You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 3, 2024

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Identify your goals


Choose your platforms


Attend events and meetups


Build your personal brand


Be genuine and helpful


Here’s what else to consider

Networking is a valuable skill for any software developer, whether you want to find new opportunities, learn from others, or share your knowledge. But how do you get started if you're new to the scene or want to expand your network? Here are some tips to help you make connections and grow your professional network as a software developer.

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  • Navdeep Singh AWS Certified Developer | PSM | Meta Certified Full Stack Developer

    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (3) You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (4) 5

  • Roman Vasylenko CTO at Viseven, Creator of eWizard - Revolutionizing Digital Marketing in Healthcare | I provide digital and automation…

    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (6) 4

  • Oriana Chacon Vivas Developer| Front-End | React | Next | Typescript | AWS

    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (8) 3

You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (9) You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (10) You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (11)

1 Identify your goals

Before you start networking, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and who you want to connect with. Do you want to find a mentor, a partner, a client, or a friend? Do you want to learn a new skill, get feedback, or explore a new domain? Do you want to network locally, nationally, or globally? Having specific and realistic goals will help you focus your efforts and choose the right platforms and events to network.

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  • Oriana Chacon Vivas Developer| Front-End | React | Next | Typescript | AWS
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    Para cualquiera que busque expandir su red de contactos profesionales, mi recomendación es empezar con un paso fundamental: definir claramente tus objetivos. Es esencial preguntarse qué se espera lograr al conectar con otros. Esto podría ser desde buscar nuevas oportunidades de empleo hasta encontrar colaboración en proyectos o simplemente ampliar el conocimiento en áreas específicas de interés. Esta claridad en los objetivos ayuda a enfocar los esfuerzos en eventos, plataformas y comunidades que resonarán más con tus metas personales. Recuerda: en el networking, la calidad de las conexiones importa más que la cantidad.



    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (20) 3

  • Avijit Mitra Data Engineer | Data Analyst | Azure | AI | HealthCare | Microsoft Certified
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    First create LinkedIN account and start networking. Join your area related Group, meaningful comments on other post.Profile should be good. Profile Photo, Banner photo should related to your platform.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (29) 1

  • Silas Inegbe Software Engineer | React, Next.js, React Native | Technical writer | Proven Problem-Solver | Building Amazing Projects | Seeking Frontend Engineering Opportunities
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    A platform like LinkedIn will be a very good place for any kind of networking.Whether it is globally or locally, whether you are looking for a mentor, client or a partner, LinkedIn covers it all.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (38) 1

  • Leonardo Santos-Macias, Ph.D, M.Sc. Senior Software Engineer | Developer Evangelist | Azure/AWS/GCP/Red Hat Certified | Real Estate Investor
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    Define What You Want To Achieve: Your goals can vary from learning new skills, finding job opportunities, seeking mentorship, or simply building relationships within the industry.Identify Your Target Audience: Who are the people you want to connect with? They might be industry leaders, potential employers, fellow software developers, or influencers within the tech industry.Research Networking Opportunities: Look for industry events, workshops, seminars, online communities, and social media groups where these individuals might be present.Prepare Your Elevator Pitch: Be ready to introduce yourself succinctly and effectively, highlighting your skills, experiences, and what you are looking to achieve from networking.

  • Mohammed Ali Learner | Software Engineer | Android | Kotlin | Flutter | Spring Boot | AI | Youtuber | Blogger
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    Before diving into networking as a software developer, it's crucial to identify your goals clearly. Ask yourself questions like:- Do you seek mentorship, partnerships, clients, or friendships?- Are you aiming to learn new skills, receive feedback, or explore different domains?- Do you prefer networking locally, nationally, or globally?Setting specific and achievable goals helps you focus your networking efforts effectively. It guides your choice of platforms, events, and interactions, ensuring that each connection aligns with your objectives and contributes meaningfully to your professional growth.


2 Choose your platforms

Networking with other software developers can be done through a variety of online and offline platforms. Popular options include social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, where you can join groups, communities, and hashtags related to your interests. Blogs and podcasts are also great for learning new things and discovering potential contacts. Forums and Q&A sites such as Stack Overflow, Reddit, Quora, and Hacker News are ideal for asking and answering questions as well as sharing resources. Online courses and platforms like Coursera, Udemy, Codecademy, and Khan Academy offer learning opportunities as well as forums, groups, or chats to network with other learners and instructors. Additionally, online events and webinars provide a chance to learn from experts while interacting with other attendees. Finally, code sharing and collaboration platforms like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and CodePen allow you to share your code and collaborate on projects with other developers.

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  • Leonardo Santos-Macias, Ph.D, M.Sc. Senior Software Engineer | Developer Evangelist | Azure/AWS/GCP/Red Hat Certified | Real Estate Investor
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    them can be a great way to network and stay informed about industry trends.GitHub: As a platform for version control and collaboration, GitHub is also a community where developers can share projects, contribute to open-source projects, and interact with other developers.Stack Overflow: Known for its Q&A format, this platform allows you to showcase your knowledge, learn from others, and connect with other developers.Meetup: This platform can help you find and join local groups related to software development, where you can attend events and meet people in person.Reddit: Subreddits like r/programming or r/webdev are places to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and share resources.Discord and Slack: ...


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (63) 1

  • Silas Inegbe Software Engineer | React, Next.js, React Native | Technical writer | Proven Problem-Solver | Building Amazing Projects | Seeking Frontend Engineering Opportunities
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    I'll recommend Twitter and LinkedIn Discord for software development enthusiasts. Because this is the place where you can meet fellow developers who you can learn from or share ideas with.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (72) 1

3 Attend events and meetups

Attending events and meetups is an essential part of building a strong network, and you can find related ones on sites like Eventbrite, Meetup, or Devpost. Additionally, look for local chapters of organizations such as Women Who Code, Code for America, or Google Developers Group. To make the most of events and meetups, prepare in advance by researching the event, speakers, and attendees. Have a clear goal and a list of people you want to talk to. Also, be sure to bring your elevator pitch, business cards, and portfolio. When there, be friendly and approachable. Smile, introduce yourself, start conversations, ask open-ended questions, listen actively and show interest. Avoid talking too much about yourself or being too salesy. After the event, follow up with thank-you notes, LinkedIn requests or emails to the people you met. Remind them who you are and what you talked about or what you can offer. Keep the conversation going by sharing relevant content, asking for feedback or offering help.

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  • Navdeep Singh AWS Certified Developer | PSM | Meta Certified Full Stack Developer
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    To expand your professional network, you should attend events and meetups which presents an invaluable opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals, industry experts, and potential collaborators. By immersing yourself in these environments, whether they be tech conferences, coding workshops, or local meetups, you not only gain exposure to diverse perspectives and skill sets but also have the chance to showcase your own expertise and contributions.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (81) You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (82) 2

  • Leonardo Santos-Macias, Ph.D, M.Sc. Senior Software Engineer | Developer Evangelist | Azure/AWS/GCP/Red Hat Certified | Real Estate Investor
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    strengths and how to communicate them effectively.Engage in Conversations: Don't just be a passive participant. Engage in discussions, ask insightful questions, and share your perspectives.Expand Your Network: Don’t just stick to people you already know. Try to meet new people and learn from their experiences.Take Notes: After each conversation, jot down a few key points about what you discussed. This will help you remember the conversation when you follow up later.Leverage Social Media: Share your experiences and the things you learned at the event on social media. This not only solidifies your knowledge but also helps you engage with a larger audience.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (91) 1

  • Silas Inegbe Software Engineer | React, Next.js, React Native | Technical writer | Proven Problem-Solver | Building Amazing Projects | Seeking Frontend Engineering Opportunities
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    Another effective way to network is to attend events and meetups. This is where you get to meet people from different fields with different ideas.You could meet friends, mentors and clients in such events.

  • Joseph Pearce
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    User groups are excellent. Linux User Groups, .NET user groups, etc are all excellent sources of networking events. Just do a search for your technology of choice and you'll likely find these groups. If there isn't one, start one. The companies that own these technologies are often also willing to help sponsor you getting a user group off the ground if they're commercial and not open source.


4 Build your personal brand

Networking isn't just about meeting new people, but also making a good impression and showcasing your value. Building your personal brand can help you do that. Your personal brand is how you present yourself, your skills, your experience, and your personality to the world. To build your personal brand, create a portfolio website - a showcase of your work, achievements, and skills - and use tools like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace. You can also write a blog or newsletter to share knowledge and insights on software development topics. Additionally, speaking at events or podcasts is a great way to showcase communication skills and authority on software development topics. Lastly, contributing to open source or community projects can help demonstrate technical skills and passion for software development. You can find projects on sites like GitHub, GitLab, or Code for Social Good.

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  • Leonardo Teruel Senior Software Engineer | Backend Developer at Playtomic
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    Pessoas se conectam com histórias, com emoções. Quando estiver por criar sua marca pessoal, pense não só em como mostrar seu conhecimento técnico, mas também no PORQUE você trabalha com isso e luta por isso todos os dias. Ter um porque, ter uma causa, um ou uns motivos, ajudam muito as pessoas se conectarem a você para além do seu conhecimento técnico e isso é muito importante para criar uma marca pessoal forte. Assim que você tiver isso claro, tente passar esse porque e suas histórias utilizando as técnicas e ferramentas aqui citadas.



    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (117) 1

  • Silas Inegbe Software Engineer | React, Next.js, React Native | Technical writer | Proven Problem-Solver | Building Amazing Projects | Seeking Frontend Engineering Opportunities
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    Showing your skills to the public is a very great way to build a personal brand and awareness for yourself.Building in public is a very great way to achieve this goal.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (126) 1

  • Leonardo Santos-Macias, Ph.D, M.Sc. Senior Software Engineer | Developer Evangelist | Azure/AWS/GCP/Red Hat Certified | Real Estate Investor
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    Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Your USP is what sets you apart from other professionals in your field.Create a Consistent Brand Image: Your personal brand should be consistent across all platforms and interactions. This includes your resume, LinkedIn profile, personal website, and any other professional profiles. Engage with Your Audience: Regularly interact with your followers or connections. Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and be available to answer questions. Keep Learning and Evolving: The tech industry is always evolving, so keep updating your skills and knowledge. Share your learning journey with your audience. Be Authentic: Authenticity is key in personal branding.


5 Be genuine and helpful

Networking is not a one-way street; it's a mutual exchange of value, support, and trust. To network effectively, you need to be genuine and helpful—not just to get something out of it, but to build meaningful and lasting relationships. To be genuine and helpful, be yourself: show your personality, values, and passions. Additionally, be curious: ask questions, learn new things, and admit your mistakes. Finally, be generous: share your knowledge, resources, or time. Show your value, contribution, and appreciation. With these qualities in mind, you will be able to network effectively.

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  • Navdeep Singh AWS Certified Developer | PSM | Meta Certified Full Stack Developer
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    You should authentically engage with individuals, showing a sincere interest in their work, and actively listen to their perspectives and challenges. Furthermore, offer your expertise and support without expecting anything in return. Whether it's providing insights on a particular programming language, sharing resources, or offering assistance with troubleshooting code, your willingness to lend a hand fosters trust and reciprocity within the network.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (143) You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (144) 5

  • Leonardo Santos-Macias, Ph.D, M.Sc. Senior Software Engineer | Developer Evangelist | Azure/AWS/GCP/Red Hat Certified | Real Estate Investor
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    Absolutely, being genuine and helpful is key to successful networking. Actively listen, show empathy, and understand the needs of others. Provide value without expecting anything in return to strengthen relationships. Respect others' time and boundaries. Maintain regular contact, be honest, and show gratitude when someone assists you. Remember, networking is about building authentic and mutually beneficial relationships. Your personal and professional growth can be supported by these lasting connections.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (153) 2

  • Silas Inegbe Software Engineer | React, Next.js, React Native | Technical writer | Proven Problem-Solver | Building Amazing Projects | Seeking Frontend Engineering Opportunities
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    Always Help people and ask for help when necessary.Be real, don't pretend. Be yourself at all point, take corrections when necessary and help others always.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (162) 2

6 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Roman Vasylenko CTO at Viseven, Creator of eWizard - Revolutionizing Digital Marketing in Healthcare | I provide digital and automation solutions for pharma
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    I have a few ideas to offer here:- attending industry events, meetups, and conferences related to your field.- leveraging online platforms like LinkedIn and GitHub to showcase work, engage in discussions, and connect with professionals in the industry.- participating in hackathons, coding competitions, or open-source projects, where collaboration and networking go hand in hand. - building genuine relationships by offering help, mentorship, or sharing insights whenever possible. Finally, remember that networking isn't just about collecting contacts but nurturing connections that can support your professional growth in the long run.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (171) 4

  • Ali OZTURK Data Analyst
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    Stay updated on industry trends and seek feedback to grow professionally.Build genuine connections and embrace diversity in your networking efforts. Help to others to learn for your learning.


    You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (180) You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (181) 2

  • Adijat Motunrayo Adeneye
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    Sometimes helping others to help you can help you thrive, grow your network with others. Ask question about little things to the most complex, and never stop learning.


Software Development You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (190)

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You’re a software developer looking to network. What’s the best way to get started? (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.