California Charter Schools | Charter Alliance - National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (2024)

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Did you know?

The first public charter school opened in 1992, only one year after the enactment of the 1991 Omnibus K-12 Education Finance Bill.

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# Physical Locations# Virtual Locations

Searching....California Charter Schools | Charter Alliance - National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (1)

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Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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' +[i]["address"] + '

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' +[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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' +[i]["address"] + '

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Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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' +[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' +[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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' +[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' +[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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' +[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' +[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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' +[i]["address"] + '

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' +[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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' +[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' +[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

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' +[i]["address"] + '

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' +[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' +[i]["address"] + '

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' +[i]["post_title"] + '

Grades ' +[i]["grade_range"] + '

' + '

' +[i]["address"] + '

' + 'Visit School Website' + '

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' + school_data[j]["address"] + '

');} } } else { alert("0 School in the area. Please modify your search..."); jQuery('.msg_box').removeClass('data-added').html('

Did you know?

The first public charter school opened in 1992, only one year after the enactment of the 1991 Omnibus K-12 Education Finance Bill.

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California Charter Schools | Charter Alliance - National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (2024)


What is the difference between a charter school and a public school in California? ›

A charter school is a public school that may provide instruction in any combination of grades (transitional kindergarten through grade twelve). Parents, teachers, or community members may initiate a charter petition, which is typically presented to and approved by a local school district governing board.

Who regulates charter schools in California? ›

Who regulates charter schools in California? While charter schools can be initiated by parents, teachers, or community members, they are approved by local school boards, county boards of education, and the state board of education. So charter schools still have to conform to state educational standards and regulations.

Who pays for charter schools in California? ›

In California, charter schools are funded through state aid and local funds, which have evolved to adapt to changing educational needs.

Who is the CEO of Napcs? ›

Nina Rees, president and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, emphasizes that she has "always thought of [charter schools] as laboratories of innovation with the hopes of replicating those innovations in district-run schools."

What are the disadvantages of charter schools? ›

Charter schools are less transparent than public schools and often take advantage of looser regulations when it comes to accountability. The public is unable to effectively monitor the performance of charter schools in their community because charter school boards can meet as infrequently as they like.

Do charter schools in California require vaccinations? ›


Vaccine and dental records are requested, yet exemptions are allowed and honored. In addition, families receive funding for their child to pay for the curriculum and activities the child will participate in.

What challenges do charter schools face? ›

These various guidelines are mandatory, which means schools unable to abide by set standards can risk facing fines and even a forced shutdown. While charter schools have more independence compared to traditional public schools, they still need to comply with various federal, state, and local regulations.

Who authorizes charter schools in California? ›

Currently, any California district can authorize charter schools. All state-chartered schools in California are authorized by the state's public education authority and serve as their own Local Education Agency (LEA).

Do California charter schools have to follow state standards? ›

A: Charter schools are generally exempt from California State laws governing school districts, except where specifically imposed by California Education Code (EC) Section 47610. Some of the laws with which charter schools must comply are: State and federal constitutions.

What is the difference between public, private, and charter? ›

Charter schools are open to the public. They are funded by federal and state governments, so they are operated independently of local school districts and are free to attend. Private schools, on the other hand, are funded by private organizations or individuals and don't receive government funding.

How many charter schools are there in California? ›

Chartering Authorities

Charter schools account for 1,334 of the state's public schools, which operate with more autonomy than district schools.

Who governs private schools in California? ›

In California, no state agency licenses, regulates, or oversees private schools, except for NPS as described in #10, above.

What is a charter charter? ›

: a grant or guarantee of rights, powers, or privileges from an authority or agency of a state or country. a state bank charter. compare constitution. b. : a written instrument that creates and defines the powers and privileges of a city, educational institution, or corporation compare articles of incorporation.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.