scope of the project; that is, it cannot include more than 100% of the work.

What goals does a work breakdown structure or WBS help you achieve? ›

The Work Breakdown Structure is used for many different things. Initially, it serves as a planning tool to help the project team plan, define and organize scope with deliverables. The WBS is also used as the primary source of schedule and cost estimate activities.

What are the 3 types of WBS? ›

What are the types of WBS? Work breakdown structure is generally divided into three distinct types: deliverable-based WBS, phase-based WBS, and responsibility-based WBS.

What are the 4 phases of WBS? ›

A phase-based or process-based work breakdown structure organizes your project into key stages. For example, these stages or phases might be planning, design, development, implementation, and testing. Deliverables are included within each of these stages, but this type of WBS focuses on the phase itself.

What is the 8 80 rule in WBS? ›

Another good measure is the “8 – 80” rule, which recommends that the lowest level of work should be no less than 8 hours and no more than 80 hours. Level of detail for work packets should be documented in the WBS Dictionary or the Project Management Plan.

What are the main tasks of a work breakdown structure? ›

A well-thought-out WBS aids in scheduling, estimating costs, and determining risk. It is usually a visual chart or diagram that spells out a project's timeline and process while capturing each task, subtask, and deliverable that will be created and executed throughout.

Is a Gantt chart a work breakdown structure? ›

A Gantt chart can be considered one of the famous WBS examples. You can organize your Work Breakdown Structure as a Gantt diagram that links task dependencies and reflects project milestones.

What is the 80 20 rule in WBS? ›

The rule states that 80% of the results of a project come from 20% of the work. Therefore, by focusing on the 20% of work that is most important, we can improve the efficiency of a project.

How many tasks should a WBS have? ›

WBS level 2: Tasks

However, they can also be project phases, depending on the industry and project type. There is no set number of elements that level 2, or any other level, should have. The WBS should contain as many elements as necessary to divide the project objective into its smallest constituents.

How far to break down WBS? ›

Break down each of the Level 1 elements.

At each subsequent level, ask yourself whether further decomposition would improve project management. Continue breaking down the elements until the answer to that question is “no.” When you've completed the decomposition process for each element in Level 1, the WBS is complete.

What is a Work Breakdown Structure in Quizlet? ›

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) A hierarchical method that subdivides the work of the project into smaller detail. -WBS is an outline of the project with different levels of detail.

What is a Work Breakdown Structure indeed? ›

Work breakdown structures can increase efficiency and organization within a project management team. This method, which divides the steps of a process into smaller, more manageable tasks, can help a team accomplish its goals and improve job satisfaction.

Which best describes a Work Breakdown Structure? ›

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a visual, hierarchical and deliverable-oriented deconstruction of a project. It is a helpful diagram for project managers because it allows them to break down their project scope and visualize all the tasks required to complete their projects.

What is a Work Breakdown Structure in Chegg? ›

Question: What is a work breakdown structure? A list of the activities making up the higher levels of the project A definition of the hierarchy of project tasks, subtasks, and work packages A depiction of the activities making up a project A Gantt chart A structure that is incompatible with the Critical Path Method.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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