Work shift duration: a review comparing eight hour and 12 hour shift systems (2024)

  • Journal List
  • Occup Environ Med
  • v.55(4); 1998 Apr
  • PMC1757571

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Work shift duration: a review comparing eight hour and 12 hour shift systems (1)

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OBJECTIVES: Shiftwork is now a major feature of working life across a broad range of industries. The features of the shift systems operated can impact on the wellbeing, performance, and sleep of shiftworkers. This paper reviews the current state of knowledge on one major characteristic of shift rotas-namely, shift duration. Evidence comparing the relative effects of eight hour and 12 hour shifts on fatigue and job performance, safety, sleep, and physical and psychological health are considered. At the organisational level, factors such as the mode of system implementation, attitudes towards shift rotas, sickness absence and turnover, overtime, and moonlighting are discussed. METHODS: Manual and electronic searches of the shiftwork research literature were conducted to obtain information on comparisons between eight hour and 12 hour shifts. RESULTS: The research findings are largely equivocal. The bulk of the evidence suggests few differences between eight and 12 hour shifts in the way they affect people. There may even be advantages to 12 hour shifts in terms of lower stress levels, better physical and psychological wellbeing, improved durations and quality of off duty sleep as well as improvements in family relations. On the negative side, the main concerns are fatigue and safety. It is noted that a 12 hour shift does not equate with being active for only 12 hours. CONCLUSIONS: There can be considerable extension of the person's time awake either side of the shift. However, the effects of longer term exposure to extended work days have been relatively uncharted in any systematic way. Longitudinal comparative research into the chronic impact of the compressed working week is needed.

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Selected References

These references are in PubMed. This may not be the complete list of references from this article.

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Articles from Occupational and Environmental Medicine are provided here courtesy of BMJ Publishing Group

Work shift duration: a review comparing eight hour and 12 hour shift systems (2024)


Is it better to work 12 hour shifts or 8 hour shifts? ›

There may even be advantages to 12 hour shifts in terms of lower stress levels, better physical and psychological wellbeing, improved durations and quality of off duty sleep as well as improvements in family relations. On the negative side, the main concerns are fatigue and safety.

Is the eight hour work shift outdated? ›

With modern working habits constantly evolving and tools that help us work faster and on multiple tasks at once, there's a strong argument that says the 8-hour working day has become a relic of the past.

Why do companies like 12 hour shifts? ›

With a 12-hour shift schedule, there are only two shift turnovers per day, resulting in fewer opportunities for miscommunications and production disruptions that may occur during shift changeover periods. This can translate into increased productivity, along with lower error and accident rates.

What does a 12 hour shift do to your body? ›

When you are working for 12 hours there is often little time before, during and after your shifts to eat healthy meals or exercise properly. This combined with fatigue and other adverse factors can result in some serious health risks including depression, anxiety and insomnia.

What are the negatives of 12 hour shifts? ›

  • Limited family and social time during working days. ...
  • Sleep schedule inflexibility. ...
  • Irregular pay weeks. ...
  • Concerns of older workers. ...
  • Reduced tolerance of long commutes. ...
  • Difficulties in scheduling meetings.

Do nurses prefer 12 hour shifts? ›

Many like the 12-hour shifts because they give them more time to socialize. The downside is, though, they may have no one to socialize with on their days off. Often friends and family who work traditional schedules may have different days off.

Why are 12 hour shifts so hard? ›

A lack of sleep and limited opportunities for exercise are two significant factors in 12-hour shift health concerns. Additionally, long shifts make eating healthy and cooking balanced meals challenging. Due to time constraints, these employees may rely on fast food, which is usually higher in saturated fat and sugars.

Is it better to work 3 to 12 hour shifts? ›

Shortened Work Week: In most hospitals, working three 12-hour shifts means four days off each week. The extended break is advantageous if you have a longer commute or require child care. You get less time on the road and more time with your family than those working the traditional 9 to 5.

What are the benefits of working 8-hour shifts? ›

Employee benefits associated with 8-hour shifts with weekend rotation schedules include improved work-life balance, predictable rest days, reduced fatigue, and enhanced personal planning ability, leading to higher job satisfaction and well-being.

At what age should you stop working night shifts? ›

For ageing employees, night work reduces sleep quality and recovering from demanding shifts takes more time. Based on new research results, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health recommends providing employees over 50 years of age with better opportunities to reduce night shifts and long hours.

Can you survive a 12 hour shift? ›

To mentally get through a 12-hour shift, try the following strategies: Sleep matters: Get proper sleep before your workday to stay alert and sharp. Eat well: Fuel yourself with a healthy meal and snacks to sustain your energy level and stay focused during the long shift.

How many hours should you sleep after a 12 hour shift? ›

Dedicate time to sleep: Try to set aside a block of 7–9 hours to dedicate to sleep after a night shift. Have something to eat and drink before you go to bed: Pangs of hunger or thirst may wake you up.

What is a benefit of the 8-hour shift? ›

Work-life balance: When you have a set schedule of working eight hours, Monday through Friday, this can make it easier to plan for your life outside of work . With a consistent schedule, you can make time for your other obligations or have time to relax after the workday.

Do 12 hour shifts feel long? ›

Twelve hours is a long time. While some shifts may whiz by, others may creep along at a snail's pace, particularly if your work hours cover slow times, such as an overnight shift. Boredom and fatigue may set in when time begins to drag, creating a distracted, wandering mind or sleepiness.

Is 12 hours a normal shift? ›

The traditional office job hours of 9-5, five days a week, aren't common for every worker. Twelve hour shifts are sometimes necessary for those working in other industries to provide continuity of care, or for workers like long-haul truckers, where you're trying to maximize your working hours.

Are 3/12 hour shifts worth it? ›

Shortened Work Week: In most hospitals, working three 12-hour shifts means four days off each week. The extended break is advantageous if you have a longer commute or require child care. You get less time on the road and more time with your family than those working the traditional 9 to 5.

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