Accredited Investor Letter: How To Prove Your Status (2024)

If you’re looking to invest in certain higher-risk/higher-return opportunities, you may need to prove that you’re an accredited investor.

What is an “accredited investor,” you ask?

An accredited investor is a person or entity that meets certain financial criteria, allowing them to invest in private offerings and other types of securities not registered with financial authorities.

One way to prove your accredited investor status is by providing an accredited investor letter, which we’ll be discussing shortly.

Key Takeaways

  • An accredited investor is a person or entity that meets certain financial criteria, allowing them to invest in private offerings and other types of securities not registered with financial authorities.
  • An accredited investor letter is a document that confirms your accredited investor status and is often required by companies offering private placements or other investment opportunities that are restricted to accredited investors.
  • The letter typically includes information about your income, net worth, and investment experience and can be provided by a qualified professional who can verify your financial status.

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What Is An Accredited Investor?

Years ago, when I began investing in real estate syndications, one of the first questions asked was about being an accredited investor. I didn’t realize that if you’re looking to invest in certain types of complex or sophisticated securities, you may need to have accredited investor status.

These individuals meet specific criteria set by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States.

If you want to be considered an accredited investor, you must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Have an individual net worth, or joint net worth with your spouse, that exceeds $1 million at the time of the investment
  • Have an income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with your spouse exceeding $300,000 in each of those years, and have a reasonable expectation of reaching the same income level in the current year.

It’s important to note that having this status does not necessarily indicate financial sophistication or investment knowledge. Instead, it measures financial resources and the ability to absorb potential losses.

Do You Have to Prove You’re an Accredited Investor?

Accredited Investor Letter: How To Prove Your Status (1)

Proving your status as an accredited investor isn’t always mandatory, but it becomes essential in certain situations, mainly when dealing with:

  • hedge funds
  • private equity funds
  • real estate syndications

If you want to learn more about real estate syndications (my favorite investment), check out this video:

These entities may require verification of your accredited status to ensure you can make smart financial decisions on your own.

For instance, if you plan on making a significant investment, it’s not uncommon for a company to want to verify your accreditation status.

I’m a co-general partner with the Blue Metric group, where we offer RV park syndication investments to passive investors. Most of our investments are 506c, which requires us only to take accredited investors.

Related article: 506(b) vs 506(c) Syndication: What’s the Difference?

For some investments, companies might ask for tax returns or W2 forms, credit reports, and financial statements verified through a CPA or a third-party.

These documents help prove your personal or combined net worth, along with your understanding of financial matters, which is needed to become an accredited investor.

Apart from third-party websites, you can ask your Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to write a letter that confirms you meet the accreditation criteria.

In the next section, I’ll give an example of these letters and their use.

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CPA Accredited Investor Letter Example

Usually, websites that check if you’re an accredited investor ask for a letter from a CPA. This letter shows you have enough financial resources to be considered an accredited investor.

Also, these letters can serve as verification of your accreditation themselves. Plus, for most private real estate investments and funds, having a CPA letter is enough to show you’re accredited.

An accredited investor letter contains the following information:

  • Date
  • The investor’s name
  • A statement saying you meet the requirements from The Securities Act of 1933, Regulation D, Rule 501
  • Both the signature and printed name of the CPA

Accredited Letter Example

[Issuer Name]
[Issuer Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Issuer Name],

I am writing to verify that I qualify as an accredited investor under Rule 501 of Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933. I meet at least one of these criteria:

  • My individual or joint net worth with my spouse exceeds $1,000,000, not counting my primary residence’s value.
  • My annual income was over $200,000 (or $300,000 with my spouse) for the last two years, and I expect to maintain at least the same income this year.
  • I hold a significant role in the company offering these securities, such as director, executive officer, or general partner.

This letter serves to confirm my eligibility for investments under Rule 506 of the Securities Act. If you need more information or documentation about my accredited investor status, please let me know.

Thank you for considering this matter.


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Once you have this letter, you can start investing as a recognized, accredited investor. But is being accredited necessary for investing in real estate without actively managing it?

Let’s take a closer look.

Do You Need to be an Accredited Investor to Invest in Real Estate Syndications Without Being Actively Involved?

Many real estate syndications (group investments) require you to be an accredited investor to join a private fund. However, if the group raising the money follows SEC’s Rule 506 B of Regulation D, you don’t need to be accredited.

But, whether you need to be accredited or not can also depend on how much money the group is trying to raise. This affects whether they use Rule 506 B or 506 C of Regulation D.

Sometimes, a real estate syndication might ask for accredited investors, even if Rule 506 B doesn’t require it.

There’s another point to note. If the group uses Rule 506 B to raise money, they can’t publicly advertise the investment opportunity or its potential returns. This restriction can limit their fundraising, so some might prefer using Rule 506 C instead.

With Rule 506 C, they can fully advertise (i.e., social media, run ads, etc.) the investment but can only accept money from verified accredited investors, unlike with Rule 506 B.

Non-accredited investors might find it hard to locate these investment opportunities, even though they can invest in real estate syndications passively.

If you’re already an accredited investor, there might be a way to get verified for free. Let’s explore how you can get this free verification.

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How To Get Verified as an Accredited Investor for Free

If you want to verify your status as an accredited investor, some websites can do this for free.

Here are a few that you can use:

While these aren’t the only options available, they are known for being reliable. Keep in mind that other websites or ways of getting verified might charge a fee.

Entities as Accredited Investors

Entities can also qualify as accredited investors if they meet certain criteria. The following entities with assets in excess of $5 million are considered accredited investors:

  • Corporations
  • Partnerships
  • Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
  • Trusts
  • 501(c)(3) organizations
  • Employee benefit plans
  • “Family office” and any “family client” of that office
  • Owners as Accredited Entities where all equity owners are accredited investors
  • Investment Advisers

In addition to the above, any entity that owns more than $5 million in “investments,” as defined in Rule 2a51-1(b) under the Investment Company Act, and was not formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the securities offered, can also qualify as an accredited investor.

It’s important to note that the entity’s assets determine the accredited investor status and not the individual net worth or income of its directors, executive officers, or equity owners.

However, if an entity is a general partner of a partnership or a trustee of a trust that is an accredited investor, then the entity can also qualify as an accredited investor.

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Investment Types and Opportunities

Investment TypeDescriptionKey Characteristics
Private FundsInvestment vehicles not registered with the SEC.Includes private equity, hedge, and real estate funds; higher minimum investments and potential returns.
Hedge FundsPrivate investment funds using various strategies.High minimum investments; strategies like long/short equity, global macro.
Private Equity FundsInvest in private companies for eventual sale or IPO.Longer investment horizon, significant capital commitment.
Venture Capital FundsInvest in early-stage, high-growth potential companies.High-risk, high-reward; significant returns if successful.
Rural Business Investment Companies (RBICs)Invest in small businesses in rural areas.Licensed by USDA; focus on agriculture, renewable energy, rural healthcare.
Private PlacementsSecurities offerings not registered with the SEC.Available to accredited investors; includes equity, debt, and other securities.
Business Development Companies (BDCs)Invest in small and mid-sized businesses.Regulated by SEC; potential for high returns with higher risk.
Securities Offerings and Offering ExemptionsWays for companies to raise capital without SEC registration.Includes Regulation D, A, and Crowdfunding offerings; for accredited investors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an investor accreditation letter?

An investor accreditation letter is a document that confirms an individual’s status as an accredited investor. It serves as proof that the investor meets the criteria set by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to participate in certain investment opportunities.

How do I get an accredited investor status letter?

To get an accredited investor status letter, you need to meet the SEC’s income or net worth requirements. You can request a letter from your Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or use a third-party verification website to confirm your status.

Who can provide accredited investor letter?

An accredited investor letter can be provided by a CPA, attorney, or financial advisor. They must have a professional relationship with the investor and be familiar with their financial situation.

What are the “Reasonable Steps” Required to Verify an Accredited Investor Letter?

The reasonable steps required to verify an accredited investor letter involve a thorough assessment to ensure compliance with federal securities laws. This process typically includes evaluating the total assets of the individual or entity, often with the assistance of a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor. The verification process might also involve checking the investor’s credit report to confirm their financial stability and good standing. It’s essential to collect additional information that supports the investor’s status, such as proof of income or confirmation of assets, to ensure they meet the criteria of an accredited investor as defined under federal regulations. For entities like an employee benefit plan or an insurance company, the evaluation may also include reviewing their investment decisions and overall financial health.

What is proof of income for accredited investor?

Proof of income for an accredited investor can include tax returns, W-2 forms, or pay stubs. The income must meet the SEC’s requirements to qualify for accredited investor status.

What is an accredited investor form used for?

An accredited investor form is used to verify an investor’s status as an accredited investor. It confirms that the investor meets the SEC’s income or net worth requirements and is eligible to participate in certain investment opportunities.

What is an accredited investor verification process?

The accredited investor verification process is the process of confirming an investor’s status as an accredited investor. It involves verifying the investor’s income or net worth and ensuring that they meet the SEC’s requirements. This process can be done through a third-party verification website or by obtaining a letter from a CPA or other professional.

Accredited Investor Letter: How To Prove Your Status (2024)


Accredited Investor Letter: How To Prove Your Status? ›

To confirm their status as an accredited investor, an investor can submit official documents for net worth and income verification, including: Tax returns. Pay stubs. Financial statements.

How do you prove an accredited investor status? ›

To confirm their status as an accredited investor, an investor can submit official documents for net worth and income verification, including: Tax returns. Pay stubs. Financial statements.

How do I get an accredited investor verification letter? ›

You can obtain an accredited investor verification letter by requesting it from a registered broker-dealer, attorney, or certified public accountant, streamlining the process and avoiding extensive documentation. OurCrowd can also provide a template letter.

How do you certify that you are an accredited investor? ›

Individuals who want to become accredited investors must fall into one of three categories: have a net worth exceeding $1 million on your own or with a spouse or its equivalent; have earned an income surpassing $200,000 ($300,000 if combined with a spouse or its equivalent) during the last two years and prove an ...

How do I verify accredited investor status 506 C? ›

Written confirmation from a certain type of third party, such as a licensed attorney in good standing, a registered CPA in good standing, a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor, indicating that such third party has taken reasonable steps to verify the person's Accredited Investor status within the past three ...

Can a CPA write an accredited investor letter? ›

These documents help prove your personal or combined net worth, along with your understanding of financial matters, which is needed to become an accredited investor. Apart from third-party websites, you can ask your Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to write a letter that confirms you meet the accreditation criteria.

What happens if you say you are an accredited investor? ›

Essentially, an accredited investor has the license to “drive” on the open road of the investment world, but they do so with full responsibility for the potential risks. These types of exempt securities offerings, which include many real estate syndications, are called private placements.

What is an example of an accredited investor letter? ›

Accredited Letter Example

I am writing to verify that I qualify as an accredited investor under Rule 501 of Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933. I meet at least one of these criteria: My individual or joint net worth with my spouse exceeds $1,000,000, not counting my primary residence's value.

How long is an accredited investor letter good for? ›

Based on guidance from the SEC, your accreditation is valid for 5 years as long as you self-certify that you still retain your status as an accredited investor. All LPs are required to re-attest their accredited status on an annual basis.

How do I get investment proof? ›

Common Documents Required as Investment Proofs
  1. House rent allowance: Monthly rent receipts, landlord's PAN card, revenue stamps for cash payments above 1 lakh.
  2. Housing loan: Interest certificate from the bank/financial institution.
  3. Tax-saving FDs: Copy of the deposit receipt.
Mar 18, 2024

Can accredited investors self-certify? ›

For many exemptions, an investor can “self certify” its status as an accredited investor by completing an accredited investor questionnaire.

Can you lose accredited investor status? ›

You can lose accredited investor status if your net worth or your earnings suddenly drop. If you hold certain professional financial qualifications, you can lose the status if your certifications are invalidated.

Does a 401k count towards an accredited investor? ›

Your Solo 401k can play an important role in this qualification. Generally, if you are the trustee of your Solo 401k and your combined assets (Solo 401k plus personal assets) meet the $1 million threshold, both you and the Solo 401k should qualify as accredited investors.

How do you verify accredited investor status? ›

Advisers typically verify someone's accredited investor status in one of three ways: 1. The investor attests to meeting the criteria; 2. The adviser reviews documents supplied by the investor (such as tax returns, W-2s, etc.); or 3. The adviser hires a third party to do the job.

How do I prove my net worth is accredited investor? ›

Net Worth Evidence

The individual net worth requirement is a net worth of over $1,000,000 USD, individually or together with a spouse - excluding the value of your primary residence. All evidence must list the investor's name and be dated within the last 90 days, unless otherwise noted.

What is a 506 C verification letter? ›

A letter to be delivered by a registered broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, licensed attorney, or certified public accountant to assist the issuer in a Rule 506(c) offering in taking the necessary "reasonable steps" to verify the accredited investor status of a prospective purchaser.

How do you determine if a trust is an accredited investor? ›

Accreditation by Assets

To qualify, the trust must have $5M USD in total assets. Preferred forms of evidence include, but are not limited to: Bank account statements (please note that we are not able to accept balance letters). Brokerage statements.

How does an LLC qualify as an accredited investor? ›

Under the amendments, an LLC is considered an accredited investor when (i) it has at least $5,000,000 in assets and (ii) it has not been formed solely for the specific purpose of acquiring the securities offered.

How do you qualify as an accredited investor in real estate? ›

An accredited investor in commercial real estate is an individual who has an annual income of at least $200,000 (or $300,000 for married couples) and a net worth of at least $1 million (for both individuals and married couples).

What is the difference between a qualified person and an accredited investor? ›

Accredited investors are individuals or entities who are qualified by the SEC to invest in unregulated or sophisticated securities, while a qualified purchaser is an individual or entity with an investment portfolio worth over $5 million.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.