(YFI) Price Prediction for 2024 - 2025 - 2040 - 2050 (2024)

We use statistical methods to predict the price of (YFI) in the following years from 2024 to 2050.

Quick Price Prediction 2024 - 2040 - 2050 Price Prediction for 2024

According to our forecast 2024, the coin could reach a peak of $43,487.95, with a potential low of approximately $3,594.45 in 2024. Price Prediction for 2030

Considering historical trends and the 2030, YFI price projection, the token is expected to fluctuate between $6,619.39 and $43,070.55, which means will potentially increase to the highest point of $43,070.55 and lowest point of $6,619.39. Price Prediction for 2040

In the year 2040, our prediction suggests that the YFI cryptocurrency will achieve a peak price of $26,457.82, with a potential minimum price of approximately $15,059.98. This means the coin will be traded between $15,059.98 and $26,457.82. Price Prediction for 2050

According to our technical analysis of prices for 2050, the projected minimum and maximum prices are approximately $17,934.34 and $80,902.09, respectively. The anticipated average trading cost stands at about $18,992.47.

Table of Contents Price Prediction Overview’s price at the same time last week was $4,805.58. It has moved by -1.55% in the past week and is currently at $4,821.13. In fact, in the past 24 hours, YFI has dumped by -0.32%.The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and YFI could hit $30,611.67 in 2025.

The total circulating supply of at the time of writing is 36,646.53 and the market cap of YFI remains at $160.79M. has had an eventful 2023. To simplify the latest YFI price prediction, we have divided the prediction by short term price prediction and long term price prediction. Today, the trading volume of has gone down by -4.30% in the past 30 days.




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-53.29% Short-term Price Prediction

This prediction utilizes our AI technology to estimate price in the next few days. It takes YFI’s past hour price and the current market trend into consideration. The exact price may vary. Below is the chart of short-term price prediction. Long-term Price Prediction

Below is a summary of YFI long-term price prediction from 2024 to 2050 with price predicted to reach the highest point of $43,487.95 in 2024 and $26,457.82 in 2040. In the following years YFI price prediction is made feasible by examining past price behavior, current events, and public opinion.

YearAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
2050$18,992.47$17,934.34$80,902.09+291.21% Price Prediction for 2024

In our (YFI) price projection for 2024, we anticipate a trading range of $3,594.45 and $43,487.95. Our 2024 YFI price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding's potential performance in that year. To sum up, price is expected to close at $24,294.89 in 2024. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2024.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2024$7,066.88$6,521.96$8,426.15+45.56%
February, 2024$8,940.80$6,958.17$9,415.46+84.16%
March, 2024$9,139.03$7,904.13$10,981.70+88.25%
April, 2024$6,678.17$5,890.82$9,370.57+37.56%
May, 2024$6,909.35$6,340.07$7,462.47+42.32%
June, 2024$6,526.35$5,438.19$7,196.89+34.43%
July, 2024$5,598.42$5,266.08$6,914.72+15.32%
August, 2024$5,000.90$4,335.24$5,710.34+3.01%
September, 2024$26,909.68$3,594.45$27,046.41+454.29%
October, 2024$28,264.42$19,014.17$43,487.95+482.20%
November, 2024$12,292.27$11,904.48$28,643.19+153.20%
December, 2024$24,294.89$7,247.99$29,557.14+400.43% Price Prediction for 2025

According to price prediction 2025, our prediction suggests that price will fluctuate within a range of $19,645.09 (minimum) to $94,155.12 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of YFI is expected to be around $30,611.67 in 2025. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2025.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2025$22,114.64$19,645.09$31,493.12+355.52%
February, 2025$30,146.22$20,424.40$39,860.38+520.96%
March, 2025$31,458.62$27,111.12$51,657.86+547.99%
April, 2025$35,573.69$28,362.14$42,272.03+632.75%
May, 2025$48,426.98$34,163.59$57,313.56+897.51%
June, 2025$41,952.79$25,427.38$94,155.12+764.15%
July, 2025$33,659.93$25,994.19$47,754.11+593.33%
August, 2025$31,038.68$25,919.62$37,876.06+539.34%
September, 2025$38,467.53$30,227.75$42,222.30+692.36%
October, 2025$29,200.71$27,880.20$44,180.15+501.48%
November, 2025$35,596.11$29,096.40$39,922.85+633.22%
December, 2025$30,611.67$29,016.57$36,614.65+530.54% Price Prediction for 2026

In our (YFI) price projection for 2026, we anticipate a trading range of $5,325.96 and $42,225.79. Our 2026 YFI price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding's potential performance in that year. To sum up, price is expected to close at $8,180.52 in 2026. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2026.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2026$30,812.26$19,967.56$39,665.74+534.68%
February, 2026$24,868.64$22,305.36$42,225.79+412.25%
March, 2026$21,848.59$18,474.12$27,715.71+350.04%
April, 2026$23,330.66$18,717.11$24,862.32+380.57%
May, 2026$18,182.89$17,848.66$26,331.91+274.53%
June, 2026$8,669.19$8,557.88$19,645.54+78.57%
July, 2026$6,968.77$5,325.96$9,767.64+43.54%
August, 2026$13,156.83$6,394.28$15,524.88+171.01%
September, 2026$10,570.75$9,715.14$13,797.56+117.74%
October, 2026$9,776.12$9,360.01$12,839.37+101.37%
November, 2026$9,868.93$8,831.81$10,244.87+103.28%
December, 2026$8,180.52$6,981.86$10,312.14+68.50% Price Prediction for 2027

According to price prediction 2027, our prediction suggests that price will fluctuate within a range of $6,848.82 (minimum) to $18,377.47 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of YFI is expected to be around $11,202.54 in 2027. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2027.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2027$6,986.58$6,914.57$9,247.63+43.91%
February, 2027$9,441.15$6,848.82$9,916.29+94.47%
March, 2027$11,361.87$8,542.44$12,155.11+134.03%
April, 2027$10,857.86$9,037.12$13,119.81+123.65%
May, 2027$10,361.89$9,865.88$11,606.67+113.44%
June, 2027$8,906.56$8,479.41$10,501.86+83.46%
July, 2027$8,623.94$7,123.34$9,087.20+77.64%
August, 2027$9,410.22$8,435.21$9,822.68+93.83%
September, 2027$8,176.85$7,231.28$9,441.72+68.43%
October, 2027$7,751.27$7,530.98$8,304.13+59.66%
November, 2027$8,497.11$7,425.44$8,657.10+75.03%
December, 2027$11,202.54$8,180.38$18,377.47+130.75% Price Prediction for 2028

In our (YFI) price projection for 2028, we anticipate a trading range of $3,066.22 and $43,040.80. Our 2028 YFI price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding's potential performance in that year. To sum up, price is expected to close at $13,028.63 in 2028. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2028.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2028$11,001.69$10,407.06$12,342.76+126.61%
February, 2028$10,161.52$9,393.79$11,252.83+109.31%
March, 2028$11,510.70$9,867.84$12,373.78+137.10%
April, 2028$12,046.19$10,932.72$13,967.05+148.13%
May, 2028$10,076.85$8,984.28$12,431.60+107.56%
June, 2028$10,381.84$9,482.18$10,669.45+113.85%
July, 2028$9,638.35$8,710.03$10,490.32+98.53%
August, 2028$9,097.15$8,581.17$10,224.40+87.38%
September, 2028$8,763.43$7,736.81$9,195.03+80.51%
October, 2028$13,285.67$3,066.22$15,466.60+173.66%
November, 2028$30,993.98$13,226.55$43,040.80+538.42%
December, 2028$13,028.63$11,724.59$33,492.60+168.37% Price Prediction for 2029

According to price prediction 2029, our prediction suggests that price will fluctuate within a range of $6,946.79 (minimum) to $94,362.04 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of YFI is expected to be around $35,748.48 in 2029. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2029.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2029$22,980.50$6,946.79$29,299.19+373.36%
February, 2029$23,267.15$19,479.03$31,267.60+379.26%
March, 2029$32,056.87$20,285.36$39,759.19+560.31%
April, 2029$33,692.58$27,036.96$51,626.93+594.01%
May, 2029$33,007.65$28,374.46$42,305.97+579.90%
June, 2029$45,001.13$32,414.11$57,461.02+826.94%
July, 2029$50,676.48$25,666.73$94,362.04+943.84%
August, 2029$30,570.85$26,314.63$50,760.62+529.70%
September, 2029$30,499.00$26,315.74$38,234.34+528.22%
October, 2029$37,758.30$30,231.17$42,694.09+677.75%
November, 2029$31,202.73$28,449.29$44,700.59+542.72%
December, 2029$35,748.48$29,217.12$40,583.83+636.35% Price Prediction for 2030

In our (YFI) price projection for 2030, we anticipate a trading range of $6,619.39 and $43,070.55. Our 2030 YFI price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding's potential performance in that year. To sum up, price is expected to close at $11,443.06 in 2030. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2030.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2030$30,681.71$30,475.21$37,308.06+531.99%
February, 2030$34,101.08$20,763.68$40,472.67+602.42%
March, 2030$26,262.73$23,204.18$43,070.55+440.96%
April, 2030$21,436.63$19,459.43$28,657.78+341.56%
May, 2030$23,235.03$19,729.44$24,498.88+378.60%
June, 2030$20,961.15$19,937.73$27,425.33+331.76%
July, 2030$9,832.81$9,791.85$21,303.51+102.54%
August, 2030$9,068.77$6,619.39$11,012.42+86.80%
September, 2030$9,655.18$7,720.14$10,193.80+98.88%
October, 2030$11,744.60$9,439.17$16,931.82+141.92%
November, 2030$11,462.64$10,912.90$14,359.83+136.11%
December, 2030$11,443.06$10,444.16$11,986.03+135.71% Price Prediction for 2035

According to price prediction 2035, our prediction suggests that price will fluctuate within a range of $10,347.10 (minimum) to $17,101.28 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of YFI is expected to be around $12,796.47 in 2035. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2035.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2035$12,542.36$12,056.51$13,555.13+158.35%
February, 2035$11,208.96$10,347.10$13,623.32+130.88%
March, 2035$10,902.17$10,736.70$12,753.42+124.56%
April, 2035$12,820.73$10,495.15$13,231.33+164.08%
May, 2035$14,281.74$12,426.61$14,354.09+194.18%
June, 2035$14,841.85$13,061.84$17,101.28+205.72%
July, 2035$14,395.06$14,031.85$15,815.18+196.51%
August, 2035$13,088.00$12,994.53$15,125.28+169.59%
September, 2035$13,336.93$11,645.36$13,542.51+174.72%
October, 2035$13,673.61$12,928.14$14,528.49+181.65%
November, 2035$13,043.03$12,120.88$14,268.24+168.66%
December, 2035$12,796.47$12,550.31$13,307.70+163.58% Price Prediction for 2040

In our (YFI) price projection for 2040, we anticipate a trading range of $15,059.98 and $26,457.82. Our 2040 YFI price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding's potential performance in that year. To sum up, price is expected to close at $19,017.83 in 2040. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2040.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2040$15,254.08$15,059.98$15,779.52+214.21%
February, 2040$15,727.78$15,229.76$15,872.58+223.96%
March, 2040$19,073.58$15,698.60$26,457.82+292.88%
April, 2040$19,443.34$18,356.37$20,585.27+300.50%
May, 2040$18,846.71$18,252.87$19,876.86+288.21%
June, 2040$19,459.85$18,009.29$19,726.64+300.84%
July, 2040$21,084.18$19,004.19$22,923.10+334.30%
August, 2040$19,917.60$18,264.65$21,644.23+310.27%
September, 2040$19,947.05$18,908.50$20,197.09+310.87%
October, 2040$18,948.75$18,525.55$20,290.37+290.31%
November, 2040$19,456.50$18,526.42$20,153.44+300.77%
December, 2040$19,017.83$17,941.53$19,530.14+291.73% Price Prediction for 2045

According to price prediction 2045, our prediction suggests that price will fluctuate within a range of $953.29 (minimum) to $95,189.71 (maximum). Additionally, based on technical analysis and price movements, the average trading price of YFI is expected to be around $38,152.68 in 2045. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2045.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2045$22,196.00$21,343.11$22,893.88+357.20%
February, 2045$2,268.78$953.29$22,961.46-53.27%
March, 2045$37,319.95$2,114.47$41,252.21+668.72%
April, 2045$12,501.56$10,217.08$38,848.47+157.51%
May, 2045$15,922.22$5,741.99$17,460.53+227.97%
June, 2045$23,817.25$11,890.91$30,365.51+390.59%
July, 2045$32,157.54$18,814.78$39,044.01+562.39%
August, 2045$40,439.29$26,301.99$51,503.24+732.98%
September, 2045$35,476.81$28,423.74$47,744.16+630.76%
October, 2045$54,143.21$30,542.63$54,280.18+1,015.25%
November, 2045$67,563.45$40,245.35$95,189.71+1,291.68%
December, 2045$38,152.68$26,624.14$78,955.60+685.88% Price Prediction for 2050

In our (YFI) price projection for 2050, we anticipate a trading range of $17,934.34 and $80,902.09. Our 2050 YFI price prediction reflects a positive outlook for the coin, and we maintain a bullish sentiment regarding's potential performance in that year. To sum up, price is expected to close at $18,992.47 in 2050. Below are detailed predictions for each month of the year 2050.

MonthAverage Price (USD)Low Price (USD)High Price (USD)Change from today's price
January, 2050$41,151.91$26,863.49$80,902.09+747.65%
February, 2050$35,045.47$27,916.80$41,330.73+621.87%
March, 2050$40,312.00$28,296.29$42,655.09+730.35%
April, 2050$36,699.21$36,426.99$47,302.78+655.94%
May, 2050$39,031.11$31,294.01$41,341.76+703.97%
June, 2050$37,442.40$37,077.59$43,888.74+671.25%
July, 2050$27,215.38$25,593.80$40,038.89+460.59%
August, 2050$37,937.09$24,744.27$47,294.39+681.44%
September, 2050$29,857.60$27,698.30$40,339.74+515.01%
October, 2050$25,729.13$24,385.99$31,136.75+429.97%
November, 2050$27,174.50$25,282.82$32,892.44+459.75%
December, 2050$18,992.47$17,934.34$28,104.65+291.21% Latest News This Week FAQ

Should you buy now?

Based on our price forecast, we anticipate a +400.43% increase in's value in 2024, bringing it up to $24,294.89.

Looking further ahead, our long-term projection places's price at $94,155.12 by 2025. As we anticipate a bull market commencing in 2025, our 2026 price prediction suggests a value of $42,225.79. It's crucial to note that long-term predictions come with increased uncertainty. Nevertheless, we speculate that will increase further in 2024, with our average price estimate for in 2024 standing at $24,294.89.

However, it's important to exercise caution as these are speculative figures. The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, and prices can fluctuate rapidly, potentially resulting in losses.

Will go up?

Yes, despite the challenges encountered by, its prospects for sustained long-term expansion continue to exhibit resilience.'s price has undergone notable corrections in the recent past; however, it has more recently exhibited positive price trends, suggesting its viability as a promising long-term investment. Illustratively, in 2024, the token surged to unprecedented heights, reaching $43,487.95.This event underscored the cryptocurrency's potential and its ability to attract substantial investments, further highlighting its appeal as a valuable asset for long-term holding.

Recently Viewed (YFI) Price Prediction for 2024 - 2025 - 2040 - 2050 (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.