The Mystery and Controversy Surrounding His Passing – Career Gear (2024)

Bobby Hemmitt was a popular and influential occult lecturer, author, and teacher who inspired many people with his insights and wisdom on various topics such as metaphysics, spirituality, ancient history, and esoteric knowledge. He was known for his charismatic and humorous style of delivery, as well as his extensive research and references. He had a loyal following of fans and students who admired and respected him for his work and legacy.

However, Bobby Hemmitt’s death has been shrouded in mystery and controversy, with conflicting reports and rumors about the cause and date of his passing. Some sources claim that he died in 2001, while others say that he passed away in 2020 or 2021. Some allege that he was poisoned by his wife and others who were jealous of his influence and success, while others suggest that he retired from public life and chose to live in seclusion. Some believe that he is still alive and communicating with his followers through dreams and visions, while others assert that he has transcended to a higher realm of existence.

The Stroke and the Retirement

According to some accounts, Bobby Hemmitt suffered a stroke in 2014 that left him partially paralyzed and unable to speak. He was hospitalized and underwent several surgeries and treatments, but his condition did not improve significantly. He was then moved to a nursing home, where he received care and support from his family and friends.

Some of his close associates, such as Brother Panic and Tiffany Hills, claimed that Bobby Hemmitt decided to retire from his public role and focus on his personal healing and spiritual journey. They said that he did not want to be bothered or disturbed by anyone, and that he preferred to remain in privacy and silence. They also said that he was still alive and well, and that he was still teaching and guiding them through his spirit and energy.

The Poisoning and the Murder

However, other sources disputed this version of events, and accused Bobby Hemmitt’s wife, Linda, and some of his former colleagues and associates of poisoning him and plotting his death. They alleged that Linda was unfaithful and greedy, and that she conspired with others to slowly kill Bobby Hemmitt and take his money and property. They also claimed that some of his former friends and partners, such as Panic and Hills, were involved in the scheme, and that they betrayed and abandoned him when he needed them the most.

Some of these sources also asserted that Bobby Hemmitt was aware of the plot against him, and that he tried to warn and expose his enemies before they could harm him. They said that he revealed some of the details of the conspiracy in his lectures and interviews, and that he left clues and messages for his true followers and supporters. They also said that he knew that his death was part of his spiritual mission and destiny, and that he sacrificed himself for the greater good of humanity.

The Legacy and the Resurrection

Regardless of the circ*mstances and the truth of his death, Bobby Hemmitt’s legacy and impact continue to inspire and influence many people, who cherish and honor his memory and teachings. His followers and admirers have created various platforms and groups to share and discuss his work and wisdom, and to keep his spirit and vision alive. They have also expressed their gratitude and appreciation for his contributions and gifts, and have donated and offered their support to his family and causes.

Some of his fans and students have also claimed that they have experienced signs and manifestations of his presence and power, and that they have received messages and guidance from him in their dreams and visions. They have also suggested that he is not really dead, but that he has ascended to a higher level of consciousness and reality, and that he is still watching and working with them from beyond the veil. They have also speculated that he will return and reveal himself to the world at the right time and place, and that he will lead and liberate his people from the forces of darkness and oppression.


Bobby Hemmitt was a remarkable and influential figure in the occult and metaphysical community, who touched and transformed many lives with his knowledge and charisma. His death has been a source of mystery and controversy, with different and conflicting accounts and allegations about the cause and date of his passing. However, his legacy and impact are undeniable and undeniable, and he is still revered and respected by many who follow and learn from his work and teachings. He is also believed and expected to be alive and active in some form or another, and to have a role and purpose in the future of humanity and the planet.

The Mystery and Controversy Surrounding His Passing – Career Gear (2024)
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