AES encryption: how does it safeguard your data? (2024)

Today, the primary method of information storage is digital, which is something hackers are well aware of. Consequently, data security threats have increased relatively quickly, with businesses becoming the primary targets. This sets forth a precedent to balance data availability, ease of use, and security, enabling them to carry out daily operations while ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive data.

Businesses must ensure they can perform their daily operations smoothly while guaranteeing data confidentiality. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was developed to address this challenge—an encryption algorithm that has become the de facto standard for protecting electronic data. In this article, we'll explore what the AES encryption algorithm is, how it works, its features, and its security capabilities. We'll also compare the Advanced Encryption Standard to other encryption methods.

Key takeaways

  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the most widely used and robust symmetric encryption algorithm, providing data security for VPNs, WiFi networks, apps, systems and more.

  • AES uses block ciphers with multiple rounds of substitution, shifting and mixing to encrypt data securely using 128-256 bit keys. It works faster than legacy algorithms like DES.

  • AES is flexible with different key sizes (128, 192, 256 bits) and modes of operation for varying security and performance needs. It’s highly compatible across platforms too.

  • Proper implementation of AES encryption makes data nearly impossible to decrypt without the key, even with the massive computing power. It remains secure against known attacks.

  • Businesses of all sizes benefit from AES’ compatibility, speed, flexibility and robust security to protect sensitive data according to their requirements.

What is AES?

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric block cipher algorithm that encrypts data in blocks of 128 bits using cipher keys of 128, 192, or 256 bits. It is considered secure against all known attacks and is widely adopted as a standard for encrypting electronic data. AES was established by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. Since then, it has become a widely used algorithm for symmetric key encryption.

The advanced encryption algorithm is based on the Rijndael cipher developed by two Belgian cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, who submitted it to the NIST during the Advanced Encryption Standard selection process. As AES encrypts data in fixed-size blocks—128, 192, or 256 bits in length—it makes up various designations like AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256.

Furthermore, the three primary encryption methods of Advanced Encryption Standard are differentiated due to their key lengths and security strengths:

AES types

  • AES-128 uses a 128-bit encryption key, resulting in 10 rounds of encryption. With over 3.4 quadrillion potential key combinations, AES-128 provides sufficient security for many everyday applications like wifi networks and messaging services

  • AES-192 uses a longer 192-bit key, increasing the number of rounds of encryption to 12. This offers around 6.2 sextillion possible keys, making it well-suited for sensitive organizational networks and file transfers

  • AES-256 employs the strongest 256-bit key length, with 14 rounds of encryption and approximately 1.1 septillion potential keys. Due to its immense key space, AES-256 is typically implemented for classified government communications and encryption of critical infrastructure systems

All AES methods have undergone rigorous security evaluations and remain secure against known attacks when used correctly. Their widespread adoption across numerous technologies underscores AES' reliability and robustness in keeping data private and secure.

AES implementation types

AES can be implemented using different modes of operation. They introduce new ways to apply symmetric block cipher to encrypt or decrypt data. The choice of implementation depends on the specific requirements of the application and the desired security properties. Here are its most commonly used types:

  • ECB (Electronic Codebook). Divides plaintext into blocks; each block is encrypted independently using the AES algorithm. This mode is simple and parallelizable, but it is unsuitable for encrypting large amounts of data or when there is repetitive data, as it can lead to patterns in the ciphertext.

  • CBC (Cipher Block Chaining). XORs each plaintext block with the previous ciphertext block before encryption. This introduces a dependency between blocks, making it more secure than ECB against pattern analysis attacks. Initialization Vector (IV) is used to encrypt the first block, and the ciphertext of each block is used as the IV for the next block.

  • CTR (Counter). Converts the block cipher AES into a stream cipher. It uses a counter value combined with a unique nonce (number used once) as the input to the AES algorithm. The resulting output is XORed with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext. CTR mode allows parallel encryption and decryption and is commonly used in scenarios where random access to encrypted data is required.

  • OFB (Output Feedback). Also converts AES into a stream cipher. It generates a keystream by encrypting an IV with AES and then XORs the keystream with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext. Unlike CTR, OFB requires sequential encryption and decryption, as errors in transmission can propagate to subsequent blocks.

  • CFB (Cipher Feedback). Very similar to OFB but operates on smaller units, typically individual bytes. It encrypts the IV and XORs the resulting output with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext. The keystream is then generated by encrypting the previous ciphertext block. Like OFB, CFB requires sequential processing.

  • GCM (Galois/Counter Mode). Combines AES encryption with a cryptographic hash function called GHASH. It provides both confidentiality and integrity of the data. GCM mode is commonly used in network communication protocols and is suitable for parallel processing.

Remember that these are just a few examples of AES encryption modes. The best choice for a specific use case will depend on factors like security requirements, performance, parallelizability, and specific needs of the application.

How AES encryption works

Fixed-length blocks of data (so 128, 192, or 256 bits) are transformed as a series of substitutions, permutations, and mixing operations are applied to encrypt and decrypt the data. As AES encryption uses a symmetric key, the same one is used for encryption and decryption.

AES encryption: how does it safeguard your data? (1)

The process occurs in stages:

1. Key expansion. The initial key is expanded into 44, 52, or 60 32-bit words for 128, 192, and 256-bit keys. These expanded words are used in the subsequent rounds of AES encryption. The key expansion process involves generating additional round keys from the initial key.

2. Initial round. The input or plaintext block is mixed with the initial round key before proceeding to the main rounds of AES encryption.

3. Each round of AES encryption consists of four transformations:

  • SubBytes. Each byte in the block is replaced with its corresponding byte in a predefined substitution box designed to resist known cryptographic attacks.

  • ShiftRows. Bytes in each block row are shifted cyclically to the left, with different offsets for different rows. This step ensures that each column of the output state of the ShiftRows operation is composed of bytes originating from each column of the input state.

  • MixColumns. Each column is transformed using a matrix multiplication operation, which provides diffusion and enhances the security of AES. This operation affects all four bytes in a column together.

  • AddRoundKey. The resulting block is combined with the round key derived from the key schedule. This step combines the data with the key, providing diffusion.

4. Finalization. After all the main rounds, a final round is performed, including all the steps except MixColumns.

5. Output. The resulting bits are the ciphertext corresponding to the input plaintext block.

Decryption is performed with the reverse operations in the opposite order. The key schedule is used directly (not reversed) to derive the round keys for decryption.

What are the features of AES?

AES is one of the most popular algorithms for securing confidential data. Here are some key features that make it a robust encryption algorithm.

  • Symmetric key encryption. AES uses the same keyto encrypt and decrypt data. This is different from other setups, using different keys for each stage.

  • Key sizes. AES supports various key sizes like 128, 192, and 256 bits. These different versions mean that the larger the key is, the stronger the encryption is. On the other hand, this also means that more computational resources are needed.

  • Security and efficiency. AES is one of the algorithms that performs no practical cryptanalytics attacks. In addition, it's also relatively fast and efficient in both hardware and software implementations.

  • Widely accepted standard. AES is a de facto standard when securing wireless networks, VPNs, SSL/TLS for secure web browsing, and more.

  • Open-source. AES is an open standard. It's freely available to the public and can be implemented in any software or hardware without paying royalties.

Where is AES encryption used?

AES encryption has widespread applications across both public and private sectors. Some of the most common uses of AES include:

  • Encrypting VPN traffic

  • Strengthening Wi-Fi security

  • Securing password managers and mobile applications

Additionally, AES plays a role in whole disk encryption, file compression tools, programming libraries, government/military communication systems, and secure communications and data storage related to quantum computing research. Its strength against brute force attacks alongside effective key sizes of 128 bits and above has made AES encryption a trusted and integral part of secure data transmission worldwide.

Advantages of AES encryption for your business

AES encryption provides several key benefits for businesses of all sizes. One major advantage is its flexibility—AES offers varying encryption strengths with 128, 192, or 256-bit keys. Even the 128-bit version is extremely secure by today's standards, allowing businesses to balance protection with performance based on their needs.

AES is also globally recognized and highly compatible since it works with many programming languages and operating systems. This means it integrates smoothly into a company's existing tech stack.

In addition, the AES process is relatively straightforward and efficient, enabling fast encryption and decryption of data. This improves processing speed without compromising security. AES also requires less computing power and memory than some legacy encryption methods.

For businesses concerned with technology costs, AES is a cost-effective choice. Its widespread adoption and open security standards benefit companies that handle sensitive data and want robust, hack-resistant cyber security.

Is AES secure?

AES is considered highly secure. Its widespread adoption and extensive analysis by cybersecurity experts have field-tested its resilience against cryptographic attacks. Currently, AES is believed to be resistant to all known practical attacks. That said, its security depends not only on the strength of the encryption algorithm itself but also on its use. Using a predictable or easily guessable encryption key could render AES ineffective.

While AES encryption is secure against cryptographic attacks, it's also important to note that it's not immune to other hacking attempts. Methods like side-channel attacks, which involve gaining information from the physical implementation of the cryptosystem rather than weaknesses in the algorithm itself, or social engineering attacks can still pose threats.

Future developments of technology in the fields like quantum computing could potentially impact the security of AES. Large-scale quantum computers, if they become widely accessible, could theoretically break AES, but this remains a distant prospect.

What's the difference between AES-128 and AES-256?

AES encryption: how does it safeguard your data? (2)

The main difference between AES-128 and AES-256 lies in their key length. They both refer to different versions of the AES standard, with the numbers referring to the length of the encryption key used in bits:

  • AES-128 uses a 128-bit key length. It's quicker and requires less computational power. The key space is huge, considered very secure, and suitable for most purposes.

  • AES-256 uses a 256-bit key length. It's slightly slower and requires more computational power due to the longer key. However, it provides a significantly larger key space, making it even harder for an attacker to guess the key. This makes it more secure than AES-128.

In practical terms, the security difference between AES-128 and AES-256 is relatively minimal. Both are considered secure and suitable for encrypting sensitive information.

What's the difference between AES vs. DES?

AES encryption: how does it safeguard your data? (3)

AES and DES (Data Encryption Standard) are both symmetric key encryption methods, but they differ in various aspects like security, key size, block size, and round of operation.

AES allows key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits, making it more flexible and secure. Regardless of key size, it uses a block size of 128 bits. Also, the number of rounds in AES varies based on the key size (10 for 128-bit, 12 for 192-bit, and 14 for 256-bit). Due to its large key sizes, this algorithm is very secure and efficient. As it's based on a design principle known as a substitution-permutation network (a combination of both substitution and permutation) and is fast in software and hardware.

Meanwhile, DES uses a fixed key size of 56 bits with a block size of 64 bits, which is relatively small and susceptible to brute-force attacks. As the key size is always fixed, DES always operates in 16 rounds. With enough computational power, DES is less secure and can be broken. Its cousin, 3DES, applies the DES algorithm three times to each data block, but it's slower and less efficient than AES. DES is based on the so-called Feistel network, a symmetric structure used in most block cipher algorithms, which is still not as efficient as AES.

In conclusion, AES is a more robust and efficient encryption standard than DES in the modern computing. For this reason, DES has been rendered largely obsolete due to its susceptibility to brute-force attacks and overall lower performance.

What's the difference between AES vs. RSA?

AES encryption: how does it safeguard your data? (4)

While AES is a symmetric block cipher, RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is an asymmetric encryption algorithm. AES is primarily used for encrypting data in transit and at rest. RSA is mainly used for secure data transmission, key exchange protocols, digital signatures, and small data encryption.

  • AES uses symmetric keys to encrypt and decrypt data, so it's faster, but the encryption key must be shared securely. The used key sizes are 128, 192, and 256 bits. Overall, AES is much faster and more efficient, particularly for encrypting large data.

  • RSA uses asymmetric keys: a public key shared with everyone and a private key that's kept secret and is used for encryption. RSA key sizes must be much larger to match equivalent security to AES, so 1024 to 4096 bits long. Due to its complexity and size RSA is rarely used for encrypting large amounts of data.

However, in practice, many systems use a combination of both RSA and AES. For example, RSA is used to securely share an AES key, which is then used to encrypt the actual data. This approach combines the speed and efficiency of AES with the convenience and security of RSA's public-key system.

How does NordLayer incorporate AES encryption?

NordLayer encrypts data in transit using AES-256 or ChaCha20 ciphers (depending on the selected tunneling protocol. When OpenVPN protocol is enabled, it uses AES-256 encryption, while NordLynx uses ChaCha20. This leverages advanced encryption capabilities to ensure robust electronic data protection.

By utilizing AES encryption algorithms with a key length of up to 256 bits, NordLayer secures sensitive data transmitted across networks, protecting it from unauthorized access and interception. NordLayer's implementation of AES encryption ensures data confidentiality and integrity, offering users peace of mind that their business communication is safe.

Contact NordLayer today to discuss your options for creating secure data exchange and access.

AES encryption: how does it safeguard your data? (2024)


AES encryption: how does it safeguard your data? ›

AES uses multiple cryptographic keys, each of which undergoes multiple rounds of encryption to better protect the data and ensure its confidentiality and integrity. All key lengths can be used to protect Confidential and Secret level information.

How does AES encrypt data? ›

AES works by having the initial key added to a block using an exclusive or (XOR) cipher. This is an operation that is built into processor hardware. In the block, each byte of data is substituted with another, following a predetermined table.

What does AES protect against? ›

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric block cipher algorithm that encrypts data in blocks of 128 bits using cipher keys of 128, 192, or 256 bits. It is considered secure against all known attacks and is widely adopted as a standard for encrypting electronic data.

How does encryption protect my data? ›

Encryption is used to protect data from being stolen, changed, or compromised and works by scrambling data into a secret code that can only be unlocked with a unique digital key.

How does encryption safeguard patient data? ›

Encrypting patient data protects information by making the data unreadable to unauthorized individuals. When data is encrypted, it is converted into a new form that cannot be read unless someone has the key or code. And so, even if encrypted data is stolen, it remains unreadable due to extra layers of security.

Why is AES so secure? ›

AES offers stronger security since it incorporates multiple rounds of encryption, making it harder to break, and harder for threat actors to intercept or steal the encrypted information using brute-force attacks.

What are the vulnerabilities of AES encryption? ›

One common vulnerability in AES encryption implementations is the use of weak keys or IVs. Weak keys can make the encryption vulnerable to attacks, and weak IVs can lead to predictable ciphertexts, which attackers can exploit.

What are the problems with AES? ›

AES customers have reported a variety of problems, including:
  • Being charged for the same monthly bill up to ten times.
  • Inaccurate bills, with some reportedly doubling or tripling.
  • Failing to receive bills.
  • Records indicating they haven't paid bills since as far back as 1970.

Is AES the strongest encryption? ›

AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today. While it is theoretically true that AES 256-bit encryption is harder to crack than AES 128-bit encryption, AES 128-bit encryption has never been cracked.

What happens to your data when it is encrypted? ›

Data encryption converts data from a readable, plaintext format into an unreadable, encoded format: ciphertext. Users and processes can only read and process encrypted data after it is decrypted. The decryption key is secret, so it must be protected against unauthorized access.

Does encryption alone make your data safe? ›

Encryption works by changing data into a format that can't be read easily. Only people with the right key can decode and see the information. It's like having a lock and key for your data, which gives you some safety. But even though encryption is strong, it's not perfect.

What is the most secure way to encrypt data? ›

Best Encryption Algorithms
  1. AES. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the trusted standard algorithm used by the United States government, as well as other organizations. ...
  2. Triple DES. ...
  3. RSA. ...
  4. Blowfish. ...
  5. Twofish. ...
  6. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA).
Jul 16, 2024

How can data be safeguarded? ›

Top 5 Methods of Protecting Data
  1. Encryption.
  2. Backup and Recovery.
  3. Access Control.
  4. Network Security.
  5. Physical Security.
  6. Conclusion.

How do you safeguard patient data? ›

Healthcare Cybersecurity: Tips for Securing Private Health Data
  1. Educating Healthcare Staff.
  2. Restricting Access to Data and Applications.
  3. Implementing Data Usage Controls.
  4. Logging and Monitoring Use.
  5. Encrypting Data.
  6. Securing Mobile Devices.
  7. Mitigating Connected Device Risks.
  8. Conducting Regular Risk Assessments.
Aug 22, 2024

What are the 3 safeguards designed to protect patient information? ›

The HIPAA Privacy Rule supports the Safeguards Principle by requiring covered entities to implement appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the privacy of protected health information (PHI).

How does AES work step by step? ›

four steps used in each round of AES: (1) byte substitution, (2) shift rows, (3) mix columns, and (4) add round key. byte substitution steps in encryption and decryption. the 128 bit, 192 bit, and 256 bit AES. constructing linear approximation tables in attacks on block ciphers.

How is AES different from other encryption? ›

AES, created in 2001, has longer key lengths and a more complex structure, making it more secure and frequently used in modern applications. In contrast, DES, which was introduced in 1977, has shorter key lengths and recognized errors, hence it has been replaced by AES in most security applications.

Can the NSA crack AES-256? ›

The AES made its first appearance in 2001 and is expected to remain strong and durable for at least a decade. But if the NSA has secretly built a computer that is considerably faster than machines in the unclassified arena, then the agency has a chance of breaking the AES in a much shorter time.

How does AES provide integrity? ›

AES operates on fixed-size blocks of data, typically 128 bits, and supports key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits. The use of symmetric encryption ensures that only authorized parties with the correct key can decrypt the encrypted data, thus preserving confidentiality.

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