Cinder Command Line Interface (CLI) - OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide  - Version 5.0 (2024)

Cinder Command Line Interface (CLI)

Cinder Service Verification

In this section, we use the Cinder CLI to verify that the configuration presented in the section called “cinder.conf” has been properly initialized by Cinder.

vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder service-list+------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+------------------------+-----------------+| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Disabled Reason |+------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+------------------------+-----------------+| cinder-scheduler | precise64 | nova | enabled | up | 2014-05-20T17:14:12.00 | None || cinder-volume | precise64@cdot-iscsi | nova | enabled | up | 2014-05-20T17:14:10.00 | None || cinder-volume | precise64@cdot-nfs  | nova | enabled | up | 2014-05-20T17:14:11.00 | None || cinder-volume | precise64@eseries-iscsi| nova | enabled | up | 2014-05-20T17:14:06.00 | None |+------------------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------+------------------------+-----------------+ 

This is the backend defined by the configuration stanza [cdot-iscsi].

This is the backend defined by the configuration stanza [cdot-nfs].

This is the backend defined by the configuration stanza [eseries-iscsi].

Creating and Defining Cinder Volume Types

In this section, we create a variety of Cinder Volume Types that leverage both the default capabilities of each driver, as well as the NetApp specific extra specs described in Table4.8, “NetApp supported Extra Specs for use with Cinder Volume Types”.

  • The iscsi type provisions Cinder volumes onto any backend that uses the iSCSI storage protocol (in this example, that would be [cdot-iscsi] and [eseries-iscsi]).
  • The nfs type provisions Cinder volumes onto any backend that uses the NFS storage protocol (in this example, that would be [cdot-nfs]).
  • The gold type provisions Cinder volumes onto any backend that has a SnapMirror relationship (in this example, that would be [cdot-nfs], although only one of the four NFS exports defined in /etc/cinder/nfs_shares has this support).
  • The silver type provisions Cinder volumes onto any backend that has deduplication enabled (in this example, that would be [cdot-nfs], although only one of the four NFS exports defined in /etc/cinder/nfs_shares has this support).
  • The bronze type provisions Cinder volumes onto any backend that has compression enabled (in this example, that would be [cdot-nfs], although only one of the four NFS exports defined in /etc/cinder/nfs_shares has this support).
  • The analytics type provisions Cinder volumes onto the [eseries-iscsi] backend.
vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-create iscsi+--------------------------------------+-------+| ID | Name |+--------------------------------------+-------+| 46cecec0-a040-476c-9475-036ca5577e6a | iscsi |+--------------------------------------+-------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-create nfs +--------------------------------------+------+| ID | Name |+--------------------------------------+------+| 7564ec5c-a81b-4c62-8376-fdcab62037a2 | nfs |+--------------------------------------+------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-create gold+--------------------------------------+------+| ID | Name |+--------------------------------------+------+| 0ac5c001-d5fa-4fce-a9e3-e2cce7460027 | gold |+--------------------------------------+------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-create silver+--------------------------------------+--------+| ID | Name |+--------------------------------------+--------+| f820211a-ee1c-47ff-8f70-2be45112826d | silver |+--------------------------------------+--------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-create bronze+--------------------------------------+--------+| ID | Name |+--------------------------------------+--------+| ae110bfc-0f5a-4e93-abe1-1a31856c0ec7 | bronze |+--------------------------------------+--------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-create analytics+--------------------------------------+-----------+| ID | Name |+--------------------------------------+-----------+| 66459c78-5cb5-4a15-a476-f1138a4022bc | analytics |+--------------------------------------+-----------+
vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-key iscsi set storage_protocol=iSCSIvagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-key nfs set storage_protocol=nfsvagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-key gold set netapp_mirrored=truevagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-key silver set netapp_dedup=truevagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-key bronze set netapp_compression=truevagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder type-key analytics set volume_backend_name=eseries-iscsivagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder extra-specs-list+--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------+| ID | Name | extra_specs |+--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------+| 0ac5c001-d5fa-4fce-a9e3-e2cce7460027 | gold | {u'netapp_mirrored': u'true'} || 46cecec0-a040-476c-9475-036ca5577e6a | iscsi | {u'storage_protocol': u'iSCSI'} || 66459c78-5cb5-4a15-a476-f1138a4022bc | analytics | {u'volume_backend_name': u'eseries-iscsi'} || 7564ec5c-a81b-4c62-8376-fdcab62037a2 | nfs | {u'storage_protocol': u'nfs'} || ae110bfc-0f5a-4e93-abe1-1a31856c0ec7 | bronze | {u'netapp_compression': u'true'} || f820211a-ee1c-47ff-8f70-2be45112826d | silver | {u'netapp_dedup': u'true'} |+--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------+ 

Creating Cinder Volumes with Volume Types

In this section, we create volumes with no type, as well as each of the previously defined volume types.

vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder create --display-name myGold --volume-type gold 1+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-05-20T17:23:57.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 3678281e-3924-4512-952a-5b89713fac4d || metadata | {} || name | myGold || os-vol-host-attr:host | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | f42d5597fb084480a9626c2ca844db3c || size | 1 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | a9ef3a9f935f4761861afb003986bdab || volume_type | gold |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder create --display-name mySilver --volume-type silver 1+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-05-20T17:24:12.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 6dd3e64d-ca02-4156-8532-24294db89329 || metadata | {} || name | mySilver || os-vol-host-attr:host | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | f42d5597fb084480a9626c2ca844db3c || size | 1 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | a9ef3a9f935f4761861afb003986bdab || volume_type | silver |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder create --display-name myBronze --volume-type bronze 1+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-05-20T17:24:28.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 459b388f-ae1d-49bf-9c1d-3fe3b18afad3 || metadata | {} || name | myBronze || os-vol-host-attr:host | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | f42d5597fb084480a9626c2ca844db3c || size | 1 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | a9ef3a9f935f4761861afb003986bdab || volume_type | bronze |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder create --display-name myISCSI --volume-type iscsi 1+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-05-20T17:25:42.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 93ef9627-ac75-46ae-820b-f722765d7828 || metadata | {} || name | myISCSI || os-vol-host-attr:host | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | f42d5597fb084480a9626c2ca844db3c || size | 1 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | a9ef3a9f935f4761861afb003986bdab || volume_type | iscsi |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder create --display-name myNFS --volume-type nfs 1+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-05-20T17:26:03.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 4ccf1a4c-cfe0-4b35-8435-400547cabcdd || metadata | {} || name | myNFS || os-vol-host-attr:host | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | f42d5597fb084480a9626c2ca844db3c || size | 1 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | a9ef3a9f935f4761861afb003986bdab || volume_type | nfs |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cinder create --display-name myAnalytics --volume-type analytics 1+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-05-20T17:26:17.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 55d0bbfa-6792-406d-8dc8-2bf1fb94b0dc || metadata | {} || name | myAnalytics || os-vol-host-attr:host | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | f42d5597fb084480a9626c2ca844db3c || size | 1 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | a9ef3a9f935f4761861afb003986bdab || volume_type | analytics |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+vagrant@precise64:/opt/stack/data/cinder$ cinder create --display-name myGenericVol 1+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-05-20T18:01:02.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 12938589-3ca9-49a7-bcd7-003bbcd62895 || metadata | {} || name | myGenericVol || os-vol-host-attr:host | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | f42d5597fb084480a9626c2ca844db3c || size | 1 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | a9ef3a9f935f4761861afb003986bdab || volume_type | None |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
vagrant@precise64:/opt/stack/data/cinder$ cinder list+--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |+--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| 12938589-3ca9-49a7-bcd7-003bbcd62895 | available | myGenericVol | 1 | None | false | || 1f71ccef-781b-4628-b0f7-44030acd8181 | available | myISCSI | 1 | iscsi | false | || 3678281e-3924-4512-952a-5b89713fac4d | available | myGold | 1 | gold | false | || 459b388f-ae1d-49bf-9c1d-3fe3b18afad3 | available | myBronze | 1 | bronze | false | || 4ccf1a4c-cfe0-4b35-8435-400547cabcdd | available | myNFS | 1 | nfs | false | || 55d0bbfa-6792-406d-8dc8-2bf1fb94b0dc | available | myAnalytics | 1 | analytics | false | || 6dd3e64d-ca02-4156-8532-24294db89329 | available | mySilver | 1 | silver | false | || 93ef9627-ac75-46ae-820b-f722765d7828 | available | myISCSI | 1 | iscsi | false | |+--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+

We'll now look at the local NFS mounts that are present on the node that is running cinder-volume and look for the volumes that were created on NFS backends. By mapping the mountpoints to the directories where the volume files exist, we are able to associate that the volumes were created in the appropriate FlexVol volume that had the NetApp specific features enabled that matched the Cinder volume type definitions.

vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ mount |grep cinder10.63.40.153:/vol2_dedup on /opt/stack/data/cinder/mnt/6fbcc46d69a86a6be25f3df3e6ae55ba type nfs (rw,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr= on /opt/stack/data/cinder/mnt/aac4e6312b50b1fd6ddaf25d8dec8aaa type nfs (rw,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr= on /opt/stack/data/cinder/mnt/89af08204a543dd0985fa11b16f3d22f type nfs (rw,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr= on /opt/stack/data/cinder/mnt/e15a92dcf98a7b3fdb3963e39ed0796f type nfs (rw,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr=$ cd /opt/stack/data/cinder/vagrant@precise64:/opt/stack/data/cinder$ find . -name volume-\*./mnt/89af08204a543dd0985fa11b16f3d22f/volume-3678281e-3924-4512-952a-5b89713fac4d ./mnt/aac4e6312b50b1fd6ddaf25d8dec8aaa/volume-459b388f-ae1d-49bf-9c1d-3fe3b18afad3 ./mnt/6fbcc46d69a86a6be25f3df3e6ae55ba/volume-6dd3e64d-ca02-4156-8532-24294db89329 ./mnt/6fbcc46d69a86a6be25f3df3e6ae55ba/volume-4ccf1a4c-cfe0-4b35-8435-400547cabcdd  

This is the volume of type gold which was placed on

This is the volume of type bronze which was placed on

This is the volume of type silver which was placed on

This is the volume of type nfs which was placed on It could have been placed on,, or as any of those destinations would have fulfilled the volume type criteria of storage_protocol=nfs.

Cinder Command Line Interface (CLI)-OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide -Version 5.0 (15)Note

Note that the volumes of type analytics and iscsi, as well as the volume created without a type did not appear under the NFS mount points because they were created as iSCSI LUNs within the E-Series and CDOT systems, respectively.

Cinder manage usage

In this section we import a Data ONTAP iSCSI LUN by specifying its path in source-name or LUN UUID in source-id.

$ cinder service-list+------------------+--------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Disabled Reason |+------------------+--------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+| cinder-scheduler | openstack9 | nova | enabled | up | 2014-08-25T15:10:22.000000 | None || cinder-volume | openstack9 | nova | enabled | down | 2014-08-21T17:38:14.000000 | None || cinder-volume | openstack9@eseries | nova | enabled | up | 2014-08-25T15:10:27.000000 | None || cinder-volume | openstack9@iscsi | nova | enabled | up | 2014-08-25T15:10:28.000000 | None |+------------------+--------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
$ cinder manage --id-type source-name openstack9@iscsi#pool /vol/vol1/lun1+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-08-25T15:11:18.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 9a62ce5f-b125-48e8-8c94-79356b27f2a9 || metadata | {} || name | None || os-vol-host-attr:host | openstack9@iscsi#pool || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | 8b4ef3cd82f145738ad8195e6bd3942c || size | 0 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | 1b1c9e72e33f4a35b73a8e2d43354d1c || volume_type | None |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+$ cinder manage --id-type source-id openstack9@iscsi#pool 013a7fe0-039b-459e-8cc2-7b59c693139d+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-08-25T15:13:18.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | f2c94f4d-adb3-4c3c-a6aa-cb4c52bd2e39 || metadata | {} || name | None || os-vol-host-attr:host | openstack9@iscsi#pool || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | 8b4ef3cd82f145738ad8195e6bd3942c || size | 0 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | 1b1c9e72e33f4a35b73a8e2d43354d1c || volume_type | None |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
$ cinder list+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| 9a62ce5f-b125-48e8-8c94-79356b27f2a9 | available | None | 1 | None | false | |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| f2c94f4d-adb3-4c3c-a6aa-cb4c52bd2e39 | available | None | 1 | None | false | |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+

In this section we import an E-Series volume by specifying its label in source-name or world-wide identifier in source-id.

$ cinder service-list+------------------+--------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Disabled Reason |+------------------+--------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+| cinder-scheduler | openstack9 | nova | enabled | up | 2014-08-25T15:10:22.000000 | None || cinder-volume | openstack9 | nova | enabled | down | 2014-08-21T17:38:14.000000 | None || cinder-volume | openstack9@eseries | nova | enabled | up | 2014-08-25T15:10:27.000000 | None || cinder-volume | openstack9@iscsi | nova | enabled | up | 2014-08-25T15:10:28.000000 | None |+------------------+--------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+
$ cinder manage --id-type source-name openstack9@eseries#pool WCAABGUIYJBAHKOYTNWKH5Y2NU+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-08-25T15:21:18.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | 206a6731-f23b-419d-8131-8bccbbd83647 || metadata | {} || name | None || os-vol-host-attr:host | openstack9@eseries#pool || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | 8b4ef3cd82f145738ad8195e6bd3942c || size | 0 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | 1b1c9e72e33f4a35b73a8e2d43354d1c || volume_type | None |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+$ cinder manage --id-type source-id openstack9@eseries#pool 60:08:0e:50:00:23:c7:34:00:00:47:33:54:03:7f:b9+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property | Value |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments | [] || availability_zone | nova || bootable | false || created_at | 2014-08-25T15:25:18.000000 || description | None || encrypted | False || id | ad0262e0-bbe6-4b4d-8c36-ea6a361d777a || metadata | {} || name | None || os-vol-host-attr:host | openstack9@eseries#pool || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | 8b4ef3cd82f145738ad8195e6bd3942c || size | 0 || snapshot_id | None || source_volid | None || status | creating || user_id | 1b1c9e72e33f4a35b73a8e2d43354d1c || volume_type | None |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
$ cinder list+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| 206a6731-f23b-419d-8131-8bccbbd83647 | available | None | 1 | None | false | |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| ad0262e0-bbe6-4b4d-8c36-ea6a361d777a | available | None | 1 | None | false | |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+

Cinder unmanage usage

In this section we unmanage a Cinder volume by specifying its ID.

$ cinder list+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| 206a6731-f23b-419d-8131-8bccbbd83647 | available | None | 1 | None | false | |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| ad0262e0-bbe6-4b4d-8c36-ea6a361d777a | available | None | 1 | None | false | |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+$ cinder unmanage 206a6731-f23b-419d-8131-8bccbbd83647$ cinder list+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+| ad0262e0-bbe6-4b4d-8c36-ea6a361d777a | available | None | 1 | None | false | |+--------------------------------------+----------------+------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+
Cinder Command Line Interface (CLI) - OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide
   - Version 5.0 (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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