13 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Through Text (2024)

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Texting has become an integral part of modern dating, allowing individuals to communicate and connect more conveniently. For someone, trying to decipher ways guys hint they like you through text can often be a challenging task.

While some men may be direct and upfront, others might be more subtle in expressing their feelings.

Here, we’ll explore the ways guys hint they like you through texts and provide valuable tips to help you decode their messages. So, let’s delve into these signs and tips and see if the guy is actually interested in you.

How do guys text when they like you?

When a guy likes you, his texting style may exhibit signs of genuine interest and enthusiasm. He is likely to respond promptly, initiate conversations, and invest effort into engaging with you. His messages may be filled with emojis or emoticons to express emotions playfully.

He may ask personal questions to get to know you better and share compliments to make you feel appreciated. Additionally, he may suggest plans to spend time together, demonstrating a desire to deepen your connection beyond texting.

Overall, his texts will reflect a warm and friendly tone, showing that he enjoys talking to you and values your presence in his life.

Does texting affect the initial foundation of a relationship?

13 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Through Text (3)

Before we dive into the signs he likes you over text, let’s address the impact of texting on the initial foundation of a relationship. Texting can be an effective tool for maintaining communication and cultivating a connection, especially in the early stages of dating.

However, excessive reliance on texting and a lack of in-person interactions can hinder the development of a deeper emotional connection. Studies have shown that face-to-face communication plays a crucial role in understanding each other’s emotions, building trust, and creating a stronger bond within a relationship.

Therefore, while texting can be a great way to stay in touch and convey your thoughts, it’s essential to strike a balance and complement it with face-to-face interactions to establish a solid foundation.

11 signs in texts that show the guy likes you

Develing into the world of texting can be exciting and nerve-wracking, especially when figuring out how guys text their crush. Fortunately, telltale signs are hidden within those messages that can reveal his true feelings.

From the words he uses in his replies to the use of adorable pet names, here are some signs that can help you decipher ways guys hint they like you through text or whether he’s into you or not.

1. The words he uses

What do guys say when they like you? To answer this question, you need to study the words he uses. The words guys use when they like you vary.

Still, there are common expressions, including “interested in you,” “wish to be your friend,” “love to know you,” “let’s go out sometime,” etc. All these expressions can help you find meaning in text from a guy.

2. Engaging texts

How do guys text when they like you? If a guy likes you, his texts will go beyond simple one-word answers. He will initiate thoughtful and engaging conversations, showing genuine interest in your life, dreams, and passions.

You’ll notice that he remembers important details and actively listens to your words. So, if the guy continues engaging in texting, you may ask, “Does he like me?” If this continues for a long time, he is likely into you.

3. Emoji usage

13 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Through Text (4)

The use of emojis can convey emotions that words alone might not express. Research shows that emojis contain personal messages that can strengthen bonds between people.

A guy who likes you may sprinkle his texts with emojis like hearts, winks, or smiles to show affection and playfulness, adding an extra layer of charm to the conversation.

4. Long messages

Lengthy texts typically indicate that a guy is genuinely interested in you. He’ll take the time to share detailed stories, thoughts, or experiences to keep the conversation going and deepen your connection. How guys text when they like you usually involves longer, more heartfelt messages.

5. Good morning/Goodnight texts

Sending morning and night messages suggests that you’re on his mind at the beginning and end of his day, which is a clear sign of genuine interest.

These thoughtful texts convey that he cares about you and wants to ensure you have a great day and a restful night. Regular morning and night messages are usually a clear indication of how guys text when they like you.

6. Compliments and flirting

Guys who like you will not hesitate to compliment you sincerely. They might also engage in playful teasing or light flirting through texts to create a deeper emotional connection and make you smile.

In such cases, if you ask, “Does he like me through text?” there are good chances he wants to establish a deeper connection, more than a friendship.

7. Initiates contact

If he often initiates conversations or reaches out first, it can be a clear sign that he enjoys talking to you and values your connection.

Initiating contact is a way for him to show that he’s interested in keeping the communication alive and wants to be a part of your life. Ways guys hint they like you through text usually consist of scenarios where the guy will try to initiate conversation whenever possible.

8. He asks personal questions

When a guy likes you, he will show genuine interest in getting to know you better. He’ll ask personal questions about your hobbies, interests, and aspirations, trying to understand what makes you unique and special.

If he is interested in your personal life, he will likely not settle for anything less than a relationship.

9. Recalls past conversations

An attentive guy who likes you will remember details from previous conversations and bring them up in later texts. This shows that he’s not only present in the moment but also genuinely interested in what you have to say and what makes you tick.

10. Consistent communication

Consistent texting is a positive sign, showing that he wants to maintain regular contact with you. He’ll make an effort to keep the communication flowing, even during busy times.

So, how do guys text when they like you? He is most likely into you if he is consistent with his texting.

11. Use of pet names

13 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Through Text (5)

Endearing pet names, such as “babe” or “sweetheart,” might signify his affectionate feelings toward you. Using these terms can indicate that he sees you as more than just a friend and is comfortable expressing his emotions.

Remember, interpreting text messages can sometimes be challenging, as everyone has their unique texting style. However, if you observe these signs in your conversations, there’s a good chance he’s interested in you and trying to build a meaningful connection.

Trust your intuition and take the time to get to know each other better to see where this potential romantic journey may lead.

13 tips to understand how guys text when they like you

In the dating world, it can get confusing to understand what a guy’s texts mean. If you spend a lot of time understanding the intention behind a guy’s texts to you and learning how to text guys, this section can help you.

Go through the following tips to get an idea of ways guys hint they like you through text.

1. He texts first

When confirming whether the guy likes you, confirming who texts first is vital. A guy who genuinely likes you won’t wait for your text before the conversation begins.

If he has feelings for you, he will most likely not worry about whether you will text first or not. Instead, he will not hesitate to text you first to get into a conversation with you.

2. He responds quickly to text

If a guy texts you back quickly, there is a high chance that he is interested in you and won’t like to keep you waiting. His responding speed can tell you he doesn’t want to give you a chance to doubt him.

Therefore, he may ensure he replies to you as soon as possible. Besides, it’s the early stage of a possible yet-to-be-formed relationship, so he would want to give you a good impression.

3. He will find reasons to text you

It’s normal to hold back from texting too much when a guy is getting to know you. However, a man with eyes for you will look for any reason to text you. They may not be shy or afraid to find reasons to text you.

He will always look for reasons to get the conversation rolling. For example, you may notice a text randomly from them in the afternoon after talking with them in the morning. This spontaneous form of communication is a sign he wants to date you.

4. He asks lots of questions

During the foundation of a relationship, some guys are usually focused on themselves. They want you to know their background, career, likes, and dislikes. This can go to such an extent that they forget to ask the other person any questions.

Nonetheless, a guy interested in you will ask many questions about you. That is the best way he can get to know you. He may occasionally compare your interests with his, but you will often be the focus of the conversation.

5. He talks about himself

Although it may sound selfish, some guys, when they like you, focus on themselves a little. He intends to make you like him; hence, he won’t stop telling you about his exciting and fun background, thriving career, and lovely family.

Meanwhile, paying attention to guys’ words when they like you is essential. It may be a red flag if he’s boasting about his looks.

6. He ensures the conversation stays alive

When a guy likes you, he will go above and beyond to keep the conversation flowing. You’ll notice he doesn’t let the conversation fizzle out or become one-sided. Instead, he actively participates and contributes to the discussion, ensuring no awkward silences.

One clear sign of his effort to keep the conversation alive is his use of open-ended questions. He won’t settle for simple yes-or-no answers; instead, he’ll ask questions encouraging more in-depth responses, allowing the conversation to delve into various topics.

7. He double-texts

You were probably busy when the first message entered your phone, so you didn’t notice it before moving to other topics in the conversation.

Typically, this may make someone feel bad or ignored. However, this isn’t usually the case with a guy that likes you. If you are trying to learn how guys text when they like you, you can analyze how they react when you don’t reply to their texts immediately.

A guy who likes you will send multiple messages to you to get your attention. He won’t keep count but focus on communicating with you.

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8. He lets you know when he’s busy

When a guy is an active type, you might ask yourself, “Why does he seem interested but doesn’t text?” But you can tell if a guy likes you through text when he tells you he’s busy.

13 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Through Text (6)

He won’t want you to think he isn’t serious. Therefore, he will inform you of his plans, especially his packed schedule.

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9. He passes random compliments

A man who likes you will make you feel beautiful. It’s one of the other ways guys hint they like you through text. He may give positive comments about your dress, voice, and perception.

Of course, this comes after observing you closely – a good sign you have him under your wrap.

Research shows that compliments are an essential way of forming bonds between people. They increase relationship satisfaction. If the guy gives you constant compliments, you can say it’s one of the texts guys send when they like you.

10. He texts you when he’s with his friends

Boys’ night is a ritual many men are devoted to and don’t jeopardize with external distractions. However, if he likes you, he will text you anywhere, including when he is with his friends.

He should be enjoying the moment with his friends, but he values you enough to create time for a discussion. That means he thinks about you even when he is having fun, which is a good sign.

11. He makes you laugh

How guys text when they like you shows a lot in his jokes. If he’s interested in you, you can bet he will always say one joke or two in every conversation. He doesn’t want to bore you and wants to make you eager to talk to him anytime.

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12. He hints at spending time together or going on a date

After endless conversations about the two of you, you will notice him giving a hint about spending some time together or seeing you face-to-face. This is one of the ways guys hint they like you without stating so explicitly.

Once you reach this stage, know that you have won him over.

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13. He uses your name in texts

When a guy likes you, he may consciously or subconsciously use your name in texts to create a more personal and intimate connection. For example, instead of simply saying, “How was your day?” he might say, “Hey [Your Name], how was your day?”

A small addition of your name to texts can significantly affect how you perceive his messages and the connection you share.

One of the texting habits of a guy who likes you is that he frequently uses your name in texts. If that is the case, it’s likely a clear indication that he likes you and wants to make you feel special.

14. He initiates deeper conversations

If a guy likes you, he will go beyond surface-level small talk and initiate deeper conversations. He will want to know your thoughts, opinions, and values. This shows that he is genuinely interested in getting to know you on a deeper level and building a meaningful connection.

Watch Mat Boggs, a Best-selling Author and expert dating coach, as he explains things men do when they are highly attracted to you:

13 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Through Text (7)

15. He remembers details from previous conversations

When a guy likes you, he pays attention to what you say and remembers details from previous conversations.

He may bring up something you mentioned before or ask follow-up questions to show he was listening. Remembering details is a sign that he is invested in the conversation and interested in you as a person.

Remember, these are just general guidelines, and everyone is different. When interpreting their texts, it’s essential to consider the individual’s personality and communication style.


It’s not uncommon to wonder if someone likes you based on their text messages. However, deciphering these hints can sometimes be confusing. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about how guys show their interest over text.

  • How does a guy show he likes you over text?

A guy may show he likes you through text by using flirty and playful language, sending you frequent messages, initiating conversations, using emojis, and occasionally complimenting or teasing you. Pay attention to the tone and content of his texts to pick up on his level of interest.

  • How do you know if he secretly likes you through text?

If a guy secretly likes you, he may text you first and respond quickly, even during odd hours. He may also engage in lengthy conversations, ask personal questions, and remember small details from previous conversations. Look for a consistent pattern of positive communication with a hint of shyness.

  • How do you test if he likes you over text?

Testing, if a guy likes you over text can be done by subtly suggesting activities or events and seeing if he wants to join.

You could also try showing vulnerability and see if he offers support or shows concern. However, it’s essential to remember that testing someone’s feelings should be done cautiously.

  • How do guys drop hints that they like you?

Guys may drop hints that they like you by expressing genuine interest in your life, remembering important dates or events, using more flirty or affectionate language, and trying to spend time with you.

They may also give compliments, try to make you laugh, or show signs of jealousy if other guys are mentioned.


Understanding ways guys hint they like you through text involves paying attention to various aspects of their texting behavior.

From the frequency and promptness of their replies to the thoughtful engagement and use of endearing terms, each element of their texts offers valuable insights into their feelings and level of interest.

By being observant and receptive to these signs, you can better understand a guy’s emotions and intentions, helping you navigate the complexities of modern dating with more clarity and confidence. Happy texting!

13 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Through Text (2024)


13 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Through Text? ›

He'll say that he enjoys talking to you or finds you funny.

If he's giving you compliments, he probably likes you and is feeling more comfortable expressing his interest over texts rather than face-to-face. “Just wanted to say you looked beautiful tonight!” “You're great to talk to.”

How do guys hint that they like you over text? ›

He'll say that he enjoys talking to you or finds you funny.

If he's giving you compliments, he probably likes you and is feeling more comfortable expressing his interest over texts rather than face-to-face. “Just wanted to say you looked beautiful tonight!” “You're great to talk to.”

How to know if a guy is playing with your feelings over text? ›

Think about whether he seems emotionally attached to you.

If you are being played, the guy may seem really excited about texting you one day and pretty aloof for the next few days after that. He will seem to be able to turn his feelings for you off and on without a problem.

Do guys drop hints that they like you? ›

Guys that are into you often use lots of emojis, text first, or even double text. Watch for in-person signs, like holding eye contact, respectful little touches, or leaning in close. A follow-up text after a date or hangout, or a raincheck when he can't make it are sure signs that he wants to spend more time with you.

What are the three hidden signs a man is falling in love with you text? ›

The three hidden signs he secretly wants you and is falling in love with you are: 1) His eyes always search for you, 2) His hero instinct kicks in, and 3) He talks about the future.

How to tell if he's interested over text? ›

13 tips to understand how guys text when they like you
  1. He texts first. ...
  2. He responds quickly to text. ...
  3. He will find reasons to text you. ...
  4. He asks lots of questions. ...
  5. He talks about himself. ...
  6. He ensures the conversation stays alive. ...
  7. He double-texts. ...
  8. He lets you know when he's busy.

How to test if a guy likes you? ›

12 Subtle Signs a Guy Likes You
  1. Gives body language cues. ...
  2. Pays attention to you. ...
  3. Initiates and maintains contact. ...
  4. Displays interest in your interests. ...
  5. Goes out of his way for you. ...
  6. Introduces you to his inner circle. ...
  7. Shares personal information. ...
  8. Compliments and flirts.
Jun 29, 2024

How do you test if a guy has feelings for you? ›

A smile, especially one that lights up his face when he sees you, can be a silent admission of his affection. Notice his physical proximity too. Does he lean in while talking to you or find reasons to be close? These subtle actions can be strong indicators of his feelings towards you.

How do you know when a guy is catching feelings for you? ›

His facial expressions, and body language will also tell. Suppose he constantly compliments you, listens to what you have to say, makes you feel comfortable and seems interested in developing a relationship with you. In that case, there is a good chance that he is interested in you.

How guys act when they secretly like you? ›

Look for signs in his body language like eye contact and leaning in towards you while talking. He'll also initiate more physical touch between you. Study his behavior, including the time between text responses and how jealous he seems when other guys are mentioned.

What signals do guys give when they like you? ›

  • He'll serve you an eyebrow flash. ...
  • His lips part. ...
  • His nostrils flare and his face generally "opens." ...
  • He'll try to attract your attention. ...
  • He'll stroke his tie or smooth a lapel. ...
  • He'll smooth or mess up his hair. ...
  • His eyebrows remain slightly raised while you're talking. ...
  • He'll fiddle with his socks and pull them up.
Mar 5, 2018

How does a guy act if he really likes you? ›

He makes time for you. Whether he's responding to text messages in a super timely manner, signing up for tasks like helping you move, or making sure you know that he's around if you need anything at all, making time for you is one big sign to make note of.

How do you tell if a guy has deep feelings for you? ›

Signs a man is falling in love with you: Body language and more
  1. He wants to spend more time around you. ...
  2. He says “we” ...
  3. He wants to make you smile. ...
  4. He puts himself in your shoes. ...
  5. He sees the good in you. ...
  6. He wants you to meet his loved ones. ...
  7. He lets you see his vulnerabilities. ...
  8. He goes to you when things are difficult.
Jun 28, 2024

How do you know if a man has fallen for you? ›

A: You can tell if he has fallen for you by looking for the six signs mentioned in this article: he listens to you attentively and remembers what you say, he compliments you sincerely and often, he makes time for you and prioritizes you, he introduces you to his friends and family, he shows physical affection and ...

How to tell if a man loves you but is scared? ›

Signs a guy has fallen in love but feels scared
  1. He is hesitant. ...
  2. He is afraid of rejection. ...
  3. He went through a breakup. ...
  4. He stares, then looks away. ...
  5. He acts eager before acting distant. ...
  6. Ask direct questions. ...
  7. Be open about your emotions. ...
  8. Know when it's time to take a step back.
Jul 26, 2024

How to know if a guy is hiding his feelings for you through text? ›

Subtle signs like timing, emojis, and personal revelations offer glimpses into hidden feelings. Remember, while decoding texts can provide insights, the best way to confirm someone's affection is through honest face-to-face conversations.

How do you subtly show interest in a guy over text? ›

1 Talk about what you're doing that day. 2 Keep some details about your life to yourself. 3 Ask him thoughtful questions about himself. 4 Send a fun picture of your location.

How to tell if a guy likes you through conversation? ›

He asks plenty of questions

If a guy is interested in you, he will likely try to engage you in conversation. They'll seem like they want to get to know you and, in some cases, might seem to go out of their way to do so.

Do guys catch feelings over text? ›

A lot of studies have shown that texting is a great way to start a romance, especially because of how convenient it is and that it doesn't make the people involved feel the ‌a*wkwardness that comes with meeting in person. So, yes, it is possible for a man to fall in love over text.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.