The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Steamed nine-minute eggs have perfect, just-set yolks that are still moist and creamy.
  • Cooking the potatoes in heavily salted water with aromatics yields the densest, most deeply flavored flesh, without making them overly salty.
  • Adding minced anchovy to the dressing gives a subtle anchovy flavor to the entire salad.
  • Cutting everything into bite-size pieces and tossing them together with the dressing makes the fullest-flavored, easiest-to-eat salad (way better than the more traditional "composed" style of presentation).

I should love Niçoise salads. Ishould, but I usually don't. It's not the fault of the ingredients—I adore everything in them, from the tender string beans and potatoes to the boiled eggs, tomatoes, salty anchovies, and, when it's there, even the tuna. The problem is the half-assed way most people serve them.

Technically, a Niçoise is meant to be a "composed" salad, with each ingredient artfully arranged on a plate in separate little piles, then drizzled with the dressing. Well, I say phooey to all that. To me, presenting the ingredients like that and calling it a salad is not much different from plunking down a plate of cooked pork topped with whole spices and a pile of salt and calling it sausage.

You want to know what most composed salads really are? They're lazy. They prize presentation over flavor and texture. They're a way for overworked kitchens to assemble the salads well in advance, then fling them out as the orders come crashing in, and for to-go salad shops to ensure that your lunch doesn't collapse into a mound of steamy sludge as you carry it back to your office in the sweltering summer sun. Composed salads may hold up well, but they arenotwhat thoughtful cooks do when they want a salad to be at its best.

The Niçoise has all the potential to be extraordinary, but to get it there, we need to treat it like the best salads, preparing each ingredient with care, cutting them into manageable pieces, and dressing it all properly in a vinaigrette.

Let's start with what belongs in a Niçoise.

The Foundations of a Great Niçoise Salad

The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (1)

Everyone thinks they know what a Niçoise is made of. I did, too. Then I looked it up. Turns out that there's very little consensus about what's supposed to be in a Niçoise, and a lot of ingredients that most of us think are essential are considered interlopers by others.

  • According toLarousse Gastronomique, a Niçoise salad is defined as having equal parts diced potatoes and French string beans that are seasoned with oil and vinegar, molded into the shape of a dome, then garnished with anchovy fillets, olives, capers, tomatoes, chervil, and tarragon.
  • Escoffiertends to agree with the Larousse description, calling for equal quantities of potatoes, string beans, and tomatoes, which are then decorated with capers, olives, and anchovy fillets and seasoned with oil and vinegar.
  • Meanwhile, the great French chef Paul Bocuse, in his bookRegional French Cooking, launches into a bit of a diatribe about how misunderstood Niçoise salad is. He insists that at its heart, it's nothing more than a salad of tomatoes with wild greens, white onions, and anchovies. Everything else, from the string beans to the olives and eggs, is just a nice but very optional add-on. He's open to a lot of other additions, depending on what's in season: fava beans, artichokes, bell peppers. He does not, however, accept the potatoes, or the tuna you often see.
  • This French site, a resource on Nice and the surrounding areas, is steadfast in its assertion that no cooked vegetable—neither green beans nor potatoes—belongs in a proper Niçoise. It agrees with Bocuse that the salad should reflect the seasons, with things like favas and artichokes in the spring. It disagrees with Bocuse, though, about the tuna, listing it as an essential ingredient.

This is great news because it means we can do whatever the heck we want, call it a Niçoise, and no one can stop us. If you want to add thin slices of bell pepper to your Niçoise, go for it. In the mood for some cucumber? Sure thing. I ain't stopping you. Scallions? Shallots? Herbs like basil and tarragon? Uh, yeah!

Okay, maybe I should dial that back just a little bit. We can't dowhateverwe want. There are a few common threads in all of these descriptions of the salad. First, there always seems to be tomato. Second, anchovy. Third, some form of olive, either the oil alone or in combination with olives themselves. Put those three elements in your salad, add whatever else you want, and it's a Niçoise. (Some people will argue that if it's not composed, it's not a Niçoise. I tell them to go eat their sad pile of unloved vegetables somewhere else.)

For mine, I'm going with those three core ingredients, plus most of the usual suspects: string beans, potatoes, lettuces, capers, eggs, basil, and more. If you have great favas or artichokes or bell peppers or whatever else, don't hesitate to add them to the party.

Here's how I prepare each one.

String Beans

Ideally, you'll use French green beans, known asharicots verts. They're more delicate and slender than American string beans, which can be a little on the clunky side in a dish like this. If you can't find the French ones, regular string beans are fine (though I'd encourage you to take the extra step of pulling each cooked bean in half lengthwise along its natural division to make it more slender).

To prep them, I trim the stem ends, then blanch the beans until tender-crisp. The old-school blanching wisdom tells you to cook your vegetables in a huge pot of salted boiling water, butmy tests have shownthat,as with pasta, the amount of water isn't important—everything else being equal, smaller amounts of water will actually come back to a boilfasterthan large amounts. What is important, though, is that you shock the vegetables in ice water as soon as they're done. Running cold tap water over the vegetables to cool them down may seem like an acceptable shortcut, but you'll get far better results with an ice bath.

I also like to cut the beans into bite-size lengths. That way, they incorporate into the salad more elegantly and are easier to eat. I never understood the appeal of whole, uncut string beans in a Niçoise, since all you're doing is forcing your guests to cut them at the table, while making it difficult for the beans to interact with the other ingredients.

You can prep the beans up to a day in advance, drain and dry them well with towels, then keep them in the fridge overnight.


In a dish like this, I prefer small, slightly waxy potatoes, like young Yukon Golds; the powdery texture of starchy russets just doesn't lend itself to this kind of preparation. The secret to great potatoes is in how you cook them. Do it right, and they'll be so moist and creamy inside, so well flavored and seasoned, that you'll want to eat them plain without even putting a pat of butter on top.

To get those results, I put the potatoes, whole, in a pot of room-temperature water, then add what seems like way, way too much salt. The water should taste inedibly salty. This may sound nuts, but if you readKenji's piece on salt-crusted potatoes, you'll see that the salt helps draw out excess water from each potato, making it creamier, denser, and more intensely potato-flavored. Meanwhile, it also seasons them just enough, without oversalting them.

Then I add an onion, some cloves of garlic, and a few sprigs of fresh thyme to the water and bring it slowly to a very gentle simmer. Next, I lower the heat to keep it just below a simmer—the water should be steaming and on the verge of bubbling—which helps cook the potatoes very slowly and evenly. When a fork easily pierces them, I shut off the heat and let them rest in the water as it cools.

When you've cooked them this way, there's nothing more to do but crumble them up into the salad once they've reached room temperature. If, however, you've decided to cook the potatoes a day in advance and refrigerate them overnight, they'll require an additional step, since refrigeration retrogrades the starch, recrystallizing it and, therefore, hardening the potatoes.

The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (2)

In that case, I turn to a little trickNikitold me she sometimes likes to use for Niçoise, flattening the potatoes with a pot, then crisping them in oil in a cast iron skillet.

The heat will reverse the starch crystallization, softening the potatoes—plus you get nice crispy bits to mix into the salad. That's definitely a win-win as far as preparing things in advance goes.


The perfect eggs in a Niçoise are medium-boiled, meaning the yolks are no longer runny, but haven't fully firmed up like a hard-boiled egg, either. Runny yolks are unmanageable in a salad like this: Pre-slice the eggs before plating the salad, and you lose half the yolk to your cutting board. Hard-boiled yolks, on the other hand, have a dry, slightly chalky texture that isn't ideal. Medium-boiled ones are just firm enough, but still moist and creamy.

Here, I useKenji's method of steaming the eggs, cooking them for exactly nine minutes, then shocking them in ice water to halt the cooking.

Anchovies and Tuna

The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (4)

The very best anchovies are salt-packed ones that you prepare yourself. You canfollow my step-by-step instructions hereif you're willing—the results are worth it—but if not, you can also buy good-quality oil-packed anchovies, which are just salted ones that have been prepped and jarred in oil at the factory. They can still be very good (check out ourtaste test results here), though they won't quite rise to the level of the DIY kind. I like to cut the fillets into one- to two-centimeter lengths, which lets you get a lot of good bites without having to eat a whole fillet all at once.

As for the tuna, I consider it optional. The anchovies are more than enough—especially since I also add them to the vinaigrette, which I'll explain below. My guess is that tuna eventually became popular because anchovies, sadly, still don't have a ton of fans (though theywouldif more people ate better-quality ones). Still, I'm not against using tuna. You can add the tuna to the salad with the anchovies, or omit the anchovies and add the tuna in their place if you just can't get down with the anchovies.

You have to do me one favor, though: Don't use just any old can of tuna. Go for the good stuff, like Spanish oil-packed bonito tuna. It's moister and more tender, almost silky, delivering far better flavor and texture than your average canned product.


For the vinaigrette, I start with ourbasic recipe, which includes garlic, shallot, Dijon mustard, white wine vinegar, and olive oil, but I add minced anchovy to the base. I love adding larger pieces of anchovy to my Niçoise salads, but I don't want to taste them merely sporadically: I want a subtle anchovy flavor throughout the salad, and the vinaigrette is the best way to deliver it.

Tomatoes, Lettuces, Capers, Olives, and Herbs

The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (5)

Everything else is very simple. Get the best tomatoes you can; I like smaller ones that I can just halve or quarter into bite-size pieces, but larger ones work, too. If you're making this when it's not tomato season, cherry tomatoes are your best bet.

There are many options for the greens: Arugula is great, as is a quality mesclun mix, or even tender butter lettuce leaves. In the photos here, I used mizuna, which is less peppery than arugula but has enough flavor and structure to hold its own when tossed with all the other ingredients.

When it comes to capers, I often like to use the salted kind, but a Niçoise has enough salty, briny flavor from the anchovies and the olives, so here I opt for capers in vinegar to get a little punch of acidity in each bite.

The olives, meanwhile, should be Mediterranean ones that are small, black, tender, and oily. Niçoise olives are the obvious choice, though ItalianTaggiascaolives are technically the same variety (calledCailletierolives); the main difference between the two is the curing process, with the Taggiasca olives coming out slightly less black than their Niçoise cousins. Buying them pitted will save you a lot of time.

Finally, I like to add herbs. Torn basil leaves are wonderful, delivering blasts of fragrance and flavor, but tarragon, chervil, and parsley would all work just as well, either alone or in combination.

Assembling the Salad

This is the meat-and-potatoes of the salad—or should I say beans-and-potatoes?

As with any thoughtfully prepared salad, I combine all of the ingredients except for the eggs in a large bowl, then drizzle the vinaigrette on top. Using my (clean) hands, I gently toss it all together, until each and every ingredient is lightly coated in the dressing. I season it all with salt and pepper, then portion the salad into individual bowls.

The eggs are the only component that I add afterward in a more "composed" fashion, ringing each bowl with them. This is for practical reasons: Tossing the egg quarters with everything else would cause the yolks to fall out, and an egg, as everyone knows, is most enjoyable when white and yolk are eaten together.

Plus, it looks nicer. (But don't tell anyone I said that.)

The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (6)

September 2015

Recipe Details

The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe

Active90 mins

Total2 hrs

Serves4to 6 servings


For the Vinaigrette:

  • 1 small shallot, minced (about 2 tablespoons)

  • 1 small clove garlic, minced (about 1/2 teaspoon)

  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

  • 4 cured anchovy fillets, either oil-packed or fully cleaned and prepped salt-packed ones, minced (about 1 teaspoon)

  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon water

  • 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the Salad:

  • 3/4 pound small waxy potatoes (about 4 potatoes), such as young Yukon Golds

  • 1/2 medium onion

  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme

  • 4 medium cloves garlic

  • 1/2 cup kosher salt, plus more for seasoning

  • 1 pound string beans, preferably French haricots verts, trimmed

  • 4 large eggs

  • 1/2 pound ripe tomatoes, preferably a small variety or cherry tomatoes, halved, quartered, or cut into wedges (depending on size)

  • 10 anchovy fillets, either oil-packed or fully cleaned and prepped salt-packed ones, cut into 1-inch lengths

  • 1 (250g, about 8.5 ounces) can oil-packed bonito tuna, such as Ortiz, drained (optional; see notes)

  • 3/4 cup pitted small black olives, such as Niçoise or Taggiasca, drained

  • 2 tablespoons drained brined capers

  • 20 torn fresh basil leaves

  • 3 ounces (about 4 cups) lettuce greens, such as a good mesclun mix, arugula, mizuna, and/or butter lettuce

  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. For the Vinaigrette: Combine shallot, garlic, mustard, anchovies, vinegar, and water in a large bowl and whisk to combine. Whisking constantly, slowly drizzle in olive oil. Alternatively, place all ingredients in a tightly sealing jar, seal, and shake vigorously until emulsified. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Vinaigrette will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

    The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (7)

  2. For the Salad: In a large saucepan, cover potatoes with at least 2 inches of water. Add onion, thyme, and garlic. Stir in 1/2 cup salt until dissolved. Set over medium-high heat and bring just to a simmer. Lower heat to just barely below a simmer and cook until potatoes are easily pierced by a fork, about 40 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand in cooking water until cooled slightly. Drain potatoes. If using right away, allow to cool to room temperature, then crumble and set aside. If making 1 day ahead, store potatoes in the refrigerator, then revive by gently crushing with the bottom of a saucepan and frying in a cast iron skillet (see notes); allow to cool to room temperature, then crumble and set aside.

    The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (8)

  3. Meanwhile, fill a large saucepan with water and season generously with salt. Fill a large bowl with ice water. Bring saucepan of water to a boil. Working in small batches, cook beans until tender-crisp, about 3 minutes. Transfer to ice bath to chill. Drain beans and pat dry; beans can be refrigerated overnight at this point. Cut beans into 1 1/2-inch length and set aside.

    The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (9)

  4. Add 1 tray of ice cubes to another large bowl and fill with water. Add 1 inch of water to a large pot. Place steamer insert inside, cover, and bring to a boil over high heat. Add eggs to steamer basket, cover, and continue cooking 9 minutes. Immediately place eggs in bowl of ice water and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes before peeling under cool running water. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Cut eggs into quarters lengthwise.

  5. In a large bowl, combine potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, anchovy fillets, tuna (if using), olives, capers, basil, and lettuce greens. Shake or whisk vinaigrette, then drizzle a small amount over ingredients in bowl, tossing gently with clean hands and adding more vinaigrette as needed until everything is lightly coated. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer salad to serving bowls and garnish with eggs.

    The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (10)


If you cook the potatoes ahead and refrigerate them, you can revive them by gently crushing each potato under a heavy pot, then searing them until browned and crispy in spots in a cast iron skillet with very hot olive oil; allow them to cool before mixing into the salad.

Tuna is an optional ingredient: The anchovies are more than enough to carry this salad, but feel free to mix the tuna in if you like, or even use it in place of the anchovies (don't add tuna to the vinaigrette, though).

  • Salads
  • Spring Salads
  • French
  • Tuna
The Un-Composed (i.e., Best) Niçoise Salad Recipe (2024)


What are the traditional ingredients in Nicoise salad? ›

At first, Salade Niçoise was made only with tomatoes, anchovies, and olive oil." The Cercle de la Capelina d'Or's salade Niçoise includes tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, salted anchovies, tuna, spring onions, small black Nice olives, and basil.

What does Nicoise salad mean in French? ›

French salade niçoise salad in the style of Nice (city in France)

What does salade niçoise contain? ›

If anyone can make an amazing salad out of canned tuna, it's the French. Nicoise Salad is probably the best known version, made with potato, beans, tomato, lettuce and olives, and finished with a lemon dressing.

Which of the following is a common garnish in a salad nicoise? ›

Break the tuna apart into large pieces, and arrange the pieces attractively atop the potatoes. Sprinkle with the olives. Drizzle with any remaining vinaigrette, and garnish with several sprigs of parsley and chervil. Serve immediately.

What is salad Niçoise dressing Julia Child? ›

A simple whisk of red wine vinegar, dijon mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper dresses the salad. Julia suggests adding finely chopped herbs, such as parsley, or tarragon or a pinch of dried herbs.

What do you drink with salad Niçoise? ›

Because of the richness of the salad with the potatoes and anchovies, think of wines with character and complex bouquets. Red wines should have some notes of umami, earth or spice. Skin contact wines, Pet Nats and Island wines will be great too. My wine was Les Capriades 2016 Piège à Filles Rosé Pet Nat.

What olives can I use instead of Niçoise? ›

If You Can't Find Niçoise Olives For Your Salad, Kalamata Are A Perfect Replacement. Originally a sandwich made with tomatoes, anchovies, and olive oil (the pan bagnat), the niçoise salad has evolved over the years to become a classic summertime salad.

How do French people eat salad? ›

Do not cut salad with a knife and fork. Fold the lettuce on to your fork. Peel and slice fruit before eating it. You can serve yourself water but wait for wine to be poured for you.

What country is salad niçoise from? ›

Niçoise Salad Origin

Salade Niçoise originates in the French riviera town of Nice. Traditionally served on a large platter, the composed salad includes fresh tomatoes, sliced hard-boiled eggs, tuna and an olive oil dressing. There are many renditions of the classic salad, however, and the dish varies with the seasons.

How do you pronounce niçoise salad? ›

As she explains in the video, Niçoise is pronounced (perhaps surprisingly, from the English phonetics perspective) "nee-swahz." If you'd like to sound like a boss while you explain your French skills to the person sitting at the table next to you, be sure to mention the fact that the city of Nice is pronounced the same ...

What is Salade Niçoise in English? ›

Salad Niçoise (pronounced nee-suahz) is essentially a French composed salad, much like our American Cobb salad, but with tuna, green beans, and potatoes, instead of chicken, bacon, and avocado.

Are Niçoise olives black or green? ›

Beloved for their mild flavour and firm texture, Kalamata olives have a characteristic almond shape and purple hue. Deep violet verging on black, Niçoise olives are small olives that are brined for several months after being harvested. They are slightly sweet, smoky and salty.

Are Niçoise olives pitted? ›

These deep brown olives have little flesh with a large pit. Cote d'Azur, a region of the French Riviera.

Why is it called Nicoise salad? ›

The name "Salade Niçoise" refers to Nice, the capital city of the Alpes-Maritimes department on the French Riviera. This region is known for its mild climate and abundance of sunflowers, olive trees, herbs, and vegetables used in many traditional dishes.

What is the main ingredient of bound salad? ›

Bound salad: ingredients such as meat, poultry, fish, egg, or starch such as potato, pasta, or rice and bound with mayo. Vegetable salad: cooked and/or raw vegetables (coleslaw); can be bound with mayo or mixed with vinegar/oil dressing.

What are 5 types of other ingredients that can be used for salads? ›

Other salad ingredients

Other common ingredients that you can add to your base of salad leaves are: Cucumber, tomato, radish, carrot, beetroot, peppers, cabbage, sweetcorn, onion, olives, celery and avocado.

What is a common ingredient in most bound salads? ›

Bound Salads

The reason they are a less-healthy option is that the binding agents are typically mayonnaise-based. Some of the most popular bound salads are egg and tuna. Most egg salad recipes are similar, which means that you can tweak the ingredients to your liking.


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