7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (2024)

As investors continue to lament recession worries and market volatility, the US Inflation Rate has cooled to 6.04% in February 2023, a significant improvement from its alarming 9.06% mark in June 2022. Perhaps the Fed’s nine consecutive rate hikes are serving their intended purpose of easing inflation from levels not seen since the 1980s?

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (1)

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Inflation is a rise in an economy’s overall average price level and a decline in the purchasing power of that economy’s domestic currency. Core Inflation measures changes in the overall price level minus food and energy costs.

It’s important to note that inflation affects more than just the price of consumer goods, as measured by the Consumer Price Index. Nearly every asset class can take a hit from inflation in one way or another. While rising prices can be a sign of economic growth, translating into higher corporate earnings and elevated stock prices, it is a double-edged sword. Historically, rapid inflation prompts central banks to hike interest rates to control runaway prices. Bond yields rise, causing prices to fall, future corporate earnings are discounted further while equities sell off, and any adjustable rate credit product becomes more expensive.

If inflation makes you queasy—and switching to day-old milk is not your idea of coping with inflation—then you’re in the right place.

Here are seven of the best ways to hedge your portfolio against inflation:

Ex-US ETFs and Mutual Funds

“Defensive” Stocks

Bonds (including TIPS)

Foreign Currencies

Commodities (including Gold and Precious Metals)

Real Estate


1. Ex-US ETFs and Mutual Funds

Inflation is typically regarded as a negative for stocks, as it increases companies’ borrowing and production costs, further discounts future earnings, and ultimately leads to lower expected earnings growth. If the earnings of US companies are expected to shrink, investments that exclude domestic companies (i.e Ex-US funds) can hedge a predominantly US portfolio and capture potential returns from worldwide markets where inflation may not be as high.

Examples of ex-US ETFs:

  • Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETF (VEU)
  • SPDR Portfolio Developed World ex-US ETF (SPDW)
  • iShares MSCI ACWI ex US ETF (ACWX)
  • iShares MSCI ACWI ex-US ETF (CWI)

Examples of ex-US Mutual Funds:

  • Fidelity Global ex US Index (FSGGX)
  • Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US Index Admiral (VFWAX)
  • State Street Global All Cap Equity ex-US Index (SSGVX)

Per the theory of diversification, the less correlated two investments are, the more they can protect investors from downside risk. A portfolio’s overall volatility can potentially be limited by expanding the variety of investments in a portfolio. While diversification is typically approached in terms of asset classes, it also applies geographically. In this case, increasing exposure outside of the US could reduce home country bias and make for an effective hedge against domestic inflation.

2. “Defensive” Stocks

Though rising inflation has historically led to Fed rate hikes which can stymie stock market returns, certain sectors act as a counter to higher inflation since they tend to appreciate in times such as these. Materials, Consumer Staples and Utilities are examples of lower-volatility sectors that defensive investors often rotate into. When both inflation and the prices of raw materials rise, Materials stocks have followed upward.

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (2)

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As for Consumer Staples, many of the companies in that sector are considered “recession-proof”. Think household products, personal care items, and groceries—no matter if inflation is 1% or 10%, everyone will need to eat, do the dishes, and brush their teeth, right? Therefore, consumer staple companies are favored by investors seeking protection from inflation, since they are thought to deliver consistent earnings with lower volatility no matter the current economic environment. Finally, the merits of the Utilities sector in an inflationary environment include the average stock in that sector sporting the third-highest dividend and lowest beta of the eleven sectors. Utility stocks are often viewed as a sort of bond hybrid, sporting the risk-off elements of fixed income instruments with the ability to generate current income via dividends. And, similar to Consumer Staples, many Utilities companies are considered recession-proof as people depend on powering and heating their homes.

3. Bonds, including TIPS

The Fed’s Open Market Committee (FOMC) hikes the Fed Funds rate as a means to control inflation, leading to higher interest rates across all fixed income durations. During inflationary periods, investors might consider expanding their fixed income positions, as higher risk-free returns make bonds more attractive compared to risky assets such as equities. But be aware: timing is everything. Purchasing bonds after markets have priced in a rate hike is one thing, but buying them before a rate hike occurs might lead to depreciated values of those bonds.

Treasury yields are typically one of the biggest beneficiaries during rate hikes, as seen most recently in 2016 and now in 2023.

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (3)

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Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) are fixed-income instruments similar to treasury bonds, but they’re specifically designed to protect against inflation. Just as treasuries fluctuate based on interest rates, TIPS principal values appreciate when inflation rises. During inflationary periods, TIPS can provide added returns and protection to a portfolio if or when equity prices dive. TIPS are available in 5, 10, and 30-year durations.

4. Foreign Currencies

Inflation not only decreases a currency’s purchasing power domestically. It can also weaken a currency compared to other countries’ tenders. A weaker exchange rate can stimulate activity from foreign buyers. For example, as recently as last year, the US dollar and Euro were at parity for the first time in 20 years, making that long-awaited trip overseas less expensive. On the flip side, holders of the weakened currency are at a disadvantage when purchasing from foreign nations. For instance, the US dollar experienced relative weakness against the Pound, Canadian Dollar, Euro, and Australian Dollar from March 2020 through the first half of 2021, partially due to rising inflation. But as inflation hit the rest of the world in 2022, the US Dollar strengthened once again.

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (4)

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The Japanese Yen has often been regarded as a safe haven for US dollar holders in times of economic uncertainty. Japan’s historically steady economic growth and inflation rate have resulted in tame exchange rate fluctuations, providing a hedge against the inflation-induced devaluation of the US dollar.

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (5)

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5. Gold, Precious Metals, and Commodities

All that glitters is gold, especially during times of inflation.

Precious metals such as gold have been historical favorites for hedging against inflation due to their scarcity, tangibility, and historically negative correlation to paper money.Since 1979, the purchasing power of the US Dollar has declined by 77%. Meanwhile, the price of gold per ounce has risen more than 700% and is close to breaking through $2,000 per ounce for the second time ever.

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (6)

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In addition to owning physical gold, investors can consider adding gold miners, ETFs, or even currency-hedged gold funds to their portfolios to “stay golden” through inflation. Some of these plays include:

  • SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)
  • iShares Gold Trust (IAU)
  • VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX)
  • Aberdeen Standard Gold ETF (SGOL)

Other tangible assets include commodities, such as oil, lumber, and steel, whose prices not only increase with inflation but also act as indicators of both future inflation and economic growth. As the economy expands, the demand for commodities heats up, pushing their prices higher.

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (7)

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6. Real Estate

Like precious metals, real estate is a tangible asset that tends to hold value during prevalent inflation. As prices rise, so do property values and rents, increasing the amount of rental income earned along with the book value of property.

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (8)

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Existing homeowners may actually welcome inflation as it translates to more valuable equity. As seen in the chart above, the US Existing Home Median Sales Price saw a surge in prices as inflation rose in 2022, but then started to level off as inflation fell. Real estate taxes could also increase in kind, however. If you’re considering buying a home for the first time, elevated home prices might have you second-guessing that corner lot in the ‘burbs.

Alternatively, the benefits of owning actual real estate can be captured by adding Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) holdings to a portfolio. REITs typically operate conglomerates of real estate and are investor-owned. Those investors receive distributions on the REIT’s rental income, interest, and property sales. There are hundreds of REIT equities, ETFs, and Mutual Funds in the YCharts database, in addition to general real estate sector securities such as the SPDR Select Real Estate Sector ETF (XLRE).

7. Cryptocurrencies

Those who wish to diversify out of fiat currencies entirely might seek alternative stores of value. One emerging asset class, cryptocurrency, includes digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano. While a tumultuous 2022 has prompted some to question the reliability of cryptocurrencies as inflation hedges, a price rebound at the start of 2023 and decentralized store of monetary value is helping crypto regain popularity.

7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (9)

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US investors can join the crypto craze by owning coins directly or buying shares in crypto trusts or ETFs. Some of the ones available on YCharts include:

  • Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC)
  • Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE)
  • Grayscale ZCash Trust (ZCSH)
  • ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO)

The Bottom Line

Whether it’s at the grocery store or out on the road, consumer demand and healthy economic activity (or sometimes money printing and resource scarcity) ignite inflation and send prices higher. Though consumers and investors alike have valid reasons for concern, there are many ways to protect long-term investments against the threats of inflation. From ex-US investing to snapping up gold and property, the number of available options to hedge your portfolio against inflation should keep you sleeping well at night.

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7 Best Asset Classes to Hedge Against Inflation (2024)


What is the best asset class to beat inflation? ›

Several asset classes perform well in inflationary environments. Tangible assets, like real estate and commodities, have historically been seen as inflation hedges. Some specialized securities can maintain a portfolio's buying power, including certain sector stocks, inflation-indexed bonds, and securitized debt.

What assets are best to hedge against inflation? ›

The most common asset classes for protection against inflation include gold, commodities, a balanced and diversified portfolio with a 60/40 split between stocks and fixed income, real estate investment trusts (REITs), rental income from real estate, the S&P 500, and TIPS.

What asset classes are generally thought of to protect against inflation? ›

With any diversified portfolio, keeping inflation-hedged asset classes on your watch list, and then striking when you see inflation can help your portfolio thrive when inflation hits. Common anti-inflation assets include gold, commodities, various real estate investments, and TIPS.

What is the best investment to beat inflation? ›

During inflationary periods, experts suggest making the most of your returns by investing in assets that have historically delivered returns that outpace the rate of inflation. Examples include diversified index funds, as well as carefully investing in things like gold, real estate, Series I savings bonds and TIPS.

What are the worst investments during inflation? ›

The worst assets to own during inflation. Money in bank accounts or under your mattress loses value rapidly. Bonds, especially those with fixed returns in the inflated currency, suffer too.

Is cash king during inflation? ›

Inflation: Inflation eats away at the purchasing power of cash. Because of that and the low yield of cash assets, cash steadily loses value. The time value of money: Because of inflation and other factors, cash is worth more now than it will be in the future.

How to protect cash from inflation? ›

5 Ways to Hedge Against Inflation
  1. Move Your Money into a High-Yield Savings Account. If you have your money stashed in a checking or basic savings account—or worse, at home—inflation erodes the value over time. ...
  2. Buy Treasury Bonds. ...
  3. Invest in the Stock Market. ...
  4. Diversify Your Portfolio. ...
  5. Explore Alternative Investments.
Mar 21, 2023

How to hedge against US dollar collapse? ›

What To Own When The Dollar Collapses
  1. Having too much money in a single asset is always a risky proposition. A varied investment portfolio is crucial to weathering any financial storm. ...
  2. Commodities. ...
  3. Foreign Bonds. ...
  4. A Variety Of Currencies. ...
  5. Gold And Precious Metals. ...
  6. Real Estate. ...
  7. Items To Barter With. ...
  8. Cryptocurrencies.

How do you hedge yourself against inflation? ›

9 Best Ways To Hedge Against Inflation
  1. Cryptocurrencies. ...
  2. ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) and Mutual Funds. ...
  3. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) ...
  4. Investing in the Stock Market. ...
  5. High-Yield Savings Account. ...
  6. Short-Term Bonds. ...
  7. Commodities. ...
  8. Real Estate.
Jan 10, 2024

Where to put cash during inflation? ›

Savings Bonds

Some inflation-avoiders are turning to savings bonds, which the U.S. Treasury sells directly to investors. These are typically considered safe investments because the value can't decline, which makes them a stabilizing investment during inflation or other periods of uncertainty.

What is the best currency to hedge the dollar? ›

Experts suggest investing in currencies forecast to appreciate against the USD, such as the euro, the Japanese yen, and the Swiss franc. This diversification could help to reduce exposure to exchange rates and boost returns. Another strategy to consider is investing in non-US assets, such as stocks and bonds.

Is land a good investment during inflation? ›

However, land can deliver exceptional returns without many risks. As a matter of fact, land is the best hedge against inflation that ensures the safety of your capital. Unquestionably, inflation can't be avoided or overlooked as it is an essential part of the financial system.

What are the three investments one can make to beat inflation? ›

The bottom line

Investing in precious metals, like gold and silver, can protect your portfolio's value amid rising inflation. Moreover, real estate investments may give you a way to generate a regular income while you protect your portfolio from the dollar-devaluing impact of mounting inflation.

What is the best investment during inflation Warren Buffett? ›

Real estate is generally a “good investment” during times of inflation, according to Buffett. “They're the businesses that you buy once and then you don't have to keep making capital investments subsequently.

Is gold really a hedge against inflation? ›

Several factors influence gold prices, the most important being inflation and interest, which are linked. Gold has an inherently limited supply, which makes it an inflation hedge, but despite the commodity's reputation for being a safe-haven investment, gold is not risk-free.

What is the most profitable asset class? ›

The 9 Best Income Producing Assets to Grow Your Wealth
  1. Stocks/Equities. If I had to pick one asset class to rule them all, stocks would definitely be it. ...
  2. Bonds. ...
  3. Investment/Vacation Properties. ...
  4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  5. Farmland. ...
  6. Small Businesses/Franchise/Angel Investing. ...
  7. CDs/Money Market Funds. ...
  8. Royalties.
Mar 9, 2023

What is the most efficient asset class? ›

Asset classes that tend to be more efficient include large cap equities and fixed income. Small- and mid-cap styles tend to be less efficient.

What asset class performs best in recession? ›

Riskier assets like stocks and high-yield bonds tend to lose value in a recession, while gold and U.S. Treasuries appreciate. Shares of large companies with ample, steady cash flows and dividends tend to outperform economically sensitive stocks in downturns.

Which asset class has highest return? ›

Which asset class has the best historical returns? The stock market has proven to produce the highest returns over extended periods of time. Since the late 1920s, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the S&P 500 is about 6.6%, assuming that all dividends were reinvested and adjusted for inflation.

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