Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? (2024)

Disclaimer: The following is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice.

The rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) has presented an opportunity for individuals to diversify their portfolios and pursue passive income through strategies known as staking and yield farming.

These two methods of generating revenue function independently and serve different types of investors. They also present different risks, which should be considered before either strategy is pursued.

While the allure of earning passive income is one of DeFi’s biggest draws, it’s important that newcomers understand how these two ways of doing that differ and the risks accompanying each strategy.

This article takes a closer look at yield farming and staking, explaining their key similarities and differences.

What is yield farming?

Yield farming is the process of providing liquidity to DeFi protocols such as liquidity pools. It offers rewards in the form of interest, with a portion of transaction fees given to each yield farmer.

DeFi platforms like smart contract-enabled decentralized exchanges (DEXs) facilitate crypto trading through automated market makers (AMMs).

Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? (1)

Liquidity providers can deposit crypto assets into a liquidity pool and leverage AMMs to execute automated trading. In return, they get rewards like liquidity provider (LP) tokens.

What is staking?

Staking is the process by which users pledge to lock their crypto assets to secure a Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain network. Stakers set up individual nodes for validating transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain (or use nodes someone else has set up).

Users who lock their crypto funds into a staking pool earn staking rewards for securing blockchain networks from malicious actors. The blockchain network randomly selects a validator node, with high-stake nodes having a greater chance to validate transactions.

Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? (2)

With the addition of each new block, users can earn governance tokens and a percentage of the platform’s fees.

Differences between yield farming and staking

While both yield farming and staking are innovative methods for generating passive income, they differ in several ways.

Complexity levels

Yield farming and staking differ in their ease of access and associated learning curves. Yield farming is usually more complicated because it requires intensive research to identify potentially profitable liquidity pools.

Liquidity providers need to identify a liquidity pool that offers good interest rates for providing liquidity. Then, they must decide on a token pair and select a DeFi platform that either offers a customizable liquidity pool or an equilibrium liquidity pool.

Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? (3)

Staking is often much easier to learn since users simply need to select a staking pool in a Proof of Stake network to stake crypto.

As staking usually involves a lock-up period in which stakers cannot withdraw their deposit for a given time period, the process is mostly passive after users stake their crypto assets.

Unlike yield farming, which requires active management to generate returns, staking requires little effort from users after assets are staked.

Deposit periods

Flexibility is a considerable factor in any yield farming vs staking decision.

Yield farmers don’t need to lock their crypto in a liquidity pool for a set period of time to earn rewards from yield farming protocols. They are free to provide liquidity to any liquidity pool and withdraw their tokens at any time.

In the absence of a minimum lock-up pool, yield farmers can even move their funds from one pool to another.

Staking, on the other hand, may involve fixed lock-up periods in which users cannot withdraw their stake, which can range from a few days to a few weeks (or possibly months), depending on network traffic.

The smart contracts of staking protocols programmatically ensure users cannot withdraw funds before the unbonding period ends. No matter the market conditions, you cannot unstake crypto until the unbonding period ends.

Transaction fees

When deciding between yield farming and staking, transaction fees (gas fees) should also be considered.

When yield farmers switch between liquidity pools, they need to pay transaction fees to execute those transfers. Users on the Ethereum network may have to pay high gas fees for a simple on-chain transaction.

Yield farmers must consider the possibility of paying high gas fees when determining whether to shift assets between liquidity pools.

Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? (4)

Since staking requires locking up user assets with no opportunity to switch pools, stakers don't have to pay gas fees.

Instead, they earn a percentage of network fees when they validate transactions. When compared to liquidity pools, staking has much lower maintenance costs.

Token requirements

Yield farming and staking differ in the number of tokens users need for their investments.

Yield farming requires a pair of tokens like USDT-USDC or ETH-DAI for providing liquidity to liquidity pools. Users can provide a flexible ratio of these tokens to the trading pair for customizable pools. However, they must supply tokens in a 50-50 ratio to equilibrium pools with trading pairs holding equal value.

Staking involves only one token that users can lock up in the staking pool, so stakers don’t need to buy two tokens of equal or variable value to provide liquidity. This could reduce the overall expense of participating in staking for certain tokens.

However, certain tokens require a staker to commit a minimum amount of tokens to stake; for example, every validator node must stake a minimum of 32 ETH.

Revenue generation

Revenue generation is yet another differentiating factor between yield farming and staking.

Yield farming offers a dynamic Annual Percentage Yield (APY) that varies with each liquidity pool, depending on several market metrics: available liquidity, arbitrage options, and overall volatility.

Staking, on the other hand, offers a fixed APY so users can calculate future returns and plan accordingly. Although the interest rate is frequently lower than yield farming, a stable percentage often suits low-risk investors.

Moreover, those who lock up their tokens for longer durations earn higher APYs compared to short-term lock-up periods.

Investment risks

Users must also be aware of the security infrastructure and associated risks when comparing yield farming vs staking.

Yield farming protocols are subject to a variety of risks that can lead to loss of user funds.

Losses could occur due to price fluctuations of tokens, including impermanent loss, when the price of one token changes in relation to the other during the time that the coins are locked in a liquidity pool.

There are also bugs or errors in smart contracts that can lead to a smart contract risk, making the protocol vulnerable to hacking.

Rug pulls are another common risk for new yield farming projects with shady, anonymous developers at the helm. Research has shown that users lost more than $10 billion from rug pulls and DeFi hacks in all of 2021. More recently, estimates attribute $158 million to DeFi hack losses for the month of November, 2023, compared to $184 million for CeFi hacks.

Staking is comparatively more secure since stakers have to follow strict guidelines to participate in a blockchain’s consensus mechanism. In a Proof of Stake blockchain, malicious users can lose their staked assets via slashing if they try to manipulate the network for greater rewards. More on that later.

Lastly, unlike yield farming, staking is better protected from hacks and scams.

Impermanent loss and slashing

When yield farmers provide liquidity to liquidity pools, they’re prone to suffer from something called “impermanent loss”. This is when the price of the tokens change from when they were first deposited.

Liquidity pools maintain equilibrium and adjust for token prices during volatile market conditions. If users decide to withdraw their assets when token prices have deviated from their time of deposit, impermanent loss becomes permanent.

Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? (5)

Staking, however, is not subject to any kind of impermanent loss. Users may lose out if the token prices of their staked assets fall due to a bear market, but since there is no adjustment of the total value in liquidity pools, stakers won’t lose money to impermanent loss.

There is, however, the additional risk of slashing, which deducts a validator’s supply of staked tokens. This can occur when a validator participates in activity that harms the network, such as failing to validate legitimate transactions, double-signing transactions, or otherwise maliciously attacking the network.

Yield farming and staking similarities

Despite their differences, yield farming and staking share a few common characteristics.

Passive income

Yield farming and staking are both ways to earn passive income. Users who do not wish to trade crypto may be able to generate revenue on their holdings through yield farming and staking. Although each strategy offers different benefits and risks, both can be used to generate returns.

Volatility risk

Users who decide to invest in yield farming and staking platforms are subject to the usual volatility in crypto markets. Tokens held in staking and liquidity pools may depreciate and both yield farmers and stakers can lose money when prices go down overall. Yield farmers may face an additional liquidation risk if their collateral depreciates in value and the protocol liquidates assets to recover costs.

Who is yield farming suitable for?

Not all investors are suitable to participate in yield farming protocols. Yield farming is only viable for those with a very high-risk tolerance because there is always a risk in yield farming of losing your initial investment.

Yield farming platforms may offer high returns but the required initial investment is usually also higher than staking platforms. This is what makes yield farming ideal for investors who have the necessary liquidity and risk tolerance to invest in these protocols.

Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? (6)

Yield farming is also suitable for generating passive income for traders holding low trading volume tokens, providing the opportunity to earn interest on otherwise idle assets.

Who is staking suitable for?

Investors with a low-risk appetite may want to avoid yield farming and focus instead on staking their assets.

Staking is a predictable method to generate passive income by validating crypto transactions and enhancing sufficient transaction throughput. Additionally, the initial investment in staking is usually much lower than in yield farming.

It’s important to note, however, that staking is not a flexible strategy since the protocols lock up user assets for a fixed time period. If users need continuous access to their crypto assets, staking might not be suitable for them.

Buy crypto for yield farming and staking

To get started on your yield farming or staking journey, simply buy crypto via MoonPay using a card, mobile payment method like Google Pay, or bank transfer.

MoonPay's widget offers a fast and easy way to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more than 50 other cryptocurrencies.

MoonPay also makes it easy to sell crypto when you decide it's time to cash out. Simply enter the amount of the token you'd like to sell and enter the details where you want to receive your funds.

As an expert in decentralized finance (DeFi) and cryptocurrency, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to guide you through the intricate concepts of yield farming and staking. With a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape of blockchain technology and financial instruments, I'll provide you with insights that go beyond the surface.

What is Yield Farming?

Yield farming is a sophisticated process within the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi). It involves providing liquidity to DeFi protocols, particularly liquidity pools, where users deposit their crypto assets. The participants are rewarded with interest and a share of transaction fees. The entire process is facilitated by smart contract-enabled decentralized exchanges (DEXs), such as automated market makers (AMMs).

What is Staking?

Staking, on the other hand, is a method where users lock their crypto assets to secure a Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain network. This entails setting up individual nodes for validating transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain. Those who lock their funds into a staking pool earn staking rewards for securing the blockchain network. The rewards come in the form of governance tokens and a percentage of the platform’s fees.

Differences between Yield Farming and Staking

  1. Complexity Levels:

    • Yield farming tends to be more complex, requiring intensive research to identify profitable liquidity pools.
    • Staking is generally easier to learn, involving selecting a staking pool in a Proof of Stake network.
  2. Deposit Periods:

    • Yield farmers have flexibility; they can withdraw from liquidity pools at any time.
    • Staking may involve fixed lock-up periods, restricting withdrawal until a specified time.
  3. Transaction Fees:

    • Yield farmers face transaction fees when switching between liquidity pools.
    • Stakers don't pay transaction fees but earn a percentage of network fees when validating transactions.
  4. Token Requirements:

    • Yield farming often requires pairs of tokens for liquidity pools.
    • Staking typically involves locking up a single token in the staking pool.
  5. Revenue Generation:

    • Yield farming offers a dynamic Annual Percentage Yield (APY) based on market conditions.
    • Staking provides a fixed APY, often lower than yield farming, but with stable returns.
  6. Investment Risks:

    • Yield farming involves risks like impermanent loss, smart contract vulnerabilities, and rug pulls.
    • Staking is comparatively more secure, with strict guidelines in blockchain consensus mechanisms.
  7. Impermanent Loss and Slashing:

    • Yield farming is susceptible to impermanent loss, while staking faces the risk of slashing for malicious activities.

Yield Farming and Staking Similarities

  1. Passive Income:

    • Both yield farming and staking allow users to earn passive income on their crypto holdings.
  2. Volatility Risk:

    • Investors in both methods are exposed to market volatility, and token values may depreciate.

Who is Yield Farming Suitable For?

Yield farming is suitable for individuals with a high-risk tolerance and sufficient liquidity. The potential for high returns comes with the risk of losing the initial investment. It's ideal for traders holding low-volume tokens seeking to earn interest on idle assets.

Who is Staking Suitable For?

Staking is more suitable for investors with a lower risk appetite. It provides a predictable method of generating passive income, with a lower initial investment compared to yield farming. However, staking requires a commitment to a fixed lock-up period, making it less flexible for those needing continuous access to their assets.

Buy Crypto for Yield Farming and Staking

To embark on your yield farming or staking journey, you can buy crypto through MoonPay. This platform offers a convenient way to purchase Bitcoin, Ethereum, and over 50 other cryptocurrencies using various payment methods, including cards, mobile payments, and bank transfers. MoonPay's widget simplifies the process, making it easy to buy and sell crypto as needed.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Always conduct thorough research and consult with financial professionals before making investment decisions.

Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? (2024)


Yield farming vs staking: What's the difference? ›

Yield farming offers higher potential profits but comes with risks like price changes, protocol issues, and losing collateral. On the other hand, staking offers lower but steadier rewards with risks such as penalties and network delays.

Is staking the same as yield farming? ›

Is staking crypto the same as yield farming? No, staking validates transactions to secure blockchain networks for passive income from crypto locked up, while yield farming supplies liquidity to decentralized exchanges to enable trading and earn interest and token rewards at higher risk.

What is yield farming? ›

Yield farming allows investors to earn yield by placing coins or tokens in a decentralized exchange (DEX) to provide liquidity for various token pairs. Yield farmers typically rely on DEXs to lend, borrow, or stake coins—an exercise that allows them to earn interest and speculate on price swings.

Is yield farming still profitable? ›

While yield farming can be a lucrative way to earn yields in the crypto market, it is also one of the riskiest activities you can engage in. Even if you are yield farming on reputable DeFi protocols, smart contract risk, and hacks could still lead to a complete loss of funds.

What is the difference between yield farming and liquidity mining? ›

Comparison of Mechanisms

For example, yield farming might simply refer to depositing DAI in a Compound to earn interest and COMP tokens. Liquidity mining, on the other hand, could mean something different, like depositing ETH and USDT into a Uniswap pool to earn a share of trading fees and UNI tokens.

What is another name for yield farming? ›

Yield farming — or liquidity mining — is a method of generating rewards with cryptocurrency holdings. The primary purpose of staking, on the other hand, is as part of the consensus mechanism of a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain network — a process for which stakers also receive rewards.

What are the two types of staking? ›

Staking refers to the locking up of cryptocurrency in order to help secure a network and earn rewards. There are two types of staking: staking at the blockchain level, also known as proof of stake, and locking up tokens within a decentralized finance project or crypto platform.

Is yield farming legit? ›

While yield farming may be seen as an alternative to holding cash on deposit in a savings account, it's far less safe. Here are a few reasons why: There's no insurance on your assets. Banks in the United States include federal deposit insurance up to $250,000 per account.

How much do you make from yield farming? ›

Yield farming involves users lending or staking their cryptocurrencies in smart contracts to facilitate various financial activities, such as trading, lending, or borrowing. The yields (returns) offered by DeFi protocols during DeFi Summer of 2020 were often incredibly high, sometimes exceeding 100% per year.

Is yield farming taxable? ›

Yield farming can result in taxable income in the form of governance tokens or other rewards. These rewards must be reported as income based on their fair market value at the time of receipt.

What are the pros and cons of yield farming? ›

The potential rewards of high yields and lucrative incentives make it a tempting venture. However, it is important to approach Yield Farming with caution due to the various risks involved, such as smart contract vulnerabilities, impermanent losses, and market volatility.

Is yield farming the same as staking? ›

Yield farming offers higher potential profits but comes with risks like price changes, protocol issues, and losing collateral. On the other hand, staking offers lower but steadier rewards with risks such as penalties and network delays.

What is better, a staking or liquidity pool? ›

Liquidity pools maintain equilibrium and adjust for token prices during volatile market conditions. If users decide to withdraw their assets when token prices have deviated from their time of deposit, impermanent loss becomes permanent. Staking, however, is not subject to any kind of impermanent loss.

What is yield farming for dummies? ›

Yield farming, also referred to as liquidity mining, is a way to generate rewards with cryptocurrency holdings. Put simply, it implies locking up crypto assets and receiving staking rewards and interest on those assets.

What is a yield in farming? ›

Simply put, crop yield is the amount of crop harvested per area of land. Typically, it is used in reference to corn, cereals, grains, or legumes, and it may be reported in kilograms/hectare or metric tons/hectare. Sometimes crop yield is referred to as 'agricultural output'.

How does staking generate yield? ›

Cryptocurrency staking refers to holding and locking up a certain amount of cryptocurrency tokens to support a proof-of-stake network's operations. Those staking tokens on the network validate transactions and create new blocks in the blockchain, which entitles them to a staking reward, or "yield."

What is the staking concept similar to? ›

With staking, you can put your digital assets to work and earn passive income without selling them. In some ways, staking is similar to depositing cash in a high-yield savings account. Banks lend out your deposits, and you earn interest on your account balance.

What counts as staking? ›

Staking is a key element of cryptocurrencies that operate using “proof-of-stake” validation. In a proof-of-stake system, investors who own the cryptocurrency can help validate transactions in a given cryptocurrency's blockchain database.

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