Business Correspondence: Meaning & Types of Business Correspondence (2024)

Business Correspondence

The most convenient way to reach out to people is by sending messages through texts or letters. These are a few types of correspondence used in business. We call this as the business correspondence. Let us get ourselves familiar with business correspondence.

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Suppose you are given a course project at your college. There are six people in each respective group. Suppose you and your five other friends decided to go for a topic. How will you contact them? Is it always possible to meet them? Is it always possible to talk to them?

Suppose you want to ask something to your professor. Suppose he is not in the town that time. How will you clear your doubt? Will you wait for him to return? No! You can reach to them by texting them or writing emails.

Business Correspondence

Just as we express our views, opinions, thoughts, and idea through writing. Business persons also feel the need of expressing themselves. It is not always possible for them to remember each and every detail in the business.

They use the simplest way of expressing i.e., written correspondence. A written correspondence in the business world is the business correspondence.

Meaning of Business Correspondence

Any communication in the form of the letter is correspondence. Any person related to a business expresses oneself though business correspondence. One can also ask any doubt or uncertainty through business correspondence.

A businessman writes and receives letters in his day to day life. A correspondence between two organizations or within an organization comes under this category. A letter to a supplier, complaint letters, letter of inquiry, job application letters are some of its examples.

Importance of Business Correspondence

A business correspondence has numbers of importance. Its most important feature is the ease of reaching and communicating with different parties. It is not always possible to meet persons face to face.

A business correspondence helps to meet some organizational goals. One can achieve the objectives through it. Let us study some of them in details.

1. Maintaining a Proper Relationship

It is not always possible for any business or organization to reach to any person in particular. This will cost any business. Here, the business correspondence will be a rescue for any business.

It helps in maintaining the proper relationships between the parties. Business correspondence strengthens the business. It also helps in the internal communication. It makes communication within the organization more clear and precise.

2. Serves as Evidence

Any written form of communication serves as evidence. A business correspondence helps the person in a business to keep a record of all the facts. These written records will serve as evidence.

3. Create and Maintain Goodwill

It helps in creating and maintaining goodwill between a business and a customer. Any letter to enquire, complaint, suggestion or feedbacks helps a company to grow and maintain goodwill.

4. Inexpensive and Convenient

It is a cheap and convenient form of business communication.

5. Formal Communication

A business communication serves as a formal communication between two persons. It may be a seller and a buyer. It can be between an employee and the employer. The language used is formal and logical.

It helps in removing the ambiguity and the doubts of the person involved in the business. The formal communication in business is followed and acceptable.

6. Helps in the Expansion of Business

A business correspondence helps a business to achieve the set goal. It also ensures the expansion of a business. With no waste of time and proper utilization of manpower and resources, a business can expand.

Any information regarding some resources or any product or market can be easily done. Even the news of the expansion of business can be spread by it.

Types of Business Correspondence

A correspondence is of many types. Let us get ourselves familiar with some of them.

1. Internal Correspondence

It refers to the correspondence between the individuals, departments, or branches of the same organization.

2. External Correspondence

It refers to the correspondence between two individuals. These are not of the same organization. Any correspondence outside the organization is external correspondence. Customer and suppliers, banks, educational institutions, government departments come under this category.

3. Routine Correspondence

It refers to the correspondence on routine manners. A correspondence made for inquiries, orders, replies, acknowledgments, invitation, and appointment letters are routine correspondence.

4. Sales Correspondence

It refers to the correspondence related to the sale. Sales letters, sales reports, invoice, and confirmation of orders are sale correspondence. Delivery letters, statement of accounts etc. are also some of its examples.

5. Personalized Correspondence

It refers to the correspondence based on emotional factors. Letters of the request, recommendation, and congratulations are personalized correspondence. Letter of introduction, granting and the refusal of terms are some of its examples.

6. Circulars

It refers to the communication of common matter to a large number of persons or firms. Circulars, notices of tenders, change of address, an opening of the new branch come under this category. An introduction of new products is also its example.

Business Correspondence: Meaning & Types of Business Correspondence (10)

Solved Example onBusiness Correspondence

Which of the followings are not a business correspondence? Why?

  • Emails
  • Memos
  • Written communication
  • Telephonic Conversation
  • Face to face communication

Solution: Telephonic conversation and face to face communication. A correspondence is a written communication between persons. Any oral communication is not a business correspondence.

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Business Correspondence: Meaning & Types of Business Correspondence (2024)


Business Correspondence: Meaning & Types of Business Correspondence? ›

Meaning of Business Correspondence

What is the meaning of business correspondence? ›

Business correspondence means the exchange of information in a written format for the process of business activities. Business correspondence can take place between organizations, within organizations or between the customers and the organization. The correspondence refers to the written communication between persons.

What is a business correspondence example? ›

'Business Correspondence' may mean anything from a sales letter or letter sent from one business person to another, to an employee's letter sent from a workplace back to a company, or a personal letter sent to a business.

What is correspondence and its types? ›

Correspondence is the most important channel through which Business Communication and Official Communication takes place in any written or digital form between two or more parties. It may be in the form of letters, memos, e-mail messages, text messages, fax messages, voicemails, notes etc.

What are the three types of business correspondence apex? ›

Final answer:

The three types of business correspondence are business letters, memos, and e-mails.

What are some common types of business correspondence? ›

There are different kinds of business correspondence that are typically used in organizations. The 5 most common types of business correspondence include internal correspondence, external correspondence, sales correspondence, personalized correspondence, and circulars.

What is important in business correspondence? ›

The message or body of the document is the most important component of business correspondence. Other components include the document's date and the sender and receiver's identifying information. Typically, this identifying information includes name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address.

How do I start a business correspondence? ›

An opening salutation: Begin your letter with a formal salutation like “Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name].” If you're not sure who exactly will be on the other end of your letter, use the salutation “To Whom It May Concern.”

What are the principles of business correspondence? ›

To be effective, it should be governed by certain basic principles of correspondence. The basic principles of business letter are: clarity and coherence, consideration, brevity, courtesy and friendliness, conciseness, correctness, completeness, originality, neatness and effectiveness.

What is the standard business correspondence? ›

Most business letters must include a return address (letterhead or your name and address), date, an inside address (receiver's name and address), a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing.

What is the main purpose of correspondence? ›

The main purpose of correspondence is to facilitate effective communication, maintain relationships, and serve as a record of information exchange. What are the basic principles of correspondence? The basic principles of correspondence include clarity, conciseness, and proper formatting for effective communication.

What is correspondence in your own words? ›

Correspondence is a body of letters or communications. If you've ever had a pen pal or an email buddy, you've written plenty of correspondence. Besides referring to that stack of love letters you've bound up with ribbon, correspondence has a couple of other meanings, too.

Is a phone call considered correspondence? ›

The act of communicating verbal messages, whether on a telephone call or a voicemail system, is a form of correspondence that relies on audible exchange. Telephone calls remain a standard method of correspondence in business, although text messaging is gaining popularity.

What is business correspondence with an example? ›

Meaning of Business Correspondence

A businessman writes and receives letters in his day to day life. A correspondence between two organizations or within an organization comes under this category. A letter to a supplier, complaint letters, letter of inquiry, job application letters are some of its examples.

What are the 5 C's of business correspondence? ›

For effective communication, remember the 5 C's of communication: clear, cohesive, complete, concise, and concrete. Be Clear about your message, be Cohesive by staying on-topic, Complete your idea with supporting content, be Concise by eliminating unnecessary words, be Concrete by using precise words.

What are the 7 C's of business correspondence? ›

The 7 Cs stand for: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous. Though there are a few variations. You can use the 7 Cs as a checklist in your written and spoken messages.

What is an example of correspondence? ›

Examples of correspondence in a Sentence

E-mail correspondence has become extremely important for modern businesses. The two men began a correspondence that would continue throughout their lives. A book of the author's personal correspondence was published early last year.

What is another term for business correspondence? ›

75 other terms for business correspondence. commercial correspondence. business letter. business letters. memo.

What is a business correspondent? ›

Business Correspondent is an extended arm of the Bank Branch who is providing Financial and Banking services to the customers in unbanked and underbanked areas.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.