Yotam Ottolenghi’s Tomato and Pomegranate Salad Recipe (2024)



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Rose Barnes

What is Za'atar?


Sumac, I have in my house. FYI, on the Za’atar.
Combine 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh oregano, 1 Tbsp. sumac, 1 Tbsp. ground cumin, and 1 Tbsp. sesame seeds. Stir in 1 tsp. kosher salt and 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper. DO AHEAD: Can be made 2 weeks ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.

sarah finnegan

I buy pomegranate seeds in a tub at Trader Joe's year round. they are delicious.


I posted a reply elsewhere here about using frozen pomegranate seeds (from the organic frozen foods section of my local Wegmans). Just throw them in and they thaw quickly in the salad. Much better than the "fresh" ones at TJ and other stores, in my opinion.


Because I don't really like raw onion, even if sliced thin, I quick-pickle the red onion with apple cider vinegar, salt, and sugar. The pickled onions mesh very well with the other ingredients.

Deborah B.

So if you buy pomegranate seeds by the tub, approximately how much equals "seeds from one pomegranate?" (I mostly hate units of measure like "one onion" as very non-informative.)


I made this with sweet bing cherries instead of pomegranate this weekend and it was fantastic. Cherry tomatoes are still pretty acidic this time of year and pair well with the sweet cherries. Kept everything else exactly the same and it was really quite delicious!


I was in shock: An Ottolenghi recipe so light on prep-work! It was delicious nonetheless, and will be a staple in my repertoire. Very balanced and refreshing. I did like the manouri cheese better, as I think feta would be too dominant. Ricotta salata might work better.
Don't get too hung up on the measures (ie: sizes of onions/peppers etc). Salads like these are very forgiving. I like mine with more herbs, but that's because I think everything is better with herbs!


I made this last night having bought pomegranate seeds (from Chile, I think) at Trader Joe's. They were inedible-- they tasted like rubbing alcohol. Whatever they were soaking in to preserve them didn't rinse off after several minutes under running water. I didn't use them; $4.50 down the drain. I used a little pomegranate molasses in the dressing, which was fine, but I would only use seeds from a fresh pomegranate in the future.


We make this in the early fall, when the last ripe garden tomatoes greet in passing the first pomegranates. We drain the copious juices and cook them down, then spread that on great bread with goat cheese, and top with the jeweled salad. It's a one-week-a-year treat in our gadren-centered household, great with grilled lamb burgers.


What can you use in place of za'tar


I'm not a big fan of frozen or "containerized" pomegranate seeds, so in between seasons I use pomegranate molasses in the dressing. Za'atar loves pomegranate molasses ;)


Many recipes available for this versatile mix of herbs and spice; most of the herbs grow in our PA garden, including sumac. We love it so much that it is an everyday, readily available condiment in our kitchen!
Pomegranate however, is available for only a short season in PA. Since cherries are in season in spring...


I make a version of this recipe with cantaloupe instead of pomegranate seeds. Cantaloupes and tomatoes will be available at the same time. I agree with another commentor that pomegranate season and tomato season do not overlap in the same hemisphere. One will have to look for imported pomegranate seeds to try the recipe. It does sound intriguing though.


It’s amazing try it!

Meg Montgomery

Couldn't find pomegranates in the supermarket and opted for figs instead. Exquisite! Also added cannellini beans to give it some protein and make it a complete meal. Amazing.


I omitted the onion and it was still excellent.


I substituted pomegranate seeds and feta for goat cheese and champagne grapes and my whole life changed

Clem Smith Jr.

Great summer salad. We substituted watermelon for the pomegranate seeds.


Also added mango, cherries and watermelon


Delicious recipe! If a snacky teenager eats the pomegranate arils you had in mind for this recipe before you can make it, you can replace them with small chunks of strawberries. :-) Also, leftovers on toast the next day are a dream.

Jill Lundberg

Wow. Another spectacular salad.


What’s a vegan replacement for the feta?

D Wells

Delicious end of summer salad. I brined the sliced red onion in sumac, lemon juice and a bit of salt separately an hour prior (another Yotam recipe). Served on a bed of arugula.


I used local peaches (also seasonal) because I couldn’t find a pomegranate. It was still amazing!


Loved it! Might up the za'atar next time


Kids and chubby hubby wubby weren’t as much a fan as milfy. Keep the cheese on the side. “Feta is a more disagreeable cheese, especially for the kids.”

Caity P

Used ricotta salata instead of feta since that’s what I had and it was great! Also grilled the bell peppers to get a little smokiness


I made this tonight with a couple tiny adjustments: added arugula to give it some more green, halved the oil. I think, given our taste buds, we’ll make it again with less mint/basil and more arugula as well as probably add lemon zest to finish it off. Happy eating! PS - za’atar can be found on Amazon and is great when making croutons from stale bread.

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Yotam Ottolenghi’s Tomato and Pomegranate Salad Recipe (2024)


What is the Bella Hadid salad? ›

Bella's salad is made with a base of arugula topped with cucumber, bell pepper, avocado and parmesan cheese. The best part (she says not to skip it!) is the balsamic glaze on top.

What are the benefits of pomegranate in salad? ›

They have powerful antioxidants that can help protect the health of your heart, kidneys, and gut microbiome. They may also help protect you from Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and some cancers. Add pomegranate to your diet by sprinkling its seeds onto your salads, oatmeal, hummus, or other dishes.

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This viral La Scala Chopped Salad was made famous by none other than the Kardashians, so you know I needed to give it a try. All of the great flavours from an Italian cold cut but in a salad format. The best part is how customizable it is; grab what you love, give it a quick chop, and enjoy!

What happens if we eat pomegranate daily? ›

Incorporating pomegranate into your daily diet can aid in weight loss due to its high fibre content, low calories, and powerful antioxidants. This article explores various ways to consume pomegranates, such as fresh seeds, juice, smoothies, salads, and yoghurt toppings.

What is not a benefit of eating pomegranates? ›

Final answer: The option that is NOT a benefit of eating pomegranates is 'improve eyesight'. Pomegranates contain antioxidants, can boost immunity, and provide potassium, but are not linked to improved eyesight.

What does pomegranate do for gut? ›

“Compounds in the pomegranate work together to keep the bacteria from growing,” Dr. Heber said. Bad bacterial growth in the gut can lead to inflammatory bowel disease as well as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, extreme abdominal pain and cramping.

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  1. 4 cups 1/2 inch (1 cm) cubed, peeled butternut squash (about 1 small)
  2. 2 Tbsp canola oil.
  3. 2 cups cooked or canned corn kernels.
  4. 19 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed.
  5. 1/4 cup white wine vinegar.
  6. 1 Tbsp honey.
  7. 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley.
  8. 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper.

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Russian salad was originally called Oliver salad based on the Moscow-based Belgian chef who invented it. During the 20th century, the dish spread throughout Europe and adopted the name Russian salad.

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.