Egg Custard And Berries Recipe - Shaye Elliott (2024)

I present, my friends, the most delicious egg custard and berries recipe.

Remember that time, no so long ago, when you went out to your chicken coop? You lovingly gathered each egg in your apron pocket, noticed one of the eggs had been eaten by a hen, and made a mental note to keep an eye on said-egg-eater so you could cook her up for Sunday supper.

You then made your way down to the cow stable, where you pulled up your faithful three-legged stool, washed off the cow's udder, and began the wonderful rhythm of handmilking this thousand pound bovine. Twenty minutes later, you were rewarded with two gallons of fresh, warm, raw milk.

After letting the milk sit and settle for a day or so, you gracefully skimmed the cream off the top of the gallon jar – like an angel iceskating through milky heaven. With the addition of a few simple ingredients grown off the farm, you knew what was in store. Fresh custard. Farm fresh custard. An egg custard and warm berries recipe lingering in the air.

Custard that makes you want to roll your eyes back and moan a moan of food nirvana. That, my friends, is exactly how we arrived at this recipe. Inspired by the goodness that our animals are producing at this very moment.

Egg Custard and Berries Recipe

You will need:

– 6 egg yolks (from the highest quality eggs you can find)

– 1 cup fresh cream

– 1 tablespoon real vanilla extractor the seeds from one vanilla bean

– 3 tablespoons maple syrup

– 5 cups fresh or frozen berries (I used frozen huckleberries that my Mom put up last summer)

Step One: Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Set aside.

Step Two: Fill the bottom pan of adouble boiler, ora small saucepan, with a few inches of warm water. Place a second pan on top, or use a glass bowl (as pictured). The idea is simply to heat gently and not-directly. But I'm sure you knew the purpose of a double boiler. Still, I found it my duty to explain. Should I have not? Never mind. Step Three: Into the top of the double boiler or saucepan, pour in the cream, the vanilla, and the maple syrup. Gentlywarmover medium heat until very warm to the touch.

Step Four: While the cream is warming, place the berries in an oven-safe dish. Warm them in a preheated 350 degree oven until they begin to release those delicious, rich, succulent berry juices (usually 10-15 minutes). As you can see, I used frozen berries since fresh berries won't be available for a few more months around these parts.

Step Five: Once the cream is warm, add the egg yolks to a large bowl. Whisk them a bit. Then, slowly ladle in the hot cream – sloooooooowly. If the cream is added to quickly, you'll end up with a large bowl of scrambled eggs. By dribbling in the cream gently and slowly, you allow the egg yolks time to warm without cooking them. Like so:

Now, whisk, whisk, whisk, WHISK!

Step Six: Return the custard to the top of the double boiler. Continue to warm over medium heat until the mixture thickens, about 10minutes.

See how that's nice and thick now? Don't worry… you can use a spoon to test. I'm a dirty, filthy farmgirl so I used my finger. And then I licked it clean. WHAT?! Don't judge. I'm just being honest. And once you taste this custard, you'll understand why I did it.

Step Seven: There we have it. Warm custard. Warm berries. Warm hearts.

You can drizzle, drip, or drench to your little heart's desire. I dripped first. Quickly followed by a drizzle and drench.

I'd like to say that I ate this like a lady, gently dabbing the corners of my mouth with a pressed vintage cloth napkin. But the truth is, I scarfed a bowl down like it was the last thing I'd ever eat. Frankly, I knew I'd be competing with Stuart to finish off the dish and I wanted to beat him, and quickly, so that I could go back for seconds before he had time to steal what was left out from under me. So, I ate like a ravaged animal.

And I'd say that I'm ashamed of my actions, but I'm not. Because I got to have seconds. I was then promptly reminded to double the recipe next time. Ya know. For good measure. And so everyone in the family could enjoy more of this rich, delicious, goodness that is custard.

We all have our true loves in life. I thinkthis egg custard and berries recipemay be at the top of my list. Below Jesus. But still up there. Enjoy!

For other great meal ideas, no matter what your dietary restrictions, check out the meal planning service I use: Real Plans.

Egg Custard And Berries Recipe

Egg Custard And Berries Recipe - Shaye Elliott (13)

  • 6 egg yolks (from the highest quality eggs you can find)
  • 1 cup fresh cream
  • 1 tablespoon real vanilla extract or the seeds from one vanilla bean
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 5 cups fresh or frozen berries
  1. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Set aside.
  2. Fill the bottom pan of a double boiler, or a small saucepan, with a few inches of warm water.
  3. Into the top of the double boiler or saucepan, pour in the cream, the vanilla, and the maple syrup. Gently warm over medium heat until very warm to the touch.
  4. While the cream is warming, place the berries in an oven-safe dish. Warm them in a preheated 350 degree oven until they begin to release those delicious, rich, succulent berry juices (usually 10-15 minutes).
  5. Once the cream is warm, add the egg yolks to a large bowl. Whisk them a bit. Then, slowly ladle in the hot cream – sloooooooowly. If the cream is added to quickly, you’ll end up with a large bowl of scrambled eggs.
  6. Now, whisk, whisk, whisk, WHISK!
  7. Return the custard to the top of the double boiler. Continue to warm over medium heat until the mixture thickens, about 10 minutes.
  8. Combine the custard and the berries however you want. Drizzle, dip, mix up, it's all good.


Egg Custard And Berries Recipe - Shaye Elliott (2024)
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