Buffett Scholarship Award Terms (2024)

Please print these Award Terms for your records

Acceptance of the scholarship constitutes acceptance of the scholarship award terms.

Scholarship Values

The Susan T. Buffett Scholarship is named for Susan Thompson Buffett (the late wife of Warren Buffett), who started the scholarship over 50 years ago to provide opportunities for students to pursue higher education regardless of their economic circ*mstances. To date, almost 10,000 scholars have received the gift of this scholarship. As a Buffett Scholar, you belong to a large community of scholars who show integrity, responsibility, kindness, and respect within and outside your college campus.

The Susan T. Buffett Foundation Scholarship program promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion for students who have the privilege of receiving the scholarship. The scholarship program values a diverse community of learners where all students feel respected, welcome, and safe.

Scholarship Amount

The table below shows the maximum term (semester or quarter) award of The Susan T. Buffett Foundation Scholarship at each public college in Nebraska for the 2024-2025 academic year, based on tuition and fee amounts at each college. The scholarship amount is updated every July.

Maximum Term Awards for 2024-2025
(term = semester, quarter, or summer session)

Colleges Full Time
Three-Quarter Time
(9-11 hours)
Half Time
(6-8 hours)
Quarter Time
(3-5 hours)
Less than Quarter Time
(1-2 hours)
Community Colleges
Nebraska State Colleges
Chadron State$4,750.00$3,562.50$2,375.00$1,187.50$593.75
Peru State$4,820.00$3,615.00$2,410.00$1,205.00$602.50
Wayne State$4,655.00$3,491.25$2,327.50$1,163.75$581.88
University of Nebraska

The scholarship funds can be applied to any part of your cost of attendance (COA) at any of the eligible Nebraska public colleges. COA can include resident tuition, fees, books, room and board, personal expenses and transportation. You must be considered a Nebraska resident at the college where you enroll. Any unused portion of this award does not accrue and may not be applied to subsequent terms.

The Susan T. Buffett Foundation (The Foundation) is responsible for informing your college of your scholarship eligibility. The scholarship award may be less than the maximum term award, depending on the cost of attendance, other financial aid and enrollment status. Withdrawal, dropping classes, or expulsion from the school may result in a reduction to, or revocation of your scholarship.

Scholarship Length

The scholarship begins the fall term of your award year and is granted on a term basis provided you uphold the scholarship expectations. It renews every year for up to 5 years at a four-year college or up to 3 years at a two-year college; OR until graduation, whichever comes first. You are also eligible to receive funding for summer classes, which is optional. The scholarship award is only for undergraduate studies.

You must be continuously enrolled in college throughout the regular academic year while on scholarship (summer enrollment is optional). You may not drop or stop out for a length of time and be reinstated. If you would like to request permission to take a quarter or semester off, please see the "On Hold" section under Special Requests on page 4.

Scholarship Expectations

As a Susan T. Buffett Scholar, you must:

  • enroll in at least 9 credits per term;
  • obtain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of all terms;
  • earn at least 1 credit hour each term; and
  • earn at least 18 credit hours or 27 quarter hours by the end of each academic year (August to July)

Scholarship Priority or Conditional Continuance

If you do not meet the scholarship requirements, you may be required to submit documentation. The Foundation's Scholarship Committee makes decisions about scholarship retention or removal. The Foundation will revoke your scholarship if you do not submit documentation.

If your scholarship is retained, it will result in a "scholarship priority period" and participation in an academic intervention program offered through your college and/or learning community. The scholarship priority period will be established by the Foundation, and the Foundation may withdraw the scholarship for any student who fails to meet the terms of any scholarship priority period or subsequent scholarship priority period or who again fails to meet the above requirements after a scholarship priority period has ended. Such terms may include but are not limited to attending a different college or seeking academic or personal support.

Summer enrollment is not required, and there is no minimum credit hour requirement in the summer. However, if you enroll in summer classes, the same policies apply.

If you receive any "Incompletes" for grades during a term, you must complete the course and have a grade posted within a calendar year or it will result in a scholarship priority period.

Transferring the Scholarship

The scholarship award may transfer to any Nebraska state public college, university or community college so long as you notify the Foundation and continue to meet the scholarship requirements. You must complete the "Transfer Request" form located on the scholarship website https://app.buffettscholarships.org/request/Transfer. The form is due at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester/quarter. The scholarship award will not transfer if you have an outstanding balance at the school you are leaving.

Change of Personal Information or Enrollment Status

Contact the Foundation when:

  • there is any change to your name, address, phone number or e-mail; and/or
  • you graduate, transfer, withdraw, or are subject to any disciplinary action from the college (such as a suspension, expulsion, or any type of probationary status)

Please email scholarships@stbfoundation.org or call 402-943-1383.

Learning Community Information (if you attend UNK, UNL, or UNO)

If you are attending UNK, UNL or UNO, you are automatically a part of the William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community and you must participate fully and adhere to all requirements of the Learning Community (LC).

The LC is an environment where students can learn, explore, and grow individually and collectively as a group of scholars. The LC promotes a safe and inclusive atmosphere where all students should feel like they belong, matter and are respected. The LC celebrates and values diversity of race, ethnicity, national origin, religious belief, gender identity, sexual orientation, geographical identity, political affiliation (or perspective), socioeconomic status, and mental and physical ability. The Susan T. Buffett Foundation and LC hold Buffett Scholars to high standards of learning and integrity.

Additional information about each program and its requirements can be found at:

Failure to meet LC requirements may result in LC priority or the loss of the scholarship. If you do not meet the scholarship expectations outlined earlier or uphold the LC requirements, you will be required to submit documentation to the LC Director. The Foundation's Scholarship Committee makes decisions about scholarship retention or removal. Scholarship funding will no longer continue if you do not submit documentation.

Study Abroad/Exchange Program Information

You are eligible to receive scholarship funds for Study Abroad or Exchange programs provided:

  • You will earn credits toward graduation while abroad or during exchange;
  • The program is approved by your primary college/university;
  • Tuition and fees are paid directly to your primary college/university OR another Nebraska public college;
    • Funding for Study Abroad is based on the number of credit hours you enroll in during the Study Abroad term (ex. 6 credit hours equals ½ time funding. See Award Table on page 1).
    • Funding is disbursed during, not prior to, the term of Study Abroad.
  • You are not on scholarship priority at the end of the term immediately prior to going abroad; and
  • You complete a "Study Abroad Request" form located on the scholarship website prior to the deadline, https://app.buffettscholarships.org/request/StudyAbroad, and received approval from the Foundation to use funding for study abroad. The deadlines to submit this form are:
    • Fall term: August 1
    • Spring term: December 1
    • Summer term: April 1

You must successfully complete two terms with at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA at your primary college in order to study abroad or participate in an exchange program. Scholars making requests who have only completed one term will be required to submit additional information and will be reviewed on a case by case basis. If you started the Study Abroad/Exchange term before the previous term's grades were reported, and you earned a cumulative GPA less than 2.0, the Foundation is not responsible for funding the Study Abroad/Exchange term. Any Learning Community requirements missed because of the study abroad/exchange experience must be completed upon return.

Special Requests

1. On Hold

If you are unable to enroll in college for a term, you can request your scholarship be placed on hold. You must complete an “On Hold Request” form located on the scholarship website: https://app.buffettscholarships.org/request/OnHold. Explain the reason for your request and provide any relevant documentation. You need to submit the form before the term begins. The Foundation will review your request and send you an email with the decision. If you attend UNK, UNL, or UNO you are required to meet with a professional staff member in the learning community to discuss your on hold request and a plan to return to college before the Foundation makes a decision.

2. Less than 9 Hours

If you need to request being enrolled in under the required 9 credit hours you must complete a "request to be enrolled for less than 9 hours" form located on the scholarship website: https://app.buffettscholarships.org/request/less9hour. Explain the reason behind your request and provide any relevant documentation. You should submit the form before enrolling in under 9 credit hours or dropping under 9 credit hours. The Foundation will review your request and send you an email regarding the decision. Submitting this form does not exempt you from the earned hours requirement each academic year.

3. Funds for a Secondary College

You are eligible to submit a request to receive scholarship funds at a secondary college unless you are enrolled full-time at your primary college. You must complete the "Funds for a Secondary College Request" form located on the scholarship website: https://app.buffettscholarships.org/request/FundSecondaryCollege. The form is due at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester/quarter.

Reasons for Scholarship Removal

The Foundation reserves the right to revoke the scholarship and discontinue all scholarship payments not already made at its discretion, for any reason, including but not limited to the following:

  • Withdrawal from the college of attendance;
  • Transfer to an ineligible college;
  • Violation of the college's student code of conduct;
  • Temporary suspension from the college;
  • Permanent suspension or expulsion from the college;
  • Non-completion or violation of Learning Community requirements (at UNK, UNL, or UNO);
  • Violation of the scholarship award terms;
  • Serious misconduct in a public or private sphere including, but not limited to:
    • Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor
    • Hate speech and/or racist or other discriminatory comments or acts
  • More than 50% of your classes during a term are taken as pass/no pass without Foundation approval;
  • Failure to inform the Foundation of changes in enrollment status or personal contact information;
  • Insufficient financial need at the time of initial enrollment;
  • Failure to meet the terms of any scholarship priority period; or
  • Any other factor that we, in our sole discretion, believe warrants revocation.

When considering whether misconduct may warrant removal of a scholarship, the Foundation will take into account any public or private action including, but not limited to, verbal, written, or electronic communication, such as, social media, group chats, texts, emails, etc.

If you are removed from scholarship, you will receive an email from the Foundation. If you would like to appeal the removal decision, you will have 5 business days to submit an appeal letter to scholarships@stbfoundation.org. The Scholarship Committee will review your appeal and a final decision will be sent via email.

Other Scholarships

Please note, you may not accept both the Buffett Scholarship and the following: Scott Career Pathway Scholarship at CCC, MCC, NECC, and SCC, Goodrich Scholarship at UNO, Avenue Scholars at MCC, Learn to Dream at SCC, NCPA at UNL, Kearney Bound at UNK, or the Peter Kiewit Foundation Engineering Academy. Additionally, you may not accept any other scholarships that conflict with the ability to complete the requirements of the Buffett Scholarship and/or Learning Community.


The Foundation assumes no liability or obligation, financial or otherwise, to any student for any injury, loss, property damage, or other claims that may arise from the student attending college, living on campus, or participating in the LC activities. By accepting the scholarship, the student releases the Foundation and waives any and all claims against the Foundation for any injury, loss, property damage, or other claims that have or may arise from the student attending college, living on campus, or participating in the LC activities.

If you have any questions about the scholarship terms, please contact the Foundation at scholarships@stbfoundation.org or 402-943-1383.

Buffett Scholarship Award Terms (2024)


How many people get the Buffett scholarship? ›

Scholarship Values

To date, almost 10,000 scholars have received the gift of this scholarship. As a Buffett Scholar, you belong to a large community of scholars who show integrity, responsibility, kindness, and respect within and outside your college campus.

How much money do you get from the Susan Buffett scholarship? ›

The maximum award each semester is $4,250. Included in this amount for all Buffett Scholarship recipients is $500 for books or supplies and up to $3,750 for tuition. Once disbursed, the funds will be used to pay any outstanding charges on your account.

How do you respond to a scholarship award? ›

What to say in a thank you letter:
  1. Use a formal salutation with appropriate titles. Do not use first names. ...
  2. Begin by introducing yourself and thanking the donor. ...
  3. Tell something about yourself. ...
  4. Explain how this scholarship will benefit you.
  5. Say “thank you” once again.
  6. Sign your letter.

What are the requirements for the Buffett scholarship? ›

You must maintain at least 9 credits per term, earn at least one credit hour each term, and you must earn at least 18 credit hours or 27 quarter hours in each academic year. Failure to meet these requirements will result in a probationary period.

What are the odds of receiving a scholarship? ›

Over 1.7 million scholarships are awarded annually. However, only 7% of college students will receive a scholarship.

How rare is it to get a scholarship? ›

Likelihood of Receiving Scholarships: Only one in eight college students receive a scholarship, and full-ride scholarships are awarded to just 0.1% of students. Average Scholarship Amounts: 97% of students who receive scholarships get $2,500 or less, with only 0.2% receiving scholarships worth $25,000 or more.

What is the most expensive scholarship in the world? ›

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship was established in 2000 after Bill and Melinda Gates gave the UK university the largest-ever single donation of its kind, in the amount of $210 million.

What is the highest paid scholarship? ›

Most Generous College Scholarships for 2024
Name of ScholarshipMaximum AwardDeadline Month
Buick Achievers Scholarship Program$100,000February
Gates Millennium ScholarsCOA - Other AidFebruary
NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program$80,000March
Davidson Fellows Scholarships$50,000February
7 more rows

What school gives the most scholarship money? ›

Most Generous Colleges and Universities for Financial Aid
  1. Yale University. Average Grant or Scholarship Aid: $63,520. ...
  2. Dartmouth College. Average Grant or Scholarship Aid: $62,290. ...
  3. Harvard University. ...
  4. Northwestern University. ...
  5. Colby College. ...
  6. Wellesley College. ...
  7. Columbia University. ...
  8. Stanford University.
May 9, 2024

How do you answer why should you be awarded this scholarship? ›

Link your passions to the scholarship

But remember to keep it related to the scholarship. For example: If you're applying for a journalism-related scholarship, explain how you became interested in journalism, and what kind of journalism you hope to pursue.

What do you say when you win a scholarship? ›

I feel honored and grateful to have been selected as a recipient of the [Name of Scholarship]. I want to thank you for your generosity in funding this scholarship. It is a great help to me financially, especially in these uncertain times.

What are good comments for a scholarship? ›

Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity. This scholarship is an amazing blessing for my family and me.” “I'm very thankful for this foundation, and I think it's absolutely wonderful how many scholarships they're able to give out.” “Getting this scholarship means the absolute world to me.”

What is the $1000 Equal Opportunity scholarship? ›

$1,000 Equal Opportunity Scholarship

This scholarship exists to support a student or non-student from any background who wants to improve their life and the lives of the people around them.

How much is the Hathaway Scholarship? ›

High School Eligibility Requirements
$1,680 Max Award Amount Per Semester$1,260 Max Award Amount Per Semester
May be used at a WY community college or at UWMay be used at a WY community college or at UW
Language Arts 4 YearsLanguage Arts 4 Years
6 more rows

Does Warren Buffett have a wife? ›

In 2006, on his 76th birthday, Buffett married his longtime companion, Astrid Menks, who was then 60 years old—she had lived with him since his wife's departure to San Francisco in 1977. Susan had arranged for the two to meet before she left Omaha to pursue her singing career.

How many people are chosen for the Coca Cola scholarship? ›

150 Coca-Cola Scholars are selected each year to receive this $20,000 scholarship.

What percentage of people get a scholarship? ›

Only 7% of college students will receive a scholarship. The U.S. Department of Education awards an estimated $46 billion in scholarship money annually. On average, first-time undergraduates who receive government grants and scholarships at a 4-year college receive about $13,690 annually.

How many people actually win scholarships? ›

How many people actually get scholarships? Each year, more than 1.7 million scholarships are given to students. That's right, over a million chances to make college more affordable. Even with these big numbers, only one in eight college students actually gets a scholarship.

How many people get accepted into the Gates Scholarship? ›

Each year, the 300 Gates Scholarship winners receive an award to cover the total cost of college, minus financial aid, other scholarships for college, and the expected family contribution.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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