Zacks Investment Research: Stock Products (2024)

Just Released: 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days

In a new free report, Zacks experts share their top handpicked stock for the next 30-90 days. Each potential winner is selected from a curated list of 220 Zacks Rank #1 Strong Buys. One recent pick, Fiverr, spiked +84.6% in just 30 days!

Don't miss the opportunity to download this special report – absolutely free.

Find the Service That's Right For You

Zacks Premium features daily updates of the Zacks Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research Reports, Focus List portfolio of 50 longer-term stocks, Premium screens and much more. You'll quickly identify which stocks to buy, which to sell and target today's hottest industries. Gain full access to our powerful tools and resources locked behind Zacks Premium for 30 days absolutelyfree.

Member Access »

Subscription: $249/year.

30-Day Trial

Zacks Premium features powerful tools and resources you can use to your advantage which include:

  • Full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List - the top 5% with the most potential to outperform the market
  • Equity Research Reports on more than 1,000 of the most widely followed stocks
  • Zacks Earnings ESP Filter based on our ESP metric that has proven to predict earnings with 70% accuracy over a 10-year study using a one-week holding period
  • Focus List Portfolio of 50 longer-term stocks
  • More than 45 predefined Premium Screens created to beat the market
  • And more

Member Access »

Subscription: $249/year.

30-Day Trial

Zacks Investor Collection is a bundle of our top subscription services for long-term investors. Peek inside all of the real-time buy and sell signals from all of our long-term investor portfolios, including the exclusive Stocks Under $10 strategy which isn't available to the general public. Plus, get full access to all of our premium research tools and reports for finding your own winning stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. This unique program gives you full 30-day access for only $1.

  • ETF Investor

    ETF Investor: To find "Hidden Bulls," this portfolio uses the Zacks Industry Rank with its 2-to-1 performance advantage, the Zacks ETF Rank and other factors. Then it rides the emerging trends through selected Exchange Traded Funds – without added risk and fees from buying stocks individually.

    Holding period: Approximately 12 months
    Stocks in Portfolio: 20-25
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Annual Price: $299 Value

  • Home Run Investor

    Home Run Investor: Targets under-the-radar companies with over-the-top +50%, +100%, +200% potential. But it's ever watchful to prevent strike outs by cutting losers and providing diversity.

    Holding period: 1 year or 2
    Stocks in Portfolio: 25-30
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Annual Price: $299 Value

  • Income Investor

    Income Investor: Designed to balance more aggressive moves with a steady flow of income. Selected high-dividend stocks, plus other low-risk assets replace fixed-income investments that lose to inflation.

    Holding period: 1 year or longer
    Stocks in Portfolio: 20-25
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Annual Price: $299 Value

  • Stocks Under $10

    Stocks Under $10: This exclusive service tracks stocks with share prices under $10 that have improving fundamentals and earnings outlooks.

    Holding period: Stays with winners months and years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 20-25
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Available with Zacks Investor Collection subscription

  • Value Investor

    Value Investor: Combines proven value criteria with Zacks Rank timing. It tracks undervalued companies until the market starts to see their real worth. Then pounces for gains that can build for several years.

    Holding period: 12 months to 12 years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 20-25
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Annual Price: $299 Value

  • Zacks Confidential

    Zacks Confidential: Zacks Confidential brings you hand-selected picks and predictions from all of our portfolio recommendation services. Kevin Matras, who heads up, will highlight one of our key strategists each week, showing you the best of the best.

    Available with Zacks Investment Collection subscription

  • Zacks Premium

    Zacks Premium: Provides professional-grade tools to individual investors, featuring daily updates of the Zacks Rank, full access to Zacks Equity Research, Focus List portfolio of 50 stocks for the long haul, Premium Screens and much more.

    Annual Price: $249 Value

  • Zacks Top 10 Stocks

    Zacks Top 10 Stocks: Compiles the best 10 stocks to buy and hold throughout the year. Each pick comes with in-depth research, and is actively managed, with quarter updates.

    Holding period: One year
    Stocks in Portfolio: 10
    Trades/Month: 10/year
    Annual Price: $299 Value

Member Access »

Subscription: $59/month or $495/year.

30-Day Trial

Our uniqueZacks Ultimateprogram gives you full 30-day access to Zacks' market insights and the most private picks from ALL of our portfolio recommendation services for only $1. Even those that are so exclusive they've been closed to new investors. Sample several investment approaches to find those that best fit your trading style and risk tolerance. And use our expert commentary and recommendations to confidently navigate any market condition.

  • Alternative Energy Innovators

    Alternative Energy Innovators: Tracks companies racing to dominate industries with epic upside – solar, wind, next-gen nuclear, lithium, hydrogen fuel cells, battery technology, and more.
    Trades/Month: 3-5
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Black Box Trader

    Black Box Trader: A secret blend of stock criteria automatically distills thousands of companies to a precise selection of 10 high potential performers. This computer-driven portfolio provides a fresh list each week that shows what to buy and sell.

    Stocks in Portfolio:10 computer-selected stocks each week
    Trades/Month: 15-20
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Blockchain Innovators

    Blockchain Innovators: Fortunes can be made in the "Internet of Money" if you know where to get in and when to get out. For example, Bitcoin skyrocketed 12X in 2017 but also lost 70% of its value in 7 weeks. Zacks introduces a safer, less volatile way to pursue massive gains by targeting the technology that powers cryptocurrencies.

    Holding period: weeks to years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 12-15
    Trades/Month: 3-5
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Commodity Innovators

    Commodity Innovators: Here's the easy way to pursue extreme profits on oil, gold, livestock, grains, currencies, and more. No need for futures and options. We target easy-to-trade stocks and ETFs, applying Zacks Rank timing and technical signals. Our goal is to minimize risk while catching short-term +20-40% jumps and long-term triple-digit booms.

    Holding period: weeks to years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 9-12
    Trades/Month: 3-5
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Counterstrike

    Counterstrike: When High-Frequency Traders (HFTs) trigger panic sell-offs of good stocks, Zacks strikes back. This portfolio aims to ride the best of those companies as they rebound for double-digit gains in just 1 to 4 weeks.

    Holding period: 1 to 4 weeks
    Stocks in Portfolio: 7-10
    Trades/Month: 5-7
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • ETF Investor

    ETF Investor: To find "Hidden Bulls," this portfolio uses the Zacks Industry Rank with its 2-to-1 performance advantage, the Zacks ETF Rank and other factors. Then it rides the emerging trends through selected Exchange Traded Funds – without added risk and fees from buying stocks individually.

    Holding period: Approximately 12 months
    Stocks in Portfolio: 20-25
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Annual Price: $299 Value

  • Headline Trader

    Headline Trader: Breaking news can ignite big stock moves, especially in companies that already show strong fundamentals and rising earnings estimates. This fast-reflex portfolio gets the jump on developments from under-the-radar quarterly reports and acquisitions to sweeping industry trends and product breakthroughs.

    Holding period: 1-4 weeks, sometimes much longer
    Stocks in Portfolio: 10-12
    Trades/Month: 5-7
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Healthcare Innovators

    Healthcare Innovators: This is an era of historic opportunity with breakthroughs in the pipeline throughout the healthcare sector – including traditional pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, devices, hospitals, and more. Healthcare investment expert Kevin Cook closely monitors developments, looking to ride emerging mega-trends to long-term mega-profits.

    Holding period: months to years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 15-25
    Trades/Month: 3-5
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Home Run Investor

    Home Run Investor: Targets under-the-radar companies with over-the-top +50%, +100%, +200% potential. But it's ever watchful to prevent strike outs by cutting losers and providing diversity.

    Holding period: 1 year or 2
    Stocks in Portfolio: 25-30
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Annual Price: $299 Value

  • Income Investor

    Income Investor: Designed to balance more aggressive moves with a steady flow of income. Selected high-dividend stocks, plus other low-risk assets replace fixed-income investments that lose to inflation.

    Holding period: 1 year or longer
    Stocks in Portfolio: 20-25
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Annual Price: $299 Value

  • Insider Trader

    Insider Trader: Studies show that stocks with significant insider buying outperform the market as a whole. This portfolio tracks such buys as they are reported. Then it filters the stocks through Zacks Rank timeliness and valuation factors to find a handful with potential for the most extreme price gains.

    Holding period: Typically 3 months
    Stocks in Portfolio: 7-10
    Trades/Month: 5-7
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Large-Cap Trader

    Large-Cap Trader: Directed by Chief Equity Strategist, John Blank Ph.D., this portfolio targets selected large-cap stocks that offer greater resistance to volatility than small caps, and yet have comparably strong growth potential. It applies Zacks Rank predictive power to find trades that get off to a fast start.

    Holding period: 3 to 6 months
    Stocks in Portfolio: 12-15
    Trades/Month: 3-5
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Marijuana Innovators

    Marijuana Innovators: Cannabis legalization is sweeping through North America, igniting the industry from $9 billion in 2017 to an expected $32 billion by 2020. We haven't seen a release of pent-up demand like this since the repeal of Prohibition. Zacks targets big profits with detailed analysis and constant vigilance.

    Holding period: weeks to years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 12-15
    Trades/Month: 3-5
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Options Trader

    Options Trader: Kevin Matras infuses options trading with the power of the Zacks Rank plus his own market-beating stock screens. This creates the potential for steady and substantial returns using only a fraction of the money you would have risked on regular stock purchases.

    Holding period: 2 to 4 weeks
    Stocks in Portfolio: 10-12
    Trades/Month: 5-7
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Short Sell List

    Zacks' Short Sell List: This service creates a computer-driven list of stocks primed to fall much more than the average, making them terrific shorting candidates.

    Holding period: about 1 month
    Stocks in Portfolio: 10
    Trades/Month: 15-20
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Stocks Under $10

    Stocks Under $10: This exclusive service tracks stocks with share prices under $10 that have improving fundamentals and earnings outlooks.

    Holding period: Stays with winners months and years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 20-25
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Available with Zacks Ultimate subscription

  • Surprise Trader

    Surprise Trader: Zacks' research breakthrough isolates the most accurate analyst "whispers" to detect positive earnings surprises before they're reported.

    Holding period: 1 to 2 weeks, sometimes longer
    Stocks in Portfolio: 7-12
    Trades/Month: 5-7
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Value Investor

    Value Investor: Combines proven value criteria with Zacks Rank timing. It tracks undervalued companies until the market starts to see their real worth. Then pounces for gains that can build for several years.

    Holding period: 12 months to 12 years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 20-25
    Trades/Month: 2-4
    Annual Price: $299 Value

  • TAZR

    TAZR: Noted expert Kevin Cook applies a new TAZR formula, Technical Analysis + Zacks Rank. He uses technical price charts to further sharpen the proven market-beating timeliness of Zacks' celebrated fundamental indicator. This enables him to cut through hundreds of #1 and #2 stocks to catch a manageable handful at exactly the right time.

    Holding period: 1-3 months
    Stocks in Portfolio: 8-12
    Trades/Month: 5-7
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Technology Innovators

    Technology Innovators: Technology is expanding faster than ever, changing the world as it goes. As a result, tech is one of the growthiest sectors on the market (and likely will be for a long time). Stock Strategist Andrew Rocco looks to spotlight emerging trends and cutting-edge companies with long-term triple-digit profit potential.

    Holding period: months to years
    Stocks in Portfolio: 15-25
    Trades/Month: 3-5
    Annual Price: $995 Value

  • Zacks Premium

    Zacks Premium: Provides professional-grade tools to individual investors, featuring daily updates of the Zacks Rank, full access to Zacks Equity Research, Focus List portfolio of 50 stocks for the long haul, Premium Screens and much more.

    Annual Price: $249 Value

  • Zacks Confidential

    Zacks Confidential: Zacks Confidential brings you hand-selected picks and predictions from all of our portfolio recommendation services. Kevin Matras, who heads up, will highlight one of our key strategists each week, showing you the best of the best.

    Available with Zacks Ultimate subscription

  • Zacks Top 10 Stocks

    Zacks Top 10 Stocks: Compiles the best 10 stocks to buy and hold throughout the year. Each pick comes with in-depth research, and is actively managed, with quarter updates.

    Holding period: One year
    Stocks in Portfolio: 10
    Trades/Month: 10/year
    Annual Price: $299 Value

Member Access »

Subscription: $299/month or $2995/year.

30-Day Trial

This powerful screening and backtesting software puts you in control of your investment strategy. Use the same tool professional stock pickers use to find winning stocks in any market. Get access to Zacks' database of stocks, more than 15 built-in proven strategies, including short and long-term, detailed research and analysis and up to six years of backtesting data.

Two Week Free Trial.

Free Trial

Learn how to use the Zacks Rank even more effectively than professional fund managers, with simple step-by-step instruction.

This interactive online program shows how you can master the Zacks Rank stock-picking system to find better stocks without attending a single class or seminar. Do it online in your own home at your own pace.

Discover how to identify what kind of trader you are, how to find stocks with the highest probability of success and how to trade them so you can consistently outperform the market. The course also goes over some of our best-performing strategies from a variety of different trading styles, and it helps you create and test your own.

Home Study Course: Just $39.

Learn More

The Handbook of Equity Market Anomalies
edited by Len Zacks

Incorporate decades of anomaly research into your own portfolio, with a solid understanding of the use and value of specific anomalies in quantitative equity investing.

Finding #1 Stocks by Kevin Matras

Exclusive access to Zacks' market-beating secrets, tips, techniques and strategies in one convenient place. Zacks' master strategist Kevin Matras reveals our best secrets — including many that have never been shared before!

Zacks Investment Research: Stock Products (2024)


How accurate is Zacks investment research? ›

Is Zacks com trustworthy? Yes, Zacks is trustworthy. The company boasts exceptional long-term returns using its quantitative system which are backed by data.

What is the success rate of Zacks? ›

Zacks Style Scores

As you know, the Zacks Rank is one of the most successful stock rating systems out there, with the Zacks Rank #1 Strong Buys producing an unmatched, +23.68% average annual return since 1988. That's more than double the S&P 500.

What are some of Zacks #1 stocks? ›

Zacks #1 Rank Top Movers for Sep 09, 2024 Zacks #1 Rank Top Movers
GDEV Inc.GDEV Quick Quote GDEV+21.84%
TravelzooTZOO Quick Quote TZOO+14.17%
Recruit Hol...RCRRF Quick Quote RCRRF+9.20%
CompugenCGEN Quick Quote CGEN+8.20%
1 more row

Is Zacks rank 1 good? ›

The Zacks #1 Rank List is the best place to start your stock search each morning. It's made up of the top 5% of stocks with the most potential.

Is it worth paying for Zacks? ›

Is Zacks Premium worth it? Overall rating: Our take: No, Zacks Premium is not really worth the $249 annual cost.

Which is better, Morningstar or Zacks? ›

Zacks is much more quantitative in nature, while Morningstar uses fundamental analysis as a larger part of its recommendations. Morningstar appears to base its recommendations on an unbiased scale, while the Zacks Investment Research rating system is based solely on giving its members the most potential for profit.

How much do Zacks cost per month? ›

Subscription: $59/month or $495/year. Our unique Zacks Ultimate program gives you full 30-day access to Zacks' market insights and the most private picks from ALL of our portfolio recommendation services for only $1. Even those that are so exclusive they've been closed to new investors.

What is the best stock analysis website? ›

Summary: The Best Stock Research Websites & Tools in 2024

If you're looking for stock picks, Motley Fool Stock Advisor is the best option. If you're looking for a heavy screener, FINVIZ should be your tool. For investment research, Morningstar Premium, Seeking Alpha Premium, and Yahoo! Finance are all viable options.

Does Zacks tell you when to sell? ›

Stock Monitoring

Know exactly when to buy, hold and sell the stocks in your portfolio with Zacks' free Portfolio Tracker. Daily email alerts will brief you on updated Zacks Rank and Style Scores, Earnings Estimate Revisions, Broker Recommendation Changes and more.

Who is Zacks owned by? ›

We are a wholly owned subsidiary of our parent company, Zacks Investment Research, one of the largest providers of independent research in the U.S. In 1978, Len Zacks published a seminal article which first documented the value of using earnings estimate revisions to select stocks.

Is Zacks rank 3 good? ›

Zacks #3 Rank Stocks Can Be Perfectly Acceptable

These stocks represent the top 5% of all stocks that are covered by at least one analyst and are expected to experience the strongest earnings estimate revisions in the future.

How often is Zacks rank updated? ›

The Zacks Rank is updated daily on and can be viewed by Zacks Premium subscribers.

What is the difference between Zacks Ultimate and Premium? ›

The Zacks Ultimate program gives you Zacks Premium tools plus ALL the buys and sells from ALL of Zacks' private portfolios, including: 6 long-term investor services focusing on dividends, value stocks and ETFs.

What does a Zacks rank of 2 mean? ›

In order to get a lower score, an industry group must have a greater proportion of stocks with Zacks Rank of #1 ("Strong Buy") or #2 ("Buy"). These are stocks with the most positive trend in earnings estimate revisions.

What is Zacks rating on Goldman Sachs? ›

Goldman Sachs is holding a Zacks Rank of #3 (Hold) right now. In terms of valuation, Goldman Sachs is currently trading at a Forward P/E ratio of 13.16.

Who is the most accurate stock picker? ›

8 Best Stock Picking Services
  • The Motley Fool Stock Advisor.
  • Seeking Alpha Premium.
  • Trade Ideas.
  • Moby.
  • Stock Market Guides.
  • Mindful Trader.
  • Wallstreet Zen.
  • Zacks.

Is Zacks investment Management a fiduciary? ›

As an independent firm we are held to the fiduciary standard of care for our clients and their assets. This transparency, combined with our simple fee structures and open communication, allows Zacks professionals to consistently earn clients' trust.

What is the best site to research stocks? ›

Summary: The Best Stock Research Websites & Tools in 2024

If you're looking for stock picks, Motley Fool Stock Advisor is the best option. If you're looking for a heavy screener, FINVIZ should be your tool. For investment research, Morningstar Premium, Seeking Alpha Premium, and Yahoo! Finance are all viable options.

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Article information

Author: Arielle Torp

Last Updated:

Views: 6428

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.