World's Most Pro-Crypto Cities Ranked by Bitcoin ATM Adoption (2024)

What are the most crypto-friendly cities in the world?

Well, there’s not much in official government data to point the way. So we looked into some alternative sources using the prevalence of bitcoin ATMs and Twitter user data as proxy metrics. (Our moving cost calculator costs 0 bitcoin to use btw, just saying.)

While North America may be the biggest trailblazer in terms of rapidly normalizing cryptocurrency and blockchain, this adoption isn’t taking place everywhere at the same speed – in fact, some small cities are outpacing large metropolitan areas. It might be worth it to relocate to a less populous city.

Despite comparatively lower numbers of bitcoin ATMs outside of North America, these crypto-kiosks also have a noticeable presence in many other countries around the world, including nations with much smaller economies than the U.S. or Canada (like Tbilisi, Georgia!)

Finance writer Jastra Kranjek writes that bitcoin ATMs are becoming an increasingly common fixture “in countries with volatile financial markets whose citizens require a quick exchange of an official currency for a digital asset not regulated by the government.”

Want to know which lesser-known cities around the world are poised to rival major metropolitan areas in terms of bitcoin adoption? Want to live in a city where you’re never too far from a bitcoin ATM or someone taking up time to send out tweets on the topic?

Explore the following lists to learn where in the world bitcoin enthusiasts and those fluent in crypto-culture are popping up in droves – some locations may surprise you.

  1. Top U.S. Cities Ranked by Bitcoin ATM Adoption
    • Top American Cities by # of Bitcoin ATMs
    • Top American Cities by # of Bitcoin ATMs per 10,000 residents
    • Top American Cities by # of Bitcoin ATMs per $10 Billion GDP
  2. Top International Locations Ranked by Bitcoin ATM Adoption
    • Top Countries by Bitcoin ATMs per 10,000 residents
    • Top International Cities by Bitcoin ATMs per $10 Billion GDP
  3. Where do Crypto Enthusiasts Actually Live?
  4. Metrics and Methodology

1. Top U.S. Cities ranked by Bitcoin ATM Adoption

As bitcoin adoption continues to rise around the globe, a growing number of retailers and other business owners are installing bitcoin ATMs in their businesses.

A quick and easy way for users to withdraw and sometimes even purchase the world’s most famous cryptocurrency, bitcoin ATMs can be a passive yet lucrative form of income for operators. Installing these kiosks can also distinguish a business as particularly tech-forward and capture profit from spontaneous purchases.

The United States are currently leading the world (by a tremendous margin) in the number of operating bitcoin ATMs. As of March 2021, there were 14,762 bitcoin ATMs operating within the U.S., more than ten times the runner-up – Canada with 1,323 bitcoin ATMs. To date, no other country has even surpassed 200 bitcoin ATMs.

Looking only at the number of bitcoin ATMs in any given city, the list of top 10 U.S. cities for bitcoin adoption consists exclusively of major metropolitan areas:

Top American Cities by # of Bitcoin ATMs

City # Bitcoin ATMs
1 Los Angeles, CA 1065
2 Chicago, IL 648
3 Houston, TX 565
4 Atlanta, GA 548
5 Dallas, TX 486
6 Miami, FL 451
7 Detroit, MI 411
8 Orlando, FL 374
9 Newark, NJ 330
10 Boston, MA 327

But the list of top cities becomes much more dynamic when you adjust for population and local economy. Though not necessarily the most accurate reflection of bitcoin adoption more broadly, the following lists do show some interesting trends and point to the potential for smaller cities to become bitcoin boom-towns in their own right:

Top American Cities by # of Bitcoin ATMs per 10,000 residents

City # Bitcoin ATMs Population (2019 est.) # bATMs per 10,000 people
1 Harrisburg, PA 80 49,271 16.24
2 Orlando, FL 374 287,442 13.01
3 Newark, NJ 330 282,011 11.70
4 Trenton, NJ 92 83,203 11.06
5 Atlanta, GA 548 506,811 10.81
6 Miami, FL 451 467,963 9.64
7 Hartford, CT 106 122,105 8.68
8 Tampa, FL 307 399,700 7.68
9 Atlantic City, NJ 27 37,743 7.15
10 Columbia, SC 94 131,674 7.14

*only cities with at least 15 bitcoin ATMs were analyzed

Though a few major cities such as Orlando, Newark, Atlanta, and Miami make both lists, these metropoles are all outranked on a per capita basis by humble Harrisburg, PA, with more than 16 bitcoin ATMs per 10,000 residents.

Despite its relatively small size, the Pennsylvanian capital is home to a thriving crypto community. Harrisburg hosts a blockchain and crypto meetup group that is 300 members strong, a number of cryptocurrency trading hubs and consulting firms, and Harrisburg University of Science and Technology even offers a Master’s degree in Next Generation Technologies with courses on cryptocurrency.

America’s next cryptocurrency hub may also emerge by comparing the prevalence of bitcoin ATMs to the region’s gross product:

Top American Cities by # of Bitcoin ATMs per $10 Billion GDP

City # Bitcoin ATMs GDP in Billion USD # bATMs per $10 Billion GDP
1 Raleigh, NC 230 84 27.49
2 Orlando, FL 374 139 26.92
3 Knoxville, TN 101 43 23.32
4 Columbia, SC 94 43 21.80
5 Harrisburg, PA 80 40 20.05
6 Tampa, FL 307 159 19.31
7 Indianapolis, IN 252 141 17.90
8 Greensboro, NC 76 43 17.61
9 Little Rock, AR 66 38 17.25
10 Memphis, TN 128 77 16.68

*only cities with at least 15 bitcoin ATMs were analyzed

North Carolina’s capital city Raleigh and its neighbor to the west Greensboro both have a high number of bitcoin ATMs in relation to the regional GDPs, suggesting that bitcoin may play a proportionately larger role in the local economies than elsewhere in the country. Indeed, there does seem to be a high concentration of financial technologists in the area. At Duke University in nearby Durham, the Pratt School of Engineering recently launched a FinTech Master’s program and has now installed two blockchain nodes to teach students about how the platforms work.

Another surprising city on this list of up-and-coming bitcoin hubspots is Little Rock – the city with the smallest GDP of the bunch. Arkansas’s first-ever bitcoin ATM appeared in a corner store in downtown Little Rock in 2018, and the number has since grown to over 66 kiosks in the capital city alone. Why is Arkansas seemingly experiencing a boom in cryptocurrency accessibility? One reason may be the state’s cheap power. A low price per kilowatt hour makes Arkansas especially economical for the energy-intensive process of mining bitcoins.

2. Top International Locations Ranked by Bitcoin ATM Adoption

The U.S. may have the rest of the world beat in terms of the number of bitcoin ATMs in operation, but bitcoin adoption is growing in many countries around the world. It will be a while before other countries catch up to the sheer number of ATMs stateside, but high concentrations of bitcoin ATMs per capita make the following countries promising contenders:

Top Countries by Bitcoin ATMs per 10,000 residents

Country # of Bitcoin ATMs Population # ATMs per 10,000 people
1 United States 14762 331,396,780 22.27
2 Canada 1323 38,399,016 17.23
3 Austria 157 8,933,346 8.79
4 Hong Kong 99 7,474,200 6.62
5 Switzerland 110 8,655,100 6.35
6 Slovakia 50 5,459,781 4.58
7 Slovenia 18 2,111,461 4.26
8 Georgia 26 3,716,858 3.50
9 Ireland 32 4,977,400 3.21
10 Czech Republic 66 10,701,777 3.08

*only countries with at least 15 bitcoin ATMs were analyzed

Unsurprising on this list are Switzerland and Hong Kong, the banking capitals of Europe and Asia, each with more than six bitcoin ATMs per 10,000 residents. Switzerland is even home to Bitcoin Suisse, a financial service provider with over 200 employees all specializing in crypto-investment consulting. But for the thriving cryptocurrency market Hong Kong, the days may be numbered. A proposed law would ban retail investors from trading crypto and force all transactions to go through professional investors.

Smaller Eastern European countries like Slovakia, Slovenia, and Czech Republic also show high rates of bitcoin ATM adoption on a per capita basis. Beyond ATMs, Slovenia in particular also shows soaring rates of businesses that accept cryptocurrency payments: over 1,000 locations from restaurants, to hair salons, to dentists.

Top International Cities by Bitcoin ATMs per $10 Billion GDP

City # of Bitcoin ATMs City GDP in Billion USD # ATMs per $10B GDP
1 Tbilisi, Georgia 23 8.00 28.75
2 Calgary, Canada 118 97.90 12.05
3 Bucharest, Romania 35 49.41 7.08
4 Budapest, Hungary 38 58.50 6.50
5 Prauge, Czech Republic 39 66.20 5.89
6 Vienna, Austria 70 131.90 5.31
7 Palma de Mallorca, Spain 15 33.12 4.53
8 Kraków, Poland 20 47.62 4.20
9 Bratislava, Slovakia 17 46.51 3.66
10 Genève, Switzerland 15 41.92 3.58

* only cities with at least 15 bitcoin ATMs were analyzed; only the top-rated city per country made the list.

Which city in the world has the highest concentration of bitcoin ATMs in relation to the local GDP, suggesting that cryptocurrencies play a significant role in the regional economy?

The Georgian capital of Tbilisi seems an unlikely contender for the top spot on this list of international cities pioneering bitcoin adoption. But the former Soviet republic of Georgia, with a population fewer than four million people, is now the second largest miner of cryptocurrency in the world. Inexpensive hydropower and a lack of federal regulation have turned the country into a “virtual printing press” for virtual money, giving the 23 bitcoin ATMs in Tbilisi an outsized presence in the Georgian economy.

Bitcoin also has a disproportionately large presence in Mallorca, even compared with Spain’s major metropoles like Barcelona and Madrid. The Mediterranean island region is a veritable playground for vacationing Europeans, making Mallorca an ideal location to offer an additional currency exchange option. Operators report that bitcoin ATMs placed in touristy areas perform exceedingly well, and hotels and restaurants that accept bitcoin payments receive tips that are 20% more generous than usual.

View the full infographic here.

3. Where do Crypto Enthusiasts Actually Live?

Apart from Bitcoin ATMs, we also were curious to know what the top global cities were for bitcoin enthusiasts and if any overlap exists. Since this data is nearly impossible to come by, we took it upon ourselves to get the primary data.

Using advanced techniques, we scraped information from Twitter to identify the top cities listed in the profiles of Twitter crypto users. Profiles were included if they included the words “Bitcoin” or “crypto” variations.

This chart reveals that the top crypto-lover cities line up pretty well with the most populous cities in the world, but with exceptions. San Francisco is a fairly small city on the world stage, not even breaking a million in terms of population since the latest official counts.

Not shown in the data above was a huge amount of profiles listed “Cryptoverse” or “Global” or even “Moon” as their location. This suggests that a sizeable portion of the crypto world considers themselves digital nomads, not tied to one city.

This view includes those half-joke, half-serious locations, and hints at the future:

Metrics and methodology: how we ranked the world’s most crypto-friendly cities

Using information collected by Coin ATM Radar, we compared the locations of bitcoin ATMs against demographic (population [1] [2]) and economic (gross domestic/regional product [3]) data to develop a more nuanced understanding of the prevalence of these machines.

The presence of bitcoin ATMs alone can’t account for a complete picture of crypto-activity in every region of the world. In China, for instance, bitcoin transactions are forbidden and the country has 0 bitcoin ATMs. However, bitcoin mining is permitted, and China is the world’s largest producer of bitcoin – mining as much as 65% of new bitcoin globally. But bitcoin ATMs are a proxy for business- and consumer- interest in cryptocurrencies in any given region. As an easy-to-measure data point, a lot can be learned about the infrastructure and interest in cryptocurrencies in a particular city by looking at the number of bitcoin ATMs operating there.

World's Most Pro-Crypto Cities Ranked by Bitcoin ATM Adoption (2024)


World's Most Pro-Crypto Cities Ranked by Bitcoin ATM Adoption? ›

The highest number of Bitcoin ATMs was recorded in the United States in 2024, with significant more machines found here than elsewhere in the world. Canada, the United Kingdom and Austria followed.

What city has the most Bitcoin ATMs? ›

Here are the three top cities in the U.S. and seven leading cities globally for bitcoin adoption with their number of ATMs as of June 15, 2024.
  1. Los Angeles (1,710) ...
  2. Houston (1,339) ...
  3. Chicago (1,120) ...
  4. Sydney (242) ...
  5. Hong Kong (171) ...
  6. Tbilisi (114) ...
  7. Warsaw (86) ...
  8. Bucharest (75)
Jun 17, 2024

Which country has the most crypto ATMs? ›

The highest number of Bitcoin ATMs was recorded in the United States in 2024, with significant more machines found here than elsewhere in the world. Canada, the United Kingdom and Austria followed.

Where is the best location for Bitcoin ATM? ›

Once you have chosen the ideal location, you can begin the next steps of the process. High-traffic locations like malls, gas stations, and transfer hubs like airports, train, or bus stations are usually the best locations for placing Bitcoin ATMs.

How many Bitcoin ATMs are there worldwide? ›

As of January 1, 2024, there were over 34,000 Bitcoin ATMs all over the world. As far as Bitcoin ATMs are concerned, there are two main types of such ATMs: the basic ones, allowing the users only to purchase Bitcoins, and more complex ones, enabling the users both to buy and sell the virtual money.

Who is the largest Bitcoin ATM provider? ›

This according to a comparison of several of these producers. On June 21, 2024, General Bytes proved to be the leading Bitcoin ATM producer, with about 31 percent of the global market share. It achieved this, so the source adds elsewhere, by having ATMs in roughly 12,000 locations worldwide.

Who owns Bitcoin ATMs? ›

Bitcoin ATMs are owned and operated by third-party companies — the two largest networks are Coinhub and Coinme. To use a Bitcoin ATM, customers can simply insert cash or a debit card to exchange their traditional currency for Bitcoin currency.

Which Bitcoin ATM has the highest daily limit? ›

$25,000 Daily Purchase Limits

Coinhub's purchase limits are the highest in the Bitcoin ATM industry. We place our customer's needs first.

How to withdraw cash from Bitcoin ATM? ›

Bitcoin ATMs do not operate like traditional ATMs. In order to make a cash withdrawal and sell your Bitcoin from the ATM, the machine provides a QR code to which you send your Bitcoin. You simply wait a couple of minutes and receive your cash.

Which state uses bitcoin most in the USA? ›

Crypto is becoming an increasingly important aspect of local economies. The top 10 US States for percentage of the population that owns crypto are: California, New Jersey, Washington, New York, Colorado, Utah, Florida, Alaska, Nevada, and Massachusetts.

What is the best wallet for Bitcoin ATM? ›

The Best Wallet for Security. One of the best wallets to use at cryptocurrency ATMs is the Ledger Nano S. This hardware wallet allows users to store their private keys offline, which protects them against hackers and other types of security threats.

How much does a bitcoin machine charge for 100$? ›

How much does a Bitcoin ATM charge per $100? If you wanted to know the fee that is charged per 100$ when you make a transaction of Bitcoin in a Bitcoin terminal, generally Bitcoin ATM fees would be roughly $8 - $20 on average, and if you are lucky you can find fees of $4.

What is the easiest Bitcoin ATM to use? ›

Pelicoin's cryptocurrency ATMs are the simplest and easiest way to purchase Bitcoin and other digital currencies. Because our ATMs are modeled off of traditional cash ATMs, most users are already familiar with the standard interface.

How to turn Bitcoin into cash? ›

‍A: You can cash out Bitcoin through exchanges like Coinbase, Kraken, or Binance by linking your bank account, or use Bitcoin ATMs for direct conversion to cash. Smaller exchanges like HODL HODL, and decentralized finance applications, offer other cash-out methods.

What currency does Bitcoin ATM use? ›

A Bitcoin ATM is a standalone machine that allows users to deposit fiat currency and exchange it for Bitcoin (BTC -1.17%) or other cryptocurrency. The internet-connected kiosks are a way for people to bypass traditional financial institutions to buy and sell cryptocurrency.

How much does a Bitcoin ATM cost? ›

How much does a Bitcoin ATM cost? Bitcoin ATMs cost between $3000 and $14,500, depending on the model. Delivery and installation costs, taxes, and import duties are also included in initial cost for an ATM (4).

What is the bitcoin capital of the world? ›

It's official. Texas is the bitcoin mining capital not only of the United States, but also of the entire world. About half of all bitcoin mining in the U.S. is Texas-based, and that's enough to propel Texas to the No. 1 world leader.

Which address has the most bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin Rich List
AddressLast Out
134xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo wallet: Binance-coldwalletBalance:248,597 BTC ($15,980,820,238) Ins:873 Outs:4512023-01-06 22:15:34
2bc1qgdjqv0av3q56jvd82tkdjpy7gd..vw97 wallet: Bitfinex-coldwalletBalance:180,010 BTC ($11,571,752,664) Ins:180 Outs:1672024-04-01 08:38:51
17 more rows

How much does Bitcoin ATM charge per $1000? ›

The fees can range anywhere from 5% to 15 % or even higher in some cases. To calculate the fee for a $1000 transaction, let's assume a fee of 10%. In this case, the fee would be $1000 * 10% = $100. Therefore, if the Bitcoin ATM has a 10% fee, you would receive $900 worth of Bitcoin for a $1000 cash transaction.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.