Dog Shivering or Trembling: Causes and Treatments (2024)

Why Do Dogs Shiver and Tremble?

Many things can cause dog shivering and trembling. Your dog may do this because they're excited, anxious, wet, or cold. It can be a sign that they're in pain. Or it could mean they've eaten something toxic or have a serious illness.

Certain dogs, and certain breeds, are more prone to shivering than others. If the shaking is new, seems different or worse than usual, or you can't figure out what's causing it, it's time to call your vet.

Dog Trembling and Shaking: Causes and Treatments

A few of the more common causes of shaking, shivering, trembling, or tremors in dogs include:

Excitement. You really don't have to do much to make a dog happy. Just your coming home at night is more than enough to make some dogs shake, bark, and even urinate with excitement. While dogs often grow out of some of these traits, you can help your canine companion calm down by keeping your greetings calm and brief. You may want to train them to sit before offering a greeting in return.

Fear or anxiety. Stress, fear, and anxiety can also cause dog trembling and shaking. Your dog might shiver when they hear thunder or fireworks, when they go to the vet, or from separation anxiety when you leave. If you can figure out what's causing the shaking, you may be able to stop it by addressing the problem. Your vet can also prescribe antianxiety medication.

Nausea. Just like people, dogs can get nauseous from motion sickness, medication, eating too much, or eating the wrong thing, such as a toxic plant. They also can get nausea from kidney or liver disease, as well as other diseases. Shaking may be a sign that your dog is nauseous. Other signs include listlessness, lip smacking, swallowing or salivating more than usual, hiding, yawning, and vomiting.

Treatment for nausea depends on what's causing it.

Old age and pain. As dogs get older, some develop tremors in their hind legs due to muscle weakness. Sometimes, the tremors may be in the front legs, as well. These tremors usually don't affect how your dog moves or walks.

It's easy to assume that symptoms like shaking legs are due to your dog "just getting older." But trembling can also be a sign of other issues such as pain. So, always talk to your vet if your aging pet develops tremors.

Arthritis. One cause of pain that can lead to trembling, especially in older dogs, is arthritis. Your veterinarian can treat the pain and joint inflammation of arthritis with supplements, medications, and other therapies.

Poisoning. Several toxins or poisons can cause tremors or shaking in dogs. Some of these are harmless to people but toxic to your pet. For instance, items that can be poisonous for dogs include chocolate, cigarettes (which can cause nicotine poisoning), and xylitol, the sugar substitute found in many chewing gums. Snail baits containing metaldehyde can also cause severe muscle tremors and convulsions.

Symptoms of poisoning can vary. They include tremors, weakness, disorientation, depression, drooling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures. If you think your dog has swallowed anything potentially toxic, call your vet right away. Or call the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

Seizure disorders. Epilepsy, a neurological disorder, can affect dogs. Symptoms may include collapsing, jerking, stiffening, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, drooling, chomping,tonguechewing, or foaming at themouth. Dogs can fall to the side and make paddling motions with their legs. Treatment includes medications to control seizures, such as keppra, phenobarbital,orpotassiumbromide.

Distemper. Caused by a virus, canine distemper most often affects puppies and adolescent dogs that haven't been fully vaccinated. It's a common cause of tremors in dogs. Other signs of distemper include eye and nose discharge, fever, and coughing.

Treating distemper generally involves supportive care while your dog's immune system fights the virus. Treatment may also include antibiotics, airway dilators, physical therapy, and fluids to help manage dehydration.

Generalized tremor syndrome (GTS). GTS is also called steroid -responsive tremor syndrome or white shaker dog syndrome. First noticed in small, white dogs such as Maltese and West Highland white terriers, it can occur in dogs of any size, breed, or color. No one knows what causes GTS.

GTS symptoms usually start between 9 months and 2 years of age. Treatment generally consists of corticosteroids like prednisone. Results can often be seen within a week of starting treatment.

Low blood sugar levels.When your dog's blood sugar dips too low (hypoglycemia), they could shake, tremble, or even have a seizure. This isn't common and is most likely to affect young and small-breed dogs. It can be serious, so call your vet right away if you think your dog might have low blood sugar. Rub honey or jam (not the sugar-free type) on your dog's tongue or gums until you can get to the veterinarian's office.

To help prevent low blood sugar, feed your dog high-quality food at about the same time every day. For puppies and toy breeds, small, frequent meals are best.

Other Causes of Shivering and Trembling in Dogs

There are other, less common, reasons for shivering, shaking, trembling, or tremors in dogs.

Chronic kidney failure can lead to tremors. So can neurological problems that may include inflammatory brain diseases. An Addisonian crisis, a condition related to an underactive adrenal gland, and demyelinating disorders may also lead to shaking in dogs. Dogs may shake when their anal sacs are full.

If you have questions about your dog's shivering or trembling, or about any canine health and wellness issue, talk to your vet.

How to Calm a Shaking Dog

If your dog trembles due to stress or anxiety, there are some steps you can take to calm them down:

Watch for early signs. It's easiest to stop anxiety before it gets too intense. Early signs of stress might include yawning, licking their lips, or pulling back their ears. If you notice these signs, try to quickly remove them from the situation or distract them.

Give them a safe space. Train your dog to associate their bed, mat, or crate with positive things like treats, toys, and uninterrupted rest. You can use this safe space to calm them when they're anxious. For example, you could bring their mat along to a vet visit. Or if your dog is afraid of thunderstorms or fireworks, they may feel more secure in a small, enclosed space like their crate or a closet.

Distract them with toys, treats, and games. Many dogs soothe themselves by chewing and licking. Try long-lasting treats, chewable toys, and puzzle games that let them do this. If being in the crate comforts them, put the items inside with them. This may be especially helpful if your dog has separation anxiety.

Soothe them with touch. One of the simplest and best ways to calm your dog is by touching them. When they tremble or show other signs of anxiety, spend some time petting and cuddling them. You might even try some gentle massage strokes. Use one hand to steady your dog and the other hand to give the massage. Start at your dog's neck, and massage them in a downward direction, using long strokes. Focus on any areas where you notice tension.

Stick to a routine. Dogs tend to feel more confident whenthey walk, eat, play, and sleep at predictable times.Make sure that daily routine includes plenty of exercise because it reduces stress and keeps them physically healthy. Dogs may also feel a greater sense of control when you train them to "earn" meals and outings — by sitting or touching your hand with their snout, for example.

When to See a Vet

Take your dog to a veterinarian right away if they suddenly begin trembling or shivering for no apparent reason, especially if they also have other symptoms or you think they may have eaten something toxic.

Take note of any other symptoms your dog has, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or limping. Then call your vet or head to an emergency veterinary clinic.


Dogs tremble for many reasons, some harmless and some more serious. If your dog shakes because of excitement or stress, calming techniques can help. If you don't know why your dog is trembling, or if they also have other symptoms, see a veterinarian.

Dog Shivering FAQs

Should I be worried if my dog is shivering but he's not cold?

Some dogs shiver when they're excited or anxious. But dog shivering and trembling can also be a sign that your dog has eaten something toxic and of several other serious medical conditions. If your dog seems to be trembling for no reason, is trembling and vomiting, or has other worrisome symptoms, take them to the vet.

What are the signs of distemper in dogs?

Distemper is a serious and contagious disease caused by a virus. It can be fatal to dogs, so it's important to get them vaccinated.

Symptoms of distemper include:

  • Discharge from the eyes and nose
  • Loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Lack of energy
  • Trembling and convulsions
  • Holding their head in a tilted position
  • Drooling
  • Walking in circles
  • Clumsiness

If your dog has these symptoms, get them to a vet right away.

Dog Shivering or Trembling: Causes and Treatments (2024)


Dog Shivering or Trembling: Causes and Treatments? ›

Some dogs shiver when they're excited or anxious. But dog shivering and trembling can also be a sign that your dog has eaten something toxic and of several other serious medical conditions. If your dog seems to be trembling for no reason, is trembling and vomiting, or has other worrisome symptoms, take them to the vet.

Why is my dog shivering and acting weird all of a sudden? ›

Shivering could be a sign that your dog is in pain or suffering from an illness. Shivering and muscle tremors can be symptoms of serious conditions such as distemper, hypoglycemia, Addison's disease and inflammatory brain disease, as well as more common ailments like an upset stomach.

What is trembling a symptom of in dogs? ›

Shaking or trembling are common signs of fear, anxiety, and stress in dogs.

Why is my dog shaking and can't walk? ›

Neurological issues: Neurological conditions, such as spinal cord injury, encephalitis, or brain tumors, can cause shaking and difficulty walking. Intoxication: Ingestion of toxic substances, such as certain plants, medications, or chemicals, can lead to shaking and loss of coordination.

Should I be worried if my dog is shaking and panting? ›

If your dog is panting and restless, keeps panting, is panting abnormally, or is panting and shaking, it could be the first sign of something more serious. This is especially the case if they're panting at a time that seems unusual, are in discomfort, or their panting sounds louder or harsher than normal.

When should I worry about my dog shivering? ›

It can be a sign that they're in pain. Or it could mean they've eaten something toxic or have a serious illness. Certain dogs, and certain breeds, are more prone to shivering than others. If the shaking is new, seems different or worse than usual, or you can't figure out what's causing it, it's time to call your vet.

What toxins cause tremors in dogs? ›

Most Common Toxicologic Causes of Tremors in Dogs
  • Medications. Ivermectin. 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) ...
  • Foods. Chocolate. Caffeine. ...
  • Rodenticides/Insecticides. Methomyl. ...
  • Illicit Drugs. Methamphetamine. ...
  • Miscellaneous Agents. Paintballs. ...
  • More Lifesaving Resources. Do you know the most common toxicologic causes of seizures in cats?

What is shivering a symptom of? ›

Shivering causes your muscles to contract and relax, which warms up your body. Sometimes you might get cold chills from being exposed to low temperatures. Shivering can also be a sign that your body is fighting off an illness, infection or another health problem.

How do you treat tremors in dogs? ›

Although the cause of idiopathic tremor syndrome is unknown, it can be treated by suppressing the immune system with steroids. Improvements are often seen within a week, and once the tremors have resolved, the steroids will gradually be tapered to the lowest effective dose to minimize side effects.

Should I be worried if my dog is acting strange? ›

Consult with Your Veterinarian. Discuss all behavior changes with your veterinarian to rule out any health-related causes. Many strange behaviors can be linked to underlying medical conditions, such as infections, pain, or neurological issues.

What does a mini stroke look like in a dog? ›

In the case of a stroke, your pet's brain sends incorrect signals to their body. For example, your pet may not be able to respond to your spoken directions. Instead, he may move in a directionless fashion and seem to be walking in circles. He may appear as though he is drunk and be unable to walk in a straight line.

What is ataxia in dogs? ›

What is ataxia? Ataxia is incoordination within the nervous system. The abnormal movement can occur in the legs, the head, the body, or all three. There are several forms of ataxia, depending on where in the nervous system the abnormality occurs.

Why is my dog trembling and acting weird? ›

Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety and stress, which often manifest as shaking or unusual behavior. Events such as thunderstorms, fireworks, or even a change in their environment can trigger these reactions. Signs of anxiety in dogs include: Trembling or shaking.

How do you calm a shaking and panting dog? ›

If your dog might be panting because they are stressed or anxious, you should try taking them somewhere calm, away from any people, noise, or the hustle and bustle. Calming diffusers, collars, and sprays might also help create a calming environment for your stressed pooch to chill.

How to relax a dog? ›

How to Calm a Dog Down
  1. Learn to read their body language. ...
  2. Show them some physical affection. ...
  3. Put on some classical music. ...
  4. Try aromatherapy. ...
  5. Provide a calm, safe place. ...
  6. Dress your dog in a calming vest. ...
  7. Provide proper socialization. ...
  8. Make sure hyper dogs get enough exercise.
Mar 1, 2022

Is my dog shivering or having a seizure? ›

When a dog experiences muscle tremors or shivering, they are still fully aware of their surroundings. Most types of seizures, however, will affect a dog's ability to sense and respond to the world around them. They may be unconscious, just seem “out of it,” or anything in between.

Why is my dog suddenly acting nervous and scared? ›

Sometimes dogs are frightened of new situations and stimuli, like a visit to the groomer or vet. Others may have more ingrained phobias, like loud cars or slick flooring. Separation Anxiety: Affecting around 14% of dogs, this anxiety occurs when your pet is left alone.

What are the signs of seizures in dogs? ›

Signs of a dog seizure include vomiting, circling, becoming clingy, and vocalizing. If your dog has a grand mal seizure, it can affect their full body, and they may lose consciousness. Seizures in a dog look scary, but they are usually brief and don't typically cause your pet any pain.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.