Your Ultimate Guide to Trying Laser Teeth Whitening (2024)

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Fact: I'm someone who guzzles black tea and coffee like it's the last form of liquid on Earth. Which means I'm also someone who knows their way around whitening toothpastes, at-home whitening products, and whitening strips. If a tooth-whitening system has gone viral, you can guarantee I've tried it (hi, Snow Teeth Whitening). The only issue? I'm v lazy. So even though I love my Crest 3DWhite Strips with LED Light, I wanted something easier and more permanent. Enter: Laser teeth whitening.

As a refresher, laser teeth whitening is a professional in-office bleaching treatment that'll give you bright-white teeth within an hour—and the results last. But before I made an appointment, I chatted with Alex Rubinov, DDS, a cosmetic dentist in New York, NY, to find out if laser teeth whitening is good for you teeth, how long your teeth stay white afterwards, how much it costs, and how painful it is. Keep reading for the ultimate breakdown to laser teeth whitening.

What is laser teeth whitening?

Laser teeth whitening is a professional bleaching procedure that uses a light-activated whitening gel and a laser, says Rubinov. “The laser helps activate the chemical makeup of the bleaching solution so it can better penetrate your teeth for more effective results,” he says. So despite it being referred to as laser teeth whitening, the laser (or light, depending on the type of treatment you get) itself isn’t bleaching your teeth—it’s just boosting the efficacy of the concentrated whitening gel.

How does laser whitening work?

According to Rubinov, all professional whitening treatments essentially work the same, because they all rely on some variation of high-strength bleaching agents (usually carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide). Rubinov uses one of the most common professional whitening systems, Zoom!, and says the main differences between treatments will come down to a brand’s specific technology and chemical formulation.

Though the steps may vary, here’s what to broadly expect during your treatment:

  1. First, your dentist will place a bite-down guard in your mouth to gently prop it open.

  2. Next, they’ll carefully paint a protective liquid barrier over your gums. “It’s typically a viscous gel that, when cured with a light, hardens into a physical barrier so the bleaching solution can’t penetrate and touch your gums,” says Rubinov.

  3. Once the barrier is ready, your dentist will apply a whitening gel to the front of your teeth, then activate the gel with a light or laser for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the treatment being used.

  4. Your dentist will then remove the gel with a vacuum, wipe down your teeth, and repeat step three anywhere from two to four times (again, depending on the treatment).

  5. At the end of your treatment, which can take roughly an hour, your dentist will remove the gum barrier and rinse out your mouth.

How long do teeth stay white after laser whitening?

Keeping your teeth bright means following proper post-treatment care for the first 48 hours, which includes refraining from drinking or eating anything that could stain your teeth (see: curry, blueberries, red wine, coffee, black tea, etc.). “Basically, avoid anything that would stain a white shirt if you spilled on it,” says Dr. Rubinov.

As for how long your teeth will stay white after laser whitening, you can expect brighter teeth for a few months up to a few years. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to tell how long your teeth will stay white after treatments, because your results will depend on your lifestyle habits (smoking, drinking staining liquids, etc.).

What are the side effects of laser teeth whitening?

Laser teeth whitening is generally safe and effective, and because of the use of a gum barrier, it typically creates little-to-no discomfort or sensitivity during treatment. Any sensitivity that does occur during treatment tends to be mild and short-lived, but, says Dr. Rubinov, your dentist should be able to customize and alter the whitening treatment if you experience irritation.

“If a patient is experiencing sensitivity, we can evaluate what’s going on and switch solutions to one that’s less sensitizing,” says Dr. Rubinov, adding that he also typically gives “people an Advil beforehand to help avoid any potential zingers or irritation.” That being said, it’s common to experience “some zingers or sensitivity at random times after treatment,” he says, but they’re typically mild, gone in a second, and will usually only occur in the first few days after whitening.

How much does laser teeth whitening cost?

The exact cost of laser teeth whitening will depend on where you live, how competitive and busy your dentist’s office is, and the specific whitening treatment you’re getting. Because laser whitening is a cosmetic procedure and isn’t covered by insurance, the cost can range from $300 to $1,200. Make sure to call a few dentists before making an appointment to ask for a quote.

Laser whitening vs. at-home teeth whitening

At-home whitening and laser teeth whitening use the same type of bleaching agent: peroxide, says Rubinov. The difference is that at-home trays, pens, and strips have a significantly lower percentage of peroxide than professional laser whitening (think: a quarter of the strength). While this low-strength factor makes systems safer for at-home use, it’s not going to give you the same fast, bright, and targeted results as professional whitening—and can even result in more gum sensitivity than at higher strengths.

“In the office, we have the ability to protect the gums, so the bleaching solution only touches the surface of the teeth,” says Rubinov. At-home whitening kits, however, lack the ability for precision, so the bleaching agents can seep across teeth and gums, increasing your risk of tooth sensitivity.

It’s also important to remember that at-home kits only remove surface-level stains from your enamel (the outer layer of your tooth), while laser whitening actually penetrates your enamel and dentin (inner layer). It’s why you’re able to use white strips for weeks without damaging your teeth: Its potency is pretty weak. With laser teeth whitening, however, “the effect is so strong that we don’t do bleaching more than once every six months.”

The bottom line

Laser teeth whitening is so popular for a reason: It’s fast (an hour, tops), effective, less risky for sensitive teeth, and long-lasting. The only downside? It can be pricey. So if you don’t have the financial means, at-home whitening is still an excellent option to try yourself. These kits won’t give you the same effect or longevity as professional whitening, but they’re relatively affordable and easy to use—so, honestly, better than nothing at all.

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Does laser teeth whitening actually work? ›

Conclusion. Laser teeth whitening is a safe and effective option for many people. It can provide consistent, long-lasting results in a relatively short amount of time. However, it can also be expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

Can laser teeth whitening go wrong? ›

There have been a few cases where people reported tooth sensitivity after the procedure. This generally lasts only a few days and only in people who already had sensitive teeth when they came in for the procedure. There is the risk of over whitening the teeth, which can lead to a glassy, translucent look.

Is laser the best way to whiten teeth? ›

If you talk about similarities, one thing is sure: laser and Zoom teeth whitening delivers far more noticeable results than over-the-counter or take-home whitening kits. The improved whitening performance of these cosmetic treatments is credited to their higher hydrogen peroxide content.

How many laser teeth whitening sessions do I need? ›

Even though it may include many administrations of the bleaching solution, most patients need one teeth whitening treatments session.

Can yellow teeth be white again? ›

Yellow teeth can regain whiteness through various methods, including good oral hygiene, professional dental cleanings, and teeth-whitening treatments. Stains from coffee, tea, or tobacco can be removed with adequate oral care, while professional procedures like bleaching or laser treatments offer quicker results.

How long do teeth stay white after laser whitening? ›

Teeth whitening isn't permanent. It can last from a few months to up to 3 years – it varies from person to person.

What is the most effective teeth whitening method? ›

Option #1: In-Office Laser Whitening

This is one of the popular teeth whitening methods that some people believe is the most effective way to get a brighter smile. Using lasers and peroxide-based whitening agents in a professional setting, this teeth whitening method provides dramatic, lasting results.

What is the disadvantage of laser in dentistry? ›

The main drawbacks of using dental lasers include: Teeth that have fillings cannot be treated with a dental laser. Lasers cannot be used to treat interdental cavities. Lasers cannot be used to treat excessive tooth decay.

Which is better, bleaching or laser teeth whitening? ›

Compared with at-home treatments like whitening strips, laser teeth bleaching is more effective. However, it's more expensive and isn't covered by dental insurance. The procedure can also cause side effects like increased tooth sensitivity, erosion, and decay.

What not to do before laser teeth whitening? ›

Don't Consume Foods that Can Stain Your Teeth

You don't need to give up staining foods completely, but you do need to avoid them when you are doing teeth whitening. Coffee, tea, wine, blueberries, dark-colored sodas and fruit juices are big-time stainers.

Should I brush my teeth before laser whitening? ›

However, since we're suggesting to eat prior to your appointment, it's relevant to tell you to brush your teeth as well. This will help remove food and other substances so that your teeth will be completely clean prior to the teeth whitening treatment.

Which is better, laser or zoom teeth whitening? ›

The differences between Zoom and laser teeth whitening

Zoom filters out the infrared emissions, while laser teeth whitening does not. It whitens all of the patient's teeth at the same time, while laser teeth whitening targets one tooth at a time. Quicker teeth whitening results come from Zoom treatments.

What are the cons of laser teeth whitening? ›

Laser teeth whitening is generally safe. However, due to the high concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the bleach it can: significantly dehydrate the teeth. cause tooth sensitivity and gum irritation.

How many shades lighter with laser teeth whitening? ›

Professional teeth whitening through our office produces results in just one treatment. Most patients see whitening 8-10 shades lighter after one visit. Our laser whitening treatment is quick and efficient and protects the gum and mouth from irritation.

How much does laser whitening last? ›

How Long Can You Expect the Results to Last? The duration of the whitening effects from laser teeth whitening can vary from person to person. However, on average, the results can last anywhere from six months to two years.

Is laser teeth whitening better than teeth whitening? ›

Because most peroxide formulas approved by the ADA contain about a 10 percent concentration, the whitening results are slower. In comparison, laser whitening treatment uses a more intense peroxide concentration. The hydrogen peroxide used for laser treatments is typically around 35 to 44 percent.

Is laser whitening permanent? ›

Laser skin whitening treatments aim to deliver long-lasting results, even though they may not be considered 'permanent' in the traditional sense. The Longevity of the outcomes is influenced by the person's skin type, the level of pigmentation, and the type of laser treatment administered.

Is laser better than blue light teeth whitening? ›

No, they are two different methods of teeth whitening that work in different ways. Laser tooth whitening uses a powerful light to activate bleaching gel and accelerate the whitening process, while LED tooth whitenng uses an LED light to activate the bleaching gel and speed up the procedure.

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