Everything you need to know about teeth whitening (2024)

Everything you need to know about teeth whitening (1)

Concerned about the colour of your teeth and considering your whitening options? If your teeth are less than pearly white and you long for a dazzling Hollywood smile, you might have considered purchasing a teeth whitening kit online. But DIY teeth whitening does come with a number of risks so it's always best to opt for a procedure carried out by a dentist.

We spoke to Dr Ahmed Hussain, Principle Dentist at Harrow on the Hill Dental Practice about the best teeth whitening tips:

What is teeth whitening?

Genetics, the environment, lifestyle, diet and ageing can all make teeth look yellow and darker. The most common reason for yellow teeth are surface stains on your enamel, which are usually caused by what we eat and drink, or if we smoke.

Over time, these stains can work their way to the layer below enamel, known as dentin. When this becomes stained, the whole tooth looks darker because of the translucency of enamel. In addition, an erosive diet (fizzy or sports drinks, or acidic foods) can thin the dental enamel which makes the teeth look yellower as the dentin below shows through.

However, there are plenty of things we can do to prevent yellowing or stained teeth. Whitening is such an easy, non-invasive and healthy way to obtain a dazzling smile. My patients want a healthy looking smile, but appreciate that it needs to look natural.

I would recommend a chairside or at-home teeth whitening treatment, followed by two weeks of at-home whitening to take the colour to its optimum shade. However, if you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, your treatment may take longer as we’ll need to make sure there are no underlying gum health problems before whitening.

Types of teeth whitening

My favourite whitening method is Philips Zoom At-home Whitening. In-clinic Zoom whitening is good for short term results like for an event when time is a factor. But for longer lasting results we recommend the bleaching tray as it locks in the new shade for longer and can easily be topped up using the same trays in the future.

There are other teeth whitening systems, which also give a great result as long as they are applied by a dentist.

Whitening toothpastes (including charcoal based toothpastes), white strips and oil pulling should be used with caution as they work by removing surface stains hence brightening the colour. However, over time the enamel will thin, which also causes the teeth to become darker.

Who can do teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective treatment when delivered by a dental professional. It is actually illegal for anyone other than a dentist to prescribe tooth whitening treatment.

Home tooth bleaching is ubiquitous on social media, despite being illegal without a prescription from a dentist.

Teeth whitening is something that needs to be done by your dentist. The problem with getting your teeth whitened by anyone but a dental professional is that carried out incorrectly, whitening can result in major damage to the gums, enamel or roots. It can also lead to zinging tooth sensitivity.

Who knows the long-term damage these non-professional treatments might cause? Not to mention, they probably won’t be effective – for example, tooth whitening products need to contain six per cent bleach to give us pearly whites, but over the counter treatments only have 0.1 percent bleach.

What happens during a teeth whitening procedure?

If you decide to get your teeth whitened, during the procedure at your chosen dental clinic you can expect the following to occur:

  • At the start of an in-clinic whitening treatment, your dentist will take a mould of your teeth, using either putty impressions or a 3D digital scanner. This mould will be used to create a set of custom plastic trays for your teeth, which will fit over your teeth perfectly. These will be given to you to use at home with specially prescribed tooth whitening gel.

  • Before in-practice whitening your dentist will prepare your teeth, placing cheek retractors in your mouth to pull back your lips. Then to ensure your gums and lips are protected, they will apply protective gauze and masking gel on your gums around your teeth, so only your teeth come into contact with the bleaching gel.

  • You will be given safety eyewear, and your dentist will then apply the whitening gel to your teeth. They will then shine a special light on your teeth for four x 15 minute cycles, topping up the gel on each occasion. This light accelerates the oxygenation of the whitening gel, which means you can walk out of the practice with brighter and whiter teeth.

  • You will then take home your individualised whitening trays, which will allow for up to two weeks of top ups at home.

  • If you plan to have an at-home whitening treatment, you will visit your dentist to be fitted for your whitening trays, and you will have a dental health check up at the same time.

  • You will collect your trays at your dental practice at a time convenient for you. The dentist will make sure you are happy with how the trays fit and you know how to use them. You will then apply the gel in your trays once a day, night or day, for two weeks for the optimum result.

What is Zoom teeth whitening?

I find my patients have the best results with Philips Zoom Whitening, especially with the At-Home kit. As well as whitening, the solution applied to teeth helps protect enamel and reduces sensitivity, which is something previous tooth whitening treatments could exacerbate.

In-clinic Zoom Tooth Whitening gives the most intense results, as it contains accelerating ingredients to get to work and reverse staining. This kind of whitening is especially effective if you have deep discolouration, maybe from years of smoking, drinking wine and coffee, or taking certain types of medication. As your dental professional carries this out for you, you can be sure you’re getting a safe whitening treatment.

At-home Zoom Tooth Whitening allows you to brighten your smile gradually and conveniently with a teeth bleaching treatment that fits into your schedule. You will get customised whitening trays that fit every contour of your teeth for even results and will have whiter teeth in one-two weeks.

How does teeth whitening work?

The peroxide solution bleaches the enamel, which is the outer covering of the tooth, and the dentine, which is the inside of the tooth. This whitens your teeth safely and effectively.

The Philips Zoom Whitening in-clinic system uses equipment that shines a bright light to activate the hydrogen peroxide gel, applied to your teeth. This produces oxygen that removes the stains. It is safe and effective when done by a dentist. We look after the whole mouth and not just the teeth. We take care about any minor sensitivity that may occasionally arise.

The at-home system works in much the same way, without the LED light. The gel contains six percent hydrogen peroxide solution, which whitens your teeth over the course of one to two weeks.

What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

Your teeth will look whiter and fresher. It’s amazing to see how much whiter teeth can improve a smile quickly and inexpensively.

What are the risks of teeth whitening?

If your dentist is conducting your tooth whitening, the risks are minimal. Teeth whitening can lead to some sensitivity due to the peroxide solution. However, the whitening solution I use helps protect enamel and reduces sensitivity. If you are at greater risk of sensitivity, you can also apply an Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) gel to your trays after your treatment. Your dentist can prescribe the gel for you, which helps rebuild enamel and reduce sensitivity.

There is a risk of damage to your gums if you don’t visit a reputable dentist, and at-home kits can cause many issues like tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, gum burns and damage to tooth enamel.

What can you do to avoid risk?

Always visit a dentist to whiten your teeth, and advise them if you suffer from tooth sensitivity, as they will be able to advise the best course of treatment for you.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Tooth whitening treatments last for about six months. You can extend the effects by minimising stains forming on the surface of your teeth, which are often caused by what we eat or drink. Reduce your consumption of tea, coffee, red wine and food containing tannins and turmeric, which can all stain your teeth.

Brush and floss your teeth daily, and get a professional clean regularly with a hygienist.

You can also top-up your whitening at home using your customised whitening trays, with new gel syringes which you can buy from your dentist.

Last updated: 23-06-2021

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What should you know before whitening your teeth? ›

If you're considering a professional whitening treatment, schedule it for after you get your teeth cleaned, as the whitening will take hold better. Your best bet is within a week or two of the cleaning. "Whitening doesn't work effectively through plaque and tartar, and having healthy gums is ideal," says Dr.

What are the cons of teeth whitening? ›

Schedule an appointment with our dentist in Gainesville for more information or a consultation about your specific concerns.
  • Tooth sensitivity. ...
  • Doesn't work on all teeth. ...
  • May exacerbate certain conditions. ...
  • Temporary. ...
  • Don't use if you're pregnant.

Is it worth it to get your teeth professionally whitened? ›

As a result, you may wonder if professional tooth whitening is worth the cost. Lots of patients are curious about in-office treatment and ask if it is really better than at-home options. The answer is a resounding yes. The most effective way to whiten teeth is with a professional in-office treatment.

Is it better to whiten your teeth at night or in the morning? ›

Out dentist in Clermont recommends using the whitening trays at night before you go to bed. This is because the teeth have pores, and when you apply a whitening gel to your teeth, those pores open very slightly. While they are open, your teeth are at an increased risk for staining if you eat or drink.

Who shouldn't get teeth whitening on? ›

Other people who shouldn't use teeth-whitening products include those who have: Sensitive teeth or gums. Gum disease. Cavities or other dental problems.

What not to do before a teeth whitening? ›

Avoid eating food or drinking beverages that can stain your teeth. Anything that might leave stains should be avoided. That includes black teas, coffee, red wine, blueberries, and anything else that can stain your teeth.

Why is teeth whitening not recommended? ›

What are the risks of teeth whitening? No matter what treatment you use, there's a chance your gums will be sensitive to the chemicals used in teeth whitening, particularly if you already have sensitive teeth. There's also a chance of burns to gums and some of the whitening kits used at home can harm tooth enamel.

Why do my teeth look more yellow after whitening? ›

Teeth can become temporarily dehydrated after using whitening strips. Your teeth may appear more yellow as a result of this dehydration because the enamel may become dry and lack moisture. Dehydrated enamel sometimes has a transparent appearance that makes the naturally yellowish dentin underneath visible.

Can yellow teeth become white? ›

Yellow teeth can regain whiteness through various methods, including good oral hygiene, professional dental cleanings, and teeth-whitening treatments. Stains from coffee, tea, or tobacco can be removed with adequate oral care, while professional procedures like bleaching or laser treatments offer quicker results.

How many sessions does it take to whiten teeth? ›

It often requires numerous 30- or 60-minute in-office sessions with teeth whitening dentists near you to achieve the most dramatic effects, typically involving teeth being three to eight colors brighter. Some dentists employ procedures that may be finished in a single, two-hour visit.

Is having your teeth whitened painful? ›

The good news about teeth whitening is that the treatment itself doesn't cause any pain whatsoever, so you can rest easy. It's a relief to know that you can up your self-confidence by receiving teeth-whitening treatment, but you don't have to worry about any discomfort during the procedure.

Why is teeth whitening at dentist so expensive? ›

Why is professional teeth whitening more expensive than home kits? Professional teeth whitening uses high-quality materials and requires the expertise of a dentist, ensuring safe, effective, and personalized treatment, which justifies its higher cost compared to over-the-counter home kits.

When should you not get teeth whitening? ›

If you have a lot of fillings, dental bonding or crowns, you may not be a candidate for dental whitening. This is because restorations will not respond to whitening, and a whitening treatment could result in a very uneven appearance.

How long do teeth pores stay open after whitening? ›

The pores slowly close over the next two to three days, but during that time, your teeth are more susceptible to staining from foods and drinks. For at least the first 48 hours, it's best to avoid darkly colored foods and drinks, including berries, coffee, tea, red wine, and tomato sauce.

What is the best age to whiten your teeth? ›

Dentists have learned from experience that people between the ages of 14 and 16 respond best to teeth whitening treatments. On the other hand, trying to whiten the teeth of senior patients is often the most difficult.

What to do before a teeth whitening session? ›

Before booking your teeth whitening treatment, it is essential to visit your dentist for a check-up , ask for a full clean, and buy desensitizing toothpaste if you have sensitive teeth. Your check-up will give your dentist time to determine whether their professional treatment is right for your stains.

Who is not suitable for teeth whitening? ›

Teeth whitening isn't for children under 16. It's also not for pregnant or lactating women. Or, for people with allergies or sensitivities. It's also not for those with lots of dental work, gum disease, or tooth decay.

How do I know if my teeth can't be whitened? ›

Tooth discoloration caused by medication, health conditions, or lost enamel may not respond well (or at all) to whitening treatments. On the other hand, stains from lifestyle and diet tend to respond well, but very heavy staining may require intensive whitening or other treatments to get the results you want.

Should you wash your teeth before whitening? ›

Brushing Before Whitening

Brushing away any surface dirt, plaque, or food particles allows the whitening gel to make direct contact with your teeth, perhaps resulting in more effective results. Clean teeth may also absorb the whitening solution more evenly, resulting in a more uniform whitening result.

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