14 Expert Recommendations for Improving Sales Conversion Rate (2024)

14 Expert Recommendations for Improving Sales Conversion Rate (1)

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So you have a stellar lead-converting plan in place and you have your team working on it. The important question, however, is: are all the efforts reaping new customers? Are all those leads converting?

Sales conversion rate is a good metric to track in your sales dashboard, in order to learn the answers to these questions as it gives you the rate at which you’re converting leads into customers.

Once you start calculating it, you’ll have a snapshot of howwell you are doing in terms of sales conversions.

Next step? Increasing the rate at which you convert leadsinto customers, which brings us to this blog post’s very purpose.

We asked 26 experts about how they increase their sales conversion rates. They had some amazing insights that we’re going to share with you below. In total, you’ll learn the following today:

  • What is a Good Sales Conversion Rate?
  • 14 Ways to Improve Your Sales Conversion Rate?

Let’s dig in:

What is a Good Sales Conversion Rate?

Less than 10% seems like a good sales conversion rate as themajority of the experts we surveyed say that their current sales conversionrate is somewhere less than 10%.

14 Expert Recommendations for Improving Sales Conversion Rate (3)

Research also concludes that around 10% is a good sales conversion rate with the average conversion rate across industries being 2.5%.

But how you calculate your sales conversion rate also playsan essential role here. This could be the sales you make divided by the totalnumber of visitors you get and multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.

So if you got, say 100 visitors a month and made 20 sales,your conversion rate would be 20/100 x 100 giving you 20% conversion rate.However, our survey showed that only about 10% of the respondents calculatetheir sales conversion rate using this tactic.

14 Expert Recommendations for Improving Sales Conversion Rate (4)

The majority (about 35%) calculate their conversion rate by taking the number of sales and dividing them by the qualified leads. Another popular method that about 32% of the respondents use is dividing the sales made by total leads.

So, before you go about increasing your sales conversion rate, it’s important you settle on how you’d like to calculate it first. Then, emulate the 14 tips that we share with you below.

14 Ways to Improve Your Sales Conversion Rate

From leveraging the power of video to creating automatedfollow-up campaigns, our experts shared some great tips.

Let’s give you the tips first, followed by their details:

  1. Work with the right leads instead of a lot of leads
  2. Guarantee results
  3. Use video
  4. Inform that you are moving on
  5. Tweak or change your call to action (CTA)
  6. Work on your headlines
  7. Improve support with live chat
  8. Set up a follow-up campaign
  9. Use SMS alerts to increase your sales conversion rate
  10. Improve user experience
  11. Create content for all parts of your sales funnel
  12. Personalize
  13. Offer a live demo
  14. Use a sales CRM

PRO TIP: How to Set SMART Goals for Your Sales Team’s Performance

To decide which goals meet the SMART criteria, sales managers need to look at sales analytics for their teams and monitor sales KPIs, for example:

  1. Average Time to Close Deal
  2. New Deals Amount
  3. Number of Customers
  4. Average Revenue per New Customer

Based on these metrics, and in light of other revenue-based and activity-based goals, you can identify and set desired goals for future performance, but how to get this information?

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1. Work with the right leads instead of a lot of leads

“It starts with the quality of the leads,” notes Fistbump Media’s Dan King. “So our Sales and Marketing functions work really closely together to ensure we’re getting the right kinds of leads who are going to be most likely to convert.

From a marketing perspective, we’re not interested in just driving lots of traffic and leads. We’ll consider fewer leads a success if they are the right leads. So marketing and sales work closely to identify the reasons people make their buying decision for various products/services, and then we create the marketing campaigns to specifically hit those points.”

Get a broader overview of all the leads in your funnel using this sales leads dashboard.

Related: 11 Expert Tips for Driving More Sales Qualified Leads

2. Guarantee results

“If you are firm that your product or service will offer great value, you can guarantee results,” advises CocoSign’s Caroline Lee. “This is one tactic we implemented to help customers take quick action.

Wouldn’t you take action if someone guarantees you a certainoutcome? Again, there’s a lot of risk factor involved in this, and implementingthis strategy is based on the value you offer.”

Besides, Lee shares you can also “infuse ‘fear of missingout,’ this helps customers to spark action. Offer a limited time incentive toattract attention.”

3. Use video

The team at Care Lamps has recently tried to leverage videos in order to increase their sales conversion rate. Ian Turner explains, “We recently trialed adding a lifestyle video, showcasing one of our products in use. This has increased our conversion rate of this product by 0.5%.”

4. Inform that you are moving on

Dave Popple’s team at Psynet Group has noticed some interesting results as they told their inactive leads they were moving on. Popple writes, “the most effective thing that we did was to reach out and tell them that we are assuming they are not interested (after 2 months of no movement) and that we will move on.

This is not as much of a sales tactic as it is courtesy tostop calling and filling up their email box as well as a means to keep oursales team from wasting time. This simple message put 70% of our prospects backin play and half of those 70 have signed an SOW.

We calculate conversion as sales/first meeting with a consultant. We have a system in which the sales team generates interest and the consultant has the first meeting. This is probably closest to your sales/opportunities ratio.”

5. Tweak or change your call to action (CTA)

A couple of our expert respondents applaud the role that a clear and optimized call to action plays in boosting the sales conversion rate.

Jennifer Neylon from My Supplement Store shares, “We have found that adding more CTA or Call to Actions throughout our content has resulted in improved sales conversions rates.

For example, on our homepage banners, we have tested addingCTA buttons that link directly to products or pages, and have found thatcustomers are more likely to click the button embedded in the banner than thebanner alone. The same goes for adding CTA buttons in email marketing, etc.”

In the same vein, CarVertical’s Arnas Vasiliauskas comments, “Our key to boosting our sales conversion rates is to reinforce the value of our content by designing strong CTA headlines and forging a unique and relevant content body. We make sure that the audience’s attention is maintained by promoting engagement all throughout the whole content.”

Wicklewood’s Rosie Axford goes into the optimization details: “Test various uses of color on call to actions along the conversion funnel. Obviously, the most important place to look when you are increasing conversions is along the conversion funnel.”

“At all points on the conversion funnel, we have hundreds of different A/B tests running. Out of all the tests we ran, the most interesting test was on the cart page. The site had a progress bar that ran along the top of the cart page that told you how close you were to getting free delivery (when you spent £29), the default design (version A) had a grey progress bar and when you achieved free delivery it would turn green.

On the other hand, version B was green by default even if you hadn’t achieved the necessary spending. We found that Version B dramatically outperformed version A. In our initial test against a small segment of the site traffic, we saw an increased conversion rate of 8%,” continues Axford.

Related: How to Write a Call to Action: Increase Your Conversions with 16 Proven Tips for Crafting CTAs

6. Work on your headlines

A click-worthy CTA with an equally engaging headline makes the best combination for improving your sales conversion rate opines Darren Litt from Hiya Health Products.

“Above all, you need to focus on two components — the headlineand the call to action. Simplify what’s valuable or relevant about your productand state it succinctly. There may be other competing ads next to yours, soyour headline should answer why your product is the solution.

Then add a clear call to action. What’s the next step you want your prospect to make? How can you present this call to action in an incentivizing way? What can you offer upfront to compel them to click and complete the call to action?”

7. Improve support with live chat

“When consumers want to learn about a product or service, live chat is one of the most effortless ways to go, it’s super beneficial,” points out Incrementors SEO Services’ Brack Nelson. “To add live chat to your site, you can use plugins like Chatra or Zopim.”

8. Set up a follow-up campaign

Shawn Breyer of The Hive Law appreciates following-up with leads. Breyer explains how they did it: “We created an automated follow-up campaign. We did this by setting up retargeting and emailing leads. We placed Google Ads and Facebook Pixels on our forms’ thank you pages.

We retarget them with Display Ads, YouTube Ads, and FacebookAds. We also send them an automated email sequence. All these pieces of contentinclude testimonials, education, and offers. Implementing this has increasedour conversions by 37%.”

9. Use SMS alerts to increase your sales conversion rate

At Filter King, Rick Hoskins explains they use SMS alerts to increase their sales conversion rate.

“The customer chooses when they want to receive a reminderto replace their air and/or furnace filters. Filters need to be changedregularly and with life happening it is often that they are forgotten. SMSalerts go straight to someone’s cell to remind them. It is a free service weoffer, which increases the number of subscribers.

Having an SMS alert is more advantageous than an email orapp alert. Often notifications are turned off for apps, but never for SMS.Direct calls and SMS are still regarded as private lines. The conversation ratefrom these alerts is very satisfactory.”

10. Improve user experience

“Improving our sales conversion rate relies on our ongoing consumer research, website optimizations, and updates based on our website data in analytics,” Youtech’s Elizabeth Weatherby says.

“We can learn a lot when we look at our website analytics, clickpaths, heat maps, and more, to learn about where on our site we can makeupdates and optimizations to improve the online buying experience.

Our SEO efforts have allowed us to make necessaryadjustments to our site design and set up to better assist users in converting.When we make updates to the way our services and vehicle offerings arepresented, users gravitate towards certain styles and website booking formatsthan others. With these A/B tests and ongoing optimizations, we’re able to seeour direct efforts when calculating sales from online bookings that came fromorganic users!”

11. Create content for all parts of your sales funnel

Next up is another useful tip for improving your sales conversion rate – this one’s from Jonathan Aufray of GrowthHackers who says, “to improve our sales conversion rate, we created content for each part of the funnel. Whether your lead is on the brand awareness, discovery, consideration, or interest phase, we’ve got content to share with them.

This content is in different formats (Blog posts, e-books, infographics, case studies, etc.) and we’re ready to answer most of their questions or concerns.” Use this sales funnel dashboard to measure the impact of your produced content in converting leads in your sales funnel.

12. Personalize

This gives you an edge over others as you add a human touchto your interaction with your leads. Here’s how others are doing so:

  • Personalize your sales calls

“We analyzed over 500 leads in a matrix to determine the greatest correlating factor between a raw lead and a converted sale. We used things like number of emails sent, emails responded, sales calls made, length of time from lead to conversion, locale, and industry.

We found the number one converting factor was whether or not the lead had a personalized sales call within two days after making contact. That simple action increased lead to conversion by over 200%.” – Nate Nead, SEO.co. Measure the impact personalization has in the number of sales calls booked using this sales dashboard software.

  • Personalize email campaigns

“We primarily use email outreach to target qualified prospects for our marketing firm. By implementing a more personalized approach in our outreach, showcasing the thorough background research on the company we’re speaking to, and tailoring our message towards their goals, we’ve been able to increase our response rates by more than 35%.

To take it one step further, we’ve found that telling corny dad jokes in cold outreach campaigns can lead to a 13% increase in total conversion value for us, no kidding” – Sean Chaudhary, AlchemyLeads.

  • Add a Loom video to your pitch deck

“The most impactful addition we’ve made to our sales processis doing Loom videos in conjunction with our pitch deck. Adding color viavoice, sound, and video to the presentation makes all the difference.

We also delayed the delivery of this pitch until we already know the prospect is serious and willing to purchase. In the past, we’ve put work into the deck and pitch too early and had wasted effort. Now we’re really careful about filtering, but when we know we have a good fit, we go all in on personalization.” – Alex Birkett, Omniscient Digital.

13. Offer a live demo

Two of our respondents suggest you give live demos to increase your sales conversion rate. For Nick Hollinger at Visitor Queeu, this has led to a sales conversion increase by “2-3x.”

Smartlook’s Lukas Mehnert shares another important point here: make your demo button easily accessible Mehnert elaborates, “We decided to add a ‘Request demo’ button to the top menu. That’s how wherever the user is on the product page, he has the link handy. We also worked on the demo page, listing the most important gains after signing up for a demo call. As we noticed, more visitors engaged with the demo, and it resulted in increased conversion.”

14. Use a sales CRM

For the folks at Superior Honda, a sales CRM has been a great help. Irene Wambui Muchai Lopez comments, “Implementing a sales CRM has greatly helped in improving our sales conversion rate. Often times keeping up with leads can be quite overwhelming on busy weeks so by having a sales CRM, we’re able to better keep track of our leads and ensure no lead slips through the cracks.

We’re also able to set reminders to continue to catch up with leads until the sale is closed won or lost. We do not only catch up with leads with regards to the sales process but by sending a friendly card, you can help maintain a positive relationship with your lead so they keep you top of mind when they’re ready to close that deal.”

Browse through these free CRM dashboard examples here.

Editor’s note: Take advantage of your CRM features by tracking important data such as how many sales are individually closed by each member of your sales team. If you are a HubSpot user, here’s how you can easily track Close Rate by Sales Rep in HubSpot CRM along with some advanced options you might want to consider.


There’s a lot that you can do to convert leads into sales. Most of all, focus on making it an excellent experience for your lead – from the first touchpoint to the point they convert, even beyond so they can turn into your loyal customers.

14 Expert Recommendations for Improving Sales Conversion Rate (2024)


How to improve conversion rates in sales? ›

14 Ways to Improve Your Sales Conversion Rate
  1. Work with the right leads instead of a lot of leads.
  2. Guarantee results.
  3. Use video.
  4. Inform that you are moving on.
  5. Tweak or change your call to action (CTA)
  6. Work on your headlines.
  7. Improve support with live chat.
  8. Set up a follow-up campaign.
Sep 21, 2023

What are three actions that can improve your conversion rate? ›

Improve your conversion rate
  • Track your success with conversion tracking. ...
  • Use specific keywords for better conversion rates. ...
  • Use negative keywords to refine your traffic. ...
  • Use the search terms report to reach the right customers. ...
  • Include prices in your ad to attract potential buyers.

What is a good conversion rate and how do you improve it? ›

In fact, a “good” website conversion rate falls between 2% and 5% across all industries. Industry-specific conversion rates vary quite a bit more. Some industries, like industrial equipment, have very low-performing websites.

What is a KPI for sales conversion? ›

Conversion KPIs are a bunch of metrics that track the number of users successfully converted to the next stage (e.g., website visitors to leads, trial users to paying customers). Conversion metrics: Cost per acquisition (CPA): Measure the amount of money you're spending to acquire a new lead.

What is the best conversion strategy? ›

How to Develop an Effective Conversion Strategy
  • Define Clear Goals and Objectives.
  • Understand Your Target Audience.
  • Optimize User Experience.
  • Create Compelling Content.
  • Implement Effective Tracking and Analytics.
  • Continuously Test and Refine.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Landing Page Optimization.
Jul 17, 2023

What is a good lead to sale conversion rate? ›

The top performers have a conversion rate benchmark of up to 25%. The form conversion rate for businesses involved in SaaS is 2.4%. Compare this to the click conversion rate, which is 10.1%. Consider the following tips and strategies for improving your lead conversion and lead-to-sale conversion rates.

What are the four main strategies of conversion? ›

  • Abrupt Cutover.
  • Parallel Conversion.
  • Location Conversion.
  • Staged Conversion.

What actions increase conversions? ›

Now that you see the difference a higher conversion rate can make, here are a bunch of useful ways you can make it happen.
  • Highlight your unique value proposition above the fold. ...
  • Use compelling and clear calls to action. ...
  • Establish trust through social proof and testimonials. ...
  • Keep it simple to avoid on-screen distractions.
Jun 29, 2024

What is conversion rate optimization strategy? ›

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of implementing different tactics to increase the percentage of visitors who convert (take a desired action) on your website. Conversions can be many different activities, depending on what you want to achieve. That can include: Making a purchase.

How do you solve for conversion rate? ›

Conversion Rate = Total number of conversions / Total number of unique visitors * 100. Conversion Rate = Total number of conversions / Total number of leads * 100.

How do you reduce conversion rate? ›

How can you reduce your cost per conversion?
  1. Pause low-converting keywords. Whether you're new to PPC or a veteran, you should make it a priority to review your keywords on a regular basis. ...
  2. Review high-converting keywords. ...
  3. Add negative keywords. ...
  4. Evaluate the best times to show your ads. ...
  5. Improve your landing pages.

How to increase conversion rate in retail? ›

  1. Increase your assortment.
  2. Refresh store layout periodically.
  3. Provide free Wi-Fi.
  4. Use ambient factors.
  5. Introduce a variety of payment methods.
  6. Promote in-store only deals.
  7. Engage in community partnerships.
  8. Offer time-limited promotions.

What is a good B2B conversion rate? ›

What is a Good Conversion Rate for B2B? An acceptable average conversion rate should be somewhere between 2%-5%. The ideal conversion rate for some industries could be around 10% or more. Conversion rates vary based on your industry and which product or service your company is selling.

What is the formula for conversion? ›

The conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of visitors. For example, if an eCommerce business received 1,000 site visitors in one month and received 50 customer orders, then the conversion would be 5.0% for the month.

What affects sales conversion rate? ›

Six factors – Value Proposition, Relevance, Clarity, Distraction, Urgency and Anxiety.

Is a 7% conversion rate good? ›

A good conversion rate generally falls between 2-8% and varies across different industries. That figure varies (and increases) the more specific your niche is. For example, tech industries have higher conversion rates than retail or real estate industries.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.