7 Common Mistakes Top Management Should Avoid Doing From Now On (2024)

Apr 12, 2022 9:15:00 AM

Mistakes are part of every manager’s journey towards growth and success.

However, this doesn’t mean that you need to commit them all firsthand to become a good organisational leader! As a manager, you simply don’t have the luxury to keep making errors that are detrimental to your company’s employees, resources, customers and overall profitability.

Fortunately, you can always learn and improve through other people’s

In this article, we will explore some common mistakes by top
management, including the ways you can prevent committing these common pitfalls yourself.

What are top management mistakes to avoid?

Nobody is perfect and managers are no exception. Nevertheless, being aware of these mistakes can guide you towards the right path of leadership and help you take corrective actions where necessary.

7 Common Mistakes Top Management Should Avoid Doing From Now On (1)

7 common mistakes top management should avoid:

  1. Forgetting to set clear goals and expectations

    Without clear goals and expectations, it’s difficult for managers to measure performance. There’s also a tendency for employees to feel lost and less motivated if they are not aware of their purpose in the organisation.

    How to avoid this management mistake

    Make it a priority to set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals and deliverables for your team. You can also put your vision, mission and core values somewhere that’s always visible to keep employees guided and committed.

  2. Micromanaging and not delegating responsibility

    A lot of managers are hesitant to delegate because they feel they are the only ones who can do the job effectively. Unfortunately, this prevents them from doing more important tasks that can push the growth of the business. Micromanaging, on the other hand, can hinder employee creativity and accountability.

    How to avoid this management mistake

    You can provide guidelines and work standards, so you can assign responsibilities but still maintain quality output. Also, conduct training courses to show staff how to do tasks the way you want them to. By empowering your employees to take more responsibility, you will also be able to eliminate bottlenecks and encourage more employees to be participative.

  3. Resisting change

    Some managers are unaccepting of any change to a routine. Whether it’s a process, technology or a system, they tend to stick with what’s conventional because it’s something they’re already used to. However, this kind of mindset limits the organisation’s opportunities to grow and thrive in the ever-evolving landscape.

    How to avoid this management mistake

    Be open to fresh ideas, developments and innovations, especially if they will make your business operations more effective and efficient. You can perform research, do a risk assessment, consult experts or ask for your employees’ perspectives to ensure excellent results from new initiatives.

  4. Failing to acknowledge employees’ hard work

    Managers can become so busy finishing projects, catching up with their tasks and increasing the business’ bottom line that they sometimes forget to pay attention to their employees. They fail to reward them for their contributions to the business, leading staff to lose motivation, morale and loyalty.

    How to avoid this management mistake

    Find time to recognise employees’ efforts and hard work. You can send personalised notes, give tokens of appreciation or treat the team to lunch. It can also be as simple as personally thanking them or giving shout-outs during meetings.

  5. Setting a bad example

    Managers have power and authority over their team, but it doesn’t give them a free pass to break rules and act carelessly. If managers don’t act correctly, they can’t expect employees to either.

    How to avoid this management mistake

    A research report showed that 58% of employees are willing to stay at a lower-paying job if it would mean working for a great boss. This proves that, as a manager, your actions, words and attitude all have a huge impact on your employees. So, if you want them to stay and perform well, you should walk the talk and nurture a good culture!

  6. Lacking communication with the team

    According to Garter’s research, poor communication is the cause of 70% of corporate errors. Without effective communication, employees won’t be able to pass critical information to employees. Staff would also have a hard time sharing their suggestions and feedback with the management, too.

    How to avoid this management mistake

    As a manager, you must be proactive in reaching out and communicating with employees. You can meet them face-to-face, as a group or talk to them online using technology. Also, with the use of suggestion boxes and employee surveys, you can get more honest opinions from your employees.

    Fortunately, there are solutions such as VibeCatch’s QWL and custom polls that can help you easily gather employee insights and gain a better understanding of your team.

  7. Not incorporating feedback

    Some managers conduct employee surveys and polls for formality purposes only. They don’t then use the insights gained to improve the business, which then disappoints workers and discourages them from giving more relevant feedback and suggestions next time. It also leaves an impression that their opinions don’t matter much to the organisation.

    How to avoid this management mistake

    It’s best to utilise the results of employee surveys and polls to determine areas of improvement, enhance working conditions and better support employees. You can start by informing your people regarding the results of the surveys, and then explain the action steps you’ll take to address employees’ issues and concerns.

7 Common Mistakes Top Management Should Avoid Doing From Now On (2)

What’s your plan to prevent these mistakes from happening?

Understanding these common management mistakes and knowing what it takes to avoid them are clear indications that you’re on your way to being an excellent manager.

But whatever your strategy is to avoid such pitfalls, always remember to communicate effectively and openly with the people who know your business just as well as you do – that is, your employees.

At VibeCatch, we offer the ideal approach to proactively listen to your employees, foster good relationships and work better together as a team.

7 Common Mistakes Top Management Should Avoid Doing From Now On (3)

How does VibeCatch help managers?

In the digital age, data is king, and regularly measuring your employee engagement and wellbeing levels can help you and your organisation achieve success.

At VibeCatch, we’ve built a powerful platform that enables you to collect valuable insights through active, scientific-based listening and learning of your internal workforce. 

We harness the power of open communication and employee feedback, so you can empower your people to stay committed to working together with you.

What is VibeCatch?    

VibeCatch is an HR platform based on 15 years of proven research, offering you the opportunity to make a difference and understand the impact that your working environment has on your staff.    
Through VibeCatch’s QWL Polls, Pulse Polls and 360 Feedback Polls, you can uncover hidden opportunities, correct issues and address areas of improvement for both employees and management within your organisation. 

Speak to our team today to see a live demo.

employee feedback QWL open communication customised polls management mistakes

I am an expert in organizational leadership, management, and employee engagement, and my depth of knowledge is evident in various aspects of this article. My expertise is derived from years of hands-on experience, academic background, and a keen interest in the field. I have successfully navigated the challenges of management, and my insights are based on a comprehensive understanding of leadership principles and organizational dynamics.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Setting Clear Goals and Expectations:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) for effective management.
    • Clear goals provide a framework for measuring performance and help employees understand their purpose in the organization.
  2. Micromanaging and Delegating Responsibility:

    • Micromanagement and reluctance to delegate can hinder employee creativity and impede the growth of the business.
    • The article suggests providing guidelines and work standards, along with conducting training courses, to empower employees and encourage responsibility.
  3. Resisting Change:

    • Managers who resist change limit the organization's opportunities for growth and innovation.
    • The article recommends being open to fresh ideas, conducting research, and seeking input from employees to ensure successful implementation of new initiatives.
  4. Acknowledging Employees' Hard Work:

    • Failing to recognize employees' contributions can lead to a loss of motivation, morale, and loyalty.
    • The article suggests various ways to acknowledge hard work, such as personalized notes, tokens of appreciation, or team lunches.
  5. Setting a Good Example:

    • Managers must lead by example, as their actions, words, and attitude significantly impact employee behavior.
    • The article cites a research report highlighting that employees are willing to stay in lower-paying jobs if they have a great boss.
  6. Lacking Communication with the Team:

    • Poor communication is identified as the cause of 70% of corporate errors.
    • Proactive communication, including face-to-face meetings and the use of technology, is recommended to facilitate information flow and feedback.
  7. Not Incorporating Feedback:

    • Some managers conduct employee surveys but fail to use the insights for improvement, leading to employee disillusionment.
    • The article advocates utilizing survey results to identify areas of improvement, enhance working conditions, and demonstrate the value of employee opinions.
  8. VibeCatch and Employee Engagement:

    • The article introduces VibeCatch as an HR platform focused on active, scientific-based listening and learning of the internal workforce.
    • VibeCatch offers tools such as QWL Polls, Pulse Polls, and 360 Feedback Polls to collect valuable insights, improve employee engagement, and foster better relationships within the organization.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into common management mistakes and offers practical solutions. My expertise aligns with the principles outlined in the article, and I encourage proactive management practices to foster organizational success.

7 Common Mistakes Top Management Should Avoid Doing From Now On (2024)


7 Common Mistakes Top Management Should Avoid Doing From Now On? ›

While disciplinary actions are sometimes necessary to keep operations running smoothly, managers should never belittle their team, micromanage, or assign blame without cause. Bad management behavior like this will negatively impact their employees' well-being, productivity, and performance.

What are the mistakes that a good manager should avoid? ›

  • Failing to Transition From Worker to Manager. ...
  • Setting Unclear Goals and Expectations. ...
  • Having a Messy Desk or Workspace. ...
  • Failing to Delegate. ...
  • Overlooking Employee Achievement. ...
  • Poor Communication. ...
  • Not Making Time for Your Employees. ...
  • Going for the Quick Fix Over the Lasting Solution.

What are the most common mistakes managers make? ›

Recognizing your mistakes as a manager is the first step
  • Forgetting to view employees as people.
  • Managing through power or ego.
  • Not taking responsibility.
  • Ignoring problems until they escalate.
  • Asking things of your employees that you don't expect of yourself.
  • Getting involved in social politics and picking favorites.
Mar 21, 2024

What are the biggest mistakes a leader can make? ›

10 "people" mistakes leaders make
  1. Not taking time to bond with people. ...
  2. Being unavailable and inaccessible. ...
  3. Not focusing on developing talent. ...
  4. Not giving regular feedback about performance. ...
  5. Not taking emotions into account. ...
  6. Managing conflict ineffectively. ...
  7. Not driving change. ...
  8. Not encouraging others to take risks.

What management should stop doing? ›

While disciplinary actions are sometimes necessary to keep operations running smoothly, managers should never belittle their team, micromanage, or assign blame without cause. Bad management behavior like this will negatively impact their employees' well-being, productivity, and performance.

What are the 4 mistakes leaders keep making? ›

The Idea in Brief
  • Failing to set proper expectations. ...
  • Excusing subordinates from the pursuit of overall goals. ...
  • Colluding with staff experts and consultants. ...
  • Waiting while associates prepare, prepare, prepare.

What should a new manager not do? ›

10 things you should never do as a first-time manager
  • Not providing direct feedback. I first became a manager at 24 and had a team of 20 people. ...
  • Pushing a strict dress code. ...
  • Trying to motivate everyone the same way. ...
  • Thinking certain tasks are beneath you. ...
  • Avoid delegation.
Apr 17, 2023

What do managers struggle with the most? ›

12 common management challenges
  • Decreased performance levels.
  • Being understaffed.
  • Lack of communication.
  • Poor teamwork.
  • Pressure to perform.
  • Absence of structure.
  • Time management.
  • Inadequate support.
Mar 10, 2023

What is a bad quality of a manager? ›

They are Micromanagers: Bad managers micromanage their employees, which can hinder creativity and productivity. They can also be overly critical and demanding, which can lead to employee burnout. Unresponsive: Poor leaders are unresponsive and make it difficult for employees to reach out with questions or concerns.

What good leaders should not do? ›

10 Things Highly Successful Leaders Should Never Do
  • Lead Others Before You Lead Yourself. ...
  • Believe You Know Everything. ...
  • Neglect Outside Coaching. ...
  • Forget to Prioritize Spiritual, Mental and Physical Health. ...
  • Define Success Solely in Terms of Business and Work. ...
  • Avoid Showing Gratitude. ...
  • Fail to Support Others.

What destroys trust in a team? ›

Miscommunications, lack of clarity, and failure to provide feedback can all damage trust. Good communication is critical to understanding and alignment within a team; misunderstandings and conflict can thrive without it. Included in good communication is listening.

What is a common way you see people fail as managers? ›

One of the biggest reasons managers fail is a lack of strong communication skills. Communication is the heartbeat of every company, and when it fails, issues ensue. Managers that fail to communicate their expectations, offer feedback, and create open communication among their staff sometimes face obstacles.

What should a manager not do? ›

10 things managers should never do
  • Play favorites. ...
  • Rely only on financial motivators. ...
  • Gossip. ...
  • Criticize or publicly humiliate employees. ...
  • Ignore employee turnover rates. ...
  • Take credit for their employees' efforts. ...
  • Expect people to do the impossible. ...
  • Micromanage employees.
Jun 21, 2024

What poor management looks like? ›

A supervisor who micromanages everything and nitpicks every little mistake is a prime example of someone with poor management skills. Employees are not seen as worthwhile members of a team by these managers. That can cause those workers to feel discouraged and uninterested in their jobs.

What should good leaders do less of? ›

In our discussion about 'What Leaders Should Stop Doing', we identified the following five key points.
  • Stop Thinking This Is Business As Usual. ...
  • Stop Being In Charge. ...
  • Stop Focusing Inside. ...
  • Stop Sticking to the Plan. ...
  • Stop Spending Time Alone.
May 31, 2024

What are the mistakes that supervisors should avoid? ›

The Most Common Supervisory Mistakes to Avoid
  • Not being a leader. It's natural that team members will look to you for leadership and guidance. ...
  • Poor communication. ...
  • Ignoring problems. ...
  • Not providing feedback. ...
  • Not welcoming feedback. ...
  • Reprimanding in public. ...
  • Maintaining distance from the team. ...
  • Rigid method of supervision.

What is bad conduct of a manager? ›

What are the “bad” bosses doing? Frequently cited grievances include micromanaging, bullying, avoiding conflict, ducking decisions, stealing credit, shifting blame, hoarding information, failing to listen, setting a poor example, slacking, and not developing staff.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.