Credit Analysis (2024)

What is Credit Analysis?

Credit Analysis is the process of evaluating the creditworthiness of a borrower using financial ratios and fundamental diligence (e.g. capital structure).

Often, some of the more important contractual terms in the financing arrangements that lenders pay close attention to include debt covenants and the collateral pledged as part of the signed contract.

Credit Analysis (1)

Table of Contents

  • Credit Analysis 101: Financial Risk Ratios
  • Credit Analysis Ratios: Financial Due Diligence
  • Leverage Ratios
  • Coverage Ratios
  • Credit Analysis Diligence Topics
  • Debt Covenants in Credit Analysis
  • Types of Debt Covenants
  • Collateral Coverage and Credit Risk
  • Reorganization vs. Liquidation Recovery Rates

Credit Analysis 101: Financial Risk Ratios

Each lender has its own standardized approach in performing diligence and gauging the credit risk of the borrower. In particular, the inability of the borrower to meet its financial obligations on time, which is known as default risk, represents the most concerning outcome to lenders.

When the downside potential for a borrower is far greater than that of traditional borrowers, the importance of in-depth credit analysis increases because of the uncertainty.

If the lender has determined to extend a financing package, the pricing and debt terms should reflect the level of risk associated with lending to the particular borrower on the other side of the transaction.

Credit Analysis Ratios: Financial Due Diligence

The following table contains some of the more common credit analysis ratios used to assess the default risk of borrowers, at the brink of insolvency (i.e. near financial distress).

Credit MetricsFormulaExplanation
  • Total Leverage Ratio
  • Total Debt ÷ EBITDA
  • Measures Total Debt to EBITDA Common Maintenance Covenant
  • Net Debt Leverage Ratio
  • Net Debt ÷ EBITDA
  • Measures Total Debt Less Cash to EBITDA Nets Cash Against Debt
  • Senior Debt Leverage Ratio
  • Senior Debt ÷ EBITDA
  • Measures Senior Debt to EBITDA Frequent Maintenance Covenant
  • EBIT Coverage Ratio
  • EBIT ÷ Interest Expense
  • Ability of EBIT to Service Interest
  • Useful if Cyclical (i.e., D&A Fluctuates)
  • EBITDA Interest Coverage Ratio
  • EBITDA ÷ Interest Expense
  • Ability of EBITDA to Service Interest
  • Adds-Back D&A – But Misleading For Capital-Intensive Industries
  • Capex-Adjusted Coverage Ratio
  • (EBITDA – Capex) ÷ Interest Expense
  • Ability of EBITDA Less Capex to Service Interest
  • Useful if Capital-Intensive (Cyclical Capex)
  • Cash Interest Coverage Ratio
  • EBITDA ÷ Cash Interest Expense
  • Ability of EBITDA to Service Cash Interest
  • Used if Loan or Bond has PIK Interest
  • Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio
  • (EBITDA – Capex – Cash Taxes) ÷ (Cash Interest Expense + Mandatory Repayment)
  • FCCR Compares FCF Proxy to Fixed, Non-Discretionary Debt Obligations
  • A/R Days
  • (AR ÷ Revenue) × 90 Days
  • Average # of Days to Collect Credit Payments (Quarterly)
  • A/P Days
  • (AP ÷ COGS) × 90 Days
  • Average # of Days to Pay Suppliers / Vendors for Credit Purchases (Quarterly)
  • Inventory Days
  • (Inventory ÷ COGS) × 90 Days
  • Average # of Days to Sell Off Inventory Balance (Quarterly)
  • Cash Conversion Cycle (“CCC”)
  • A/R Days + Inventory Days – A/P Days
  • Average # of Days to Convert Inventory into Cash from Sales

Note, when a borrower is at risk of default, the metrics used are on a short-term basis, as seen in the working capital metrics and cash conversion cycle. But for non-distressed borrowers, extended time horizons would be used for calculating working capital metrics.

Short-term models are commonly seen in restructuring models, most notably the Thirteen Week Cash Flow Model (TWCF), which is used to identify operational weaknesses in the business model and to measure short-term financing needs.

Credit ratings can also be insightful, but rating agencies require time to adjust ratings, and because of this time lag, rating downgrades can be a bit behind the curve and serve more as a confirmation of existing concerns in the markets.

Leverage Ratios

Leverage ratios place a ceiling on debt levels, whereas coverage ratios set a floor that cash flow relative to interest expense cannot dip below.

  • Total Leverage Ratio: The most common leverage metric used by corporate bankers and credit analysts is the total leverage ratio (or Total Debt / EBITDA). This ratio represents how many times the obligations of the borrower are relative to its cash flow generation capacity.
  • Net Leverage Ratio: Another common metric is the net leverage ratio (or Net Debt / EBITDA), which is like the total debt ratio, except the debt amount is net of the cash balance belonging to the borrower. The reasoning is that cash on the balance sheet could theoretically help pay down the debt outstanding.
  • (EBITDA – Capex) Leverage Ratio: Meanwhile, EBITDA, despite its shortcomings, is the most widely used proxy for cash flow. For cyclical industries where EBITDA fluctuates because of inconsistent capex patterns and financial performance, other metrics can be used such as EBITDA less Capex.

Coverage Ratios

While leverage ratios assess whether the borrower has an excess level of leverage on its balance sheet, the coverage ratios confirm whether its cash flows can cover its interest expense payments.

  • Interest Coverage Ratio: The most frequently used coverage ratio is the interest coverage covenant (or EBITDA / Interest), which represents the cash flow generation of the borrower relative to its interest expense obligations coming due. Lenders desire a higher interest coverage ratio in all cases as it represents more “room” to meet its interest payments, especially for borrowers operating in more cyclical industries.
  • FCCR and DSCR: Other common coverage ratios are the fixed charge coverage ratio (FCCR) and debt service coverage ratio (DSCR). Certain creditors pay more attention to these ratios due to how the denominator can include principal amortization and leases/rent.

Credit Analysis Diligence Topics

The higher the default risk, the higher the required yield is, as investors require more compensation for the additional risk being undertaken.

Default Risk
  • The measurement of the default risk is assessing the probability of the borrower missing an interest expense payment and/or being unable to repay the principal on the due date
Loss-Given-Default Risk (“LGD”)
  • LGD calculates the loss potential in the event of default and takes into consideration such as liens on the debt obligations (i.e., collateral pledged as part of the lending agreement)
Maturity Risk
  • The maturity risk is about how the lender requires greater returns the longer the maturity date is, as the potential for default increases alongside the length before maturity

Debt Covenants in Credit Analysis

Debt covenants represent contractual agreements from a borrower to refrain from certain activities or an obligation to maintain certain financial thresholds.

These legally binding clauses can be found in credit documentation such as loan agreements, credit agreements, and bond indentures, and are requirements and conditions imposed by the lenders that the borrower agrees to abide by until the debt principal and all associated payments are paid.

Intended to protect the interests of lenders, covenants establish parameters that encourage risk-averse decisions through avoidance of activities that could place the timely payment of interest expense and principal on the date of maturity into question.

When banks lend to corporate borrowers, they are looking first for their loan to be repaid with a low risk of not receiving interest or principal amortization payments on time.

Whether structuring a secured senior loan or other forms of debt lower in the capital structure, covenants are negotiations between the borrower and the creditor to facilitate an agreement that is satisfactory to both parties.

If a borrower were to breach a debt covenant in place, this would constitute a default stemming from the violation of the credit agreement (i.e., serving as a restructuring catalyst). But in most cases, there will be a so-called “grace period”, whereby there may be monetary penalties as stipulated in the lending agreement but time for the borrower to fix the breach.

How Covenants Impact Debt Pricing (and Credit Risk)

Senior debt lenders prioritize capital preservation above all else, which is accomplished by strict debt covenants and placing liens on the assets of the borrower. As a general rule, strict covenants signify a safer investment for creditors, but at the expense of reduced financial flexibility from the perspective of the borrower.

Covenants to senior lenders (e.g., banks) are crucial factors when structuring a loan to ensure:

  • The borrower can service its debt commitments with an adequate “cushion”
  • Protections are in place for the worst-case scenario (i.e., liquidations in restructuring), so if the borrower defaults, the lender has the legal right to seize those assets as part of the agreement

In return for this security (and collateral protection), bank debt has the lowest expected return, while unsecured lenders (similar to equity shareholders) demand higher returns as compensation for the additional risk taken on.

The more debt placed on the borrower, the higher the credit risk. In addition, the less collateral that can be pledged; hence, borrowers have to seek riskier debt tranches to raise more debt capital after a certain point. For the lenders that do not require collateral and are lower in the capital structure, collectively these types of creditors will require higher compensation as higher interest (and vice versa).

Types of Debt Covenants

There are three primary types of covenants found in lending agreements.

  1. Positive Covenants
  2. Negative Covenants
  3. Financial Covenants (Maintenance and Incurrence)

1. Affirmative Covenants

Affirmative (or positive) covenants are specified tasks that a borrower must complete throughout the tenor of the debt obligation. In short, affirmative covenants ensure the borrower performs certain actions that sustain the economic value of the business and continue its “good standing” with regulatory bodies.

Many of the requirements listed below are relatively straightforward, such as the maintenance of required licenses and the filing of required reports on time to comply with regulations, but these are signed as standard procedures.

Affirmative Covenant Examples

  1. Federal and State Tax Payments
  2. Maintenance of Insurance Coverage
  3. Filing of Financial Statements on a Periodic-Basis
  4. Auditing of Financials by Accountants
  5. Maintenance of “Business Nature” (i.e., Cannot Abruptly Change the Business Properties with Completely Different Product/Service Offerings)
  6. Compliance Certificates (e.g., Required Licenses)

Failure to pay taxes or to file its financial statements, for example, would certainly harm the economic value of the business from potential legal problems arising.

2. Negative Loan Covenants

Negative covenants restrict borrowers from performing actions that might damage their creditworthiness and impair lenders’ ability to recover their initial capital.

Often called restrictive covenants, such provisions place limitations on the borrower’s behavior to protect lender interests. As expected, negative covenants can confine a borrower’s operational flexibility.

  1. Limitations on Indebtedness: The ability of the borrower in raising debt capital is restricted unless certain conditions are met or approval is received
  2. Limitations on Liens: Restricts the ability of the borrower to incur secured indebtedness and allows a lien against unencumbered assets (i.e., protects their seniority)
  3. Limitations on M&A (or Acquisition Size): Disallow the borrower from selling assets, especially the core assets that have historically been responsible for cash flows; there are usually workarounds for this provision, but the use of proceeds from any asset sales are strictly governed
  4. Limitations on Asset Sales: Prevents the reduction in the collateral available to them since these sales could lower the liquidation value, but the funds from the sale could be used to pay down debt or reinvest into the business (and have a positive impact)
  5. Limitation on Restricted Payments: Prevents the return of capital to less senior claim holders such as shareholders, through the payment of dividends or share repurchases

3. Financial Covenants

Maintenance covenants have generally been associated with senior tranches of debt whereas incurrence covenants are more common for bonds. Financial covenants are designed to track key credit metrics to ensure the borrower can adequately meet interest payments and repay the original principal.

Historically, senior debt has come with strict maintenance covenants while incurrence covenants were more related to bonds. But over the past decade, however, leveraged loan facilities have increasingly become “covenant-lite” – meaning, senior debt lending packages comprise covenants that increasingly resemble bond covenants.

There are two distinct categories of financial covenants:

  1. Maintenance Covenants
  2. Incurrence Covenants

Maintenance vs. Incurrence Covenants

Maintenance covenants require the borrower to maintain remain in compliance with certain levels of credit metrics and are tested periodically. Typically on a quarterly basis and using trailing twelve months (“TTM”) financials.

Maintenance Covenant Examples

  • Total Leverage cannot exceed 6.0x EBITDA
  • Senior Leverage cannot exceed 3.0x EBITDA
  • EBITDA Coverage cannot fall below 2.0x
  • Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio (“FCCR”) cannot fall below 1.0x

Conversely, incurrence covenants are tested after certain “triggering events” occur to confirm that the borrower still complies with lending terms.

Incurrence Covenant Examples (“Triggering” Events)

  1. Raising Additional Debt
  2. Mergers and Acquisition (M&A)
  3. Divestitures
  4. Cash Dividends to Shareholders
  5. Share Repurchases

Simply put, the borrower may NOT undertake a certain action if it causes the borrower to violate the allowed threshold. This is often through the form of a financial covenant (e.g., Debt / EBITDA).

For example, a company cannot raise debt or complete a debt-funded acquisition if doing so would bring its total leverage ratio above 5.0x.

Collateral Coverage and Credit Risk

The existing liens and provisions found in inter-creditor lending terms regarding subordination need to be examined because they are very influential factors in the recoveries of claims.

Similar to distressed investors, lenders of all types should prepare for the worst-case scenario: a liquidation.

The collateral coverage calculates the value of the liquidated collateral to see how far down the claims it can cover.

The collateral of the debtor (i.e., the troubled company) directly affects the rate of recoveries by claim holders, as well as the existing liens placed on the collateral.

Claims held by other creditors and terms in their inter-creditor agreements, especially senior creditors, become an important factor to consider in both out-of-court and in-court restructuring.

But in the case the lender can recover most (or all) of its initial investment even in a liquidation scenario, the riskiness of the borrower could be within an acceptable range.

Reorganization vs. Liquidation Recovery Rates

One requirement in Chapter 11 is the comparison of recoveries under a liquidation versus the plan of reorganization (POR). This directly affects the liquidation value and priority of claims waterfall, which sees how far down the capital structure the asset value can reach down before running out.

The more senior lenders there are, the more difficult it could be for lower priority claims to be paid in full, as senior lenders such as banks are risk-averse; meaning capital preservation is their priority.

For Chapter 11 bankruptcies, the influence of creditor committees can be a useful proxy for the complexity of the reorganization such as legal risks and disagreements among creditors.

But even a higher number of unsecured claims can add to the difficulty of an out-of-court process, as there are more parties to receive approval from (i.e., the “hold-up” problem).

Credit Analysis (2)

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Credit Analysis (2024)


What are the 5 Cs of credit analysis? ›

Called the five Cs of credit, they include capacity, capital, conditions, character, and collateral. There is no regulatory standard that requires the use of the five Cs of credit, but the majority of lenders review most of this information prior to allowing a borrower to take on debt.

What are the 3 Cs of credit analysis? ›

The factors that determine your credit score are called The Three C's of Credit – Character, Capital and Capacity.

What are the four 4 Cs of the credit analysis process? ›

It binds the information collected into 4 broad categories namely Character; Capacity; Capital and Conditions. These Cs have been extended to 5 by adding 'Collateral', or extended to 6 by adding 'Competition' to it (Reference: Credit Management and Debt Recovery by Bobby Rozario, Puru Grover).

How to ace a credit analyst interview? ›

In order to ace your next interview, you'll need to focus on being well rounded, which includes the following:
  1. Technical skills (finance and accounting)
  2. Social skills (communication, personality fit, etc)

What are the 5 P's of credit? ›

The document discusses the Five Ps of Credit - People, Purpose, Payment, Plan, and Protection - as a framework for evaluating credit risk when considering a loan.

What habit lowers your credit score? ›

Having Your Credit Limit Lowered

Recurring late or missed payments, excessive credit utilization or not using a credit card for a long time could prompt your credit card company to lower your credit limit. This may hurt your credit score by increasing your credit utilization.

What are the three pillars of credit? ›

  • Pillar 1: Capital Adequacy Requirements.
  • Pillar 2: Supervisory Review.
  • Pillar 3: Market Discipline.
  • Related Readings.

What are the 5 Cs of bad credit? ›

Lenders also use these five Cs—character, capacity, capital, collateral, and conditions—to set your loan rates and loan terms.

What is considered a good credit score? ›

Generally speaking, a good credit score is 690 to 719 in the commonly used 300-850 credit score range. Scores 720 and above are considered excellent, while scores 630 to 689 are considered fair. Scores below 630 fall into the bad credit range.

What are the 4 R's of credit? ›

As [1] summarised, credit scoring is functional in four scenarios denoted by the acronym 4R, namely Risk, Response, Revenue and Retention.

What is the basic credit analysis? ›

Credit analysis focuses on an issuer's ability to generate cash flow. The analysis starts with an industry assessment—structure and fundamentals—and continues with an analysis of an issuer's competitive position, management strategy, and track record.

What does 40% debt to income ratio mean? ›

Wells Fargo, for instance, classifies DTI of 35% or lower as “manageable,” since you “most likely have money left over for saving or spending after you've paid your bills.” 36% to 43%: You may be managing your debt adequately, but you're at risk of coming up short if your financial situation changes.

Is credit analyst stressful? ›

Stress levels in a credit analyst career can change depending on the work environment, volume and complexity of credit assessments, and individual stress tolerance. Some factors may contribute to potential stress in this job, including: Workload and deadlines.

Why should we hire you? ›

A: I want this job because I believe it is a great fit for my skills and interests. I am excited about the opportunity to [describe specific aspect of the job or company] and I am eager to contribute to the team. I am motivated to learn and grow in this role, and I am confident that I can make a positive impact.

How do you nail an analyst interview? ›

Prepare for your business analyst interview by anticipating common questions and practicing concise, confident responses. These questions might focus on your experience in requirements elicitation and documentation, proficiency with tools and methodologies, and ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams.

What are the five Cs of basic components of credit analysis? ›

The 5 Cs of Credit analysis are - Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Conditions. They are used by lenders to evaluate a borrower's creditworthiness and include factors such as the borrower's reputation, income, assets, collateral, and the economic conditions impacting repayment.

What is the 5 Cs analysis? ›

The 5 C's make up a situational analysis marketing model used to help the business make decisions for their marketing strategies. To do so, marketers implement a 5 C's analysis to analyze specific areas of marketing. The 5 C's of marketing include company, customer, collaborators, competitors, and climate.

What are the 5 Cs of the credit decision quizlet? ›

  • what are the five C's of credit? character, capacity, capital, collateral, and conditions.
  • Character definition. willingness to pay.
  • Capacity definition. ability to repay.
  • Capital definition. net worth.
  • Conditions definition. personal and business.
  • Character measure. ...
  • Capacity measure. ...
  • Capital measure.

Which of the 5 Cs of credit are lenders primarily assessed by examining your credit report? ›

1. Character. In a financial context, the term “character” pertains to your reliability and trustworthiness. It's primarily gauged through a detailed examination of your personal credit history and credit score.

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