35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (2024)

Many companies in existence—even big-name startups—once had to create a pitch deck at the beginning of their journey. Thanks to the internet, we can access and study all those successful pitch decks for a healthy dose of inspiration.

Some of these investor pitch deck examples have become quite famous, like the Airbnb pitch deck from when the company was still called AirBed&Breakfast.

In this article, we’ve put together the 35 best pitch decks to learn from. We've also recreated some of those pitch decks into templates to help you attract investors and support for your own company.

If you're ready to create your own pitch deck, use our presentation software to put together a professional investor presentation in minutes.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit pitch deck templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View 23 more templates below:

What Makes a Good Pitch Deck?

Before we launch into 35 of the best pitch decks of all time, let’s talk about what makes a good pitch deck. What’s going to grab investor attention and help propel your business toward the same success that companies like Airbnb, WeWork, Uber and Facebook have all seen?

Let’s dig into a few of the major components to keep in mind when designing a pitch deck.

  • Use the right slides. There are 10 key slides every pitch deck should have, including an introduction, problem/solution, business model, statistics, etc. Flesh out a proper pitch deck outline before you get started pulling necessary information.
  • Tell a story. One of the best ways to capture your audience is through a compelling story. Make sure you’re really selling your business idea by elaborating on why people are going to want or need it.
  • Be passionate about your idea. No one wants to listen to someone half-heartedly pitch a business idea. You need to believe in it and make your audience believe in it, too.
  • Proofread and practice. Nothing is going to make you seem less professional than typos and a million “ums” during your speech. Review your slides and rehearse them to make sure you’re ready to present.
  • Pay attention to design. Old, boring, bulleted PowerPoints won’t get you anywhere anymore. With access to beautiful and simple templates and tools (*ahem* Visme *ahem*) it’s never been easier to create beautiful and creative pitch decks.

For even more tips on your pitch deck design, watch this video:

If you need help creating attention-grabbing pitch decks, you can use the versions recreated in Visme as a starting point. Better yet, allowVisme's AI presentation maker to do the heavy lifting for you—it handles everything from design to content, speeding up your pitch deck design process.

With just a text prompt, this advanced tool helps you generate pitch deck presentations complete with images, icons, illustrations, text, and everything else—in just seconds.

For example, you can draw inspiration from any of these pitch deck examples and instruct the AI presentation maker to generate a similar pitch deck design tailored to your business and topic of choice. Isn't that amazing?

Click on a Pitch Deck to Jump Ahead

  1. Dropbox Pitch Deck
  2. Tinder Pitch Deck
  3. Airbnb Pitch Deck
  4. WeWork Pitch Deck
  5. Uber Pitch Deck
  6. BuzzFeed Pitch Deck
  7. Launchrock Pitch Deck
  8. Foursquare Pitch Deck
  9. Intercom Pitch Deck
  10. Mattermark Pitch Deck
  11. TouristEye Pitch Deck
  12. Buffer Pitch Deck
  13. Ooomf (Crew) Pitch Deck
  14. Moz Pitch Deck
  15. Biogrify Pitch Deck
  16. Front Pitch Deck
  17. Piccsy Pitch Deck
  18. LinkedIn Pitch Deck
  19. Fyre Festival Pitch Deck
  20. Manpacks Pitch Deck
  21. Coinbase Pitch Deck
  22. Snapchat Pitch Deck
  23. YouTube Pitch Deck
  24. Facebook Pitch Deck
  25. Crunchbase Pitch Deck
  26. Contently Pitch Deck
  27. Wise (TransferWise) Pitch Deck
  28. Bliss Pitch Deck
  29. Castle Pitch Deck
  30. Shift Pitch Deck
  31. Cubeit Pitch Deck
  32. Revolut Pitch Deck
  33. Alto Pitch Deck
  34. Wayfair Pitch Deck
  35. Walmart - Flipkart Pitch Deck

1. Dropbox Pitch Deck

Dropbox is one of the pioneers of cloud storage as we know it today, and their pitch deck from 2007 was all about revolutionizing the way people stored and shared important data.

The company has raised around $1.7 billion in funding and is backed by popular investors like JP Morgan and Sequoia Capital.

Original pitch deck:

What makes Dropbox's pitch deck stand out among others is how it addresses the “why” behind the entire idea of cloud storage.

As you go through the slides, you’ll notice how each section focuses on how Dropbox’s solution will benefit users and the society as a whole by changing the way people work with files.

This slide deck inspiration also dives into the details of why investing in the company is a good idea at that particular time, making a strong case for securing the funding they need.

Key Takeaway: Draw a comparison with your competitors to show how your product is better. Focus on the features, but then follow up with benefits to explain why those features are worth investing in.

It's also a good idea to explain why the timing is ideal for launching your product or company. Dropbox does this well by highlighting trends that are relevant to their target audience, such as the increased use of digital devices and more distributed/remote teams.

Here's an investor pitch deck template that comes built-in with a comparison table, data widgets, charts and a benefits slide. Customize it to create a value-focused pitch deck like Dropbox.

Recreated in Visme:

35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (9)

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

2. Tinder Pitch Deck

Previously known as Matchbox, Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps in the world.

While Tinder's pitch deck below is not officially connected to any funding round, the app managed to raise over $50 million in just three rounds.

Original pitch deck:

So, what is it about this that makes it such a great pitch deck inspiration?

First, they do an excellent job of communicating the problem with a short (but relatable) story. Then, instead of talking about the solution, they show it within their app.

The next few slides dive deeper into the app’s functionality — how it works and what value it provides. By using step-by-step screenshots, they let their app do the talking.

Finally, the pitch deck summarizes additional features being developed and the revenue opportunity, or how they plan to make money, in two short slides.

Key Takeaway: Using storytelling to explain a problem can make it relatable and easier to understand. A good pitch deck puts investors in the customers’ shoes, which naturally makes them more intrigued to learn about the solution.

Another lesson to be learned here is to use your product’s functionality to explain the solution. Tinder does a great job of showing instead of telling with step-by-step screenshots of how users will navigate through the app to fulfill their needs.

Customize this business pitch deck template below designed especially for apps and SaaS businesses, and apply your own storytelling principles:

Recreated in Visme:

35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (10)

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

RELATED: The Startup One Pager: How to Create One Investors Will Love [Including Templates]

3. Airbnb Pitch Deck

Some of the best investor decks present information in a quickly-digestible, easily-understandable way. This is where an early pitch deck by Airbnb shines.

Original pitch deck:

Airbnb’s pitch deck is commonly cited as one of the best, and has helped raise over $112 million.

Each slide is relatively basic, presenting the information quickly and efficiently. They also avoid the pitfalls of sticking simply to text, adding images and charts throughout that illustrate their points in a similar manner.

Key Takeaway: You don’t want to bore your audience, but you also want them to know exactly what your product or service is trying to do. Airbnb's modern pitch deck design exemplifies simplicity at its finest.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Airbnb to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

The Visme editor comes equipped with several AI features, like the AI Presentation Maker, which helps you craft a fully designed pitch deck from start to finish, including content and visual graphics. Additionally, the AI Writer can help you refine content in several ways, like summarizing longer text or refreshing older content.

Use the prompt window to explain what you need and watch the tool unleash its magic.

4. WeWork Pitch Deck

In the WeWork Pitch Deck Series D, they show projected growth in big numbers. They used the power of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to really bring the message home to investors.

Original pitch deck:

By providing big-name services to their members through an affiliate scheme, they were able to add the logos of all these companies in their company deck and show who they were already working with.

Not only did they get tons of funding with this pitch deck, they're now one of the biggest coworking space providers in the world. They knew the potential of WeWork and were definitely not afraid to show it.

Key Takeaway: If you know your idea has the potential to be huge, show it. WeWork knew they had a sound business plan that was bound to grow with the right amount of support. They didn’t take any shortcuts and used visual charts to show huge projections and big plans.

Here’s a business pitch template inspired by WeWork to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

5. Uber Pitch Deck

When Uber first started out, it was called UberCab.

The idea behind the business seemed like something right out of a fairy tale; cabs that would pick you up in minutes, which you didn’t have to call or stand on the curb for.

Even though their initial ideas did not exactly represent how Uber is today, their original pitch deck is a great example of believing in a product.

This professional pitch deck goes into detail about how UberCab could ultimately change the way taxis work, forever.

Original pitch deck:

The actual slides from this business deck rely heavily on bullet points to get the message across, but they hit home because they are simple and short-winded. The bullet points are more like matter-of-fact statements instead of long explanations.

You can tell that the founders knew they had a great idea and all they needed was the investors to see it the way they did. They had no charts because they were still a small enterprise and had no growth to show.

They were relying on a simple fact: their idea was a game changer.

Key Takeaway:Even if all you have is a great idea, strongly believing in that idea can help you get the funding you need to turn it into a reality. Forget fancy charts and long explanations — the best pitch deck designs keep it simple and get to the point quickly.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Uber to get you started.

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6. BuzzFeed Pitch Deck

When BuzzFeed was small, with only five people in a tiny office in Chinatown, they knew they had to stand out from the crowd to get ahead. So, instead of just being one amongst the pack, they created their own pack.

They visualized this idea perfectly on slide 18 of their pitch deck. BuzzFeed pitched the idea of advertisem*nt as content instead of having content and advertisem*nt as two different entities, which was the norm.

Original pitch deck:

Their idea to use content generated by users, computer algorithms and advertisers is what made them different from other journalistic websites. They pitched their platform to investors so they could include their advertisem*nt as content.

In the pitch deck, BuzzFeed’s founders showed exactly how their idea worked and how it would look online. They also visualized exactly how the “advertisem*nt as content” idea would benefit them, including screenshots of the actual website.

In their second-last slide, they prompt “How big can this get?”, and they were not shy to show just how their take on viral media could take off.

Key Takeaway: If you're in the SaaS business, visualize your idea using actual screenshots of your product. Showing can be much more effective than simply telling, as it helps investors gain a deeper understanding of your idea.

Here’s a product pitch deck template inspired by BuzzFeed to get you started.

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7. Launchrock Pitch Deck

The usual presentation has a light background and dark-colored content, but the pitch deck for Launchrock went in the opposite direction.

The slides have a black background, while the content is made of white text and red and blue gradient buttons. This visual quality is perfectly reminiscent of the Launchrock brand.

Original pitch deck:

The Launchrock brand is simple, bold and to the point, and so is their pitch deck. The information on each slide is minimal, but precise. The data flows from one slide to the next in a simple storytelling format.

To top it off, they use social proof and a sense of community to get the message across.

Key Takeaway:Don't be afraid to experiment when it comes to pitch deck design. Just make sure the colors and fonts you choose are aligned with your brand and don't compromise on the readability of your presentation slides.

Another lesson to be learned is that you don't always need to use text to explain your idea. The flowchart on slide 11 has no text, but it fully visualizes the idea behind their product.

Here’s a professional pitch deck template inspired by Launchrock to get you started.

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8. Foursquare Pitch Deck

Foursquare was huge a while ago, but with so many location-based apps now it’s easy to wonder if it still exists. Yes, Foursquare still exists and it’s so much more than it used to be at the beginning.

Back in the young days of Foursquare, it was just two guys with an idea and this pitch deck.

Original pitch deck:

This pitch deck has long sections of text, which isn’t usually considered a good idea. But on these slides with long bullet points, there are also mobile device mockups with real screenshots of the app doing its thing.

This somehow makes it work, along with the fact that the text is inspiring, innovative and perfectly organized.

The screenshots visualize every single functionality, yet keep things real. There are no excessive growth charts or high pitched dream ideas.

Foursquare has done a great job of growing into a huge enterprise and it all began in the era of this pitch deck.

Key Takeaway:Instead of just focusing on one type of user, show how your idea, company or product will benefit all the stakeholders involved. A large part of this pitch deck’s success is that it shows how the Foursquare app benefits both companies and users.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Foursquare to get you started.

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The Intercom logo has seen a lot of revamping since its first pitch deck, but it has always been full of personality.

The slides in Intercom's pitch presentation example stick to a simple outline accompanied by the hand-drawn font of their logo on the headings and bullets.

Original pitch deck:

Not only does this keep the pitch deck cover page on brand, it also adds a good dose of personality to all the slides. It shows investors that the Intercom company is simple, but not unpolished. Adding the font shows off the fun, human side of the brand.

Along with a light blue gradient background, the overall feel of this pitch deck is calm and reassuring. To hit the nail on the head, they used a simple font for the text, adding only some bold styling to reinforce the message.

The headings are positioned just right so if you skim through the slides, you can read them easily and grasp the big idea.

Key Takeaway: The design of your pitch decks is more important than you'd think. Make sure your slides are easy to read and skim through, the colors don't clash, and the fonts are legible, even if they're fun or handwritten-style.

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35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (17)

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Intercom to get you started.

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10. Mattermark Pitch Deck

The main idea behind Mattermark was to solve an actual problem.

They created a “Google for businesses;” a data-driven search engine that helps SaaS businesses stay informed about other companies, which leads to better business decisions and improved market research.

The idea was a big one and they needed to show a lot of details in the pitch deck. Bordering on “too much information,” the Mattermark pitch deck uses multi-colored charts to compare important data.

Original pitch deck:

To present the problem they aimed to solve, they relied on a flowing arrow diagram to visualize the outcome. As the slides progress, information is added on to create a comprehensive message.

They bring it home towards the end by showing how Mattermark can do it all faster and better. The charts are inspiring and resemble hockey sticks; the ultimate success chart example.

Key Takeaway:If you have a lot of data to present, make it interesting by using different types of graphs. If you're presenting a solution to a problem, you can visualize that too with the help of arrows.

Here’s a good pitch deck template inspired by Mattermark to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

11. TouristEye Pitch Deck

Before TouristEye was acquired by Lonely Planet, it was one of the first mobile apps directed at travelers. With the strong premise of “Travel Guides Suck,” they used this pitch deck to share the hype of TouristEye.

Original pitch deck:

In this pitch deck, screenshots and travel-themed photography visualize a new, more personalized way of traveling where users could create their itineraries on the TouristEye app.

It’s not surprising that Lonely Planet ended up acquiring TouristEye; it was a huge competition for them.

Even if the hype behind TouristEye was that travel guides sucked, Lonely Planet saw the potential and had to have it for their platform.

Key Takeaway:The best pitch decks explain the big idea up front, even if it sounds a little harsh. If you have data to back your big idea up, especially related to conversions and growth, that's even better. Notice how TouristEye does it on slide 19 by highlighting that intent equals conversions.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by TouristEye to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

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12. Buffer Pitch Deck

Buffer’s pitch deck is a great example of transparency and believing in your product.

Original pitch deck:

The company is one of the first to release their pitch deck publicly, not only helping others with their decks, but illustrating goodwill.

Key Takeaway: Transparency is something that both customers and investors appreciate. It reinforces your honesty and trustworthiness, and helps them better understand how your product works. Even better, it displays complete confidence in your product or service.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Buffer to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

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13. Ooomf (Crew) Pitch Deck

A common (and expected) thing you see in most pitch decks is how much growth a company has seen so far with their product.

What’s less commonly seen are the people who’ve already taken an interest in your work. This is unsurprising, as many pitch decks are created for projects still looking for funding.

However, for those lucky enough to already have some investors, this is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of.

One great example of this is Crew.

Original pitch deck:

Their pitch deck is incredibly sparse, using only the bare-minimum text and pictures. They also list other companies that have invested in theirs on slide 29, along with the amount they’ve already earned.

If you don’t have any interested parties yet, no problem; simply add quotes from satisfied customers or workers.

This deck does that, as well, with Milan C., a worker at Crew, claiming on their last slide, “Crew changed the way I work and with that how I live.”

Key Takeaway:If you already have a few investors, companies or individuals supporting your product, don't be afraid to highlight them in your pitch deck.

Growth is not the only thing potential investors are intrigued by — proving that your product has earned respect from other groups is often enough to make people believe it's worth investing in.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Crew to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

14. Moz Pitch Deck

Moz's pitch deck features an adorable mascot that appears on all of their slides, and colorful blocks and charts that illustrate their points.

Their later slides are filled with fun images, such as cartoon character Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes) rampaging through a city.

Original pitch deck:

The pitch deck never sacrifices the facts for fun either. They continue to describe their goals and statistics throughout, showing how useful they could be for investors and the business world in general.

SEOmoz has a rather appealing tagline: “How a tiny Mom & Son consultancy became a leader in SEO Software, and our roadmap to being Seattle’s next $1 billion company.”

The tagline opens with the promise of an appealing story (their journey to the big time), and ends with an ambitious goal, piquing curiosity and convincing potential investors to follow along.

Key Takeaway: It’s no secret that describing statistics and information can be, well, boring. Many potential investors have already heard such things countless times, even through the course of the day. So, how do you make yours stand out?

Simple: do something different and entertaining, while still offering the information you need to get your point across. SEOmoz does this admirably in their pitch deck.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by SEOmoz to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

When creating a pitch deck with Visme, you have access to practical business features that help you create pitch decks more productively. Dynamic fields, for example, enable you to design one pitch deck template and input custom fields that can be easily adjusted with a few clicks. You can use this feature to tailor your message according to your audience.

15. Biogrify Pitch Deck

Not everyone’s an artist, but you don't need to be one to create a great pitch deck.

Sometimes just looking at design ideas and learning the in’s-and-out’s of your product can be enough.

Biogrify's deck is a great example of this, as it’s filled with images and screenshots, most of which aren’t drawings.

Original pitch deck:

Their deck looks a little different than the slide deck examples above due to the focus on creativity.

Notice how they’ve used photos with speech bubbles to explain their message and several shots of their product in action to advertise.

The charts on slide 7 are of special note, as they are organized to not clutter the page and still maximize the amount of images that can fit.

Key Takeaway: Use creativity, but not just for thef sake of it. In Biogrify's pitch deck, each image helps support their words, making the overall experience appealing and interesting, rather than either frustrating or confusing. Better yet, the message is reinforced through the use of visual presentation aids.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Biogrify to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

16. Front Pitch Deck

Front's pitch deck offers a great example of using an attractive color scheme to your advantage.

Original pitch deck:

They’ve primarily used white, blue, and pink to fill the slides.

For example, slide 9 has a white background and pink header, with a line graph that uses blue and pink to represent the specific values mentioned.

Front establishes some of this color scheme early on, with the title page in deep blue with white font. Colorful confetti shapes litter the background, hinting at the “fun” feel the pink would later give.

Key Takeaway: Using a specific color scheme can work wonders for your pitch deck. The colors, spread across the slides, can help unify a presentation and make it pop. Moreover, using specific colors that represent your company will help the pitch deck be more recognizable.

Be careful when choosing colors for your pitch deck. Different colors can evoke different feelings. You can find out more about color psychology and color schemes in our comprehensive guide.

Here’s a startup pitch template inspired by Front to get you started.

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Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

17. Piccsy Pitch Deck

Piccsy's deck gives a bit more literal example of smooth transitions. The photo site has an online infographic format, rather than the traditional slide deck format.

Original pitch deck:

35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (26)

Each individual slide flows smoothly into one another as you scroll down the page, with similar themes (like the circles to hold information and the color scheme) tying the work together.

This pitch deck also takes an innovative approach by providing information at the end to encourage contact, making it one of the best investor pitch decks.

Key Takeaway:Stand out to potential investors by turning your pitch deck into an interactive experience. Piccsy does this well by creating an infographic-style website, complete with their branding and even contact information at the end to encourage action.

Think of ways to pitch your startup to investors other than going with a traditional presentation deck — videos, interactive web pages and online presentations are a few great alternatives.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Piccsy to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

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When you’re at the point of adding visuals, you can generate unique images, illustrations and graphics using the AI Image Generator. Likewise, if you have chosen stock or legacy images that need a little editing, take advantage of the AI Edit Tools to upscale, unblur and remove unwanted objects or entire backgrounds.

18. LinkedIn Pitch Deck

The way you design your pitch deck depends on several things, like your target market and the people you hope will invest in your product.

LinkedIn's Series B pitch deck is specifically aimed towards more serious, business-minded individuals, considering that is the intended audience to use the product.

Original pitch deck:

Their pitch deck is filled with straightforward facts and data that logically define the site’s worth, rather than more artistic and stylized elements.

LinkedIn even goes a step further and shows the relations between the current most-used mediums for certain services and their older counterparts (e.g. using a bank in the past versus using PayPal in the present).

This allows them to prove their point—that the internet has become the most-used base for services previously offered offline—and show their particular niche, again endearing themselves to their audience.

Key Takeaway: Tailor your pitch deck content to your target audience. If your product or service is aimed at the younger generation, you’ll probably want to have more references to pop culture and familiar terms in your deck. If you’re pitching to a more mathematically-inclined group, your deck should be more organized and filled with data.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by LinkedIn to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

19. Fyre Festival Pitch Deck

You might have already seen the Fyre Festival documentary on Netflix.

If you haven’t, you should consider doing so, especially from a marketing point of view.

Fyre Festival was the single most disastrous business event in the past years. But it also managed to round up millions of dollars from investors as it grew, all thanks to the social media hype and this over the top pitch deck.

Original pitch deck:

Savvy business owners with impeccable BS filters didn’t fall for the bright and shiny influencers being paraded on this pitch deck. But tons of other investors did, mostly due to the FOMO factor the slides presented.

FOMO stands for “Fear of Missing Out,” and that is how Billy McFarland managed to get millions of dollars to fund a badly organized idea.

Key Takeaway: This is the kind of pitch deck that will go down in history as the epitome of blinding investors with celebrities and expert social media schemes. The Fyre Festival pitch deck is not the best pitch deck, but it is a great example of how information can be manipulated.

Here’s a pitch deck template inspired by Fyre Festival to get you started.

Recreated in Visme:

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

20. Manpacks Pitch Deck

Manpacks was a subscription service that sold men’s underwear, socks, toiletries and other products. The service was discontinued in 2018, but was an absolute hit when it first launched in 2010.

Manpacks' pitch deck managed to raise $500,000 in funding over one round.

Original pitch deck:

For starters, their business model was unique and solved an actual need — regularly shipping basic essentials to men who dislike shopping or are just lazy.

But what really got to investors was the fact that Manpacks knew who they were. Their brand voice was reflected in every slide of their pitch deck.

Better yet, they knew who their target audience was, which is also why the service had as many as 10,000 subscribers at one point.

Key Takeaway: Understanding who you are as a brand and being able to express that clearly is just as important as knowing your product — and the best pitch decks are designed with that in mind.

Manpacks’ pitch deck is short, but it does the job by communicating the problem, solution, value proposition and incentive for investors all in a fun tone that’s aligned with their brand voice.

If you're looking to create a light-hearted but on-brand pitch deck similar to Manpacks', here's a fun, colorful and illustrative pitch deck template you can use for your own startup.

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35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (30)

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

21. Coinbase Pitch Deck

Coinbase is a cryptocurrency platform that lets people buy, sell and store digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

To date, the company has raised nearly $550 million in funding over 14 rounds.

Original pitch deck:

What’s interesting is they still managed to raise a good amount even back in 2012 when only a handful of people knew about cryptocurrency.

Coinbase's pitch deck above is a great example of how the company generated interest in the concept of digital currency by presenting data-driven arguments.

Instead of talking about their own growth, they start by focusing on the growth of Bitcoin, and why it’s worth investing in a service made specifically for that digital currency.

Key Takeaway: Using data to support your claims can help you build trust and credibility in the eyes of potential investors. The best pitch decks make this data easier to understand by visualizing it into charts and graphs, just like Coinbase did.

Let’s also take a moment to appreciate how Coinbase used ratios and the example of iTunes to successfully capture the essence of its product in four words.

Use the pitch deck template below inspired by Coinbase to put focus on your solution.

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35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (31)

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

22. Snapchat Pitch Deck

Back in 2011, Snapchat came up with the unique idea of sharing photos and videos that disappear after a short time.

Their pitch deck below from 2014 is not exactly an investor pitch deck — Snapchat designed this presentation to introduce businesses to their product and its marketing value, and to convince them to sign up for a business account.

Original pitch deck:

The presentation above carries immense value if you’re looking for a sales pitch deck example that’s minimalistic and effective.

The slides are clean and full of images, which makes it easier for businesses to quickly look through and get the point.

We especially love the “What Do I Snap?” and “Get the Word Out” slides, which show businesses how they can use the app for marketing purposes with the help of visual examples.

Key Takeaway: Stuffing text into your slides is not always the answer. Using images can be much more effective at familiarizing people with your product’s features and functionality.

Also, think about whether your audience would find more value in real examples or fictional ones. Snapchat uses actual examples from existing brands using the platform to show businesses how others like them are taking advantage of new marketing opportunities.

Here's a pitch deck template inspired by Snapchat that you can use to showcase your product visually.

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35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (32)

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

23. YouTube Pitch Deck

With over 2 billion users, YouTube is the largest video sharing platform in the world.

The company has raised around $83.5 million in funding in just two rounds. This professional pitch deck below is from their first funding round in 2005, when they pitched to Sequoia Capital. At the time, the platform had less than 10,000 users.

Original pitch deck:

YouTube’s investor presentation is a solid example of what a traditional pitch deck outline looks like. Keep in mind that the pitch deck is quite old, which is probably why it lacks good design and visuals.

Even so, it covers key details by highlighting the problem, presenting the exact solution, listing the competition, and outlining the sales and distribution plan.

Key Takeaway: If your product is unique and better than the competition, it will sell itself. In the case of pitch decks, great products are likely to attract investors even if you don’t focus too much on the design.

Also, even if you’re keeping it basic, make sure you incorporate all the important details like what you plan to achieve and how you plan to get there.

Use the pitch deck template below inspired by YouTube to highlight your key strengths and what makes you better than your competitors.

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35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (33)

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

As you work on your pitch deck in Visme, you have the opportunity to work collaboratively and brainstorm using the online whiteboard. Additionally, you can also use the workflow feature to work on projects together. Assign specific slides to particular team members and leave each other comments and feedback to finish the pitch deck together.

24. Facebook Pitch Deck

We all know about Facebook — our beloved social media platform that helps us stay connected with our friends, family, colleagues, pets and the world in general.

Till now, Facebook has secured over $2.3 billion in funding, and this pitch deck from 2004 played a key role in helping Mark Zuckerberg build the largest social network in the world.

Original pitch deck:

Initially, Facebook was created for the students, alumni, faculty and staff at Harvard University. Later, it expanded to include other schools and universities, but it wasn’t long until it transcended academic institutions and took over the world.

Because Facebook wasn’t really making any money at the time, it relied on social proof as well as usage and engagement statistics to sell its idea — and it worked!

Key Takeaway: As a startup, you don’t always need to have financial information to back up your idea. If you don’t currently have any revenue data to show, you can still make a strong case with usage, engagement and audience metrics that show potential for growth.

Also, adding social proof can go a long way in building trust and credibility in front of investors. This works especially well if those customer reviews and testimonials talk about your potential for going big.

Visualize usage and engagement statistics using the Facebook-inspired pitch deck template below.

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25. Crunchbase Pitch Deck

Crunchbase is one the best platforms for researching innovative startups and companies. The website lists important information like funding data, mergers and acquisitions, leadership positions and more.

Their pitch deck below was part of their Series C funding round, and helped secure around $30 million. All in all, there’s a lot to learn from this good pitch deck example coming from a company focused on investment.

Original pitch deck:

As you can see, starting with a story helped investors see the opportunity for Crunchbase’s solution and understand the challenges people face while searching for reliable information about companies. So, when Crunchbase presented the solution, the investors were ready for it.

Another interesting thing to note is Crunchbase’s use of visual analogies to highlight the gravity of the problem and the size of the potential opportunity.

Key Takeaway: Set the stage with a story rather than trying to impress investors with big numbers on traffic and usage data. This will grab their attention and help them understand the purpose of your product.

Also, using images and graphics as visual metaphors can help you drive the point home more effectively than with plain text.

Start your own presentation with a story using Crunchbase's recreated startup pitch deck template below.

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35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (35)

Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

26. Contently Pitch Deck

Contently is a popular content marketing platform that helps businesses with content strategy and connects them with a global talent network of writers, designers, filmmakers and more.

With the pitch deck below, Contently was able to secure $9 million in funding back in 2014.

Original pitch deck:

The design of this pitch deck example is clean and bold. We especially like the big fonts, which get the message across clearly.

The highlight of Contently’s pitch deck is probably the way they present the problem (and where they fit in.) They set the stage by talking about the huge market size, and then throw in a stat to highlight the problem within that market.

Another good thing about this pitch deck is the use of social proof to build trust with potential investors. They do this with a powerful quote from Forbes in support of their platform.

Key Takeaway: The design of your pitch deck matters a lot more than you’d think. Using large and bold fonts that’s aligned with your brand identity can a) help you highlight key points, and b) make you look confident.

Grab attention using this pitch deck template inspired by Contently.

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27. Wise (TransferWise) Pitch Deck

Formerly known as TransferWise, this London-based money transfer service gained popularity primarily because of its innovative pricing model that charges users a minimal fee for transfers while showing them what they have to pay upfront.

Since its inception in 2011, the company has raised around $1.3 billion in funding over 13 rounds. The pitch deck below is from 2012, and it helped Wise raise $1.3 million in funding.

Original pitch deck:

TransferWise’s deck is simple and straightforward, which is also its best quality. Instead of beating around the bush or trying to be too creative, they get straight to the point. This shows they clearly know what they’re doing.

There’s also a good balance of text and visuals in this pitch deck — you never feel overwhelmed with too much information. They’ve also laid out their short-term and long-term priorities, which shows they have a good roadmap for the next year and a half.

Key Takeaway: Let your product and value proposition guide the design of your pitch deck. If you’re solving a solid problem that doesn’t require too many words to explain, don’t use too many words — use numbers instead.

In TransferWise’s case, their USP was (and still is) the low cost of money transfers, and they wasted no time in making that clear.

Explain your product and pricing using this Wise-inspired pitch deck template:

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28. Bliss Pitch Deck

Bliss.ai launched in 2015 as a code review management platform that helped engineering teams analyze code quality.

The company shut down after only a couple of years, but managed to raise around $750,000 in funding when it started with the help of the pitch deck below.

Original pitch deck:

Bliss’s pitch deck has a clean and professional design, which is in line with their business idea and brand voice. The deck is pretty decent and covers all key points.

We love the fact that they establish what they do up front — this is important if you’re presenting a technical idea. The team slide is also very well done as it includes both the founders and the investors.

Bliss has also done a good job with using social proof, such as testimonials and logos, to increase their credibility.

Key Takeaway: If your company or product is more on the technical side, it’s a good idea to explain what it is and how it works before anything else. Talking about traction and clients won’t do you much good if your investors are still trying to figure out what you do.

Briefly explain the purpose of your SaaS company with this Bliss-inspired pitch deck template.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

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35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (38)

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Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

When your pitch deck presentation is ready, you can share it as a live Flipbook document, an interactive PDF or a printable document. Once sent to your prospects, you can track performance like opens, views, and demographics through the analytics dashboard.

29. Castle Pitch Deck

Castle was a property management platform founded in 2014. The company closed its operations four years later, but their pitch deck below helped raise over $270,000 in funding in its early days.

Original pitch deck:

The great thing about this pitch deck is that you can see the team’s personality show through. The headers are non-traditional and sum up key ideas. The design is clean and bold. Also, they’ve used icons and illustrations to highlight key points, which is a nice touch.

Castle’s pitch deck also does an excellent job at presenting the value proposition up front. We also like the “And we have some great ways to grow” slide, which shows that they’ve put a considerable amount of thought into making it big.

Key Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to show some personality in your pitch deck template. If you’re friendly and approachable, incorporate design elements that exude the same feelings in your presentation slides.

Also, if you have ideas that are not yet concrete, it might not be a bad idea to share them anyway. It shows investors that you’ve at least made the effort to think about your business.

Show your personality and share ideas with this pitch deck template inspired by Castle:

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Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

30. Shift Pitch Deck

Shift’s journey started in 2013 as an automotive marketplace. One of their major selling points was convenience — car sellers could get a price estimate and inspection for their car, while car buyers could get the car delivered to them for a test drive.

The Series A pitch deck below helped the company raise around $24 million. Let’s see what we can learn from this investor presentation.

Original pitch deck:

35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (41)

Click here to view Shift's pitch deck.

Shift’s pitch deck has a clean, minimalistic design with plenty of visuals. Along with images, and screenshots of their website and app, they also generously use icons to highlight key points.

We also like how they visualize the process of how their service works, and also answer the who, why and how behind their business idea.

One of the best things about this pitch deck is they also mention their own challenges, which is not something a lot of startups have the guts to do. This shows that the Shift team is realistic — they know it’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows but they’re ready for the ride.

Key Takeaway: It’s okay to acknowledge the challenges you’re potentially going to face down the road, as long as you have a plan to tackle these challenges, or even just the will to come up with a plan. It shows investors that you’re realistic, grounded and that you have a sense of responsibility.

Be honest about your humble beginnings and tell your startup's success story in an engaging way with this Shift-inspired pitch deck template.

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Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

31. Cubeit Pitch Deck

Cubeit was founded in 2012 as a collaborative OS — a place to share, save and organize content from different apps. The pitch deck below helped the startup raise $3 million in funding.

Original pitch deck:

35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (43)

Click here to view Cubeit's pitch deck.

Right off the bat, we can tell that Cubeit’s pitch deck is more on the technical side. However, it still makes good use of visualizations and even includes a video demo.

They start strong, and have also included a customer profile in one of their slides, which shows they’ve done their research and that they know who their product is for.

Key Takeaway: If you’re in the SaaS business, adding a video demo of your product to your pitch deck is a great idea. It helps investors understand how your product works much better than with static screenshots. To make your video more effective, consider adding a voiceover and even text and animations.

Use the pitch deck template below inspired by Cubeit to highlight key technical points about your product.

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Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

32. Revolut Pitch Deck

Revolut launched as a digital banking service in 2015. The company offered peer-to-peer payments, currency exchange and pre-paid debit card services.

To date, they’ve raised around $1.7 billion in funding over 14 rounds — which is a huge amount. The pitch deck below is a good example of a fintech startup presentation.

Original pitch deck:

This pitch deck uses a lot of screenshots, and they’re displayed nicely on phone screens, which helps add some perspective. They’ve also included example use cases, comparisons with their competition and information on how they will use the funds.

Key Takeaway: When using visuals for your pitch deck, go beyond images and screenshots. Think about creative ways to showcase your screenshots, such as with the help of phone mockups.

Showcase your app or software using this Revolut-inspired pitch deck template:

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Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

33. Alto Pitch Deck

Alto (previously ScriptDash) came to the scene in 2015 with the innovative idea of a digital pharmacy. Their services included coordinating with doctors and delivering prescriptions to patients on a recurring or on-demand basis.

The pitch deck below was used by the company to raise funds during their seed round.

Original pitch deck:

Alto’s pitch deck is refreshingly short and sweet. The slides come with nice, descriptive headers (with most of them being questions) and the presentation aptly explains the big idea, how the product works and why the timing is just right.

They’ve also done a fair bit of homework on potential scalability, which can be seen in their cost of acquisition and expansion slides.

Key Takeaway: Sometimes, keeping it short and concise can be the best thing you can do for your investor presentation. The goal of a pitch deck is not to secure funding, it’s to make it to the next meeting. Even if your slides are short, they should be intriguing and full of value, so much so that they make investors want to know more.

Present your solution and keep it short and sweet with this pitch deck template inspired by Alto:

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Create your own Pitch Deck with this easy-to-edit template!Edit and Download

34. Wayfair Pitch Deck

Wayfair is a popular American e-commerce company offering millions of home and furniture products from thousands of global suppliers.

Their pitch deck from 2015 offers a great example of what an established company that wants to grow bigger should have in their presentation slides.

Original pitch deck:

Wayfair’s investor presentation is comprehensive, data-driven and aligned with their brand’s visual style. The slides focus on the brand’s uniqueness and what makes it so special.

They make a clear point about how they understand their customers’ shopping behavior and tailor their website experience to their needs, unlike search-based stores like Amazon.

They also make full use of their impressive numbers and statistics to put together a compelling offer for investors.

Key Takeaway: If you have data, flaunt it. Established brands have the powerful advantage of using their current success to back their expansion plans. Also, if you’ve already seen some success, you need to show that you earned it in your pitch deck not just with data, but also with good branding, marketing and design skills.

Show off your idea using this Wayfair-inspired pitch deck template:

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35. Walmart - Flipkart Pitch Deck

Flipkart is one of the largest e-commerce companies in India, second only to Amazon. In 2018, Walmart acquired more than 70% of Flipkart’s shares in a $16 billion deal with the help of the pitch deck below.

Original pitch deck:

The presentation above focuses less on Walmart and more on how both companies can create value together, which is the selling point of the deal.

The slides dive deep into the Indian e-commerce market and the opportunities it offers, and then go on to talk about how Walmart’s strategy is a good fit for Flipkart.

Key Takeaway: When you talk about creating value, consider every single stakeholder you can create value for, instead of just focusing on the end customer. Talk about the value you can create for the community in general, the shareholders, the associates and even other businesses.

Explain how your business will benefit the stakeholders and add value using the pitch deck template below inspired by Walmart and Flipkart.

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Bonus: Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Theme

Looking for more than a simple slide template? We've got the ultimate pitch deck theme to help you pull together all of the perfect slides.

35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (49)

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It all starts with a story. Our pitch deck theme centers around 12 different startup archetypes or founder stories that can help you pull the best introduction slides and put together the best story that really sells your pitch.

Check out the introduction category of this theme's slides to read all about the different archetypes and pinpoint how you should angle your pitch deck's intro and overall brand story.

This theme offers over 60 different slide options for your startup to choose from when building the best pitch deck. Try out the investor pitch deck theme for your next pitch deck.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

Sign up. It’s free.

35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (50)

Pitch Deck FAQ

Q1. What Is in a Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is a brief presentation that provides an overview of your company, business plan and vision.

It typically includes critical information such as your business concept, the problem your company solves, your target market, competitive advantages, team members, and financial projections.

The best startup pitch decks are not only engaging but share compelling stories about the business venture that pique investors' interest in your business.

Q2. What Is the Purpose of a Pitch Deck?

The primary purpose of a pitch deck is to capture the interest of potential investors or clients by presenting a business idea in a compelling and persuasive manner. It serves as a tool to facilitate discussion and encourage further engagement. A winning pitch deck should clearly convey your business's value proposition and illustrate why it's worth investing in.

Q3. What Are the Types of Pitch Decks?

There are several types of pitch decks, each serving a unique purpose and audience. Here are four notable types:

  • Startup Pitch Deck: This type of pitch deck showcases your startup's vision, mission, and potential to investors and partners.
  • Investor Pitch Deck: This deck focuses on the investment opportunity, detailing the financial potential and how the funds will be used.
  • Elevator Pitch Deck: A brief pitch highlighting the most compelling points of a business or idea, designed to catch interest quickly.
  • Sales Pitch Deck: Used for presenting a product or service to potential clients or customers, emphasizing benefits and competitive advantages.

Q4. What Are the Key Elements of a Pitch Deck?

The structure of a pitch deck can vary, but some essential slides include:

  • Problem: Clearly define the problem you're solving.
  • Solution: Explain how your product or service addresses the problem.
  • Market: Describe your target audience and the size of the market opportunity.
  • Team: Introduce the key people behind your business and highlight their expertise.
  • Traction: Share any early successes or milestones you've achieved.
  • Financials: Provide a brief overview of your revenue model and financial projections.

Q5. How Long Is a Pitch Deck?

The ideal length of a pitch deck is 10 to 20 slides. Investors and clients appreciate brevity and clarity.

However, striking the right balance is key to delivering a good pitch. So you need to keep it concise while including all necessary information. Writing a pitch deck that's too long can lose your audience's attention, while one that's too short may omit essential information about your business.

Get Started With Your Own Pitch Deck

If you want to create an amazing pitch deck that highlights your business idea and appeals to the right investors, Visme's pitch deck templates can help you get started on the right foot.

Our investor pitch deck templates are designed by professionals and contain realistic information to help guide your own pitch deck content creation process.

You can download your finished pitch deck in various formats, like PPTX, PDF and even HTML5. You can also share your presentation online via a link or embed it within your website.

Remember; the key is to stay true to your message, stay true to your brand, be honest and show results. Here's another great resource to help you learn how to create a pitch deck for your startup.

Did you find these pitch deck examples helpful? Which one is your favorite? We’d love to know what you think! Let us know your comments and feedback below.

35 Best Pitch Decks From Real-Life Startups [With Templates] (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.