Darth Revan (2024)

I am Revan reborn. And before me, you are nothing.
~ Revan before killing Darth Nyriss, and his most famous quote.
There was a time. A moment... when my destiny wasn't certain. That moment is gone. I've saved the Republic twice before. I fought Mandalores and armies of the dark side. You won't stop me!
~ Revan standing against the Sith Empire in the Foundry.
Of course. It's so obvious now. You have no idea what I am—what I've become. I was a Dark Lord of the Sith. I was the Prodigal Knight. I was powerful, but I was also weak. Not anymore. Now I'm pure, unburdened. I can finally have revenge on my jailor and save the galaxy doing it! I have the power AND YOU HAVE NOTHING!
~ Revan's villainous breakdown moments before his final battle with the Yavin Coalition.

Revan, renowned as the Revanchist, dreaded as the Sith Lord Darth Revan, and honored as the Prodigal Knight, is one of the main protagonists of the Star Wars Old Republic era.

See Also
Revan's mask

He was an eminent Jedi Knight turned Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona, he returned to the crumbling Jedi Order and helped defeat the Sith Empire he had established. A human male, and acknowledged as a very gifted and powerful Force-sensitive pupil, he was trained as a Padawan by Kreia and a number of other Jedi Masters, both on Coruscant and at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. He is also the archenemy of Vitiate.

Due to his actions, philosophies, and involvement in major pivotal events and conflicts of the Old Republic era, Revan is arguably one of the most important characters of the entire Star Wars franchise due to his influence in the Old Republic series as well as his posthumous influence on the philosophies of the Sith centuries later.

He was voiced by Rino Romano in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, he was voiced by Jeff Bennett, who also voiced the Joker in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, H.A.R.D.A.C. in Batman: The Animated Series, D.A.V.E. in the animated series The Batman, Boog Shlizetti and Global Warmer from Fanboy & Chum Chum, Dick Hardly, Major Man and Mike Brikowski in The Powerpuff Girls, and Father in Codename: Kids Next Door. He was later voiced by Spencer Garret in the expansion Shadow of Revan and onwards.


  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Powers and Abilities
    • 3.1 Spoken by Revan
    • 3.2 Spoken about Revan
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 External Links
  • 6 Navigation


Those who use the dark side are also bound to serve it. To understand this is to understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith. The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must seek power above all else, with no reservation or hesitation. The Dark Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish.
~ Darth Revan explains his philosophies of the dark side of the Force.

Revan has always possessed incredible determination and intelligence, constantly seeking new ways of accomplishing what he sees as right. The Mandalorian wars have given Revan a very cold attitude that makes it so he will seek victory despite the cost. However, he prefers avoiding needless carnage, which is why he built HK-47. Nevertheless, he was utterly ruthless as a Sith and he also was highly dedicated to Sith ideals and believes power is everything, ignoring any ideals of mercy or loyalty. His ideals helped influence Darth Bane to create the Rule of Two as he believed that a Sith Master should have one apprentice to avoid being overcome by multiple lesser followers.

Revan favors the idea of turning his former enemies to his side through manipulation and corruption. However, he still has a sense of humor, as he was amused when HK-47 called Malak a "meatbag" and programmed him to refer to all organics as such. Revan has incredible will, which was what allowed him to endure centuries of torture from Vitiate, though he was not unscarred. His mind started to become twisted between the light and dark sides and after his light side left him, Revan was completely fueled by anger and hate. He sought to destroy his former tormentor forever, but while the dark Revan possessed his strength, he lacked his former wisdom and his mind was clouded by his malice.

Powers and Abilities[]

Revan is extremely powerful in the ways of the Force, masterful in combat with a lightsaber. He possesses high agility, speed, and strength boosted by the Force that he uses in his fighting style. Revan mostly uses one lightsaber, but wields two as dark Revan, both his red Sith one and his original purple one. Revan is also an extremely cunning and able military commander, an expert with his tactics and strategies. He is respected by several cultures as the epitome of a warrior and commander, as well as very charismatic in recruiting allies. Revan is fluent in several languages, mechanically minded, skilled at constructing droids, and a talented pilot. Revan is extremely powerful with the Force, and a true master of the Dark Side as a Sith Lord.

Revan can use telekinesis, which he often uses to hurl heavy objects in battle, as well as crush and choke enemies, guide his lightsaber when he throws it and has even wielded two more lightsabers telekinetically. Revan can also influence other's minds and take knowledge from them. He was also skilled in Force sense, allowing him to sense others, their emotions, and even the future, making it so he often has visions. Revan can use the Force to heal his wounds and resist poison and drugs. He can also use powerful Force lightning and devastating Force storms. Revan can use the Force for various defensive purposes, even able to absorb energy and redirect it back at his foe.


Spoken by Revan[]

I feel it! I feel it!
~ Revan senses the attack on Serroco
I don't know your name—but I take up your cause. I will not remove your mask until there is justice—until the Mandalorians have been defeated once and for all. So swears… Revan!
~ Revan dons his mask for the first time
Without the Mask, they are nothing.
~ Revan on the Mandalorians, referring to the Mask of Mandalore
The Dark Lord Revan is dead. I am a servant of the light now.
~ Revan on Lehon
I keep having visions of a world I don't recognize. The whole planet is covered in electrical storms, day and night.
~ Revan, referring to Dromund Kaas
Meetra was a powerful Jedi. Why didn't the Council try to redeem her?
~ Revan on Meetra Surik
I can help you achieve your destiny. I know where Revan hid the mask. Listen to me, and I will help you find it.
~ Revan, as "Avner," to Clan Ordo
I am Revan reborn. And before me you are nothing.
~ Revan to Darth Nyriss
I've been reborn. My mind is clearer, my power intensified. And now, with the Order under my command, I'm unstoppable.
~ Revan after taking control of the Order of Revan
I will not be denied my destiny. I am Revan!
~ Revan
So many centuries. The Emperor and his Dread Masters, trying to wrench me apart, to unleash my anger and hatred… I detached myself from the pain. Focused on the Force.
~ The force ghost of Revan, to his dark half
You hid behind Jedi platitudes! You weren't strong enough to survive the torture, or the battle in the Foundry. I faced them! I survived them!
~ The dark half of Revan, to his Force ghost
You've carried on, dragging the remains of a body that should have long since faded to dust. Hatred fueled cunning, but burned out all wisdom. Without me, you could not see.
~ The force ghost of Revan, to his dark half
The Force seeks balance. Always.
~ Revan to Tenebrae
You're not afraid to love anymore?
~ Revan to Bastila Shan
I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Those who use the dark side are also bound to serve it. To understand this is to understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith. The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must seek power above all else, with no reservation or hesitation. The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish.
~ Darth Revan in his holocron
The Sith must be ruled by a single leader: the very embodiment of the strength and power of the dark side. If the leader grows weak, another must rise to seize the mantle. The strong rule; the weak are meant to serve. This is the way it must be.
~ Darth Revan in his holocron
Who I am is not important, my message is.
~ Revan
I'm not doing this for the Republic. I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for me. I'm doing it for our child. And our child's children. We might never live to see the horrors that are coming, but they will. We have to protect the Republic for them. We have to risk our chance at happiness so they can have a life we might never know.
~ Revan to Bastila Shan
I am sorry I started you on this path. But you chose to continue down it.
~ Revan to Darth Malak
She was a great Jedi. My most trusted ally. History remembers her as the Exile. To me, she was… more.
~ Revan on Meetra Surik
I knew I could count on you, Canderous.
~ Revan to Canderous Ordo
You don't talk much, do you? Just chime in if you have any advice.
~ Revan to T3-M4
Revan. It isn't my real name—never was—but it will do.
~ Revan
We are those who have come before. Those who were betrayed. Those who hate. We are the wielders of the dark side.
~ Darth Revan and Darth Bane to the Son
We stand before you, disciples of the dark side, intent on its supremacy. It has been foreseen that one lives who will control the universe.
~ Darth Revan and Darth Bane to the Son
And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, my friend.
~ Revan's dying words

Spoken about Revan[]

Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan… and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone.
~ Darth Malak
Revan had many masters. Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae before Kae left for the Wars. Toward the end of his training, he sought out many to learn techniques. It is said that he returned to his first master at the end of his training, in order to learn how he might best leave the Order.
~ Mical
When the Mandalorian threat first arose, Revan and Malak were eager to defeat the enemy of the Republic. But the Council thought it best if we moved with care and caution. The true threat, the Council feared, had not yet revealed itself. But Revan would not be dissuaded. Charismatic and powerful, it was inevitable many of the Order would flock to Revan's seemingly noble cause. Malak was the first to join his closest friend. Others followed, many of our youngest and brightest, intent on saving the galaxy from the Mandalorian threat.
~ Zhar Lestin
We began with nothing but a leader and a purpose.
~ Malak
It was not your ships or your men or your vaunted 'fight for freedom' that won this, the final battle of the war. It was by the actions of one person—the Jedi Revan—that you prevailed. Revan's strategies and tactics defeated the best of us. Even Mandalore himself was taken aback by the ferocity, the tenacity, and the subtlety of Revan's plans.
~ Canderous Ordo
When [Revan and Malak] left after the Mandalorian Wars ended, they were Jedi. When they returned… they were something else.
~ Carth Onasi
You swore an oath just like everyone else on this mission. Now it's time to make good on that oath!
~ Trask Ulgo to Revan
Are you certain Revan is truly dead? What if we undertake to train this one, and the Dark Lord should return?
~ Vrook Lamar
This… this must be what Revan and Malak found when they entered this temple. This must be where their journey down the dark side began.
~ Bastila Shan
You're a neophyte Padawan who's been saddled with the responsibility of tracking down these Star Maps. Why? That's not normal!
~ Carth Onasi
I have to give you credit. You've led me on quite a chase. But nobody gets away from Calo Nord in the end.
~ Calo Nord
You cannot hide from what you once were, Revan! Recognize that you were once the Dark Lord—and know that I have taken your place!
~ Darth Malak
You have become too ambitious, Yuthura. It is time for you to die and someone more… talented… to take your place.
~ Uthar Wynn
We have seen you, interloper! You are a servant of the Elders. By order of the One you must die!
~ A Black Rakatan
And… and you said you loved me. This may not be the best time to say it, but… I love you, too. With all my heart.
~ Bastila Shan
Once again, we shall face each other in single combat, and the victor will decide the fate of the galaxy.
~ Darth Malak
You're getting more of your memories back, aren't you?
~ Canderous Ordo
You really have no idea what you did to [Meetra Surik], do you?
~ Atris
Avner fought beside us. He led us to Mandalore's Mask. And you repay him with betrayal?
~ Canderous Ordo
Who are you to talk of betrayal? You turned your back on your people. And for what? To throw your lot in with Revan the Butcher?
~ Veela Ordo
Once he revealed himself to be a Jedi, it was obvious. Especially with that name. Did you really think rearranging Revan into Avner would fool us?
~ Veela Ordo
Eventually you'll tell us everything we want to know.
~ Scourge
I did not expect you to return.
~ The Sith Emperor
Revan and the Jedi Exile are legends.
~ The Hero of Tython
It should not have surprised anyone that Revan turned Sith. He knew you cannot fight the dark side without understanding it. The Exile was harder to read. Even with all she had done, she never trusted herself. With Revan, she was his student again.
~ Scourge
Nothing could make me feel safer than to be loved by you.
~ Bastila Shan
I suppose… I suppose you speak the truth. I alone must accept responsibility for my fate. I wanted to be Master of the Sith and ruler of the galaxy. But that destiny was not mine, Revan. It might have been yours, perhaps… but never mine.
~ Darth Malak
I had a feeling you were going to get mixed up in something interesting, and I wanted to be around for the fun. Guess this is it.
~ Canderous Ordo
I feel I could count on any of you, but it is you who saved me from the dark side. It is you who I feel a debt to. And I shall make it up to you.
~ Juhani
I am HK-47, the master's most trusted ally.
~ HK-47
You, Revan, are the single greatest warrior of this age, and any battle we fight will bring me honor.
~ Canderous Ordo
Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force.
~ Kreia
You've got the skills of an elite commando, and you've saved my butt more than once. Between that and your facility with languages, I'm lucky you're here.
~ Carth Onasi
Revan wore the mask during the Mandalorian Wars, and during his time as Darth Revan. To me, it symbolizes his dark past—a relic from the time before he became the man I loved. I was afraid that if I showed it to him, it might trigger something inside his mind. It might awaken some dormant evil, rekindle the spark of the dark side.
~ Bastila Shan
When Malak fired on the ship you were badly injured. We thought you were dead. Your mind was destroyed.
~ Bastila Shan
Malak is dead—all hail the return of Darth Revan, the true Lord of the Sith!
~ Bastila Shan (KOTOR dark side ending)
All hail Lord Revan!
~ The Sith Army (KOTOR dark side ending)
It's too late for you to turn back… but you can end this here. There's still time for one final act of redemption.
~ Carth Onasi (alternate KOTOR dark side ending)
I love you. Even now. Even after… after… after all you have done. I love you like I haven't loved anyone or anything since my wife died. And I didn't even think that was possible.
~ Carth Onasi (female Revan)
Revan. Revan, Revan, Revan.
~ Cultists of the Sith Eternal
You wanted my return. You did not need to destroy whole fleets or turn a living world barren for that. You only had to point the Empire and Republic to a shared adversary, and let them do what they do naturally: make war.
~ Vitiate


  • He never speaks full sentences in Knights of the Old Republic, though Rino Romano does provide some basic words like "Yes?" and "What?" when switching back to Revan from a party member, or "No problem," "Got it," and "Didn't work" when slicing doors and boxes.
  • Revan was seen as a role model by later Sith Lord Darth Bane despite him being redeemed, and Bane even traveled to Lehon to seek out Revan's Sith holocron. It was from that Holocron that Darth Bane first learned about the Thought Bomb that he later used to wipe out the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Jedi they were fighting on Russan.
  • Revan and Bane were both meant to appear in the third season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars as "advisors" to the Son, goading him to embrace the dark side more and more. The scene was cut and made non-canon due to conflicting with George Lucas' ideas of the Force. Plus, it was cut because at that time, the EU was canon, and because of that, it contradicts the fact of Revan`s redemption to the light side from KOTOR.
    • Revan however was made canon in the visual dictionary for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker where it states that the Sith troopers in the film have legions named after ancient Sith Lords and the 3rd Legion was named after Revan, thus making him canon. It is unknown if he was redeemed like his Legends counterpart.

External Links[]


Darth Revan (1) Villains

Bounty Hunters
4-LOM |AD-W4 |Asajj Ventress |Ax Tagrin |Aurra Sing |Bazine Netal |Beilert Valance |Black Krrsantan |Boba Fett |Bossk |Burg |C-21 Highsinger |Cad Bane |Caij Vanda |Castas |Cato Parasitti |Chata Hyoki |Derrown |Deva Lompop |Durge |Dengar |Embo |Fennec Shand |Greedo | HELIOS-3D |HELIOS-3E |IG-11 |IG-86 |IG-88 |Jango Fett |Latts Razzi |Migs Mayfeld |Moralo Eval |Ochi of Bestoon | Q9-0 |Qin and Xi'an |Rako Hardeen |Robonino |Sarco Plank |Shahan Alama |Shenda Mol |Sy Snootles |Tasu Leech | Todo 360 |Toro Calican |Twazzi |Zam Wesell |Zuckuss

Galactic Empire
Emperor Sheev Palpatine |Darth Vader

Officials and Military Officers
Admiral Conan Antonio Motti |Admiral Garrick Versio | Admiral Kassius Konstantine | Captain Bragg |Captain Gilad Pellaeon |Captain Juno Eclipse |Captain Lorth Needa |Captain Mann |Captain Mod Terrik |Captain Vanis Tigo |Colonel Wullf Yularen |Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko |Commander Brom Titus |Commodore Visler Korda |Counselor Gallius Rax |Director Armand Isard |Director Orson Callan Krennic | Director Sliro Barsha |Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett |Fleet Admiral Kendal Ozzel |General Cassio Tagge |General Maximilian Veers | General Valin Hess |Governor Arihnda Pryce | Governor Grotton |Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit |Grand Admiral Thrawn |Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin |Lieutenant Nolan |Moff Gideon |Moff Raythe | Moff Tiann Jerjerrod |Moff Ubrik Adelhard | Taskmaster Myles Grint |Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart

Operatives and Other Officials
Agent Alexsandr Kallus |Backstabber |Attendant Corv |Captain Wilco |Commander Appo |Commander Crosshair | Commander Fox | Commander Lank Denvik |Commander Iden Versio |Commander Scorch |Commander Vult Skerris |Endo Frant |Governor Tiber Saxon |Grand Vizier Mas Amedda | Grand Vizier Sate Pestage |Lieutenant Elia Kane |Lieutanent Supervisor Dedra Meero |LT-319 |Major Partagaz |Minister Maketh Tua | Minister Veris Hydan |Mithel |Pik and Waffle |Protectorate Gleb |Senator Daho Sejan |Senator Orn Free Taa |Sly Moore |Tenn Graneet |Trask Imperial Captain |Vaneé |Viceroy Gar Saxon

The Grand Inquisitor | The Second Sister |The Third Sister |The Fourth Sister |The Fifth Brother | The Sixth Brother | The Seventh Sister | The Eighth Brother | The Ninth Sister | The Tenth Brother |The Thirteenth Sister |Tualon Yaluna |Barriss Offee |Marrok |Unidentified Inquisitor

Emperor's Royal Guard | Stormtroopers | Rick the Door Technician |501st Legion | 7th Fleet |Purge Troopers | Death Troopers |Weyland Commandos |Clone X Troopers |Clone X |CX-1 |CX-2 |Imperial Navy Troopers |Dark Troopers |Imperial Commandos

Advanced Science Division |COMPNOR |Imperial Army |Imperial Navy |Imperial Security Bureau |Imperial Special Forces |J-Sec |Shadow Council |Joint Chiefs of the Imperial Military |Imperial Ruling Council

The Client | Count Vidian |Doctor Cylo |Doctor Emerie Karr |Doctor Gorst |Doctor Penn Pershing |Doctor Royce Hemlock |Dr. Scalder |Lama Su |Morgan Elsbeth | Naare |Nala Se |Rukh |Syril Karn |Venomor

Mother Talzin |Mother Zalem |Great Mothers

Asajj Ventress | Merrin | Old Daka |Morgan Elsbeth |Nightsister Zombies |Nightsister Spirits

Ohnaka Gang
Hondo Ohnaka

Turk Falso |Barb Mentir

Garnac's Hunting Guild

Dar |Gilas |Goron |Krix |Lagon |Lo-Taren |Ramy |Ratter |Smug |Sochek

Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users
Ajunta Pall |Barriss Offee | Bode Akuna |Dagan Gera |Darth Andeddu |Darth Bane |Darth Desolous |Darth Krall |Darth Momin |Darth Noctyss |Darth Phobos |Darth Plagueis | Darth Revan |Darth Sanguis |Darth Sion |Darth Tanis |Darth Tenebrous |"Dark Underlord" |Exar Kun |Exim Panshard |Jek-14 |Kiza |Komari Vosa |Pong Krell | Ren |Son | Taron Malicos |Vitiate

Clone Troopers
Captain Wilco |Clone X Troopers |Clone X |CX-1 |CX-2 |Commander Appo |Commander Crosshair |Commander Faie |Commander Fox |Commander Scorch |Sergeant Slick

Grysk Hegemony

Duloks |Gamorreans |Geonosians |Hutts |Neimoidians |Rakata |Summa-verminoth |Trandoshans |Tusken Raiders |Umbarans |Ewoks (Star Wars: Battlefront II)

0-0-0 | Arvel Skeen | Azmorigan | Bala-Tik | Bedlam Raiders |Blackguards | Cad Bane's Crew |Cassie Cryar |Chi Cho | Chelli Lona Aphra |Ciddarin Scaleback |Closed |Cornelius Evazan |Daultay Dofine | Deren | DJ | Drengir | Fanry | Garindan Ezz Zavor | Gha Nachkt | Gardulla the Elder |Gorian Shard |Graxol Kelvyyn | Grecker |Guavian Death Gang |Haxion Brood | Head of the Pyke Syndicate | Helgait |Izuma |Jaylen Vrax |Kanjiklub |Kintan Striders |Krayt's Claw |Lady Proxima |Lolo Purs |Lord Nyax |Mandalore the Great |Max Rebo Band |Meritt Col |M-OC |Morley | Mokko |Mok Shaiz |Mok Shaiz's Majordomo |Mos Espa Crime Families |Mos Espa Street Gang |Mother Pran |OOM-9 |Open |Order of the Night Wind |Ponda Baba | Prince Xizor |Qi'ra |Rayvis |Razoo Qin-Fee |Roland Durand |Saw Gerrera |Sebulba | Sylar Saris |Thurible | Tobias Beckett | Unkar Plutt

Darth Revan (2) Villains

Sith Empire
Ajunta Pall |Darth Acina |Darth Vowrawn |Marka Ragnos |Naga Sadow |Tulak Hord |Vitiate

Dark Council
Darth Acharon |Darth Arctis |Darth Arho |Darth Arkous |Darth Aruk |Darth Asamin |Darth Baras |Darth Charnus |Darth Decimus |Darth Drear |Darth Ekkage |Darth Hadra |Darth Howl |Darth Igrol |Darth Ikora |Darth Jadus |Darth Karrid |Darth Lokess |Darth Marr |Darth Mekhis |Darth Mortis |Darth Nox |Darth Nyriss |Darth Ravage |Darth Rictus |Darth Thanaton |Darth Vengean |Darth Zhorrid

The Emperor's Wrath

Sith Lords
Aloysius Kallig |Darth Andru |Darth Angral |Darth Atroph |Darth Cendence |Darth Chratis |Darth Enraj |Darth Fastus |Darth Gravus |Darth Hexid |Darth Ikoral |Darth Jaga |Darth Kallous |Darth Lachris |Darth Malgus |Darth Minax |Darth Nurin |Darth Ouzal |Darth Sajar |Darth Serevin |Darth Silthaar |Darth Skotia |Darth Sorranos |Darth Tormen |Darth Venemal |Darth Vich |Darth Viktus |Darth Vilus |Darth Xedrix |Darth Zash |Lord Draahg |Lord Grathan |Lord Nefarid |Lord Praven |Lord Razer |Lord Sadic |Lord Tarnis |Lord Vindican |Lord Vivicar |Xalek

Sith Apprentices and Acolytes
Vemrin |Ashara Zavros |Jaesa Willsaam

Rycus Kilran |Arkos Rakton |Bex Kotos |Cipher Nine |Harron Tavus |Imperial Guard |Lieutenant Pierce |Malavai Quinn |Moff Broysc |Ryler Dorant |Vanto Bazren |Zora

Revan and Malak's Sith Empire
Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Revan |Darth Malak

Shadow Hand
Darth Bandon |Bastila Shan

Saul Karath

Sith Troopers

Calo Nord |Darth Voren |Darth Glovoc |HK-47

Sith Triumvirate
Darth Nihilus |Darth Sion |Darth Traya

Hutt Cartel
Karagga the Unyielding |Nem'ro the Hutt |Toborro the Hutt |Szajin the Hutt

Hidden Chain
Heta Kol |Ri'kan Kateen |Sa'har Kateen |Bask Sunn |Tyrus Brokenblade |Durn Wynnward

Other Sith and Dark Jedi
Atris |Bengel Morr |Dorjander Kace |Dread Masters |Haazen |Jun Seros |Nomen Karr |Order of Revan |Simus |Xendor

Andronikos Revel |Black Sun |Black Vulkars(Brejik) |Broonmark |Canderous Ordo |Cassus Fett |Chantique |Chuundar |Colonel Tobin |Czerka Corporation |Demagol |Eagle |Exchange(Davik Kang |Ukabi) |General Vaklu |Great Hunt Champion |Hanharr |HK-50 |Hunter |Kaliyo Djannis |Kephess |Khem Val |Mandalore the Ultimate |Migrant Merchants' Guild |Rakata (Soa) |Rakghouls |Sel-Makor |Shae Vizla |The Shroud |Skavak |Star Cabal |Tarro Blood |Terror from Beyond |Visquis |Xor

See Also
Star Wars Villains |Star Wars Legends Villains |Star Wars Visions Villains

Darth Revan (2024)
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