9 Homemade Probiotics For Dogs & 5 Recipes You Should Try (2024)

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You can get creative and make some homemade probiotics for dogs. Probiotics provide a healthy source of beneficial bacteria to the body. Homemade probiotics are healthy and easy to make.

They are available commercially as supplements or formulated in dog food. You can also find some dog foods infused with some little probiotics.

You should consult your vet before starting your dog on a new diet. Always use natural foods for your dog’s diet. Processed foods may cause allergies and can be toxic.

9 Homemade Probiotics For Dogs & 5 Recipes You Should Try (1)

I strongly recommend that you check this list from the American Kennel Club that outlines the dangerous foods for dogs.

Continue reading to find out some common foods that are rich in natural probiotics for dogs and 5 recipes that you can try.

Table of Contents

Foods that Contain Probiotics & Prebiotics

1. Yogurt

This is perhaps the most widely known natural probiotic food. Yogurt is made from fermented milk through the action of bacteria.

These bacteria work by producing lactic acid which makes the milk ferment.

The common bacteria species used in the fermentation process are; Lactobacilli, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus thermophilus.

Not all yogurts have live bacteria cultures. Some probiotics are destroyed during the processing stage. You need to check if the product you intend to buy contains active/live culture. It is even better to make some yogurt at home.

9 Homemade Probiotics For Dogs & 5 Recipes You Should Try (2)

Yogurt has the potential to shape the digestive system of your dog. It repopulates the gut with beneficial microflora. This reduces the possibilities of diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Yogurt is one of the foods that you can give your dog for an upset stomach for quick recovery.

These bacteria species are crucial in relieving dogs from gastrointestinal disease and infections. Always use plain, unsweetened yogurt for your dog’s diet.

2. Kefir

Kefir is made from fermenting milk by using kefir grains. You can make this using cow’s, goat’s coconuts, or rice milk.

Not all dogs are tolerant of all these types of milk. You should only rely on a diet that is friendly to your dog.

Kefir grains are strains of lactic acid bacteria that resemble cauliflower. They contain many species and strains of bacteria, vitamins, proteins, and yeast.

3. Traditional Buttermilk

Buttermilk is another great source of probiotics. It is a byproduct of the processing of butter hence its name.

It contains live bacteria culture that was used during the fermentation process.

Buttermilk has low-fat content and it provides other essential nutritional benefits to your pup. It contains vitamin B12, calcium, riboflavin, and phosphorus.

Do not heat the buttermilk before giving it to your dog. Heating will kill the bacteria within the food.

4. Goat Milk

Fresh goat milk contains prebiotics, unlike cow’s milk which doesn’t. The oligosaccharides prebiotics will support your dog’s digestive system and gut health. It provides sufficient resources for the microbiome.

Find out more about the differences between prebiotics and probiotics for dogs.

9 Homemade Probiotics For Dogs & 5 Recipes You Should Try (3)

Goat’s milk is much easier to digest than cow’s milk. It is therefore good for puppies because their digestive system is still developing. It has also been found to relieve intestinal disorders in dogs.

Goat milk contains a higher amount of calcium than cow’s milk. Other nutritional elements available are minerals, vitamins, trace elements, proteins, and fatty acids.

5. Green Tripe

Tripe is the intestinal lining of grazing animals like cows. Green tripe is that which has not been processed or treated. It is an excellent source of probiotics and digestive enzymes for your dog.

It has living cultures of Lactobacillus Acidophilus and amino acids. This is a superfood for dogs that helps to fight pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella and Escherichia coli.

Green tripe has other nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, and vitamins B3 & B12. It also helps to boost the immunity of your dog.

Green tripe is delicious for dogs, and you may not be required to infuse it with any sweetener.

Dairy-free Probiotics

If your dog is lactose intolerant, then you should consider getting them dairy-free products. Fermented vegetables are good sources of probiotics.

You can sweeten the fermented verges to motivate your dog to eat enough. Always use natural sweeteners like carrots, fruits, honey, etc.

Ensure that your vegetables are not mixed with onions. The allium family (leeks, garlic, ramps, shallots, spring onions, and chives) are all harmful to dogs, whether cooked or raw.

The following are some of the vegetables that can be used to supplement your dog’s probiotics:

1. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is made by fermenting shredded cabbage using lactic acid bacteria. This is an old traditional food that was very popular in Eastern European countries.

9 Homemade Probiotics For Dogs & 5 Recipes You Should Try (4)

This homemade probiotic is very easy to make and it contains many living Lactobacillus bacteria. Giving your dog this food will also increase their vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

You can serve your dog plain sauerkraut or use it as a topping for your dog’s favorite dishes.

2. Sweet Potato

The dietary fiber in sweet potatoes is a good source of prebiotics. This makes them a super food for the bacteria already existing in the dog’s gut.

This food will replenish and provide the necessary resources for the existing bacteria. Sometimes your dog just needs to have the right resources for the existing bacteria in their gut.

The bad and good bacteria will compete for limited resources if the prebiotic is not enough in your dog’s food.

9 Homemade Probiotics For Dogs & 5 Recipes You Should Try (5)

Sweet potatoes are also a natural sweetener for your dog’s food. This is a good option to use when trying to switch your dog’s diet from artificially sweetened foods.

Other nutritional benefits of sweet potatoes include vitamins C, B6 & A, fiber, and minerals.

3. Bananas

Bananas are also rich in prebiotics which stimulate and support the growth of good bacteria in your dog’s GI tract.

Inulin has been proven to provide the necessary resources for beneficial bacteria in dogs. Bananas are natural sweeteners and they serve as good alternatives to the artificial sugars in food.

You can mix banana chops with your dog’s dish to encourage them to eat enough.

4. Apples

Apples contain fiber which provides a good prebiotic source for your dog. Fermented apples have live bacteria cultures that can improve your dog’s gut situation.

9 Homemade Probiotics For Dogs & 5 Recipes You Should Try (6)

Make sure you go for organic apples when making food for your dog. Apples with pesticides are toxic for dogs and they may cause other health concerns.

How to Make Safe Canine Homemade Probiotics

Always use safe ingredients when making homemade probiotics for dogs. If your dog is lactose intolerant, then you need to avoid using milk products for their diet.

Avoid products with artificial sweeteners and preservatives. You can boost the taste of the food by including natural sweeteners like bananas and honey.

Clean your hand thoroughly before preparing your dog’s food. Most procedures will involve mixing and you can best do it with clean hands.

If your dog experiences side effects, then stop giving them these foods and speak to your vet.

5 Easy Homemade Probiotics for Dogs Recipes

You can follow these five simple recipes to make delicious probiotic foods for your dog. The ingredients used in these recipes are enough for two medium-sized dogs.

Store the remaining food in jars and refrigerate to increase the shelf life.

1. Pepperful Sauerkraut


  • 1 small-sized Cabbage
  • 1 medium-sized sweet pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of Sea salt


  • Shred the cabbage finely using a knife and put it in a glass bowl.
  • Finely chop the sweet pepper and mix it with the shredded cabbage.
  • Sprinkle the sea salt evenly on top of the layer and mix the ingredients for about 10 minutes.
  • Place the mixture in airtight jars and let them sit for 21 days to ferment.
  • The sauerkraut should be consumed within 2 weeks.

Serve it plain to your dog or use it as a food topping. Once opened, keep the remaining food in the refrigerator.

2. Coconut Milk Yogurt

This is a dairy-free yogurt treat that is best served to lactose-intolerant dogs. You can use this recipe during the summer to cool your dog down and increase their nutritional intake.


  • 12 ounces of coconut milk
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • ½ ripe banana
  • 1 cup grated carrot
  • 1 tbsp probiotic powder


  • Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl for about 10 minutes.
  • Blend the ingredients using a blender to form a smooth puree
  • Place the puree in air-tight containers.
  • Freeze for about 5 hours.

Use sugar-free peanut butter. Avoid products that contain xylitol; it can be toxic for dogs.

3. Simple Puppy Popsicle

  • 1-pound sweet potato
  • ½ cup plain yogurt
  • A pinch of grounded ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon of brewer’s yeast
  • A pinch of Turmeric


  • Bake the sweet potato in an oven at 375 °F for about 50 minutes until soft.
  • Peel the sweet potato and mash using a fork to form a rough paste.
  • Mix all the ingredients and blend the combination
  • Place the mixture into ice cube trays.
  • Freeze for at least 8 hours.

Turmeric is rich in antioxidants. It helps to fight cancer-causing radicals in the dog’s body. The popsicle probiotic is a wholesome treat, and your dog will love it.

You can use cinnamon instead of garlic to alter the taste.

4. Sweetly Burst Blueberry


  • 1 cup blueberry
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp drinking water
  • 1 pinch of sea salt


  • Mash the blueberries using a fork.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Place the mixture in an airtight container.
  • Let it sit in the dark for 24 hours.

Fermented berries are best served as toppings for your dogs’ food. You can substitute the blueberry with any other type of berries (blackberry, strawberry, raspberry).

5. Pumpy Yogurt


  • ½ cup mashed pumpkin
  • 2 cups plain yogurt
  • ¼ cup unsweetened peanut butter
  • A pinch of turmeric


  • Mix all ingredients and blend until it forms a smooth texture.
  • Place the mixture in a buttered cupcake pan.
  • Freeze for at least 8 hours.

Best served during hot weather.

How To Store Homemade Probiotics for Dogs

Homemade probiotics for dogs can be stored easily at home. They do not have preservatives like the commercial canine probiotics supplements.

Refrigerate your homemade probiotics to increase their shelf life. Refrigeration does not pose a danger to the living bacteria in homemade probiotics.

Put your products inside an airtight jar and keep them in a refrigerator/freezer. You can remove the probiotics from the freezer and let them warm up before giving them to your dog.

Do not heat your dog’s probiotic food. Heating will destroy the living bacteria.

RELATED: 30 Homemade Dog Treats Ideas

It’s Your Turn Now!

Making homemade probiotics for dogs is an easy and enjoyable errand. Always be careful not to use foods that may be toxic to dogs when preparing their meals.

If you’re out of time, you can order probiotics for dogs online. Don’t let your pup miss out on the benefits of a healthy gut.

Related Reads

15 Vet-Approved Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Written By

Laura Nassoura

Laura is the founder of Furs'n'Paws. She is a also a pet writer and expert with more than 20 years of experience of working with dogs and cats. She developed a very strong love for animals at a young age. Her passion led her to establish a thriving pet sitting and dog walking business in Dubai. As an expert in pet training, behavior, and nutrition, Laura is committed to helping pet owners and pet lovers by offering high-quality information on a wide range of topics.

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9 Homemade Probiotics For Dogs & 5 Recipes You Should Try (2024)


What is a good homemade probiotic for dogs? ›

Goat milk is used to prepare kefir and yogurt, which are excellent natural probiotics for dogs. Fermented goat milk products contain various Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains. Goat milk is best served topped over dog kibble or mixed with homemade meals.

What is the best food source probiotics for dogs? ›

A good source of natural probiotics for dogs is yogurt or kefir with live cultures. Sometimes certain brands use cultures to make yogurt or kefir, but they are not probiotics. Yogurt and kefir may also contain artificial sweeteners, which can be dangerous for dogs.

What is the main ingredient in dog probiotics? ›

Species-specific strains of probiotics include Enterococcus faecium and Bacillus coagulans. Other types that have helped dogs include Bifidobacterium animalis, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

How do you make your own probiotics? ›

Probiotics occur in every fermented food so you can ferment almost anything! You can use cabbage, radish, carrot, parsnip, garlic, parsley, dill, bell pepper, ginger, beetroot, cucumber, aubergine, blackcurrant leaves, asparagus etc. Classical combinations are: Cucumbers with garlic, dill and blackcurrant leaves.

Is apple cider vinegar a probiotic for dogs? ›

Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestive Health in Dogs

Probiotic Properties: ACV contains beneficial probiotics and enzymes that may promote healthy gut flora, supporting digestion. Prebiotic Effect: The pectin in ACV is considered a prebiotic, nourishing beneficial bacteria in the gut and encouraging their growth.

Is Greek yogurt a good probiotic for dogs? ›

Can Dogs Eat GREEK Yogurt? Yes, dogs are able to eat Greek yogurt. In fact, Greek yogurt is considered a good option because it features probiotics, which are not only safe for dogs but healthier too. In terms of protein quantity, Greek yogurt is considered a better option than plain yogurts for dogs.

Is pumpkin a probiotic for dogs? ›

Pumpkin is a prebiotic which is different than a probiotic, but essential in digestion. Focusing on your dog's digestion is extremely important in keeping them happy and healthy! Most of a dog's immune system is housed in a dog's gut, so if the gut is out of balance, it opens the dog up to other health issues.

Is honey a probiotic for dogs? ›

Feeding a bit of honey daily is great for your pooch's gut health. Why? Because honey contains pre and pro-biotics, their antibacterial properties can kill harmful gut bacteria and promote healthy digestion.

Can I give my dog Greek yogurt everyday? ›

If you do want to add yogurt to their diet, it is important to give them a healthy amount and to avoid yogurts that have artificial sweeteners in or added sugars. Experts suggest adding one to three large tablespoons of yogurt to your dog's meals each day, depending on their size.

Can I make my own probiotics for my dog? ›

Natural probiotics for dogs

It's important to note that supplements aren't your only option. Plenty of foods in your home contain probiotics naturally; probiotic foods for dogs include yogurt opens in a new tab , kefir, bananas opens in a new tab , honey, leeks, and Jerusalem artichokes.

What is the number one probiotic for dogs? ›

For most dogs, we recommend Purina Pro Plan FortiFlora Probiotic Supplement, which is designed to treat gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, and is easy to incorporate into a dog's normal feeding routine. There are several other probiotic supplements that may be a better match for your dog's needs.

What can I add to my dogs food for gut health? ›

Fermented food supplements have high quantities of live microbes that can help with your dog's digestion. A study found that fermented turmeric, glasswort, and Ganghwa mugwort had a positive effect on boosting the immune system to decrease disease as well as extend the life of your dog.

What is the best homemade probiotic? ›

Would you like to eat more natural probiotics?
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Kimchi.
  • Pickles.
  • Fermented ketchup.
  • Sourdough.

What are three foods naturally high in probiotics? ›

Here are some fermented foods that naturally contain probiotics, and some ways to try them with your family.
  • Yogurt and kefir (milk or non-dairy based, such as soy, coconut, and water) ...
  • Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles. ...
  • Miso, tamari (soy) ...
  • Tempeh (soy) ...
  • Kombucha. ...
  • Sour cream, cottage cheese, aged cheese.
Dec 21, 2022

Is apple cider vinegar a probiotic? ›

“From my knowledge and research, because the number of microorganisms found in apple cider vinegar can vary so greatly across the products available for purchase, ACV is not generally considered a probiotic,” Manian says.

What over the counter probiotic can I give my dog? ›

Our top picks for the best probiotics for dogs
  • Best overall: VSL#3 - See at Amazon.
  • Best chews: Finn Digestive Probiotics - See at Chewy.
  • Best powder: Vital Planet Flora Dog Probiotic - See at Chewy.
  • Best budget: Nutramax Proviable-DC Digestive Health Supplement - See at Chewy.
Apr 4, 2024


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