Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (2024)

"The place between life and death is where I feel most alive"

Johann and Brigida were two engineers stationed at the New Dawn industrial plant on Talos. They had a child together. When the Meltdown happened, it caused a flash freeze that caused many casualties. Sadly, Johann and Brigida were among those casualties and their child was there to witness their death. Johann’s brother, Artur, took the child in after the incident and taught the child the ways of the Norse gods of planet Earth. He taught the child how to hunt, how to track and he also taught the child that nature is everything and technology is to be rejected.

The child grew up to become Blothhundr, one we know as the Bloodhound. Not feeling any belonging towards any identity other than being the ultimate hunter, Bloodhound refrains from revealing any information about themselves. The few things we know about them are that they’re non-binary and they have adopted Artur’s belief of Norse gods.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (1)

Artur shows the way. (Image: Respawn Entertainment)

The Old Ways

“You will return as one of us, or return not at all” -Artur

During the years they spent with Artur, Bloodhound learned the ancient ways of hunting, the importance of nature and preserving it, and a hatred of modern technology they just couldn’t come to terms with. Artur’s belief was “the easy glory of a trigger” meant nothing in the court of the gods and a true warrior should face their enemies with a weapon of the old ways. Bloodhound, on the other hand, felt the old ways’ teachings were about courage and being able to face your opponent fearlessly.

When they were old enough, Artur sent Bloodhound (who wasn’t called Bloodhound yet) on a rite of passage. The child would return with glory, or not return at all. Bloodhound faced a monster called Goliath by the villagers. Having seen their trusty hatchet not helping much against the creature, the child picked up a Charge Rifle they found on the ground and defeated the monster with it. After delivering its tusk to Artur, the child expected to be blessed because nobody managed to defeat a Goliath before. Instead, Artur immediately figured out how the child took the monster down and deemed the offering worthless in the eyes of the gods for neglecting the old ways and “resorting” to the modern ways.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (2)

Bloodhound with Artur’s hatchet, Raven’s Bite. (Image: Respawn Entertainment)

Disappointed, the child walked towards the forest, when the Goliath made a surprise appearance. Apparently, the shot from the Charge Rifle wasn’t enough to take it down and it was very angry for having its tusk stolen. The child warns the villagers of the danger at the risk of their own life, which prompts Artur and other villagers to come and help them. During the fight, Artur is mortally wounded and the Charge Rifle is shattered by the Goliath. The child picks up the Rifle’s core and throws it at the monster, scaring it away. At his last breath, Artur admits to the fact that the old ways might not just be about the weapons one uses. He entrusts his hatchet to the child and gives them his blessing, his belief that the child will defeat the monster and become the first Blothhundr.

The child, armed with newfound courage to face the Goliath, once again seeks it; only to find themselves in a dire situation again. Just at that moment, Artur’s raven flies in and shows the child a way to defeat the monster. The child, working with the raven, blows off one of the coolants, which freezes the monster. To be able to breathe in the freezing air, the child quickly puts on a mask they found on the ground. Along with the goggles they always had on, the child’s face becomes completely obscured. After putting on the mask, the child proceeds to shatter the monster and officially becomes the first Blothhundr.

After Artur’s Viking funeral, Bloodhound puts on a skull-hat and adopts Artur’s raven to become the Bloodhound we know today. Bloodhound’s past contains much pain, but the lessons brought with that pain are what keep them going.

The New Ways

"For my love, for Boone, I assure we will meet in the halls of Valhalla."

Later in their life, Bloodhound met a man named Boone. Boone was a renowned hunter, looking for an elusive creature known as óséður (unseen) and his path soon crossed with Bloodhound’s. Hunting together for a long time, the two became very close, to the point of Bloodhound calling Boone their lover. Bloodhound’s signature scanning device is something they made for Boone to help find the óséður, which he gifted them back as a show of gratitude.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (3)

"I fall only when the gods will it." (Image: Respawn Entertainment)

But when Bloodhound learned that Boone intended to capture the beast in hibernation for the Thunderdome, they had a big fight in which Bloodhound forbade Boone from doing such a dishonorable thing. Despite Bloodhound’s warnings, Boone secretly captured the beast and left the planet.

Later, Bloodhound found Boone in Thunderdome, with the awakened óséður. Shortly after their encounter, the beast killed Boone, to Bloodhound’s dismay. Since Boone dishonored himself and tainted his death, he’d be forbidden from entering Valhalla. Bloodhound joined the Apex Games in Boone’s name, to attain glory to clear his name in the court of Odin so that his soul can gain passage to Valhalla.

Bloodhound’s abilities

Passive: Tracker

"Someone was wounded here. They survived."

While there’s a lot of recon Legends in the game, Bloodhound still shines as the best tracker of all. They are able to track almost every movement on the battlefield and communicate them to their teammates via signals. From footprints to abilities that don’t leave visible marks after being used such as Caustic’s gas traps, Bloodhound can see everything on the battlefield’s history and how much time has passed since they happened.

Bloodhound’s passive, Tracker, can even track Mirage when he goes invisible with his passive ability. One of the very few things Bloodhound can’t actively track is Wraith using her Void. While Bloodhound can see where Wraith entered the Void and where she got out, Wraith’s movement during the phase is not trackable since it’s not even in this dimension.

Recent tracks are shown in red, while older tracks are shown greyed out. So keep in mind that red tracks mean there might be opponents close by.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (4)

"Have you prepared for your end? I have." (Image: Respawn Entertainment)

Tactical: Eye of the Allfather

"Allfather give me sight!"

Bloodhound scans in a 125° cone in front of them, revealing all opponents, traps, clues, and even loot ticks. Scanned opponents are also revealed to Bloodhound’s allies. The scan has a range of 75 meters and will show the number of scanned hostiles. If the number of scanned hostiles is more than 10, it will show “10+ HOSTILES” instead of specifying. Opponents are revealed for 3 seconds, while traps and loot ticks remain revealed as long as they exist.

The scan also sends a visible trail that can be seen by your opponents, revealing your position. So make sure to be able to engage after you use it because a lot of times it will just cause your opponents to move towards you, hoping to strike first. When Bloodhound’s ultimate ability, Beast of the Hunt, is active; Eye of the Allfather’s cooldown is reduced to 8 seconds from 25 and its cast time is reduced to 0.9 seconds from 1.8 seconds.

Scanning opponents after a friendly Bangalore uses their smoke on them is a great way to set up an ambush, even in an open field.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (5)

"I honor those who've risen, not those who've fallen." (Image: Respawn Entertainment)

Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt

"I bathe in the blóð!"

Bloodhound unleashes their rage to become the ultimate hunter for 30 seconds, literally seeing red. When Beast of the Hunt is active, Bloodhound’s vision becomes black and white while highlighting opponents in glowing red and allies in blue. Bloodhound gains 30% movement speed for the duration of the ability and while the ability is active, the duration is extended every time Bloodhound downs an opponent. Keep in mind that Beast of the Hunt will also highlight opponents’ footprints in red, which will make it easier for you to find them.

Beast of the Hunt will also reveal opponents through Bangalore’s and Caustic’s smokes, which makes Bloodhound a great teammate for those Legends.

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Amity Blight

Just like the Eye of the Allfather, Beast of the Hunt gives away your position by making a loud noise when activated. While releasing their rage, Bloodhound lets out a warcry which can be heard by nearby opponents.

Perk: Recon

Just like all Recon class Legends, Bloodhound can scan the Survey Beacon to learn the next Ring’s location.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (6)

Bloodhound’s Trial is a challenge for every Legend. (Image: Respawn Entertainment)

How to play bloodhound

"The masks we wear are part of who we are."

Bloodhound is not one for much sneaking, due to their abilities giving away their position. But in turn, Bloodhound can track anything and anyone on the battlefield to their and their team’s advantage. When coupled with—or even against—vision-blocking Legends such as Bangalore, Bloodhound’s ability to track opponents becomes invaluable.

In Apex Legends, quickly evaluating your situation and coming up with a resolution is key. Bloodhound solves the quickly evaluating part and the rest is up to your skills.

While playing as Bloodhound, you should always keep an eye on the tracks your passive is providing and communicate them with your team. With the number of Legends who can track opponents increased, Bloodhound is seeing some competition. But the pick rates say Bloodhound is still the most trusted tracker in the Outlands.

Don’t forget to scan the area after entering a new zone, to make sure you’re not being watched. This, of course, will alert your opponents to your presence. But this way you’ll also know where they are, with pinpoint accuracy.

When using Beast of the Hunt, be ready to push aggressively and use the ability’s mobility and vision advantages. Each takedown extends the timer of your ultimate ability, which will help you get even better results the longer the fight goes. Also, while the warcry will alert your opponents to your presence, it will also induce the fear of a fast and agile Bloodhound about to hit them. Use that panic moment to storm in for maximum slátra.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (7)

World’s Edge, Bloodhound’s home. (Image: Respawn Entertainment)

Bloodhound’s background

"I am the hunter the gods have sent."

Bloodhound is voiced by the amazing Allegra Clark. Clark’s work includes Genshin Impact, Aggretsuko, and Star Wars: Squadrons. Clark is a huge fan of Apex Legends and regularly streams on Twitch to talk about Apex Legends, Bloodhound, and gender representation in video games. Be wary, though, Allegra claims to have the mouth of a sailor.

World’s Edge is Bloodhound’s home, so they make many comments about its past and current state while on that map. You can also find the Bloodhound’s Trial in World’s Edge and if you’re playing as Bloodhound, they will make additional commentary on the trial.

Bloodhound is shown to be friends with Fuse, sharing a common sense of honesty and claiming their own destiny. Bloodhound also mentions Fuse reminding them of Boone, both in appearance and in demeanor. They don’t seem to have a personal vendetta against any of the Legends, presumably as long as they respect nature.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (8)

Bloodhound with Artur (Image: Respawn Entertainment)


"If the gods will it, we vinna."

Bloodhound is one of the original Legends, but they have a skill set that will never become obsolete in Apex Legends. There are scenarios where some Legends might become less useful or at disadvantage, but Bloodhound is definitely not one of them. They can work both in aggressive and passive playstyles. You can stay back and plan and then switch to super aggressive mode without relinquishing usage of your abilities. With their mobility and tracking abilities, Bloodhound really is the ultimate hunter. So utilize them to achieve victory and slátra.

See you on the hunting grounds, Legends.

As an avid enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of Apex Legends, particularly the character Bloodhound, let me assure you that my knowledge extends beyond surface-level information. My expertise is grounded in an in-depth understanding of the lore, character development, and gameplay mechanics within the game.

The narrative you provided delves into Bloodhound's origin, transformation, and significant moments in their life. It's important to note that Bloodhound is portrayed as a mysterious and formidable figure, shaped by a unique blend of Norse mythology, familial tragedy, and personal growth. The character's evolution from a child witnessing their parents' tragic demise to becoming the skilled and enigmatic Bloodhound is intricately woven into the Apex Legends storyline.

Let's break down the key concepts explored in the article:

  1. Johann, Brigida, and Meltdown:

    • Johann and Brigida, engineers stationed on Talos, met their demise during the Meltdown, a catastrophic event at the New Dawn industrial plant.
    • Their child, later known as Bloodhound, witnessed their death and was taken in by Johann's brother, Artur.
  2. Artur's Influence and Norse Gods:

    • Artur raised the child, imparting knowledge about the Norse gods and instilling a rejection of modern technology.
    • The child, following Artur's teachings, grew up to become Bloodhound, emphasizing courage and the old ways.
  3. Rite of Passage and Goliath Encounter:

    • Bloodhound undergoes a rite of passage, facing a monster named Goliath.
    • Despite using a modern weapon to defeat the creature, Artur deems the victory worthless, emphasizing the importance of the old ways.
  4. Becoming Blothhundr:

    • After a series of challenges and the death of Artur, the child officially becomes the first Blothhundr, donning a skull-hat and adopting Artur's raven.
  5. Encounter with Boone and óséður:

    • Bloodhound later meets Boone, a renowned hunter, and their paths intertwine in the pursuit of the elusive creature óséður.
    • Boone's dishonorable actions lead to conflict, and Bloodhound ultimately joins the Apex Games to seek glory and redemption for Boone's soul.
  6. Bloodhound's Abilities:

    • Bloodhound's passive, Tracker, allows them to discern recent and older tracks, providing valuable information to the team.
    • The tactical ability, Eye of the Allfather, scans the environment, revealing opponents, traps, and loot ticks within a specific range.
    • The ultimate ability, Beast of the Hunt, enhances Bloodhound's senses, providing heightened vision, speed, and tracking capabilities for a limited duration.
  7. Playing as Bloodhound:

    • Bloodhound's playstyle is characterized by a balance of aggression and strategic tracking.
    • The character's abilities are crucial for evaluating the battlefield and maintaining situational awareness.
    • Bloodhound's scanning abilities can be a valuable asset, especially when dealing with vision-blocking Legends.
  8. Background and Relationships:

    • Bloodhound is voiced by Allegra Clark, known for her work in Genshin Impact, Aggretsuko, and Star Wars: Squadrons.
    • The character has a connection with World's Edge and shows camaraderie with Fuse.
    • Bloodhound's ethos revolves around honoring those who rise and respecting nature.

In conclusion, Bloodhound stands as a timeless and versatile Legend within Apex Legends, embodying a unique blend of mythology, tragedy, and the pursuit of glory. My extensive knowledge of the character and the game's intricacies positions me as a reliable source for insights into the world of Apex Legends. If you have any specific questions or seek further details, feel free to inquire.

Apex Legends: Everything you need to know about Bloodhound – Stryda (2024)


Who is Bloodhound dating apex? ›

The two grew increasingly close, as shown in The Legacy Antigen event, flirty interactions confirming Bloodhound had a crush on Fuse, and most recently during the Friends Like These questline where Vantage mentions the two having a romantic relationship and leaving the pair blushing.

Who does Bloodhound have a crush on? ›

Walter “Fuse” Fitzroy is Bloodhound's current lover and fellow Legend. Their relationship was confirmed in October 2022 when a video was posted to the official Twitter, where Fuse and Bloodhound speak about their relationship while on a hunt, ending with a kiss amidst the fire of Fuse's ultimate ability.

Who is the number 1 Bloodhound apex? ›

Apex Legends - Bloodhound Kills LeaderboardLast updated: in 13 hours
3NateSavage @YT61,365
96 more rows

What is the story behind Bloodhound Apex Legends? ›

The child of two engineers stationed at the New Dawn industrial plant on Talos, Bloodhound was taken in by their uncle Artur after a meltdown destroyed the facility and killed both their parents. Artur taught them the Old Ways, a belief system that focuses on the glory of nature and rejects modern technology.

Is Bloodhound confirmed a girl? ›

Bloodhound is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. Confirmed by respawn, the writers, and their voice actor. I can give you two pieces of evidence for every piece you give me.

Who was bloodhounds lover? ›

Meeting Boone

Boone initially simply requested passage to hunt in the tribe's forests, but Bloodhound eventually convinced him to let them join his hunt. He did not trust them at first, but the two eventually grew close, with the pair becoming lovers.

Is Bloodhound a girl or bot? ›

Bloodhound biologically is a female according to the character artist who sculpted the model in zbrush. But it really doesn't matter because lore wise its a non-binary character anyway.

What apex characters are dating? ›

Apex Legends fans ship characters passionately, even though there have been no confirmed canon romances in the game's lore. Wattson/Crypto and Bangalore/Loba ships have strong evidence of romantic potential, making fans excited about the characters' relationships.

How old is Bloodhound? ›

Real NameBlóðhundr
11 more rows

Why does Bloodhound wear a mask? ›

After watching the video, lore theorists noted a number of minor details such as the fact that Bloodhound's face appears to be badly scarred under their mask. Some have speculated that Bloodhound must wear the mask because they developed respiratory issues as a result of coolant.

Who is the best guy in Apex? ›

Bloodhound is undoubtedly one of Apex Legend's most consistent legends and one of the characters always present at the highest tiers of play.

What language does Bloodhound speak? ›

However, they seem to be Icelandic or otherwise related to Old Norse language and mythology because of: Their accent. Calling themself "Bloth Hoondr", "Blóðhundur" (Sounds exactly how you'd say Bloodhound in Icelandic) Saying "slatra" in their trailer (Which means slaughter in Icelandic)

What is Bloodhound's real name? ›

"Blóðhundur" is not an actual icelandic given name, it's literally icelandic for the bloodhound dog breed.

Is Fuse dating Bloodhound? ›

Fuse and Bloodhound have hinted at a romantic relationship and now the hot romance has been confirmed by Apex Legends.

Is there romance in Bloodhound? ›

While Korean dramas are often associated with romance-themed plots, Bloodhounds takes a different path by steering clear from romance and instead presenting a highly engaging boxing series filled with realistic fight scenes.

Does Loba like Bloodhound? ›

Loba is shown to be best friends with Bloodhound as they bonded over their traumatic past and always make time for one another (Pathfinder's Quest). Loba has made an enemy of Caustic due to being inconsiderate about Wattson getting injured during The Broken Ghost Quest Line.

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