Bobby Hemmitt | Black Magicians | Metaphysician (2024)


Bobby Hemmitt | Black Magicians | Metaphysician (1)

The first time I saw a Bobby Hemmitt lecture tape hepretty much blew me away. He goes reallyheavy into various topics in occult science, metaphysics, chaos magick, andmysticism. I wasn’t blown away so much by the topics he was discussing as I was by his witty, raw, and real delivery.

The topics he lectures on can seem “out there” forsomeone who is just starting to look outside of the box but he is on point withhis scholarship and makes sure to always give references, like an audiblebibliography, so that the serious scholars can do further research on theirown. He keeps it real basically. Bobby Hemmitt always lets people know upfront not to just take his word on matters.

Check out some of these books Recommended by Bobby Hemmitt

I see teachers like Bobby Hemmitt as figures likeMorpheus from the movie The Matrix. If you aren’t ready to have yourpreconceptions of what is good, evil, etc. challenged then it’s best not tolisten to Hemmitt and remain in Wonderland, however if you are bold enough tolet go of what you thought you knew then listen to him and he will attempt toshow you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

No stones are left unturned when Hemmittlectures. Concepts of religion,spirituality, life, death, even reality itself are all turned upside down and dissected. Even people who think they have already shedtheir old concepts might find themselves surprised to hear Bobby Hemmitt teachthat the “Illuminati” or “Lucifer” for example are not evil or bad. If you have the guts to listen though you mayactually find out the origin is nothing like what you may have thought it tobe.

Bobby Hemmitt | Black Magicians | Metaphysician (2)

Brother Bobby Hemmitt is a no-holds-barred,spiritual and down to earth speaker. He deciphers the mysteries that have beenlocked into the "mystery system" and brings the universe back to"BLACK" life. Many of Bobby Hemmitt’s lectures range from 2 to 10hours. Be prepared though. Pretty muchany Bobby Hemmitt lecture will blow you away with powerful information.

Bobby Hemmitt has put two decades of research intothe esoteric tradition. Hemmitt and Dr.Phil Valentine have been teaching and lecturing on metaphysics since the90s. They started way before YouTube andalso before it was popular. Nowadays BobbyHemmitt is world renowned for his work in the occult.

Bobby Hemmitt is a scholar of esoteric knowledge. Interestin Hemmitt’s lessons has been growing but his YouTube clips and internet radioshows have really grown his audience exponentially in the past ten years. Hemmitt’sanalytical study and dynamic style of public delivery that encompasses a colossalvolume of research that he continuously gives to you within the presentation isunique and keeps people looking for his insight on various matters.

Do not make the mistake of underestimating Hemmittbecause he uses slang and assume that he is just talking junk. Bobby Hemmitt is well educated and he knowshis stuff. Hemmitt’s research isimpeccable. His philosophy is founded in knowing that all the things consideredpagan, occult, and mysterious are the ancient primordial knowledge and wisdom thatultimately leads back to our higher God-selves.

Bobby Hemmitt | Black Magicians | Metaphysician (3)The rational, religious, scientific belief systemsare a paradigm that limits our ability to access the unity of oneness with allexistence. Bobby delves into what we call metaphysics, rituals, science,occult, voodoo, astronomy, gnostic wisdom, mysticism, kemetic wisdom,ufo's, magic of all forms, greekmythology, and what many would call “some downright satanic sh*t." BobbyHemmitt blends them all into one and offers an insightful analysis of currentevents that is just awesome to witness.

Definitely check out the YouTube clips in this postto hear Bobby Hemmitt's South Carolina Accent that he uses so well to make youlaugh throughout the presentation. It's always amazing to hear him soundinglike a country preacher, telling you higher concepts that would intimidate aphysicist in the field of quantum mechanics, while kickin the most up-to-dateknowledge possible in a language that's plain and down to earth. Basically, he speaks on some heavy sh*t andhe uses slang that the Hip Hop generation understands. Like I already said before it’s prettyamazing to witness.

“God has all this power but you know your faith islike a trap door. If your trap door is closed, if you don’t have faith then godcan’t work. It’s the same concept when he says, when obeying god on bothpolarities has deep potential. Where god is all potential, man is theperfecting agent. And what seemingly exist in god unfolds and manifest in man.You heard that before god works through you. Without you god’s creation cannotbe manifest. So it’s about like you got a big old fat Godfather. Now you knowhe can’t go out and kill nobody. But he sends the hit man out. He’s 75 yearsold; he’s had too much pastrami, ravioli or whatever so he gets the hit man tokill (for) him. The hit man is the perfecting agent of his order. Well this isthe same concept, whereas man being the perfecting agent of God of the cosmos.”

“We have to become scientist ourselves. We don’tneed no more followers. We don’t need no more groups. We need to havescientists. That’s what the Nation of Islam says we need scientists. Sotherefore if you’re a scientist that takes it out of the hands and says BobbyHemitt says! You see what I’m getting at? (If) you’re a scientist you get toschool yourself. Now Black people are a World Class people. That means we can’tbe depending on what other people say. You get the information and synthesizeit yourself and teach me some things. And this is the setting its suppose tobe, it’s suppose to be a pool of scientist. So what are we going to do?”

Bobby Hemmitt

Check Out These Bobby Hemmitt YouTube Clips:

Bobby Hemmitt Power of Infinity (more than one video clip 2 parts)

Bobby Hemmitt | Black Magicians | Metaphysician (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.