4.2 Reliability and Validity of Measurement – Research Methods in Psychology (2024)

Learning Objectives

  1. Define reliability, including the different types and how they are assessed.
  2. Define validity, including the different types and how they are assessed.
  3. Describe the kinds of evidence that would be relevant to assessing the reliability and validity of a particular measure.

Again, measurement involves assigning scores to individuals so that they represent some characteristic of the individuals. But how do researchers know that the scores actually represent the characteristic, especially when it is a construct like intelligence, self-esteem, depression, or working memory capacity? The answer is that they conduct research using the measure to confirm that the scores make sense based on their understanding of the construct being measured. This is an extremely important point. Psychologists do not simplyassumethat their measures work. Instead, they collect data to demonstratethat they work. If their research does not demonstrate that a measure works, they stop using it.

As an informal example, imagine that you have been dieting for a month. Your clothes seem to be fitting more loosely, and several friends have asked if you have lost weight. If at this point your bathroom scale indicated that you had lost 10 pounds, this would make sense and you would continue to use the scale. But if it indicated that you had gained 10 pounds, you would rightly conclude that it was broken and either fix it or get rid of it. In evaluating a measurement method, psychologists consider two general dimensions: reliability and validity.


Reliabilityrefers to the consistency of a measure. Psychologists consider three types of consistency: over time (test-retest reliability), across items (internal consistency), and across different researchers (inter-rater reliability).

Test-Retest Reliability

When researchers measure a construct that they assume to be consistent across time, then the scores they obtain should also be consistent across time.Test-retestreliabilityis the extent to which this is actually the case. For example, intelligence is generally thought to be consistent across time. A person who is highly intelligent today will be highly intelligent next week. This means that any good measure of intelligence should produce roughly the same scores for this individual next week as it does today. Clearly, a measure that produces highly inconsistent scores over time cannot be a very good measure of a construct that is supposed to be consistent.

Assessing test-retest reliability requires using the measure on a group of people at one time, using it again on thesamegroup of people at a later time, and then looking attest-retestcorrelationbetween the two sets of scores. This is typically done by graphing the data in a scatterplot and computing the correlation coefficient. Figure 4.2 shows the correlation between two sets of scores of several university students on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, administered two times, a week apart. The correlation coefficient for these data is +.95. In general, a test-retest correlation of +.80 or greater is considered to indicate good reliability.

4.2 Reliability and Validity of Measurement – Research Methods in Psychology (1)

Figure 4.2 Test-Retest Correlation Between Two Sets of Scores of Several College Students on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Given Two Times a Week Apart

Again, high test-retest correlations make sense when the construct being measured is assumed to be consistent over time, which is the case for intelligence, self-esteem, and the Big Five personality dimensions. But other constructs are not assumed to be stable over time. The very nature of mood, for example, is that it changes. So a measure of mood that produced a low test-retest correlation over a period of a month would not be a cause for concern.

Internal Consistency

Another kind of reliability isinternalconsistency, which is the consistency of people’s responses across the items on a multiple-item measure. In general, all the items on such measures are supposed to reflect the same underlying construct, so people’s scores on those items should be correlated with each other. On the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, people who agree that they are a person of worth should tend to agree that they have a number of good qualities. If people’s responses to the different items are not correlated with each other, then it would no longer make sense to claim that they are all measuring the same underlying construct. This is as true for behavioral and physiological measures as for self-report measures. For example, people might make a series of bets in a simulated game of roulette as a measure of their level of risk seeking. This measure would be internally consistent to the extent that individual participants’ bets were consistently high or low across trials.

Like test-retest reliability, internal consistency can only be assessed by collecting and analyzing data. One approach is to look at asplit-halfcorrelation. This involves splitting the items into two sets, such as the first and second halves of the items or the even- and odd-numbered items. Then a score is computed for each set of items, and the relationship between the two sets of scores is examined. For example,Figure 4.3 shows the split-half correlation between several university students’ scores on the even-numbered items and their scores on the odd-numbered items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The correlation coefficient for these data is +.88. A split-half correlation of +.80 or greater is generally considered good internal consistency.

4.2 Reliability and Validity of Measurement – Research Methods in Psychology (2)

Figure 4.3 Split-Half Correlation Between Several College Students’ Scores on the Even-Numbered Items and Their Scores on the Odd-Numbered Items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

Perhaps the most common measure of internal consistency used by researchers in psychology is a statistic calledCronbach’sα(the Greek letter alpha). Conceptually, α is the mean of all possible split-half correlations for a set of items. For example, there are 252 ways to split a set of 10 items into two sets of five. Cronbach’s α would be the mean of the 252 split-half correlations. Note that this is not how α is actually computed, but it is a correct way of interpreting the meaning of this statistic. Again, a value of +.80 or greater is generally taken to indicate good internal consistency.

Interrater Reliability

Many behavioral measures involve significant judgment on the part of an observer or a rater.Inter-raterreliabilityis the extent to which different observers are consistent in their judgments. For example, if you were interested in measuring university students’ social skills, you could make video recordings of them as they interacted with another student whom they are meeting for the first time. Then you could have two or more observers watch the videos and rate each student’s level of social skills. To the extent that each participant does, in fact, have some level of social skills that can be detected by an attentive observer, different observers’ ratings should be highly correlated with each other. Inter-rater reliability would also have been measured in Bandura’s Bobo doll study. In this case, the observers’ ratings of how many acts of aggression a particular child committed while playing with the Bobo doll should have been highly positively correlated. Interrater reliability is often assessed using Cronbach’s α when the judgments are quantitative or an analogous statistic calledCohen’sκ(the Greek letter kappa) when they are categorical.


Validityis the extent to which the scores from a measure represent the variable they are intended to. But how do researchers make this judgment? We have already considered one factor that they take into account—reliability. When a measure has good test-retest reliability and internal consistency, researchers should be more confident that the scores represent what they are supposed to. There has to be more to it, however, because a measure can be extremely reliable but have no validity whatsoever. As an absurd example, imagine someone who believes that people’s index finger length reflects their self-esteem and therefore tries to measure self-esteem by holding a ruler up to people’s index fingers. Although this measure would have extremely good test-retest reliability, it would have absolutely no validity. The fact that one person’s index finger is a centimeter longer than another’s would indicate nothing about which one had higher self-esteem.

Discussions of validity usually divide it into several distinct “types.” But a good way to interpret these types is that they are other kinds of evidence—in addition to reliability—that should be taken into account when judging the validity of a measure. Here we consider three basic kinds: face validity, content validity, and criterion validity.

Face Validity

Facevalidityis the extent to which a measurement method appears “on its face” to measure the construct of interest. Most people would expect a self-esteem questionnaire to include items about whether they see themselves as a person of worth and whether they think they have good qualities. So a questionnaire that included these kinds of items would have good face validity. The finger-length method of measuring self-esteem, on the other hand, seems to have nothing to do with self-esteem and therefore has poor face validity. Although face validity can be assessed quantitatively—for example, by having a large sample of people rate a measure in terms of whether it appears to measure what it is intended to—it is usually assessed informally.

Face validity is at best a very weak kind of evidence that a measurement method is measuring what it is supposed to. One reason is that it is based on people’s intuitions about human behavior, which are frequently wrong. It is also the case that many established measures in psychology work quite well despite lacking face validity. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) measures many personality characteristics and disorders by having people decide whether each of over 567 different statements applies to them—where many of the statements do not have any obvious relationship to the construct that they measure. For example, the items “I enjoy detective or mystery stories” and “The sight of blood doesn’t frighten me or make me sick” both measure the suppression of aggression. In this case, it is not the participants’ literal answers to these questions that are of interest, but rather whether the pattern of the participants’ responses to a series of questions matches those of individuals who tend to suppress their aggression.

Content Validity

Contentvalidityis the extent to which a measure “covers” the construct of interest. For example, if a researcher conceptually defines test anxiety as involving both sympathetic nervous system activation (leading to nervous feelings) and negative thoughts, then his measure of test anxiety should include items about both nervous feelings and negative thoughts. Or consider that attitudes are usually defined as involving thoughts, feelings, and actions toward something. By this conceptual definition, a person has a positive attitude toward exercise to the extent that he or she thinks positive thoughts about exercising, feels good about exercising, and actually exercises. So to have good content validity, a measure of people’s attitudes toward exercise would have to reflect all three of these aspects. Like face validity, content validity is not usually assessed quantitatively. Instead, it is assessed by carefully checking the measurement method against the conceptual definition of the construct.

Criterion Validity

Criterionvalidityis the extent to which people’s scores on a measure are correlated with other variables (known ascriteria) that one would expect them to be correlated with. For example, people’s scores on a new measure of test anxiety should be negatively correlated with their performance on an important school exam. If it were found that people’s scores were in fact negatively correlated with their exam performance, then this would be a piece of evidence that these scores really represent people’s test anxiety. But if it were found that people scored equally well on the exam regardless of their test anxiety scores, then this would cast doubt on the validity of the measure.

A criterion can be any variable that one has reason to think should be correlated with the construct being measured, and there will usually be many of them. For example, one would expect test anxiety scores to be negatively correlated with exam performance and course grades and positively correlated with general anxiety and with blood pressure during an exam. Or imagine that a researcher develops a new measure of physical risk taking. People’s scores on this measure should be correlated with their participation in “extreme” activities such as snowboarding and rock climbing, the number of speeding tickets they have received, and even the number of broken bones they have had over the years. When the criterion is measured at the same time as the construct, criterion validity is referred to as concurrent validity; however, when the criterion is measured at some point in the future (after the construct has been measured), it is referred to as predictive validity (because scores on the measure have “predicted” a future outcome).

Criteria can also include other measures of the same construct. For example, one would expect new measures of test anxiety or physical risk taking to be positively correlated with existing established measures of the same constructs. This is known as convergent validity.

Assessing convergent validity requires collecting data using the measure. Researchers John Cacioppo and Richard Petty did this when they created their self-report Need for Cognition Scale to measure how much people value and engage in thinking (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982)[1]. In a series of studies, they showed that people’s scores were positively correlated with their scores on a standardized academic achievement test, and that their scores were negatively correlated with their scores on a measure of dogmatism (which represents a tendency toward obedience). In the years since it was created, the Need for Cognition Scale has been used in literally hundreds of studies and has been shown to be correlated with a wide variety of other variables, including the effectiveness of an advertisem*nt, interest in politics, and juror decisions (Petty, Briñol, Loersch, & McCaslin, 2009)[2].

Discriminant Validity

Discriminantvalidity, onthe other hand, is the extent to which scores on a measure are not correlated with measures of variables that are conceptually distinct. For example, self-esteem is a general attitude toward the self that is fairly stable over time. It is not the same as mood, which is how good or bad one happens to be feeling right now. So people’s scores on a new measure of self-esteem should not be very highly correlated with their moods. If the new measure of self-esteem were highly correlated with a measure of mood, it could be argued that the new measure is not really measuring self-esteem; it is measuring mood instead.

When they created the Need for Cognition Scale, Cacioppo and Petty also provided evidence of discriminant validity by showing that people’s scores were not correlated with certain other variables. For example, they found only a weak correlation between people’s need for cognition and a measure of their cognitive style—the extent to which they tend to think analytically by breaking ideas into smaller parts or holistically in terms of “the big picture.” They also found no correlation between people’s need for cognition and measures of their test anxiety and their tendency to respond in socially desirable ways. All these low correlations provide evidence that the measure is reflecting a conceptually distinct construct.

Key Takeaways

  • Psychological researchers do not simply assume that their measures work. Instead, they conduct research to show that they work. If they cannot show that they work, they stop using them.
  • There are two distinct criteria by which researchers evaluate their measures: reliability and validity. Reliability is consistency across time (test-retest reliability), across items (internal consistency), and across researchers (interrater reliability). Validity is the extent to which the scores actually represent the variable they are intended to.
  • Validity is a judgment based on various types of evidence. The relevant evidence includes the measure’s reliability, whether it covers the construct of interest, and whether the scores it produces are correlated with other variables they are expected to be correlated with and not correlated with variables that are conceptually distinct.
  • The reliability and validity of a measure is not established by any single study but by the pattern of results across multiple studies. The assessment of reliability and validity is an ongoing process.


  1. Practice: Ask several friends to complete the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Then assess its internal consistency by making a scatterplot to show the split-half correlation (even- vs. odd-numbered items). Compute the correlation coefficienttoo if you know how.
  2. Discussion: Think back to the last college exam you took and think of the exam as a psychological measure. What construct do you think it was intended to measure? Comment on its face and content validity. What data could you collect to assess its reliabilityandcriterion validity?
  1. Cacioppo, J. T., & Petty, R. E. (1982). The need for cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 116–131.
  2. Petty, R. E, Briñol, P., Loersch, C., & McCaslin, M. J. (2009). The need for cognition. In M. R. Leary & R. H. Hoyle (Eds.), Handbook of individual differences in social behavior (pp. 318–329). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

I am an experienced researcher and educator in the field of psychology, specializing in measurement and psychometrics. My expertise is built on years of conducting empirical research, publishing articles in reputable journals, and actively participating in academic conferences. I hold advanced degrees in psychology and have taught courses on research methods and psychological measurement.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

Reliability: Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. The article discusses three types of reliability:

  1. Test-Retest Reliability:

    • Definition: The consistency of scores over time.
    • Example: Measuring intelligence, assuming it remains stable.
    • Assessment: Test-retest correlation is calculated by administering the measure twice to the same group and examining the correlation coefficient.
  2. Internal Consistency:

    • Definition: Consistency of responses across items in a multiple-item measure.
    • Example: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, where items reflect the same underlying construct.
    • Assessment: Split-half correlation is one method, and Cronbach’s α is a widely used statistic indicating the mean of split-half correlations.
  3. Inter-rater Reliability:

    • Definition: Consistency of judgments across different observers.
    • Example: Observers rating social skills based on video recordings.
    • Assessment: Correlation between different observers' ratings, often measured using Cronbach’s α.

Validity: Validity is the extent to which scores represent the variable they are intended to measure. The article discusses several types of validity:

  1. Face Validity:

    • Definition: The extent to which a measure appears to measure the construct of interest.
    • Example: A self-esteem questionnaire with items about worth and qualities.
    • Assessment: Usually assessed informally, relying on intuition.
  2. Content Validity:

    • Definition: The extent to which a measure covers the construct of interest.
    • Example: A measure of test anxiety including items about nervous feelings and negative thoughts.
    • Assessment: Checked against the conceptual definition of the construct.
  3. Criterion Validity:

    • Definition: The extent to which scores correlate with other variables (criteria) as expected.
    • Example: Test anxiety scores negatively correlating with exam performance.
    • Assessment: Can be concurrent (measured simultaneously) or predictive (measured in the future).
  4. Convergent Validity:

    • Definition: The extent to which a measure correlates with other measures of the same construct.
    • Example: Need for Cognition Scale correlating with academic achievement.
    • Assessment: Requires data collection using the measure.
  5. Discriminant Validity:

    • Definition: The extent to which scores on a measure are not correlated with conceptually distinct variables.
    • Example: Self-esteem scores not highly correlated with mood.
    • Assessment: Checking for low correlations with unrelated variables.

In summary, reliability ensures consistency, while validity ensures accuracy in measurement. Psychologists use various methods and statistical tools to assess both reliability and validity, recognizing that these are ongoing processes that require evidence from multiple studies.

4.2 Reliability and Validity of Measurement – Research Methods in Psychology (2024)


4.2 Reliability and Validity of Measurement – Research Methods in Psychology? ›

Reliability is consistency across time (test-retest reliability), across items (internal consistency), and across researchers (interrater reliability). Validity is the extent to which the scores actually represent the variable they are intended to. Validity is a judgment based on various types of evidence.

What is reliability and validity in psychology research? ›

What is the difference between reliability and validity in psychology? Reliability is an examination of how consistent and stable the results of an assessment are. Validity refers to how well a test actually measures what it was created to measure.

What is reliability and validity of measurement in research? ›

A reliable measurement is not always valid: the results might be reproducible, but they're not necessarily correct. A valid measurement is generally reliable: if a test produces accurate results, they should be reproducible.

What is the measurement of validity in psychology? ›

The validity definition in psychology assumes that the test in question measures precisely what it aims to measure, meaning the data collected is accurate and represents some truth compared to others outside of the study. If it does, then the test is valid.

What is an example of validity and reliability in research methodology? ›

For example, if you measure a cup of rice three times, and you get the same result each time, that result is reliable. The validity, on the other hand, refers to the measurement's accuracy. This means that if the standard weight for a cup of rice is 5 grams, and you measure a cup of rice, it should be 5 grams.

What is an example of reliability and validity in psychology? ›

For example, if your scale is off by 5 lbs, it reads your weight every day with an excess of 5lbs. The scale is reliable because it consistently reports the same weight every day, but it is not valid because it adds 5lbs to your true weight. It is not a valid measure of your weight.

What is reliability research methods in psychology? ›

Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. Psychologists consider three types of consistency: over time (test-retest reliability), across items (internal consistency), and across different researchers (inter-rater reliability).

What is an example of validity in psychology? ›

A test is considered valid if it measures the construct it was designed to assess. For example, psychologists administer intelligence tests to predict school performance. If a person scores low on an IQ test, then that person is less likely to succeed in academics as a high scoring peer.

What is an example of measurement validity? ›

Measurement validity refers to the extent to which a scale measures a specific idea or concept. A psychologist who wants to measure intelligence should ensure that the scale does not measure a similar but different concept. For example, a valid test of memory is not considered a valid test of intelligence.

What is an example of reliability in research? ›

For example, if you weigh an object multiple times and always get the same result, the results are reliable. If you compare the weight you measure and find it matches the actual weight of the object as dictated by the manufacture, this demonstrates that your results are valid.

Why is reliability and validity important in research? ›

Importance of Reliability and Validity in Research

Researchers can use these concepts to plan study methods so the results are trustworthy and useful. Additionally, readers and critics of research studies can evaluate how reliable and valid the study is and how true the conclusions drawn from the study are.

What methods do you find to be most effective in establishing reliability and validity? ›

How do we assess reliability and validity?
  • We can assess reliability by four ways: ...
  • Parallel forms reliability. ...
  • Correlation between two forms is used as the reliability index.
  • Split-half reliability. ...
  • Internal consistency reliability. ...
  • This is called the Coefficient Alpha, also known as Cronbach Alpha. ...
  • Validity.
Sep 27, 2020

What is an example of validity and reliability in assessment? ›

Let's imagine a bathroom scale that consistently tells you that you weigh 130 pounds. The reliability (consistency) of this scale is very good, but it is not accurate (valid) because you actually weigh 145 pounds (perhaps you re-set the scale in a weak moment)!

How to measure validity in research? ›

Validity can be estimated by comparing research results to other relevant data or theories.
  1. The adherence of a measure to existing knowledge of how the concept is measured.
  2. The ability to cover all aspects of the concept being measured.
  3. The relation of the result in comparison with other valid measures of the same concept.
Feb 27, 2023

What is reliability and validity in quantitative measurement? ›

Validity is the extent to which a research study measures what it claims to measure without being affected by extraneous factors or bias. In contrast, reliability is the degree to which the research results are consistent and stable over time and across different samples, methods, and evaluators.

How to ensure reliability and validity in survey research? ›

To minimise the validity and measurement/observation errors of a survey, the following stages of evaluation should be considered:
  1. Expert reviews. ...
  2. Cognitive interviewing. ...
  3. Another round of expert review (optional) ...
  4. Pilot testing the survey (may be relevant for face-to-face surveys)
Apr 17, 2019

What is reliability in measurement of data? ›

Measuring data reliability can uncover problems with the data in your organization that you haven't even been aware of. This process usually includes assessment of three different aspects of reliability: validity, completeness and uniqueness.

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