Buyer accountability (2024)

Protecting the Seller's Reputation
Buyer accountability (1)

Sellers aren't able to leave negative or neutral Feedback for buyers. That means sellers need other tools that will protect them against unfair treatment from buyers and bring those buyers to eBay's attention.

Here are some ways sellers and eBay are working together to protect sellers' reputations and promote a fair marketplace:

  • Sellers can add buyer requirements to their listings to prevent unwanted bidders
    You can block buyers with too many policy violations, unpaid items, or who aren't registered with PayPal. This can help you dramatically reduce your number of unpaid items. To access this tool, go to My eBay > Account > Site Preferences > Buyer requirements.
  • Sellers can require buyers to pay right away
    If you use Buy It Now, you can require buyers to pay you immediately using PayPal.
  • Sellers have an easy way to report problems with buyers
    Sellers can use the seller reporting hub to report an unpaid item, Feedback extortion, or any other problem with a buyer. eBay investigates all reports and will remove any negative or neutral Feedback that's in violation of eBay policy.
  • We provide enhanced Feedback protection for unpaid items
    In addition to removing Feedback left by buyers who don't respond to an unpaid item report, we also remove negative and neutral Feedback when there is a response but it's clear that the buyer didn't intend to complete the transaction (for example, if they bought the item elsewhere or had a family emergency).
  • We proactively look for Feedback abuse and take action against it
    For example, eBay investigates buyers who leave positive Feedback but low Detailed Seller Ratings.
  • We remove Feedback from suspended buyers
    Buyers who are suspended for Unpaid Items or other policy violations aren't allowed to leave negative or neutral Feedback. We remove all neutral or negative Feedback left by suspended buyers so it won't negatively affect sellers' reputations.
  • We educate buyers
    For example, if there are problems with a purchase, we ask the buyer to contact the seller directly to try to work things out before leaving Feedback.
Buyer accountability (4)Buyer accountability (5) Read a note from eBay's founder, Pierre Omidyar, outlining the philosophy, values, and benefits of the Feedback Forum.
Buyer accountability (2024)


What are the 3 types of objection? ›

Types of Objections
  • Product objection.
  • Source objection.
  • Price objection.
  • Money objection.
  • “I'm already satisfied” objection.
  • “I have to think about it” objection.

What are the 5 common customer objections? ›

5 Common Sales Objections and How to Handle Them
  • Objection 1: "We're Good. We already have someone and they're doing a good job." ...
  • OBJECTION 2: "Your price is too high." ...
  • OBJECTION 3: "You're all the same. ...
  • OBJECTION 4: "Just send me info and I'll get back to you." ...
  • OBJECTION 5: "This isn't a priority right now."

What are the 4 types of questioning techniques in sales? ›

Solution- and Feeling-Based Questions. Needs-Based Questions. Feature-Benefit Questions. Objection-Testing Questions.

What are the 4 types of objections? ›

This is unfortunate because nearly all sales objections come down to one of these four things: need, urgency, trust and money.
  • Lack Of Need. A client must need what you're selling. ...
  • Lack Of Urgency. You've built the relationship, money isn't an issue and the client believes you can help. ...
  • Lack of Trust. ...
  • Lack Of Money.
Dec 22, 2021

What are the four 4 most common objections? ›

Objections tend to fall in four common categories, regardless of the product or service you sell:
  • Objection #1: The price is out of my range. ...
  • Objection #2: I'll get back to you. ...
  • Objection #3: I don't think your company is the right fit for us. ...
  • Objection #4: I like your offer, but I don't need it right now.
Feb 1, 2021

What are the 3 A's to overcome customer objections? ›

How To Handle Objections: The 3A Formula
  • ACKNOWLEDGE the objection.
  • ADDRESS the objection.
  • ASK for the sale again.
Aug 4, 2009

What are the 4 P's of objections in sales? ›

Personalization, Perceived Value, Performance Value, and Proof are the 4 Ps of handling objections.

What are the 4 keys to handling objections? ›

What is the four-step method for handling objections? To handle sales objections, follow these four steps: encourage and question, confirm understanding, address the concern, and check.

What are the 4 ways to handle objections? ›

  • Listen Fully to the Objection. Your first reaction when you hear an objection may be to jump right in and respond immediately. ...
  • Understand the Objection Completely. Many objections hide underlying issues that the buyer can't or isn't ready to articulate. ...
  • Respond Properly. ...
  • Confirm You've Satisfied the Objection.

What is the rule of 3 questioning technique? ›

Put simply, the three question rule is this: when you start a conversation with someone, ask a question, listen to the person's response, and then follow up with two more questions in the same way. Easy right?

What is 3 deep questioning strategy? ›

The 3-deep questioning strategy teaches reps to ask strategic, open-ended questions and then dig deeper by following-up on those answers with additional questions.

What is the Ted question technique? ›

'TED' stands for 'Tell, Explain, Describe' and this technique is often used in conjunction with a probing question. Some examples might include: Tell me the impact this accident has had on your daily life. Explain to me how hard it was to go back to work after the lockdown restrictions were lifted.

What is a 3 step approach to handle objections? ›

The Objection Handling Process: 3 Steps to “Yes”

(Really) Listen to the Issue. Repeat the Issue Back Clearly. (Option 1) Solve the Issue. Confirm the Issue Is Solved.

What is the most common objection in sales? ›

Price is the most common type of sales objection. Prospects who have every intention of buying will still object to the price and say it's too expensive, or hint that they'd like it for less.

What is the 4 step objection process? ›

Four Steps in Objection Handling Training
  1. Step 1: Clarify. The first, and by far the most important, step is to clarify the objection. ...
  2. Step 2: Acknowledge. Acknowledging another person's objection means it's time for you to confirm your understanding of the person's concern. ...
  3. Step 3: Respond. ...
  4. Step 4: Confirm.
Jan 24, 2019

What is lack of need in sales? ›

Lack of need

This might seem like a sales objection on the surface, but in reality, it's an opportunity! When a prospect gives this objection they are either too busy to hear your pitch or they can't see how your product or service can help them. Overcoming this objection will require you to qualify the prospect.

How do you respond to price is too high? ›

How to Respond Directly to a Price Objection
  1. “This is a great deal, I can reassure you.”
  2. “Our offer is more than competitive. ...
  3. “Hmm, I may have missed explaining something correctly. ...
  4. “Some of our best customers initially thought the same thing, however…”
  5. “Let me just list off what's included with our offer here.”
Jan 26, 2021

What are the 3 F's in customer service? ›

What is the 3 F's method in customer service? The "Feel, Felt, Found" approach is believed to have originated in the sales industry, where it is used to connect with customers, build rapport, and overcome objections.

What are some good rebuttals? ›

  • “I understand, (name). ...
  • “(name), I completely understand why you wouldn't be interested; you sound like you're quite busy today. ...
  • “That's great to hear! ...
  • “That's great – they're definitely a top-rated company in this space. ...
  • “I understand where you're coming from, (name). ...
  • “I'm glad you mentioned that, (name).
Dec 15, 2021

What are the 7 different ways to handle objections? ›

7 Tips for Effective Objection Handling
  • Be an active listener. ...
  • Mirror the prospect's objection. ...
  • Identify the true objection. ...
  • Use empathy to validate the prospect's concerns. ...
  • Reframe price objections. ...
  • Use evidence to alleviate the prospect's concerns. ...
  • Follow up with open-ended questions.
Jun 7, 2021

What are the 4 C's vs the 4 Ps? ›

The 4Ps of product, price, place, and promotion refer to the products your company is offering and how to get them into the hands of the consumer. The 4Cs refer to stakeholders, costs, communication, and distribution channels which are all different aspects of how your company functions.

What is Boomerang method? ›

hurling a buyer's objection back as a reason for buying. If, for example, a buyer objects that he or she cannot afford the item, a salesperson might answer, 'Yes, but can you afford not to buy it?'; sometimes referred to as the Translation Method. See: Objections.

What are rejection words in sales? ›

Negative words to avoid in sales
  • No.
  • You're wrong.
  • I don't understand what you're saying.
  • That doesn't make sense.
  • That isn't right.
Jan 7, 2021

How do you overcome the 7 most common sales objections? ›

Here are some helpful strategies for overcoming objections.
  1. Practice active listening. ...
  2. Repeat back what you hear. ...
  3. Validate your prospect's concerns. ...
  4. Ask follow-up questions. ...
  5. Leverage social proof. ...
  6. Set a specific date and time to follow up. ...
  7. Anticipate sales objections.
Dec 7, 2022

How do you convince a customer not interested? ›

Express your empathy to overcome the “I'm not interested” objection and connect with your lead in a new way. How do you do that? Validate their concerns, humanize the call, and let them know you understand how they feel. Ask about their challenges.

How do you know when a buyer is ready to buy? ›

If the customer is ready to buy, they will let you know. Here are some buying signals that indicate the customer is ready to move forward. Nodding their head. When the customer continually nods their head up and down, they are non-verbally saying “Yes, I would like to buy.” This is the classic non-verbal buying signal.

What are methods salespeople use to handle objections? ›

Ask, don't tell

An objection can be a good opportunity to give your prospect more product information. Ask them different questions to determine their concerns. While questioning, try to be inquisitive and calm. Once you understand the cause of the objection, try to handle it to your prospect's satisfaction.

How do you close a sale every time? ›

How to Close a Sale
  1. Identify customer needs. ...
  2. Find the decision-maker. ...
  3. Initiate a conversation. ...
  4. Explain your product's benefits. ...
  5. Create a sense of urgency. ...
  6. Anticipate and prepare to address objections. ...
  7. Now or Never Closes. ...
  8. Summary Closes.
May 4, 2023

What is the most effective questioning strategy? ›

Use a wide variety of questions.

It is best to begin a discussion by asking divergent questions, and moving to convergent questions as the goal is approached. Questions should be asked that require a broad range of intellectual (higher and lower order) thinking skills.

What is the funnel technique questions? ›

Funnel Questions

This technique involves starting with general questions, and then drilling down to a more specific point in each. Usually, this will involve asking for more and more detail at each level.

What are reverse questions? ›

Reverse questions are questions that are used as a response to a direct question from a participant or the group. Instead of answering the question, you reverse the same back to the person who asked it.

What are the 4 Qar strategy questions? ›

QAR provides four levels of questions – Right There, Think and Search, The Author and You, and On Your Own – to indicate how the question is related to the text.

What are 4 higher order thinking questions? ›

What are the advantages and disadvantages of _________? What can you infer _________? What can you point out about _________? What evidence in the text can you find that _________?

What are the 4 levels of questions? ›

  • Four Levels of Questions.
  • Take a concept and insert it into these questions. ...
  • Level 1: Summary / Definition / Fact Questions.
  • Level 2: Analysis / Interpretation Questions.
  • Level 3: Hypothesis / Prediction Questions.
  • Level 4: Critical Analysis / Evaluation / Opinion Questions.
  • Improve your writing and study skills! ...
  • References.
Aug 25, 2022

What are the 7 steps to write a TED talk? ›

Though these steps are in no way comprehensive, they contain some guiding principles that have been known to work.
  • Step 1: Get familiar with the form »
  • Step 2: Develop an idea »
  • Step 3: Make an outline and script »
  • Step 4: Create slides »
  • Step 5: Rehearse »
  • Step 6: Give your talk »
  • Step 7: Savor the glory »

What is the TED rule? ›

Turtle excluder devices (TED) have been required in the United States beginning in 1987. The southeastern shrimp fisheries—which once faced severe restrictions and closures to protect endangered sea turtles—have continued to operate while saving the lives of sea turtles by using TEDs.

What are the 3 F's in sales? ›

What Is The 3 F's Method? The 3 F's method works is a step by step system that that you can inwardly refer to, when handling sales objections. It refers, to feel, felt and found.

What are the 5 steps to overcome objections? ›

In this post:
  • Empathise with your prospect.
  • Understand their objections.
  • Prepare your own rebuttals.
  • Provide examples of your success.
  • Circle back and confirm.
  • Responding to objections promptly and effectively.
Jul 15, 2020

How do you handle objections and conflicts? ›

Even if those objections cannot change decisions, it's essential to listen to them.
  1. #1: Understand What the Other Person Is Saying. ...
  2. #2: Ask Members to Share Their Thoughts with You Later. ...
  3. #3: Take a Break. ...
  4. #4: Focus on the Solution. ...
  5. #5: Keep Communication Open.
Jan 30, 2020

Why do buyers raise objections? ›

The best sales training programs instruct sales managers that most objections are caused by one of the following: The customer does not believe your solution provides enough value. The customer is reluctant to make a change. The customer has a need that doesn't align with your solution.

What's the root cause of most objections? ›

Objections to terms typically stem from mistrust. There are always companies that have been burned by a vendor that does something similar to you. Your company is usually not the first solution they've tried, and if they're trying you it's probably because they didn't have a good experience with someone else.

What is the best rebuttal for I'm too busy? ›

Yes, you do sound busy. O.K., would you like me to call you back in an hour or later this afternoon?” “O.K., no problem. Let me see….

What encourages customers to buy? ›

If you're wondering how to encourage impulse buying, pop-up incentives are a great way to capture a visitor's attention. When the user visits your website, provide a banner or pop-up offering perks like free shipping or a percentage off their first order.

What is the most common objection? ›

Price objections are the most common type of objection and are even voiced by prospects who have every intention of buying.

What are common objections in court? ›

Some common objections include:
  • Irrelevant. ...
  • The witness is incompetent.
  • Violation of the best evidence rule.
  • Violation of the hearsay rule.
  • Speculative. ...
  • Leading. ...
  • Violation of the parol evidence rule.
  • Repetitive.

What is a strong objection? ›

meanings of strong and objection

the act of expressing or feeling opposition to or dislike of something ...

What is a reasonable objection? ›

A reasonable objection to a state of affairs is to object to or refuse to agree to carry out a particular task under instructions or an order – and having valid reasons for doing so. For example, a person may object to being ordered to fight for their country on the grounds of being a pacifist.

What is a leading question objection? ›

Leading question

If the other party poses a question on direct examination that leads the witness to a certain answer, then you can object to the question as leading. This is usually the case with “yes” or “no” questions.

What are the 4 C of overcoming objections? ›

To handle sales objections, follow these four steps: encourage and question, confirm understanding, address the concern, and check.

What is the best evidence objection? ›

The best evidence rule applies when a party wants to admit the contents of a writing, recording, or photograph at a trial, but that the original is not available. In the event that the original is unavailable, the party must provide a valid reason why.

What is the best evidence rule? ›

The best evidence rule is a legal principle that holds an original copy of a document as superior evidence. The rule specifies that secondary evidence, such as a copy or facsimile, will be not admissible if an original document exists and can be obtained.

What are two ways the judge can rule on objections? ›

A judge can rule one of two ways: she can either "overrule" the objection or "sustain" it. When an objection is overruled it means that the evidence is properly admitted to the court, and the trial can proceed.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 5939

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.