Accredited Investor Guide for Angel Investors | Hustle Fund (2024)

Being an angel investor isn’t something you simply decide to do. Startup investments are limited to a specific class of individuals the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) classifies as “accredited investors.”

The designation is the subject of much scrutiny in the VC world (which we’ll cover). Nonetheless, before making your first startup investment, it’s important to understand the accredited investor rules and ensure you qualify.

Accredited investor definition

“Accredited investor” is a regulatory designation coined by the SEC as part of Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933 to describe individuals or entities financially sophisticated enough to handle the risks and potential losses associated with certain kinds of investments, such as early-stage startups.

To qualify as an accredited investor, an individual must meet at least one of the following criteria related to income, net worth, or professional financial experience:

  • Individual income exceeding $200k or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300k, in each case, in each of the prior two years along with a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year,
  • Individual net worth or joint net worth with a spouse of at least $1M, not including the value of his or her primary residence,
  • An individual holding in good standing the general securities representative license (Series 7), the investment adviser representative license (Series 65), or the private securities offerings representative license (Series 82), or
  • A knowledgeable employee, as defined in rule 3c-5(a)(4) under the Investment Company Act, of the issuer of securities where that issuer is a 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) private fund. This includes directors, executive officers, or general partners (GP) of the company selling the securities (or of a GP of that company), or knowledgeable employees of a private investment fund.

An individual can also invest through an entity if the entity qualifies as an accredited investor by meeting the following criteria:

  • All owners of such entity are accredited investors,
  • The entity owns investments in excess of $5M, provided such entity was not formed to specifically acquire the offered securities,
  • The entity’s total assets exceed $5M in the case of corporations, partnerships, LLCs, trusts, 501(c)(3) organizations, employee benefit plans, “family office” and any “family client” of that office, provided such entity was not formed to specifically acquire the offered securities.

Banks, insurance companies, registered investment companies, broker-dealers, and other institutions can also qualify as accredited investors. More information on qualification criteria for these entities can be found on the SEC website.

What can accredited investors do?

Accredited investors have access to a broader range of investment opportunities than non-accredited investors. Notably for angel investors, accredited investors can invest in “private placements,” which are securities not registered with the SEC and not available to the broader public (i.e., listed on a public stock exchange). The equity securities issued by early-stage tech startups commonly fall under the category of “private placement.”

Accredited investors can also invest in venture capital funds, given these funds qualify as 3(c)(1) venture capital funds. These funds can allow up to 100 accredited investors (or 250 accredited investors, if the fund size is less than $10M).

Purpose of the accredited investor designation

The illiquidity and lack of standardized reporting and disclosures in private placement offerings make this type of asset riskier than public offerings. The SEC created the accredited investor designation in an attempt to protect investors who may not have the means or financial know-how to bear the risk of those types of investments. Investors unable to meet the aforementioned criteria are presumed not to have the sophistication or financial cushion one might need if an investment doesn’t work out (keep in mind, a vast majority of startups fail).

Accredited investors, by contrast, are expected to be financially savvy and good stewards of capital (either their own, or capital they’re investing on behalf of others). It’s an accredited investor’s responsibility to assess the risk of various investments and perform due diligence before making a decision. Accredited investors benefit from receiving information that may not be publicly available, given that privately-held startups aren’t required to disclose as much information as publicly traded companies.

Who checks accredited investor status?

There is no formal process for confirming the status of an accredited investor. It’s incumbent upon the issuer of the unregistered securities to confirm that an individual meets accredited investor status. When investing directly in a startup, the issuer is the company. If an investor is putting money into a venture capital fund, the issuer is the fund.

The verification process depends on the type of security offering. For a Rule 506(b) offering, a company is not allowed to broadly solicit investors (i.e., publicly advertise), so the process for confirming accreditation is generally more relaxed. For 506(c) offerings, which allow companies to generally solicit investors, the company must take “reasonable steps” to verify accreditation. This may include requesting to review an investor’s financial information, including financial statements, credit report, W-2, and tax returns. Some issuers assign this responsibility to their lawyer, accountant, or another qualified third party.

If an issuer wants to raise from unaccredited investors, they may lose their SEC exemption and be required to register their stock—a large and expensive undertaking that most early-stage startups shy away from.

Potential changes to accredited investor laws

Early-stage startup investments have proven to be tremendous sources of wealth creation. As such, regulators have increasingly heard calls to loosen accredited investor requirements so that more individuals can benefit from the wealth creation associated with startup investments (i.e., not just individuals who are already wealthy). This call is amplified by the fact that startups stay private longer than ever, meaning most of the public doesn’t get the opportunity to invest in these businesses and participate in the wealth creation opportunities they offer.

Activists continue to advocate for making private market investing more inclusive, meaning the future of the accredited investor designation remains in flux. As an initial response to such calls, the SEC amended the accredited investor definition in 2020 to include individuals who have “professional knowledge, experience or certifications,” such as holding a Series 7, 65, or 82 license, as well as “knowledgeable employees” of a private fund.

Becoming an accredited investor with the Series 65 exam

The SEC’s recent amendment to the accredited investor definition has created new ways for individuals to qualify as accredited beyond their financial means. One of the most accessible ways is by passing the Series 65 exam, otherwise known as the Unified Investment Adviser Law Exam.

Unlike the Series 7 or Series 82 exams, the Series 65 does not require a firm sponsor, meaning anyone can take it. The exam itself is 130 multiple-choice questions. Students are given 180 minutes to complete the exam and must score a 94 or higher to pass. Topics covered on the exam include financial markets, investment vehicles, investment strategies, financial regulation and compliance, and ethics. Note there is also a registration fee of $187.

To become an accredited investor via the Series 65 exam, one must also register with either the state or SEC as an Investment Advisor Representative for a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) once they pass the exam. The RIA can be the individual's own firm.

At Hustle Fund’s Angel Squad, we pay the registration fee for members who wish to take the Series 65 to become accredited. Angel Squad members also get access to free resources, including study guides and peer groups, to help them prepare for the exam. Angel Squad member Brendon Ross also operates a startup called Regdee that helps individuals take the Series 65 exam and set up their RIA.

To learn more about Angel Squad, click here. To learn more about Regdee, click here.

Accredited investor vs. qualified purchaser

Accredited investors aren’t the only class of investor that can access private placements. The SEC also provides this privilege to qualified purchasers. To meet the requirements for qualified purchaser status, an individual must:

  • Have an investment portfolio of $5M or more (not including their primary residence), or
  • Manage an investment portfolio of $25M or more on behalf of themself and other qualified purchasers.

A trust can also hold qualified purchaser status if it meets the following criteria:

  • A portfolio value of $5M or more that is owned by two or more close family members (i.e., spouses, siblings, etc.), or
  • The trust was not formed for the specific purpose of investing in a specific fund, AND its trustees granting assets to the trust are qualified purchasers.

The key difference between qualified purchasers and accredited investors is that the qualified purchaser designation is determined by the value of one's investments, not their net worth, income, or credentials. Like accredited investors, qualified purchasers can invest in 3(c)(1) funds. Additionally, qualified purchasers can invest in 3(c)(7) funds, which allow for up to 2k qualified purchasers, as opposed to the 100/250 accredited investors permitted by 3(c)(1) funds.

Accredited investor FAQs

How much does an accredited investor need to earn?

To qualify as an accredited investor based on income, an individual must have earned at least $200k, or have a joint income with a spouse exceeding $300k, in each case, for each of the past two years, with a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year.

Regarding earnings related to an accredited investor’s angel investing activity, this income is entirely dependent on the performance of the underlying startup investments and can vary greatly. Generally speaking, startups are high-risk, high-reward investments. While many fail, successful startups have the potential to return many multiples of the original investment amount.

Can I invest without being an accredited investor?

Up to 35 non-accredited investors can invest in a 506(b) offering. Per the SEC, “any non-accredited investors in the offering must be financially sophisticated or, in other words, have sufficient knowledge and experience in financial and business matters to evaluate the investment.”

If the issuer sells to non-accredited investors, it must disclose additional information about itself, including its financial statements.

Are you automatically an accredited investor?

Anyone who meets the aforementioned criteria is automatically considered an accredited investor. There is no formal application process.

Is there a loophole to becoming an accredited investor?

Because there is no formal vetting process, anyone can technically claim to be an accredited investor in a 506(b) offering—which is why issuers of unregistered securities should be sure to run a background check on all their investors. In a 506(c) offering, the issuer must take “reasonable steps” to verify accreditation.

Businesses that unknowingly accept capital from non-accredited investors could face serious consequences. In most cases, the disclosure requirements for a company selling to non-accredited investors are much more onerous. If a company has non-accredited investors on its cap table without realizing it, it’s likely violating these disclosure requirements. Non-accredited investors are also granted the right of rescission, meaning they can undo the investment transaction and get their money back, often years after the initial investment.

Angel Squad helps members become accredited investors

As a member of Hustle Fund’s Angel Squad, we’ll support you through preparing for and taking your Series 65 exam to earn accredited investor status. To date, hundreds of members of Angel Squad have earned accreditation by taking the Series 65. Hustle Fund members can access study guides, practice exams, and peer support groups to help them prepare, all at no additional charge.

To learn more about Angel Squad, visit our website.

Accredited Investor Guide for Angel Investors | Hustle Fund (2024)


Who is an accredited investor in angel investment? ›

In general, you must meet one of the following definitions to qualify as an Accredited Investor: Individuals with annual income over $200,000 USD (individually) or $300,000 USD (with a spouse or spousal equivalent) in each of the last 2 years and an expectation of the same this year.

How do I prove I am an accredited investor? ›

There are 4 types of evidence that you can provide to prove that you are accredited to invest as a US individual.
  1. Income Evidence (this is generally the fastest method for verification) ...
  2. Net Worth Evidence. ...
  3. Professional License Certification. ...
  4. Third-Party Attestation Letters.

Does having a series 7 make you an accredited investor? ›

To claim accredited investor status, you must meet at least one of the following requirements: Hold (in good standing) a Series 7, 65 or 82 license. Have a net worth exceeding $1 million individually or combined with a spouse or spousal equivalent (excluding the value of the primary residence)

How does AngelList verify accreditation? ›

Our accreditation verification process allows you to trigger an automated email to your verifier that is pre-populated with the required confirmation language for them to complete the verification. Alternatively, a DocuSign for a third-party attestation that all owners are accredited can be found here.

Who qualifies as an angel investor? ›

Angel investors are typically high net worth people who fund startups or early-stage businesses in exchange for stock or ownership in that company. This makes them a good source of funds for newer businesses that want to avoid taking out a small-business loan.

How do you become a certified angel investor? ›

To qualify as an accredited investor based on income, an individual must have earned at least $200k, or have a joint income with a spouse exceeding $300k, in each case, for each of the past two years, with a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year.

Can a CPA verify accredited investor status? ›

You can obtain an accredited investor verification letter by requesting it from a registered broker-dealer, attorney, or certified public accountant, streamlining the process and avoiding extensive documentation. OurCrowd can also provide a template letter.

What happens if you aren't an accredited investor? ›

In many jurisdictions, non-accredited investors are given by law a right of rescission — sometimes in perpetuity. This means that the non-accredited investor has a right to undo the investment transaction and get their money back — maybe years later.

Can you self-certify as an accredited investor? ›

In some jurisdictions there is no formal accreditation certificate for accredited investors; instead, they must self-certify or undergo a verification process.

How much money do you need to be an accredited investor? ›

An accredited investor should have a net worth exceeding $1 million, either individually or jointly with a spouse. This amount cannot include a primary residence.

What is higher than an accredited investor? ›

Who is a Qualified Purchaser? Because the barrier of entry to become a qualified purchaser is higher, these investors have access to a broader range of investment opportunities than accredited or unaccredited investors.

Does a 401k count towards an accredited investor? ›

Your Solo 401k can play an important role in this qualification. Generally, if you are the trustee of your Solo 401k and your combined assets (Solo 401k plus personal assets) meet the $1 million threshold, both you and the Solo 401k should qualify as accredited investors.

How do you prove that you are an accredited investor? ›

If you are accredited based on Net Worth, you can provide recent brokerage, bank account, or similar statements clearly showing your name, the date, and the value of your account(s).

What is the new name of AngelList? ›

In November 2022, AngelList Talent was spun out as a separate company and rebranded as Wellfound.

Does startup equity count as an accredited investor? ›

Equity in privately-held companies counts towards the net worth definition in the first section above, because equity is an asset (like cash in your bank account or your car). If you raised even a modest equity round, the implied value of your shares could be enough to make you accredited.

What is the difference between an accredited investor and an eligible investor? ›

In summary, eligible investors may include institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals who meet certain criteria set by securities regulators, while accredited investors specifically meet income or asset thresholds that qualify them for participation in certain private placement offerings.

Is a knowledgeable employee an accredited investor? ›

To be deemed an individual accredited investor, the SEC defines multiple tests for which a natural person now only needs to pass one: Income. Net worth. Professional certifications or designations. Knowledgeable employees of private funds.

What types of investors are angel investors? ›

Often former entrepreneurs themselves, angel investors are typically high-net-worth individuals who invest their own money. They invest at early stages such as the seed or pre-seed stage and write smaller checks than venture capital firms managing pooled investment funds.

What is an accredited investor in a trust? ›

Accredited Investor. Generally, an accredited investor is a person (including. a trust or other entity) that has sufficient assets to bear. the risk of investing in a private placement without the. protections of SEC registration.11 Due to an accredited.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.