Can you lose more money than you invest in the stock market? (2024)

Investing can be a scary prospect, especially if you don’t know much abouthowit works or what the risks are. A common question we hear is, can you lose more money than you invest? The simplest answer isthat itdependson how you’re investing.But this requires a bit more explanation.

Can you lose more money than you invest?
If you’re investing with Wealthify, then you will neverlose moremoneythan you put in. However,there are severaladvancedwaysof investing whereyou couldlose more money than you invest. But for most investors, themost your account willfalltois zero, which means thatyoucouldonly ever lose what you put in.So, for example, if you bought a share in a company for £10 and that company goes bankrupt, that share may then be worth £0,and you’ll have lost £10. This is just one of the many reasons whyWealthify includedadiversemix of investments in your plan, to help spread the risk and reduce the chance of you losing all your money due to one poor investment.

Ways you can lose more money than you invest
That said,professional investors useseveral advanced techniques,whichcould losemore money than you invest.

Short sale

For example, if you were using a ‘short sale’ which is where the seller borrows the stock (or the money to buy it) from a broker-dealer who has a sell order, which is an obligation to buy the stock back in the future. With short sales, you don’t put up all the money, just a portion of it – so you may put forward £2 for a £10 share for example. The aim with this technique is to hope that the price of a stock will fall, butif this doesn’t happen andthe pricerises then you could lose more money than you initially invested as you’d have to return the shares or the money borrowed.

This can be a bit complicated,buta typicalexample would look like this. You choose to short 100 shares at £10 – giving you £1,000 worth of shares, which isalsothe maximum profit you can make.Shorting thenmeansthat in the futureyou’d owe the lender 100 shares, soifthe price of each share fellfrom £10to £1,then you’d owe the lender 100 shares,onlycostingyou £100 andgiving youa £900 profit.

But if the price of those shares increased, you could see significant and potentially uncapped losses. These can be calculated by subtracting the price at which you sold your shares short at from the price they’re currently at and multiplying by the number of shares you have sold. For example, if the price of shares doubled you would lose £2,000 as (£20-£10)*100 = £2,000. And the more the price of the shares goes up, the larger your losses would be.

Leveraged investment

Using leverage is another technique that professional investors may use to provide greater potential for profit.It can also result in greater losses, although typically not more than you put in. In essence, leveraging allows you to use borrowed money to invest a greater amount and therefore amplify your results. As you can increase the total value of what you own, a larger gain will improve your input, but a decrease in value would result in greater loss.

So, for example, an investor may put in £500,000 and borrow £1,000,000 to purchase £1,500,000 worth of investments – that could be land, shares, gold, etc. Then, let’s say that the repayments on this loan are £50,000 and are due at the start of each year. If after one year the value of the investments increased by 20%, it could be sold at £1,800,000 – after settling the debt plus interest of £1,050,000,the profit would be £250,000 – which works out as a45% gain on the £550,000the investor paid.

However, had the investment lost money and sold for 20% less at £1,200,000minus the £1,050,000 loan with interest, theinvestor’sloss would be £350,000.This would be justshyof a 64% loss on the £550,000 paid by the investor.

There are many regulations in place to prevent frivolous lending or borrowing at significantly smaller amounts to lending. Thisaimsto prevent investorsfromlosing more than theyput in.However,as the markets aren’t certain, thisdoes have the potential tohappen,and it could result in large repayments being required.

Can you lose more money than you invest in shares?
If you’re using yourownmoney to invest in shares, without using any advanced techniques to trade, then the answer is no. You won’t lose more money than you invest, even if you only invest in one company and it goes bankrupt and stops trading. This is because the value of a share will only drop to zero, the price of a stock will not go into the negative.

Because the price of shares is determined by supply and demand – the number of people wanting to buy against those looking to sellif nobody is looking to buy then the stock becomes worthless. Investors aren’t likely to pay other people to take the stocks off them. They’ll simply cut their losses.

That said, if you invest all your money into a single place and the value of that investment falls to zero,thenyou can lose all your money when investing.

Ways that couldprotect your money when investing
There are many risks to be aware of when you’re investing, but we aren’t saying that to scare you off, we’re saying it to help you take the right actions to avoid these errors.When planning to invest, there are a number of things that you could do,which can help reduce your risk of losing all your money through poorly made investments.

  • Consider diversifyingyour investmentsdon’t put all your eggs in one basketis a phrase that’s beenused for centuries, and it applies to investing perfectly. Instead of banking on one investment to pay off and risking everything if it doesn’t,considerspreadingyour money aroundbychoosinga range of different investment types from all over the world. This way, if one underperforms,it is likely to be balanced by one that overperforms during the same period.
  • Think about investingfor the long termWhilesome people might findday tradingattractive,investing for the long term could help you ride out anymarket dips and see your investments flourish.The numbers show that if you invested in line with the FTSE100 for any ten years between 1986 and December 2019, you’d have had an 89% chance of making a gain![1]
  • Consider how much you invest– theres a risk with investingthat yourmoney could reduce in value. Because of this, you may want tothink abouthow much you invest to avoid over-stretching yourself on investments that you can’t afford.This will be different from person to person, and it’s all about balancing how much risk you’re willing to takeagainstthe level ofpotentialreward.
  • Trust the expertsinvesting doesn’t have to be difficult, withrobo-investors like Wealthify, you can let the experts do the research, buy and sell on your behalf, andcarefully look after your investment plans. While it doesn’t guarantee you won’t lose money, it does mean you’ll have a team of experts carefully calculating the best choicesbased on plenty of research and data.
  1. Data from Bloomberg

Please remember that past performance is not a reliable indicator of your future results.

With investing, your capital is at risk, so the value of your investments can go down as well as up, which means you could get back less than you initially invested.

Can you lose more money than you invest in the stock market? (2024)


Can you lose more money than you invest in the stock market? ›

You won't lose more money than you invest, even if you only invest in one company and it goes bankrupt and stops trading. This is because the value of a share will only drop to zero, the price of a stock will not go into the negative.

Can you lose more money than you invest in Robinhood? ›

You can lose more money than you deposit. You will be responsible for any deficit if falling prices reduce the value of your securities below the margin maintenance requirement, and you may have to deposit additional funds to your brokerage account on short notice to cover market losses.

Can you lose more than 100 percent on stocks? ›

If you do not use borrowed money, you will never owe money with your stock investments. Stocks can only drop to $0.00 per share, meaning you can lose 100% of your investment but not more than that, seeing as the stock cannot be of negative value.

Can you lose more money than you invest in crypto? ›

Can You Lose More Than You Put In? We've established that the value of crypto can never fall below zero. But investors can lose money on crypto investments and see a negative balance depending on their investing strategy.

What happens if you buy a stock and it goes negative? ›

The value of the stock itself can't go negative. It can only become zero is the company goes bankrupt. The only case when you can see negative result is if you bought the stock and the price declined.

What happens if you lose more than you invest? ›

If an account loses too much money due to underperforming investments, the broker will issue a margin call, demanding that you deposit more funds or sell off some or all of the holdings in your account to pay down the margin loan.

Can I lose more than I invest in options? ›

Like other securities including stocks, bonds and mutual funds, options carry no guarantees. Be aware that it's possible to lose the entire principal invested, and sometimes more. As an options holder, you risk the entire amount of the premium you pay.

What is the max loss allowed on stocks? ›

You can then deduct $3,000 of your losses against your income each year, although the limit is $1,500 if you're married and filing separate tax returns. If your capital losses are even greater than the $3,000 limit, you can claim the additional losses in the future.

Why do 90% of people lose money in the stock market? ›

One of the biggest reasons traders lose money is a lack of knowledge and education. Many people are drawn to trading because they believe it's a way to make quick money without investing much time or effort. However, this is a dangerous misconception that often leads to losses.

How much of a loss can you take on stocks? ›

If your net losses in your taxable investment accounts exceed your net gains for the year, you will have no reportable income from your security sales. You may then write off up to $3,000 worth of net losses against other forms of income such as wages or taxable dividends and interest for the year.

Will I owe money if Bitcoin crashes? ›

What happens if your crypto balance goes negative? If your crypto balance goes negative, you must pay back the amount owed.

Who lost the most money in Bitcoin? ›

Binance founder and CEO Changpeng Zhao (commonly known as CZ) was the crypto billionaire who lost the most money following the crypto crisis of 2022, with a net worth drop amounting to 82 billion U.S. dollars.

Can I go into debt from stocks? ›

So can you owe money on stocks? Yes, if you use leverage by borrowing money from your broker with a margin account, then you can end up owing more than the stock is worth.

Do I owe money if crypto goes negative? ›

If your crypto balance goes negative, you must pay back the amount owed.

Do stocks ever go to zero? ›

The bottom line. The price of any stock can fall rapidly and even plummet to zero, usually when a company goes bankrupt. Whether this proves positive or negative depends on the position an investor holds. An investor in a long position can lose everything, while someone holding a short position can benefit greatly.

Can stock market go to zero? ›

If a stock falls to or close to zero, it means that the company is effectively bankrupt and has no value to shareholders. “A company typically goes to zero when it becomes bankrupt or is technically insolvent, such as Silicon Valley Bank,” says Darren Sissons, partner and portfolio manager at Campbell, Lee & Ross.

How do I not lose all my money investing? ›

Don't sell your investments, and don't worry about trying to time the market. Simply hold onto your stocks and ride out the storm. The reason this strategy works is that you don't technically lose any money unless you sell. Your portfolio might lose value, but losing value is different than losing money.

What happens if my stock goes to zero? ›

If a stock falls to or close to zero, it means that the company is effectively bankrupt and has no value to shareholders. “A company typically goes to zero when it becomes bankrupt or is technically insolvent, such as Silicon Valley Bank,” says Darren Sissons, partner and portfolio manager at Campbell, Lee & Ross.

What stocks will boom in 2023? ›

10 Best Growth Stocks Of June 2023
  • Bank of America's Best Growth Stocks of 2023.
  • Amazon (AMZN)
  • Constellation Energy (CEG)
  • Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG)
  • Alphabet (GOOG, GOOGL)
  • Eli Lilly (LLY)
  • Match (MTCH)
  • Progressive (PGR)
Jun 1, 2023

Who gets the money you lose in the stock market? ›

Key Takeaways. When a stock tumbles and an investor loses money, the money doesn't get redistributed to someone else. Drops in account value reflect dwindling investor interest and a change in investor perception of the stock.

Why do people lose so much money on options? ›

Traders lose money because they try to hold the option too close to expiry. Normally, you will find that the loss of time value becomes very rapid when the date of expiry is approaching. Hence if you are getting a good price, it is better to exit at a profit when there is still time value left in the option.

Can you lose more money than you invest in futures? ›

The risks of futures trading: margin and leverage

But borrowing money also increases risk: If markets move against you, and do so more dramatically than you expect, you could lose more money than you invested. The CFTC warns that futures are complex, volatile, and not recommended for individual investors.

Do I have to pay taxes on stock losses? ›

Yes, but there are limits. Losses on your investments are first used to offset capital gains of the same type. So, short-term losses are first deducted against short-term gains, and long-term losses are deducted against long-term gains. Net losses of either type can then be deducted against the other kind of gain.

Do I need to report stocks on taxes if I lost money? ›

If you experienced capital gains or losses, you must report them using Form 8949 when you file taxes. Selling an asset, even at a loss, has crucial tax implications, so the IRS requires you to report it. You'll receive information about your investments from your broker or bank on Forms 1099-B or 1099-S.

Can you write off stock losses on your taxes? ›

Realized capital losses from stocks can be used to reduce your tax bill. You can use capital losses to offset capital gains during a taxable year, allowing you to remove some income from your tax return. To deduct your stock market losses, you have to fill out Form 8949 and Schedule D for your tax return.

Why 95% of traders lose money? ›

Many traders don't follow their plan due to their emotions. When their trade starts going in a negative trajectory, people will place their stop-loss lower in hope that their trade will bounce back up. Traders need to know that it takes time to estimate trades before initiating them.

How do people lose all their money in the stock market? ›

So, as the inverse, the key way to lose money in the stock market is to buy high and sell low. You can lose money this way with every type of investment known: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, options, futures, even art and collectibles. This is the most basic way that you can lose money in the stock market.

Do traders actually make money? ›

The vast majority of day traders lose money, reflecting the activity's risk. The factors that determine the potential upside of day trading include starting capital amount, strategies used, the markets in which you are active, and luck.

Can you lose more money than you spend on stocks? ›

Yes, you can lose any amount of money invested in stocks. A company can lose all its value, which will likely translate into a declining stock price. Stock prices also fluctuate depending on the supply and demand of the stock. If a stock drops to zero, you can lose all the money you've invested.

Do I get $3000 back from stock loss? ›

If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, the amount of the excess loss that you can claim to lower your income is the lesser of $3,000 ($1,500 if married filing separately) or your total net loss shown on line 16 of Schedule D (Form 1040). Claim the loss on line 7 of your Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR.

Can a stock recover from a 50% loss? ›

A stock that declines 50% must increase 100% to return to its original amount. Think about it in dollar terms: a stock that drops 50% from $10 to $5 ($5 / $10 = 50%) must rise by $5, or 100% ($5 ÷ $5 = 100%), just to return to the original $10 purchase price.

Why can't I cash out bitcoin? ›

If you've recently purchased crypto via card, ACH or Open Banking, your crypto may be subject to a holding period. During a holding period, you cannot withdraw from your cash (GBP, EUR, or USD) account, send funds to your DeFi Wallet, or send to an external wallet.

Can bitcoin ever go to zero? ›

Hypothetically speaking, at least, the value of a cryptocurrency can collapse to zero, as witnessed in the Terra Luna price crash. However, for a currency as popular and valuable as Bitcoin, the fundamental foundations are most likely strong enough to withstand most threats and extremely disastrous incidents.

Will bitcoin refund my money? ›

Bitcoin payments are irreversible

A Bitcoin transaction cannot be reversed, it can only be refunded by the person receiving the funds. This means you should take care to do business with people and organizations you know and trust, or who have an established reputation.

Who lost the most wealth in a day? ›

The world's richest person, Bernard Arnault, saw his wealth drop by more than $11 billion in a single day following a luxury company stock price bloodbath.

Who threw away Bitcoin? ›

Finding it would, of course, be a Herculean task, comparable to finding a needle in a haystack… if the haystack were a few acres in size. But there is at least one man willing to try: James Howells, a 37-year-old computer engineer. He is the unlucky fellow who, in 2013, threw away a fortune.

Who stole the Bitcoin? ›

According to Elliptic, which conducted the analysis on behalf of the Japanese newspaper, North Korea has stolen a total of $2.3 billion in cryptocurrency from businesses between 2017 and 2022.

What is the best company to invest in? ›

10 Best Stocks to Buy Now—June 2023
  • Anheuser-Busch InBev BUD.
  • Comcast CMCSA.
  • Yum China YUMC.
  • Roche Holding RHHBY.
  • Wells Fargo WFC.
  • Zimmer Biomet ZBH.
  • Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing TSM.
May 31, 2023

Is it better to invest or get out of debt? ›

Investing and paying down debt are both good uses for any spare cash you might have. Investing makes sense if you can earn more on your investments than your debts are costing you in terms of interest. Paying off high-interest debt is likely to provide a better return on your money than almost any investment.

Should I sell all my stocks to get out of debt? ›

Very rarely should you sell your investments to pay off debt. The one exception here is if you have high-interest debt (like an outstanding credit card balance), but even then there are alternatives to consider before using your investments as repayment.

Do I owe taxes on crypto? ›

The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property or a digital asset. Any time you sell or exchange crypto, it's a taxable event. This includes using crypto used to pay for goods or services. In most cases, the IRS taxes cryptocurrencies as an asset and subjects them to long-term or short-term capital gains taxes.

Do I owe taxes on crypto losses? ›

All taxable events need to be reported to the IRS. In addition, not reporting your cryptocurrency losses means that you won't be able to claim the associated tax benefits. Remember, you are required to report cryptocurrency on your tax return even if you have not received relevant 1099 forms from your exchanges.

What happens if you don't pay taxes on crypto? ›

Taxpayers are required to report all cryptocurrency transactions, including buying, selling, and trading, on their tax returns. Failure to report these transactions can result in penalties and interest.

At what point does a stock become worthless? ›

For a security to become worthless, it not only needs to have no value, but it needs to have no potential to regain value. For example, a company's stock might reduce in value to zero if the market fluctuates enough. If the company has a chance to regain ground in the market, it would not be worthless stock.

What is the most a stock has gained in one day? ›

Biggest Share Price Gain in History - Key Takeaways

The biggest rise in the stock market happened on March 15, 1933, when the Dow Jones Industrial rose by 15.34 percent in a single day.

Is everybody losing money in the stock market? ›

Is Everyone Losing Money In The Stock Market Now? No, not everyone is losing money in the stock market. However, there are a lot of people who are making money in the stock market right now. The reason is that the stock market is still an excellent place to invest your money.

What happens when stock drops below $1? ›

If a stock's share price drops below $1.00 and remains below that level for 30 days, the exchange may notify the company that it is not in compliance with listing requirements and is at risk of being delisted.

Should I hold my stocks or sell? ›

Investors might sell a stock if it's determined that other opportunities can earn a greater return. If an investor holds onto an underperforming stock or is lagging the overall market, it may be time to sell that stock and put the money to work in another investment.

What happens if you short a stock and it goes up? ›

If the stock that you sell short rises in price, the brokerage firm can implement a "margin call," which is a requirement for additional capital to maintain the required minimum investment. If you can't provide additional capital, the broker can close out the position, and you will incur a loss.

Can your account go negative on Robinhood? ›

If you're charged a fee and you don't have enough brokerage cash in your account to cover it, you may have an account deficit. Some of the most common fees that cause customers to have an account deficit are Robinhood Gold fees and fees associated with American Depositary Receipts (ADRs).

Can you loose money with Robinhood? ›

Robinhood is a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC). This means that any loss of an investor's securities (e.g., stocks and bonds) and cash held by Robinhood is protected up to $500,000 (of which up to $250,000 is for cash).

What happens when you go negative on Robinhood? ›

You will get a margin call. This means you will be forced to deposit enough cash to get to Zero within a short period. After a few days they will sell off any stock you have, even at a huge loss to recoup money you owe. If this doesn't work you go to collections like any other debt collection process.

Do I owe money if stock goes negative? ›

The price of a stock can fall to zero, but you would never lose more than you invested. Although losing your entire investment is painful, your obligation ends there. You will not owe money if a stock declines in value.

Do you have to pay if your stock goes negative? ›

That is, there's no cost to own stock with negative value, so there's simply no trading and the price goes to $0.

Why won t Robinhood let me withdraw my money? ›

Account restriction

If your Robinhood account has a restriction, you may be unable to withdraw funds. Contact us if you want help resolving the issue and removing the restriction.

How much money is it safe to use on Robinhood? ›

Robinhood Financial LLC and Robinhood Securities, LLC are both members of SIPC, which protects securities for customers of its members up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for claims for cash). Explanatory brochure available upon request or at

Can you live off day trading? ›

Key Takeaways. Trading is often viewed as a high barrier-to-entry profession, but as long as you have both ambition and patience, you can trade for a living (even with little to no money). Trading can become a full-time career opportunity, a part-time opportunity, or just a way to generate supplemental income.

Do you actually own the stock on Robinhood? ›

Do you actually own the stock on Robinhood? Investors do own the shares of stocks and ETFs purchased on the Robinhood platform. This is the same type of stock ownership you get when you purchase stocks through most other brokerage companies.

Do I lose my money if Robinhood fails? ›

The investments and cash you hold in your Robinhood brokerage account are typically covered by SIPC insurance. In the unlikely event that Robinhood files for bankruptcy, SIPC would recover up to $500,000 of the investments and cash in your brokerage account (up to $250,000 for cash only).

How much does Robinhood keep when you cash out? ›

Bank account: No fee for withdrawals. External debit card account: Withdrawals have a 1.5% fee based on the amount being transferred out. You'll see the calculated fee when you initiate the withdrawal, so you'll know the amount up front.

Is Robinhood losing popularity? ›

Over 15 million people use Robinhood as their primary trading platform. Activity has dropped on the platform since 2021.

What are the cons of Robinhood? ›

What are the disadvantages of using Robinhood? The main downside of Robinhood is that the investment selection is limited for hands-off, passive investors: The broker offers no mutual funds or index funds, which financial advisors typically suggest using as the basis of a diversified portfolio.

How to make quick money on Robinhood? ›

The fastest way to make money on Robinhood is by buying exchange-traded funds (ETFs). They give you exposure to the stock market without you having to buy an individual share. Of course, it would help if you bought an ETF that tracks the market index — for example, Vanguard's Total Stock Market Fund.

Should I use Robinhood as a savings account? ›

Is it worth it? Yes, it's worth moving your savings to Robinhood if you want to earn a decent interest rate along with other Gold perks, like Morningstar stock analyses and advanced charts. There is a caveat, however, and it has to do with the monthly subscription fee.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.