You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (2024)

Last updated on May 23, 2024

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Know your motivation


Demonstrate your value


Show your curiosity


Be yourself


Here’s what else to consider

Venture capital (VC) is a form of financing that provides funding and guidance to startups and early-stage companies with high growth potential. It can be an exciting and rewarding career path for those who have a passion for innovation, entrepreneurship, and impact. But it can also be a challenging and competitive field that requires a lot of skills, experience, and network. So, how do you convince a VC firm that you are the right fit for them? One of the most common and important questions you will face in a VC interview is: why do you want to work in VC? Here are some tips on how to craft a compelling and authentic answer.

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You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (1)

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  • David Citron 🇮🇱 Tech Investor (here for the memes)

    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (3) You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (4) 24

  • Adi Levanon Solo GP @ Selah Ventures | Pre-Seed/ Seed Fintech VC| Recovering Lawyer |

    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (6) 16

  • J.J. Kasper previously disgruntled academic, failed attorney, reformed consultant, retired restructuring guy, and now reluctant…

    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (8) You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (9) 16

You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (10) You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (11) You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (12)

1 Know your motivation

The first step is to reflect on your own motivation and goals for pursuing a career in VC. What drives you to work in this field? What are you hoping to achieve or learn? What are the problems or opportunities that you are passionate about solving or supporting? Be honest and specific about your interests and aspirations, and avoid generic or cliché answers like "I love startups" or "I want to make a difference". Instead, try to show how your motivation aligns with the mission, vision, and values of the VC firm you are applying to, and how it relates to your background, skills, and experience.

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  • SC Moatti Managing Partner at Mighty Capital | Board Chair at Products That Count | YPO, Kauffman Fellows, Stanford GSB
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    Many candidates we interview try to explain a transition into venture capital with a logical career progression. The challenge with that is that it’s hard to stand out and venture is all about standing out. A more effective approach is to start with the end: venture capital is about generating outsized returns by investing in talented entrepreneurs. So show your motivation to generate outsized returns, and your motivation to find and support talented entrepreneurs.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (21) 13

  • Gonzalo Martínez de Azagra
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    If you don´t know why don´t try to get in. This is not about having the right answer. There is no right answer. Venture Capital is a very specific and demanding job. If you don´t know why then why are you applying in the first place? I know why I wanted to be in Venture capital but this may not apply to you. I wanted to be at the forefront of technology, meet with great visionary tech leaders, do a bit of finance, a ton of networking, some strategy and a learn a lot of different things. I was also attracted to the deal making aspect of it. Today, I am looking for even bigger deals, bigger exits, bigger funds. This keeps me motivated to think that we are growing and building something with a right to exist in this very competitive world.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (30) 7

  • Ronit Amiaz
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    You're naturally curious and love exploring different industries, technologies, and markets. You have an analytical mindset that allows you to learn through exploration, and you're intuitive enough to see the bigger picture. You're not looking to be the entrepreneur; instead, you want to make a difference by making the right decisions and offering support to outstanding entrepreneurs and startups, helping them create a significant impact in the world.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (39) 6

  • Shreyans Parekh VP, Head of Corporate Development, Strategy, and Ventures at Viant
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    For individuals pursuing a career in VC or CVC, a few key motivators rise to the surface. In my career, a passion for entrepreneurship, technological innovation, and incessant intellectual stimulation have been my guiding forces. The ability to enable groundbreaking ideas, tech, and disruptive business models has been incredibly inspiring.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (48) 5

  • Alain D. CFO at Soliyarn
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    There is no best answer. The best answer is the genuine why each individual has. For me it was to help startups navigate this challenging process and to allow myself to have the flexible lifestyle that I’ve been building my whole life so I can be there for our girls.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (57) You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (58) 3

2 Demonstrate your value

The second step is to demonstrate your value and fit for the role and the firm. What can you bring to the table that makes you stand out from other candidates? How can you add value to the portfolio companies, the investment team, and the broader ecosystem? How do you approach sourcing, evaluating, and supporting startups? What are your strengths and areas of improvement? How do you handle uncertainty, risk, and feedback? How do you collaborate and communicate with others? Provide concrete examples and evidence of your achievements, skills, and potential, and show how they match the expectations and culture of the VC firm.

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    Having worked in P.E space, if you want to demonstrate your value in the venture capital industry, it's essential to present a holistic picture of your capabilities. Having learnt from my mistakes - Start by developing a robust investment thesis that reflects your deep understanding of market dynamics & potential opportunities. Then, focus on actively sourcing high-quality deal flow through networking - industry engagement. During the due diligence process, showcase your ability to conduct thorough analyses and identify key factors for success in potential investments. Highlight your track record, to illustrate your ability to spot promising ventures. Emphasize your capacity to provide value beyond capital by offering strategic guidance.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (67) 5

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    The most important task at a venture capital firm is determining which potential investments can provide the most long-term value. While you can use a variety of methods to estimate an investment's potential return. align your analysis with the firm's investment thesis, and remember that communication skills and critical thinking are as important as quantitative analysis. by describing your general methods of valuing companies and emphasizing that you always aim for the best possible deal. keep an open mind, and demonstrate your ability to think like a VC.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (76) 1

  • Inalcan Gulec VC Professional | Business Development/Marketing Executive | Startup Mentor | EMCC Global Mentor
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    While it can be essential to have a career in VC all throughout, it can be equally important if one has built a career spanning different industries or functions beforehand. One may have experience in product management, commercial functions, etc., and can surely use his/her experience in these diverse functions while making critical decisions.It's even better if one has experience in running a startup previously. That way, that person can bring more to the table, in terms of providing mentorship or much-needed connections to the founders in the portfolio.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (85) 1

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    Showcase your dedication to pursuing a career in Venture Capital by highlighting any relevant education, certifications, internships, or networking efforts you've undertaken to immerse yourself in the field. Discuss any specific industry insights, market analyses, or investment theses you've developed to demonstrate your preparedness and passion for the role.

  • Michael Deem Managing Partner | Private Equity | Venture Capitalist | Life Sciences | AI
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    Consider how to convey what you bring to the table. For a DeepTech Fund: do you have a PhD or MD? For a consumer fund: do you have go-to-market experience? Were you a founder -- VCs value former operators quite highly. If you worked with another VC firm previously, how does that prepare you well for this new role in the new firm or fund?


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3 Show your curiosity

The third step is to show your curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and growing in VC. How do you keep up with the latest trends, insights, and opportunities in the industry? What are the sectors, markets, or technologies that you are most excited or curious about? What are the challenges or gaps that you see or want to explore? How do you approach learning and developing new skills or knowledge? How do you seek and incorporate feedback and advice? How do you handle failure and setbacks? Show that you are eager and open to learn from others, especially from the entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors that you will work with in VC.

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  • MADHUR TULSIANI Analyst | Early stage startups | Polymath
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    In my organization, candidates demonstrating in depth knowledge and understanding in a niche segment with an ability to project most probable trends in the future based on their in depth knowledge is a preferred trait. Candidates network of stakeholders in that segment and demonstrating an ability to identify inflection points and disruptors in that segment is also appreciated.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (110) 2

  • Michael Deem Managing Partner | Private Equity | Venture Capitalist | Life Sciences | AI
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    VCs are helping founders invent the future. Key traits of an effective VC are enthusiasm and curiosity about what can be accomplished. Willingness to consider new problems, solutions, and markets is essential.

  • Majid Ghanipour, CFA, CAIA Making Finance and Investment understandable for all

    Showing a proactive approach to staying informed about industry trends and technologies can set you apart. By highlighting specific sectors or markets that intrigue you and showcasing a willingness to learn and adapt, you can convey your enthusiasm for continuous growth. Illustrating how you seek feedback, handle challenges, and embrace learning opportunities can strengthen your candidacy. Emphasizing openness to insights from entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors underscores your commitment to personal and professional development in the VC realm.

  • ِِAbdelrhman soliman Senior Investment Analyst @ Multiples Startup Advisory | Investment Analysis, Startups Valuation, Pitch Deck, Startup Consulting, Fundraising, Data Room, CFA LII Candidate
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    Venture Capital is a dynamic field requiring continuous learning about new technologies, business models, and market trends. Demonstrate your curiosity and proactive learning attitude by discussing how you stay updated with industry trends, your ongoing educational efforts (like attending webinars, courses, or conferences), or how you’ve engaged with startup ecosystems. This shows your commitment to not just participating in, but actively contributing to, the VC community.

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    This is what I love the most: being curious. One of the things I enjoy about Venture Capital is that it’s an ever-evolving industry. It never stops. Technology and innovation are constantly advancing, and there will always be new things to learn. I’ve learned not to succumb to FOMO over every new shiny thing that appears. My approach is simple: I know not everything will resonate with me, just a few things here and there. But when something truly excites me, I focus on it completely. My advice is straightforward: curiosity is the key to discovering what resonates with you. Embrace a curious mindset, and you will always have something to learn.


4 Be yourself

The final step is to be yourself and let your personality and passion shine through. Don't try to pretend or impress by saying what you think the VC firm wants to hear. Instead, be genuine and confident in your own voice and story. Share your personal and professional experiences, interests, and values that shaped your journey and decision to work in VC. Show your enthusiasm and excitement for the opportunity and the field. And don't be afraid to ask questions and express your opinions or perspectives on relevant topics or issues. Remember, the VC firm is not only looking for your skills and fit, but also for your potential and fit as a person.

By following these steps, you can craft a compelling and authentic answer to the question of why you want to work in VC. This will help you showcase your motivation, value, curiosity, and personality, and increase your chances of landing your dream job in VC.

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    Cultural fit is critical in VC, as firms often have a strong culture and shared values. it's important to ensure that the firm's culture aligns with your own values and working style. This will help ensure a positive and productive work environment. It’s very important to have a clear understanding of your unique value proposition and what you bring to the table. Consider your skills, experience, and accomplishments, and how they align with the needs of the firm. Use this information to craft a compelling answer to why you are the right candidate, and why you deserve this job.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (151) 1

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    Discuss how you see yourself evolving within the industry, whether it's advancing to more senior roles within a VC firm, launching your own fund, or transitioning to entrepreneurship based on the insights and networks gained through VC experience.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (160) 1

  • Zach Wallman ✡️☮️ I get paid to fix things🤫#bipolarsocialclub :(:Making people laugh is my drug of choice🤪
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    This is the one space where you can truly be yourself. No matter what level you are at, you are still getting experience and getting to meet cool new founders. Getting into VC without having rich parents or have founded a billion dollar company yourself, is already a huge victory!! Now just continue to be curious and be helpful where possible. Don’t expect anything. Go into it as a learning experience…. And maybe 10-15 years down the line the connections you made, relationships you built, somehow turn into money (if that’s what you’re after) TLDR: Be helpful. Be curious. Don’t expect anything. Build relationships. Cross your fingers and bite your toes.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (169) 1

  • Michael Deem Managing Partner | Private Equity | Venture Capitalist | Life Sciences | AI
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    One of the key filters for a VC when considering new investments is the quality and strength of the management team. So, VCs have a highly tuned sense of character evaluation. The best VCs are calm and collected. They think and then choose their words carefully. The more your natural self matches these characteristics, the better your fit is likely to be.

  • Majid Ghanipour, CFA, CAIA Making Finance and Investment understandable for all
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    Demonstrating genuine enthusiasm and a unique perspective can indeed make you stand out. By showcasing your values, interests, and real-life journey that led you to pursue a career in VC, you can create a compelling narrative that resonates with the firm. Your willingness to ask questions, express opinions, and show your true self can further highlight your potential as a valuable addition to the team. Embracing your personality and passion while staying true to your story is key to making a lasting impression and increasing your chances of securing a role in the VC field.


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5 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • David Citron 🇮🇱 Tech Investor (here for the memes)
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    Every time someone asks me how they can get into venture capital, I always so “you shouldn’t”. Not because I am being condescending, but rather because the best route is being a founder first. Starting your career in VC will normally limit your ability to move to adjacent careers if you get fed up or things aren’t going well. Taking 2+ years in an operating/product role makes you more well rounded professional, a better VC, and will hedge your career risk.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (194) You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (195) 24

  • Adi Levanon Solo GP @ Selah Ventures | Pre-Seed/ Seed Fintech VC| Recovering Lawyer |
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    I think the answer to “why” enter VC is different for everyone but I’ve seen over the years folks think VC is just networking, searching for deals and going to happy hours. I’d recommend first understanding how a VC fund makes money, the timeline of a fund, how deals are done and decisions are made. Then ask yourself if you want to be in VC and if you’re ready for the long game. Getting into VC isn’t the be all, succeeding in VC is the challenge and that requires a lot more than just networking. For me, I was always super curious, loved everything techie and wanted to be impactful. VC is a great way to combine multidisciplinary talents, feed that curiosity and bring substantial returns (over time).


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (204) 16

  • J.J. Kasper previously disgruntled academic, failed attorney, reformed consultant, retired restructuring guy, and now reluctant investor (NOTE: i do NOT read LI messages - email me at
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    Here's a great reason NOT to get involved in Venture Capital - you want to 'change the world'.VC investors do NOT change the world. Great founders do. Go build a company if that's your goal. Do NOT do VC.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (213) You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (214) 16

  • Eyal Malinger Managing Partner @ Resurge | Nurturing 🐴 > Chasing🦄
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    The one thing we always look for in a candidate is what I call "demonstrable passion for venture". In my opinion, this trumps most paper credentials. What have you done in your past, that really demonstrates venture is something that you are interested in, and attracted to? There is no right and wrong answer, but actions speak louder than words.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (223) You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (224) 13

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    I think what needs to be addressed is the lack of diversity in VC. As agreed by the UK government, more needed to be done to improve gender and ethnic diversity within the UK’s venture capital ecosystem. Just two per cent of funding goes to all-female founded businesses. So the big question is for VC to answer a what will they do improve the ratios, attract and develop diverse VC talent.


    You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (233) 3

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Venture Capital You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (234)

Venture Capital

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You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? (2024)


You want to work in Venture Capital. What’s the best way to answer the question of why? ›

Provide concrete examples and evidence of your achievements, skills, and potential, and show how they match the expectations and culture of the VC firm. Having worked in P.E space, if you want to demonstrate your value in the venture capital industry, it's essential to present a holistic picture of your capabilities.

Why should I be interested in venture capital? ›

Venture Capital is a high-pressure job and a competitive career choice. It's adventurous, involves risk-taking, and offers a range of experiences. If you're ambitious and eager to be part of the exciting financial ecosystem, then it is an ideal career choice for you.

Why should we hire you venture capital? ›

Venture capital firms seek employees with proven expertise, often in a particular industry in which the firm focuses. You should not only showcase your knowledge of the overall developments and trends in the industry, but also elaborate on the specific influences currently affecting the market.

What is the best way to get into venture capital? ›

Building a Network and Finding Mentorship. Networking is critical in the venture capital world. Building a broad and deep network with entrepreneurs, investors, and industry professionals can open opportunities to discover promising start-ups, secure investment deals, and find potential co-investors or partners.

How to nail a venture capital interview? ›

The most important things to remember are that you should be able to clearly articulate why you want to join the VC industry overall and the firm in particular, and have knowledge of the markets and industries in which the firm works.

How to answer why do you want to work in VC? ›

Discuss how you see yourself evolving within the industry, whether it's advancing to more senior roles within a VC firm, launching your own fund, or transitioning to entrepreneurship based on the insights and networks gained through VC experience. This is the one space where you can truly be yourself.

Why get a job in venture capital? ›

A career in venture capital can be both challenging and rewarding. On the one hand, VCs have the opportunity to work with some of the most innovative and talented entrepreneurs in the world. They also can make significant financial returns if their investments are successful.

Why do you want to work for Capital One answer? ›

Professional Tone:-

I want to work at Capital One because it is a well-respected company that offers great opportunities for career growth. Additionally, I feel that my skills and experience would be a valuable asset to the team.

How to stand out in a VC interview? ›

Refine Your Communication Skills

VC interviews place a strong emphasis on your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and persuasively. Practice presenting your analyses and recommendations in a structured, concise manner.

How do you introduce yourself to VC? ›

“The hands down best way to introduce yourself to a VC is through a mutual connection, so always try that first. Either connect on LinkedIn, mention your shared contact, or best yet, get a warm introduction from your friend or another member of the investment firm.”

How do I get hired by a venture capital firm? ›

In This Post
  1. Make The Most Of The Opportunity.
  2. Know What You Will Do On The Job.
  3. Sell Your Past Experience Adequately.
  4. Build Competencies Needed For A Venture Capital Job.
  5. Apply At the right time.
  6. Get An Interview For A Venture Capital Job.
  7. Prepare For The Interview(s)

How to work in venture capital with no experience? ›

If you want to break into VC but have no experience, here are five ways to start padding that resume.
  1. Learn the business. Okay, maybe this may not jump off the page of your resume. ...
  2. Join a startup. ...
  3. Try Your Hand at Investing. ...
  4. Start networking. ...
  5. Try to lock in an internship.
Sep 15, 2022

Is it hard to work in venture capital? ›

It's quite difficult to find a VC job that's entry level, and even when you do, they rarely go to college graduates – only those with tons of experience and past internships at reputable VC firms seem to get those opportunities.

Why are you passionate about venture capital? ›

Q: Why venture capital? A: Because you are passionate about working with startups, helping them grow, and finding promising new companies – and you prefer that to starting your own company or executing deals.

What makes a good venture capital associate? ›

Preferred skills and qualifications:

Master's degree, such as an MBA from a top business school, or prior experience as a venture capital analyst. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to work well in a team and think creatively and strategically. Experience in product management or startups.

How do you prepare for a venture capital case interview? ›

To prepare for a venture capital case study interview, familiarize yourself with the industry and its trends, practice analyzing case studies, and develop a structured approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

What is interesting about venture capital? ›

Venture capital provides funding to new businesses that do not have enough cash flow to take on debts. This arrangement can be mutually beneficial because businesses get the capital they need to bootstrap their operations, and investors gain equity in promising companies.

Why should I be interested in capital markets? ›

Capital markets allow traders to buy and sell stocks and bonds, and enable businesses to raise financial capital to grow. Businesses also have reduced risk and expenses in acquiring financial capital because they have reliable markets where they can obtain funding.

What is the benefit of venture capital? ›

Venture capital is especially suitable for budding businesses and industries. It provides a chance to flourish and fill the gap created by the banking system due to the high risk associated with startups. It taps into companies with limited years of operation, new business models and poor financial history.

Why do you want to venture in a business? ›

You can achieve financial independence.

With determination and hard work, there's no cap on how lucrative your own business can be. If you aspire to build wealth, there's no reason why you can't achieve that goal. Starting your own business has several financial benefits over working for a wage or salary.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.