What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (2024)

Last updated on Aug 28, 2024

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Know your audience


Focus on the problem and the solution


Show your traction and potential


Tell a story


Practice and prepare


Here’s what else to consider

Pitch competitions are events where entrepreneurs present their business ideas to a panel of judges and potential investors, often for prizes, feedback, and exposure. Winning a pitch competition can be a great way to validate your idea, gain traction, and secure funding. However, it can also be challenging, as you have to stand out from many other competitors and convince the judges in a limited time. In this article, we will share some effective strategies for winning pitch competitions, based on our experience and research.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Craft a compelling story:

    Weaving a powerful narrative around your business can make a huge difference. Speak from the heart about the challenges, growth, and real-world impact your venture creates. It's about making your audience feel every high and low along with you—your story isn't just heard, it's experienced.

  • Know your audience:

    Before you step onto the stage, dive deep into who'll be sitting across from you. Tailor your pitch to reflect the judges' values and interests. When you speak their language and hit on what they care most about, you're not just pitching—you're engaging in a meaningful conversation.

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  • Dhruv Pandey Investor , Entrepreneur
  • Hilal Safwan Software Engineer | Content Creator |…

1 Know your audience

One of the most important aspects of a successful pitch is to tailor it to your audience. Different pitch competitions may have different criteria, goals, and expectations from the judges and investors. Therefore, you need to research the event, the organizers, the sponsors, and the judges beforehand, and understand what they are looking for, what they care about, and what they value. Then, you can craft your pitch accordingly, highlighting the aspects that are most relevant, appealing, and impactful for them.

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  • Hilal Safwan Software Engineer | Content Creator | Passion for Physics and Technology.
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    One thing I have found helpful is Mastering the skill of "STORY TELLING" . you need to be a good story teller to win your pitch.when you are addressing the pitch have the clear idea on "whats the problem" and " whats your unique solution"If you can bridge the gap between the problem and solution in a clear, simple and just one short way then you can persuade the investors/ judgers who hear your pitch.Finally most importantly know your panel of investors who will hear your pitch, talk to other people who had already pitched them and make sure you know them well so it will be an added advantage to persuade them


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (11) 2

  • Cory Warfield My reach could be yours too {3M+ views/mo to 545K+ followers of AI, Tech, Sales, Entrepreneurship} rE/ACC; p(Doom) = [loading]. Podcaster/Investor/Author/Speaker/Amplifier/Impactor. LLMs, LWMs, LAMs. LNMs. TECH FOR GOOD.
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    Storytelling always wins, especially when you can connect with your audience. This is why knowing your audience is so critical. Connect with something they care about (“pull on heart strings” etc) and don’t speak above (too technical) or down (condescending); this is another reason to know your audience. In other words, pitch potential users much differently than potential investors; treat industry insiders differently than generalists, etc.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (20) 11

  • Sai Snata Dash Simplifying Wellness, One Capsule at a time • Founder @Grassion • Imagining the Impossible • 40+ certifications • Thiel Fellowship Nominee • Product Manager • Orator • Inquisitive • Karmaveer Chakra awardee by UN
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    Winning pitch competitions requires a compelling and well-structured presentation. Start by clearly articulating the problem your solution addresses, emphasizing its significance. Develop a unique value proposition that sets your idea apart. Support your pitch with data, market research, and a scalable business model. Showcase a strong, cohesive team and highlight key milestones achieved. Engage the audience with a memorable story that resonates emotionally. Practice extensively to ensure a confident and polished delivery. Be prepared to handle questions effectively, demonstrating deep knowledge and adaptability. Finally, focus on conveying passion and enthusiasm for your venture, leaving a lasting impression on judges.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (29) 4

  • George Savva
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    In his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie makes the suggestion to “try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view”. This is a great suggestion in pursuing your quest to understand, (really understand) your audience. By walking in their shoes for a mile, you gain deeper and more meaningful insight in what is important to them. Learn to listen. Listening teaches one not only to hear what they are saying that is important, but also to what they are not saying, which may be more so!


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (38) 3

  • Desha Elliott Venture Philanthrophy | Marathon Walker
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    In my experience pitching and helping clients win their pitches, I strongly recommend connecting your audience with an emotional hook and adding a mix of data points can win over judges and audiences alike. I also coach my clients to have a simple one liner that is memorable about the benefit or purpose for the product or service.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (47) 3

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2 Focus on the problem and the solution

Another key element of a winning pitch is to clearly define the problem that you are solving and the solution that you are offering. You need to show that you have identified a real, significant, and urgent problem that affects a large and growing market, and that you have a unique, innovative, and scalable solution that addresses the problem effectively. You also need to demonstrate that you have validated your problem and solution with customer feedback, market research, and data. Avoid getting too technical or detailed, and use simple and compelling language to convey your value proposition.

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  • Lauren Hope CEO | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Board Member | Consultant
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    A good pitch will identify a pain point of a prospect and help them lessen or alleviate that pain. Learn to describe your potential client’s problem better than they can. They will trust you if they feel seen and understood.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (56) What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (57) 7

  • Anita Sakuru Early Stage Investor, Entrepreneur, Certified Independent Director, Chief Mentor at Tikaana Coliving
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    A big mistake that startup founders make is being everything to everyone in that space. Don't try to be that. Identify a small segment and prove that your solution works perfectly for that solution. Shrink your core. You can expand your pie later on.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (66) 3

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    Clearly Define the Problem: Highlight its significance and urgency, ensuring it's relatable and understandable.Present Your Unique Solution: Showcase your innovative solution, addressing the problem effectively.Validate with Evidence: Back your claims with customer feedback, market research, and data, showing market need and solution effectiveness.Use Simple, Compelling Language: Avoid technical jargon.Demonstrate Market Potential: Show the problem affects a large and growing market, indicating scalability.For instance, Airbnb's pitch brilliantly outlined the problem of expensive hotel rooms and offered a unique solution: affordable lodging options offered by locals. This mirrors the advice given in Simon Sinek's "Start With Why,"


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (75) 2

  • Dhruv Pandey Investor , Entrepreneur
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    Illuminate the challenges your audience encounters by shedding light on their pain points. Showcase a profound comprehension of their struggles, underscoring your awareness of their unique hurdles. Express how your product or service serves as a direct antidote to these issues. Articulate your solution's intricacies, spotlighting the distinctive value it brings. Your pitch should resonate with an in-depth understanding of both the problem landscape and the creative resolution you present, showcasing a holistic command over the intricacies of the issue and the uniqueness of your remedy.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (84) 1

  • Dhruv Dhingra Business Manager - Lokal | Ex-Swiggy, Enactus | Founding Cohort Mesa'24
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    In order to win pitch competitions, begin with a compelling story about the novelty of your concept. But do so in a way that clearly articulates the problem you're solving and how your solution differs. One: Practice your pitch to make sure it's succinct, compelling and relevant. To make your presentation more lively, use visuals. Be ready to answer questions frankly, with a strong sense of your business and market. Mingle with judges and attendees, since their encouragement counts. Finally, demonstrate the passion and excitement that judges look for.


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3 Show your traction and potential

Besides the problem and the solution, you also need to show your traction and potential as a business. You need to prove that you have achieved some measurable results, such as revenue, growth, users, or partnerships, that indicate your market fit, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage. You also need to show your potential for future growth, expansion, and impact, by outlining your vision, goals, and milestones. You also need to explain how you will use the prize money or investment to achieve your objectives and scale your business.

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  • Dhruv Pandey Investor , Entrepreneur
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    Demonstrate your journey's validity with tangible evidence, such as user numbers or key metrics showcasing growth. Paint a vivid picture of your future plans, infusing excitement and confidence. Investors aren't just interested in your current success—show them your roadmap for scalability and sustainability. Communicate a strategic vision that goes beyond the present, emphasizing both your achievements and the potential for continuous growth. Make it crystal clear that your venture isn't merely thriving momentarily but is strategically poised for lasting success, instilling confidence in investors seeking a solid and promising opportunity.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (102) 1

  • Sam Straus An empathetic business person.
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    USE NUMBERS, and if it’s not a number, make it a numberStorytelling is great, but the best stories have numbers.Use numbers for everything. Share revenue. Share the number of customers that you have. Etc…Find ways to show you are adding MEASURABLE value through numbers. Just a like résumé / cv, your story should have numbers to show where you are now and where you hope to grow to.

  • Antonio Alarcon Blanco Growth Marketer | Mentor Especializado en Marketing Digital y Creación de Contenido para plataformas como TikTok, Google y Facebook Ads - Estudiante #PlatziRewards Legend
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    To measure your company's success and effectively present it to the judges, use analysis tools like Google Analytics 📊 or Microsoft Power BI.Remember that a number without context is just a figure; therefore, invest time in conducting detailed analysis and providing meaningful information 💡.Compare your performance with other companies in your sector to get a benchmark and understand your company's growth 📈. Also, use simple charts in your presentations; in this case, less is more 🌟.

  • Fabio S. Music Business | Researcher | Professor | Lecturer | Entrepreneur
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    A clear and effective progression of the startup economic model can show, in only one canvas, the expectation that your team has to the business that is arrising. Define and adopt a unique tone to your speech: conservative or agressive in terms of economic results.

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    If you have traction say so! This is pretty easy to do, for example, (i) we have illustrated the solution to X number of customers and we have 20% of those willing to purchase, (ii) based upon our ability to deliver units at C cost, we have Y number of units sold committed via purchase order, (iii) we have sold this many units. if you don’t have traction say so, don’t lie. you might not have been able to reduce to what you were trying to sell that’s fine. Say so and illustrate the capital that you raise is going to reduce what you have into a product or service that can eventually be sold quickly to customers.


4 Tell a story

One of the best ways to capture the attention and interest of the judges and investors is to tell a story. A story can help you connect with your audience on an emotional level, showcase your passion and personality, and illustrate your journey and challenges. You can use storytelling techniques, such as starting with a hook, using anecdotes or examples, creating suspense or curiosity, and ending with a call to action. You can also use visual aids, such as slides, videos, or demos, to support your story and make it more engaging and memorable.

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  • Dhruv Pandey Investor , Entrepreneur
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    Create an emotionally resonant narrative for your venture. Share challenges, lessons, and real-world impact, humanizing it by spotlighting the people involved. Turn your journey into a relatable human experience by detailing key moments, hurdles faced, decisions made, and growth achieved. This personal touch establishes a connection beyond your product. In a competitive field, it's your advantage—more than facts, it's about people and passion. Let your audience feel the emotion, understand struggles, and celebrate triumphs, transforming your pitch into a shared experience. Craft a story of resilience, innovation, and humanity for a lasting connection and impactful pitch.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (143) 2

  • Tamara Trexler Executive Producer/Producer of Movies
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    My stories come up naturally in a conversation. My instance, my favorite one I tell is that I saw all of the Oscar nominated and an Oscar winning star naked in some fashion behind the scenes in a movie I produced in Nashville, CHARLIE’S WAR. Then I illustrate the funny experiences and have my audience laughing hysterically. No visual aids needed in my stories, just imaginations!


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (152) 2

  • Rohan Kumar Building Rentyaar.com 👨💻 || Chief Research and Development Officer at Drawlead 👨🔬 || Public Speaker 🎤 || ⚡Team Lead at Think Digital || Chairperson at IEEE SRM SB || Content Creator 📝 || Innovator 💡
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    raft a compelling narrative around the problem-solution framework. Use stories, data, or real-life examples to make your pitch engaging and memorable.

  • Mauro Carosso Founder @ BxT.Ai | AI Entrepreneur | Former senior manager in investment, insurance and banking |
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    You definitively need to tell a story, but not just a story.It has to be really empathetic and make the judge feel the problem at the point that he immediately loves the solution.Be short be effective and more than everything be empathetic

  • Fabio S. Music Business | Researcher | Professor | Lecturer | Entrepreneur
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    Storytelling is a very, very important component of your pitch. Do not forget the first point of this article: who are your audience? The 'story' must be the same, but the '-telling' must change considering your audience. And passion is the aim of your business. It will drive its value proposition. If the judges don't feel these connections, your startup can fail in some competitions.


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5 Practice and prepare

Finally, you need to practice and prepare for your pitch competition. You need to rehearse your pitch multiple times, preferably in front of different audiences, such as friends, mentors, or peers, and get feedback and suggestions. You also need to time your pitch and make sure you can deliver it within the allotted time limit. You also need to anticipate and prepare for possible questions or objections from the judges or investors, and have clear and confident answers. You also need to prepare for any technical or logistical issues, such as equipment, internet, or sound, and have backup plans.

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  • Camila Siolli Comunicação | Gestão de Projetos Estratégicos | Top Voice Comunicação Empresarial | 🎯Gestão estratégica de projetos e comunicação para aumentar o engajamento e a produtividade de agências e empreendedores!
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    Vencer competições de pitch envolve estratégias precisas. Apresente uma proposta de valor clara, comunicando eficazmente o problema e sua solução única. Utilize uma apresentação visualmente atraente e conte uma história cativante para tornar sua proposta memorável. Destaque a concorrência, mostrando diferenciação, e assegure viabilidade financeira com projeções realistas. Demonstre tração, pratique consistentemente e encerre com uma conclusão impactante. Exemplificando, ao participar de uma competição, uma startup destacou seu impacto social único, apresentou números concretos de crescimento e respondeu habilmente às questões dos investidores, resultando em uma vitória significativa.



    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (185) 1

  • Al Anany 📔 Founder | Helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into cashflow 💸 | Portfolio clients include $120M-raised | Business Consultant
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    I attended a pitch competition ten years ago. We were so prepared that we practiced every possible question the three judges could possibly ask.This gave us an edge and we won eventually.

  • Mauro Carosso Founder @ BxT.Ai | AI Entrepreneur | Former senior manager in investment, insurance and banking |
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    Practice practice practice. You have to actively anticipate every questions judge can make, and eventually if you don’t have an answer, honestly tell the truth and come back with an exhaustive answer!

  • Fabio S. Music Business | Researcher | Professor | Lecturer | Entrepreneur
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    Prototype your pitch! Call friends, relatives, more experiencied people from your relationship to watch and to argue about your presentation. Do it many time as you feel it is necessary.

  • Michele Grassi
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    Practice is important, but you should not reach a point where you are not natural in your presentation because you know it too well. Maybe you can practice it out of order, or with additional parts that will not end up in the actual pitch. You must sound (and be) connected to what you say, at all times.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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    For a winning pitch, also consider scalability to showcase growth potential, customer validation for demand proof, innovative tech use, and sustainability efforts. Discuss risk management, cultural insight for global appeal, and a personal story for connection. Outline follow-up plans, competitive analysis, and ensure regulatory compliance to instill investor confidence.


    What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (226) 3

  • Rohan Kumar Building Rentyaar.com 👨💻 || Chief Research and Development Officer at Drawlead 👨🔬 || Public Speaker 🎤 || ⚡Team Lead at Think Digital || Chairperson at IEEE SRM SB || Content Creator 📝 || Innovator 💡
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    End your pitch with a strong call to action. Clearly state what you’re asking for – whether it’s funding, partnership, or support – and what the next steps would be.

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    Talk about valuation. How much of the company are you going to get in exchange for an investment? Make sure that the ask is in line with market. If your valuation ask is wildly outside of market you could have the greatest pitch in the world and it won’t matter because you show how little you know with a dumb ask. You have to make sure that all aspects of your pitch tight and misunderstanding the valuation conversation is an Achilles heel.


Entrepreneurship What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (243)


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What are effective strategies for winning pitch competitions? (2024)


How do you win a pitch competition? ›

Five steps for winning pitch competitions
  1. Tell a great story that speaks to your audience. ...
  2. Establish credibility and balance facts with information that tugs at people's heartstrings. ...
  3. Be confident in your presentation and avoid scripting. ...
  4. Master your pitch without relying on a slide deck.
Jul 19, 2024

How do you make a winning pitch? ›

Take a look at these easy-to-follow pitch tips to make an impression.
  1. Prepare with care. ...
  2. Have an elevator pitch. ...
  3. Practice your pitch. ...
  4. Don't skimp on basic explanations. ...
  5. Know what makes a presentation boring. ...
  6. Give buzzwords a swerve. ...
  7. Use your enthusiasm. ...
  8. Build in question and answer periods.
Apr 17, 2024

How to stand out in a pitch? ›

7 pro tips to make your pitches stand out
  1. Engaging Subject Line. Your subject line is the first thing reporters will see and will make or break your pitch. ...
  2. Shorter the Better. ...
  3. Approachable Language. ...
  4. Personalize. ...
  5. Know When To Pitch. ...
  6. Call To Action. ...
  7. Follow Up Thoughtfully.

What is pitch strategy? ›

First and foremost, a good pitching strategy gives businesses a clear focus. It helps them to identify their goals and what they need to do to achieve them. Without a clear focus, businesses can quickly become lost and end up wasting time and resources on activities that dont help them to achieve their goals.

What is the key to successful pitching? ›

In a product pitch, you should aim to:
  • Explain your product or offering clearly and concisely.
  • Identify and address the target audience and/or industry your product supports.
  • Specify the problem the aforementioned faces and how your solution can solve it.
  • Provide a realistic example of your solution in action.
Jul 31, 2024

How do you start a pitch strategy? ›

Begin by explaining that the new business strategy that you are about to describe is a proposal and that the next phases of the methodology will define how the strategy could be implemented and will validate the benefits and risks of the strategy.

What are the don'ts of pitching? ›

DON'T write too much on your slides.

Far too often, founders use a lot of language on their slides to provide context that ultimately distracts the audience. With a lot of text, many individuals will tune out your pitch and start looking for the information they want to see.

What is the playing pitch strategy? ›

What is a Playing Pitch Strategy? A playing pitch strategy is designed to set clear priorities for sport in the Council area, including: Providing evidence to support management and investment decisions.

How to judge a pitch competition? ›

  1. High. Low. ...
  2. Stated problem: • How clearly has the team identified the problem. they are trying to solve? ...
  3. Target market: • Has the team clearly identified the target market. ...
  4. Competitive advantage: • Did the team assess the competitive landscape? ...
  5. Viability/Sustainability: • Does the project have a sustainable revenue.

What are 5 key elements of a pitch? ›

5 key elements of the perfect sales P-I-T-C-H
  • P- Problem solver (Show how you have a solution that works) ...
  • I- Inspire an action (Have an end goal in mind that you're leading them to) ...
  • T- Tailor it to the audience. ...
  • C- Concise (be quick and to the point) ...
  • H- Heart (Be passionate!)

What is pitching technique? ›

Hands- The pitcher's hands will come apart, with his throwing arm being extended back and his glove hand aimed towards the plate. ● Hips- The pitcher's hips are still closed during the stride. As their front foot lands, the throwing motion will demand they the explode open, which will generate velocity.

How do you pitch efficiently? ›

8 simple steps to pitch your idea
  1. Understand your audience. No idea is a fit for everybody. ...
  2. Tell a story. People need to feel emotionally connected to become persuaded by a story. ...
  3. Know the pain points. ...
  4. Create consensus. ...
  5. Show, don't just tell. ...
  6. Back it up. ...
  7. Present your best self. ...
  8. Finish with a CTA.
Apr 13, 2023

How do you win a pitch game? ›

Must bid to win
  1. “No” allows you to win simply by going over the game over score, even if the other team was pitching.
  2. “Bid” requires being the pitching team and making your bid to win.
  3. “Bid/Set” means you'll win if either you're the pitching team making your bid or you're the opponents and set the pitching team.

How are pitching wins determined? ›

W – Win | a pitcher receives a win when he is the pitcher of record when his team takes the lead for good — with a couple rare exceptions. First, a starting pitcher must pitch at least five innings (in a traditional game of nine innings or longer) to qualify for the win.

How do you win a vocal competition? ›

Effective Tips for Singing Contests and Competitions!
  1. Competition Tip # 1: Be Well Prepared. ...
  2. Competition Tip # 2: Know Your Voice Well. ...
  3. Competition Tip # 3: Dress Appropriately for Your Image and Your Song. ...
  4. Competition Tip # 4: Use Your Stage and Perform! ...
  5. Competition Tip # 5: Always Do Your Vocal Warmups Before You Sing!

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.