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J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 Sep 1.

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The Failure to Rescue (FTR) rate is defined as the mortality rate among patients who experience one or more complications. It has been used as an outcome metric for approximately 25 years, primarily in elective surgery populations, and has been shown to be associated with factors that are modifiable on the institutional level. Although the FTR metric was derived in elective surgical populations, modifications have been made in attempts to refine the metric and apply it to broader populations, including medical patients and non-elective surgical patients. However, study among emergency general surgery patients has been limited. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge surrounding FTR, including established risk factors and potential limitations of the metric in emergency general surgery (EGS) populations. We then discuss a conceptual model for FTR events and review strategies to minimize rates. Finally, we provide a brief overview of current areas of study and potential future directions in acute care surgery.

Keywords: Failure to rescue, FTR, outcomes, quality of care, metrics


In this review we have summarized the various definitions used to create FTR metrics, the institutional and patient factors associated with FTR, and what is currently known about efforts to reduce FTR rates at the individual center level. While much has been published in recent years on FTR in elective populations, the trauma and emergency surgery populations and their inherent differences are still being described. Further elucidation and correction of factors contributing to institutional FTR rates across subspecialties may lead to improved patient outcomes, and future research focused on the events immediately preceding the decompensation of a patient may yield critical insights.


Failure to Rescue (FTR) was first defined in 1992 in a landmark paper by Silber and colleagues as the rate of mortality among patients with a complication. (1) The FTR rate is calculated among a particular group of patients using the number of patients with a complication as the denominator and the number of deaths following a complication as the numerator. Since this initial study, FTR has been studied in other surgical populations such as hepatic surgery (24), thoracic surgery (57), colorectal surgery (810), esophagectomy (1113), pancreatic surgery (14, 15), bariatric surgery (16), and pediatric surgery (17), as well as in non-surgical disciplines including obstetrics (18) and patients with acute myocardial infarction. (19) Until now, FTR has been applied only minimally to trauma and acute care surgery, though some have begun to apply and adapt the metric. (2025)

FTR offers two main advantages as an outcome metric. First, multiple studies have demonstrated that while complication rates do not vary significantly between high and low mortality hospitals, FTR rates are strongly associated with mortality at the center level (Figure 1). Second, compared to complication and mortality rates, the FTR rate is more strongly associated with institutional factors. A metric associated both with mortality and with hospital factors – factors that are controllable by the institutions – represents an exciting potential opportunity to reduce mortality. These “hospital factors,” described in more detail below, have been elucidated in several studies since Silber and include higher technology, higher volume, and higher nursing ratios. (2630) These findings have led to the widespread use of FTR as a hospital quality metric. (31) In this literature review, we will summarize the most common ways of defining FTR, the most commonly associated risk factors for FTR events, and the limitations of the metric, particularly in regards to its use in emergency surgery. Finally, we will introduce a conceptual model for FTR events and review strategies to minimize rates.


Typical results depicting the relationship between mortality, complications, and Failure-to-rescue (FTR) rates at hospitals ranked into quintiles by mortality.

Defining Failure to Rescue

While all described methods of calculating FTR rates express mortality in patients who have experienced complications, the specific complications included have varied over time. Table 1 displays a sample of FTR definitions that have been published in the literature and the populations to which they were applied. (32) In the early 2000s, alternative definitions to the original metric were made in an attempt to further refine it and make it more applicable to aspects of care that might be subject to modification. These include a “nursing sensitive’ version described by Needleman et al in which the denominator was limited to 6 complications amenable to nursing interventions, subsequently termed “FTR-N” by Silber. (33, 34) The definition adopted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) added renal failure to the denominator of the FTR-N rate, for a total of 7 included complications. (35). In a 2007 analysis and commentary, Silber notes that such alterations can sway the FTR calculation significantly, by limiting not only the denominator (potentially decreasing proportion of deaths preceded by a complication), but also the numerator (decreasing the overall number of deaths included in the metric). This could leave the FTR metric open to significant “gaming.” (33) More recent versions of the metric have included only “surgical” complications (i.e. reoperations) or have accounted for expected preventability. (25, 3638)

Table 1.

Selected FTR definitions.

Author and YearPopulationIncluded Complications
(Silber 1992 (1))Elective cholecystectomy and prostatectomyCardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure (CHF), cardiac arrest, pneumonia (PNA), pulmonary embolism (PE), pneumothorax (PTX), renal dysfunction, stroke, wound infection, reoperation
(Needleman 2002 (34)), (Silber 2007 [‘FTR-N’] (33))Medical and surgical patientsPNA, shock, GI bleed, cardiac arrest, sepsis, deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
(Rosen 2005 (35)), (Silber 2007 [‘FTR-N’] (33))Medical and surgical VA patientsPNA, shock, GI bleed, cardiac arrest, sepsis, DVT, renal failure
(Ghaferi 2009 (26))“Major” operations - CABG, pancreatectomy, esophagectomy, AAA, AVR, MVRPulmonary failure, PNA, myocardial infarction (MI), DVT/PE, acute renal failure (ARF), hemorrhage, surgical site infection (SSI), GI bleed
(Almoudaris 2011 [‘FTR-S’] (36))Colorectal cancer surgical patients
Unplanned reoperation
(Glance 2011 (28))Trauma (non-burn) patientsMI, PNA, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), ARF, PE, coagulopathy, sepsis, stroke, abdominal compartment syndrome
(Farjah 2015 (6))Pulmonary resection for lung CATracheostomy, reintubation, ventilator support >48hrs, ARDS, bronchopleural fistula, MI, PNA, bleeding requiring reoperation, MI.
(Holena 2017 [‘FTR-T’] (25))Trauma (non-burn) patientsARDS, respiratory failure, PNA, fat embolus syndrome, PTX, PE, arrhythmia, extremity compartment syndrome, DVT, MI, coagulopathy, acute kidney injury (AKI), empyema, sepsis, sinusitis, STI, UTI, wound infection, GI bleeding, small bowel obstruction (SBO), central nervous system (CNS) infection, dehiscence, hypothermia, decubitus ulcer, hemorrhage, adverse drug reaction, drug or alcohol withdrawal, unplanned intubation, unplanned reoperation, unplanned ICU readmission, stroke, cardiac arrest
(Kaufman 2017 [‘FTR-I’] (32))Trauma (non-burn) patientsInfectious complications: PNA, UTI, wound infection, sepsis, STI, empyema, sinusitis, CNS infection

Given that many of these definitions were created in different surgical subpopulations, with different complications of interest, the optimal version to use may depend on the population being studied. Broadly speaking, the original iteration of the metric (1) has been well-studied and shown to be effective in elective populations. One version proposed for use in trauma includes a much broader group of complications, noting that it also attempts to account for predicted mortality by excluding some deaths. (25) FTR is evolving in emergency general surgery, but the list of 8 complications used by Ghaferi et al has been applied to good effect in this population. (21, 26)

Risk Factors for Failure to Rescue Events

Since the creation of FTR as a metric, it has been clear that hospital factors contribute more strongly to FTR rates than to mortality or complication rates. (1) A summary of some of the most consistently described and influential factors is presented here.

Hospital and Surgeon Volume

Multiple studies have demonstrated a strong negative correlation between volume and FTR rates. (30, 39) The focus of these works has been primarily on hospital volume (i.e., number of cases, patients, or beds hospital-wide). For example, Ghaferi et al analyzed Medicare data on upper GI cancer patients from 2005–2007. When hospitals were separated into quintiles by volume and the highest and lowest-volume groups were compared, there were small differences in complication rates (39% vs 43%), but considerably more dramatic differences in FTR rates (13% vs 30%). (40) Others have also considered surgeon volume. (20, 21) Buettner and colleagues analyzed nine years’ worth of data from the National Inpatient Sample (NIS) on hepatic surgery patients, finding correlations both between FTR and surgeon volume and between FTR and hospital volume. However, they note that surgeon volume had a much more significant effect. (3). The association with hospital volume may have to do with infrastructure, formal or informal care protocols, or with nursing staff who are familiar with particular patient populations, procedures, and complications. The association with surgeon volume may indicate that a surgeon that performs a procedure more often may have more experience with the common postoperative complications that require timely attention.

Nursing Factors – Staffing, Education, and Work Environment

One of the most consistently demonstrated hospital factors associated with FTR rates is nursing ratios. Multiple studies have suggested that higher nurse-to-patient ratios are protective against FTR events. (30, 41, 42) In one of the largest studies addressing this topic, Sheetz and colleagues performed a logistic regression analysis on data from approximately 2 million Medicare patients that had undergone one of 6 “high risk” general and vascular operations. In addition to teaching status, technology, and number of ICU beds, nursing ratios were found to be correlated with FTR rates. This study found that 12–57% of observed variation in FTR could be attributed to these hospital factors. The authors suggested that “micro” factors such as culture and climate might account for the remainder of the variation. (43)

Large-scale institutional factors can only go so far, and providers’ timely attention to issues and ability to communicate concerns may also have an impact on outcomes. Friese et al demonstrated this in a 2008 study of nursing factors associated with complications, mortality, and FTR. In addition to showing associations between FTR and both staffing ratios and education level, they found significant differences in all three outcomes when hospitals were grouped by nurse practice environment. The practice environment was evaluated using the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI), a scale composed of questions regarding hospital qualities such as opportunities for leadership, adequate support, and collegial relationships with physicians. (44) This supports the idea that “micro” factors may be a significant contributor to FTR.

Teaching Status

The question of housestaff and whether their presence is helpful or harmful has been debated. One might expect that trainees, given a lower level of experience, may provide inferior care. Alternatively, a housestaff team is often more present on the wards, and teaching hospital status may be a marker for other domains of high-quality care. Though the presence of surgical housestaff was found to be a detrimental factor by Silber et al, (1) subsequent studies have suggested that a hospital’s teaching status may in fact be protective. (10, 43, 45) It is possible that there are confounding effects here, given that teaching hospitals tend to be those with other high-quality features. (45) In a direct comparison of outcomes after colectomy in teaching vs non-teaching hospitals, Ko et al failed to show a difference in mortality or FTR rates. They did show statistically significant differences in particular complications, some higher in teaching hospitals and some higher in non-teaching hospitals, but none were clinically significant and this may have had more to do with large sample size (150,000 patients) than any clinically relevant differences. (8)

Intensive Care

Another institutional factor that has been shown to be associated with FTR rates is the adequate presence of intensive care unit (ICU) facilities and staff. Some of the studies cited above have demonstrated this relationship. (10, 43) A 2014 study examining this issue designated FTR “outliers” by using Medicare “Hospital Compare” data and determining which hospitals’ FTR rates had 95% confidence intervals (CIs) that lay entirely above or below the national FTR 95% CI. Clinicians at these hospitals were then surveyed regarding ICU characteristics. Many of the hypothesized characteristics did not achieve significance when top- and bottom- performers were compared (i.e. ECMO capabilities, CLABSI rates as a proxy for ICU quality). However, the presence of an intensivist on the rapid response team (RRT) and the presence of an internist on the ICU care team were both found to be more common in high performing institutions. (46)


Beginning with Silber, many authors have hypothesized that high-technology hospitals would have lower FTR rates, but results have been inconsistent. Silber found no correlation, (1) but Ghaferi et al. found technology index to be negatively associated with FTR. (30) It remains unclear whether the observed associations are due to technology per se, or whether there are contributions from other hospital, provider, and patient characteristics that accompany “high technology” hospitals and those who have access to them. The complex interactions of race, insurance status, and hospital resources with complication and FTR rates has only recently begun to be investigated on a detailed level. (22)


Some have suggested that increased FTR rates are partially attributable to inadequate staffing during certain hours. A “weekend effect,” or a phenomenon in which patients experience poor outcomes when presenting at night or on weekends, has been explored. A reduced overall number of providers or the lack of an in-house attending physician at these times may contribute. Metcalfe et al explored this in the emergency general surgery population in 2018. Using approximately 1.3 million admissions’ worth of data from the NIS 2012–2013, they found a marginal increase in complications, mortality, and FTR on weekends. However, this was a very large sample and these findings may lack clinical significance (complications: 15.1% vs 14.9%; mortality: 1.5% vs 1.3%; FTR: 6.2% vs 5.9%). Additionally, the authors note that other factors may contribute, including that the patient mix that presents on the weekends may be more acutely ill (otherwise they may wait until Monday) or that coding may be suboptimal over the weekend. (23) Others have suggested that a “weekend effect” – or lack thereof – may be the mechanism behind the well-established negative correlation between teaching status and FTR rates, given the increasing chance of 24/7 resident coverage at a teaching institution. Evidence for this thus far is weak. (30)

Patient Factors

Although institutional factors contribute more strongly to FTR rates than to complication or mortality rates, patient factors contribute strongly to all three outcomes. Age has been repeatedly demonstrated to contribute to FTR, particularly in trauma and acute care surgery. In multiple studies, Sheetz et al demonstrated a significant increase in FTR rates in elderly populations (>75 years) following emergent general or vascular surgery. (47, 48) A similar concept has been demonstrated in the trauma population, (49) and in fact, a large study using the National Trauma Databank (NTDB) has shown a stepwise increase in FTR rates with increasing age. (50) Other investigators have focused not on age per se but on the role of “frailty,” as defined by the Trauma Specific Frailty Index (TSFI) or Risk Analysis Index (RAI). Increased rates of FTR are associated with increased frailty. (51, 52) Though age and frailty are “patient factors,” institutions can modify protocols and providers can increase their attentiveness to these patients in an effort to improve FTR rates. (53)

Insurance status also contributes to FTR in trauma and emergency surgery. After controlling for other factors, uninsured patients are more likely to experience an FTR event than insured ones. Multiple explanations for this have been suggested, including that uninsured individuals experience bias, implicit or explicit, on an individual level. Alternatively, it has been noted that uninsured patients tend to cluster at low-resource hospitals (a known risk factor for FTR) and that uninsured individuals may not have the means to address problems in an elective fashion and thus present emergently when the disease process is further along. (22, 54)

Limitations of the FTR Metric

For an outcome metric to be actionable, it must be subject to modification. In recent years, several shortcomings of the original metric have been identified and as such several considerations have been recommended.

Applicability in Trauma and Emergency Surgery

The original FTR metric was created in the setting of common elective procedures (open cholecystectomy and transurethral prostatectomy). (1) As the metric has become more widely recognized and more widely used, some have raised the question of whether certain populations should be handled differently. Though overall trends similar to those described above have been demonstrated in trauma, (28) this population is fundamentally different from the elective surgical population. First, many trauma patients are managed non-operatively. Realizing that the pool of patients considered in the traditional FTR metric consisted entirely of postoperative patients, some have advocated considering whether or not trauma patients underwent an operation. (37)

Secondly, the question of precedence – the proportion of deaths that are preceded by a complication – has been raised in trauma. While elective FTR events have a nearly 100% precedence rate, in trauma – a field in which deaths secondary to injury are common – the rates range from 20–55% percent. Unreported complications may partially explain the wide range of reported values (24), but the question of precedence rates in emergency general surgery has yet to be explored.

A closely related issue is preventability. While most of the currently published FTR literature does not examine the preventability of cases, a few studies have leveraged existing peer review processes. (38, 55, 56) In trauma populations, the majority of FTR events are not deemed to be preventable, which may limit the utility of the FTR metric to measure outcomes that are subject to modification by the institution.

The emergency general surgery (EGS) population also differs from the elective surgical population. Mehta et al reported that unlike elective surgery, in which hospital factors contribute most, individual surgeon volume may have a stronger impact in EGS. One of these studies not only reported volume but also reported level of surgeon experience, as determined by years since medical school graduation. Most of the low EGS volume surgeons were senior surgeons. The conclusion the authors reach is that regardless of experience, having dedicated emergency general surgeons who face these situations regularly is important. They have also demonstrated that this effect is particularly important in elderly patients. (20, 21) Further investigation is needed in this area.

“Failure-to-pursue rescue” in emergency surgery (57)

Events which meet the technical definition of FTR may not represent the intention of the metric. Scarborough et al examined the role of “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) status in apparent FTR rates and found that in older patients undergoing emergency general surgery, complication rates were similar, but FTR rates differed (56.7% in DNR patients vs 41.4% in full-code patients). Some of all of this discrepancy may be attributable to patient disease or to patients’ desires regarding resuscitation. Additionally, providers may be inclined to be generally less aggressive in DNR patients, even prior to the resuscitation phase. (57)

Multiple complications

The traditional FTR metric only accounts for one complication. If there are multiple occurrences, only the first one is counted. However, many authors have theorized that death often occurs after a cascade of ever-more-severe complications. Wakeam et al used 7 years of National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) data to demonstrate that risk of a complication was highest among patients who had already developed a previous complication. The most common secondary complications were the logical extensions of the index complications – for example, wound dehiscence after a surgical site infection or cardiac arrest after myocardial infarction – indicating a failure to halt the progression from index complication to death. (58) Following this, Massarweh and colleagues used large-scale Veterans Affairs Surgical Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP) data on “low-risk” operations to demonstrate that the mortality rate rises with the number of complications a patient experiences, in a stepwise fashion. (59) If we are to use FTR data as a metric for improvement – in other words, if we are to focus on decreasing FTR rates – this type of information, which gives more detail about the progression from index complication to death, is valuable.

Additionally, though some make the distinction between “major” and “minor” complications, the nature of the first complication (i.e. cardiovascular vs pulmonary vs infectious) is often not considered. It has been shown that this does matter, particularly in elderly populations undergoing emergency general surgery. For this reason, increasingly granular information is important in order to most effectively use data on FTR events in a given institution. For example, if providers realize that infectious and pulmonary etiologies are particularly high-risk initial complications in the elderly, as shown by Sheetz et al, institutional protocols can be created for rapid intervention in these scenarios. (47)

Efforts to Reduce FTR: Conceptualizing the Sequence

Given the strong evidence that mortality rates in postoperative patients are associated with FTR rates, institutional efforts to drive down FTR rates have been put forward. As this metric has been further refined and adjusted to better represent specific populations, it has become more useful as an actionable metric for hospitals and providers. The progression from complication to either escalation of care or death can be conceptualized as a circuit in which information travels from patient to provider along an “afferent limb” and action is taken via an “efferent limb.” The exact time of onset of a complication is impossible to know, but at some point, a detectable danger signal becomes apparent. This could be a lab value, vital sign derangement, radiographic finding, exam finding, or symptom, for example. This signal may not exist in all cases (i.e., asymptomatic DVT), but often does. (60) This signal may be picked up by a nurse or other provider (i.e. MD/NP/PA). For example, a nurse notices a vital sign derangement or a member of the rounding team notices a concerning exam finding. This information is recognized by, or relayed to, the primary provider (often an intern), who escalates or treats (Figure 2). While not exhaustive in describing all of the pathways a patient could potentially follow, this conceptual diagram may be an accurate general representation of many cases. Efforts to drive down FTR rates have focused on different components of this circuit.


Progression after complication.

Improving the Response: The Efferent Limb

Perhaps the best-studied intervention is the Rapid Response Team (RRTs), whose primary purpose it is to respond to complications in a timely manner and facilitate escalation of care should it be deemed necessary. Composition of such teams can vary but often consist of a critical care physician, critical care nurse, and respiratory therapist at a minimum. Despite the lack of strong evidence secondary to the inherent difficulty in studying this type of intervention, the existing literature supports the idea that such teams are beneficial. (41, 61) It has also been shown that the inclusion of an intensivist on the RRT is associated with a reduction in FTR rates. (46) Continuing along the conceptual pathway, some have focused on the phase of care after the patient has been transferred to the ICU and suggest that attention be focused on decreasing FTR rates in that setting. (62)

Recognition: The Afferent Limb

Thus far, we have discussed evaluation of FTR events, risk factors for FTR, and some of the efforts to improve the clinical response to a complication. In order for such handling of complications to be effective, however, the complication must be recognized in a timely manner. Few studies of FTR events have addressed the recognition of a complication and impending deterioration. A review by Taenzer et al. summarizes some of the approaches to improvement on this limb of the circuit. (61) One has been retrospective examination of FTR events, similar to some of the other material described here, in an attempt to identify the factors that put patients at risk. Risk Scoring Systems incorporating some of this information have been created, such as the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS). These have not been shown to be reliable in separating those who will deteriorate from those who will not. (63) Similarly, continuous patient monitors in settings outside of the ICU have been associated with alarm fatigue without increasing sensitivity to complications. (64, 65) Other electronic systems for providing recommendations based on physiologic and laboratory data have been shown to improve care in a general sense, though it is unclear whether these reliably increase detection of postoperative complication. (6668)

Within the ICU, telemedicine and eICU systems are increasingly used to provide another layer of safeguard against undetected complications. In such systems, an intensivist is responsible for monitoring patients in an ICU from a remote location, via computer connection. (6971) There are multiple varieties of such monitoring. In the centralized monitoring model, continuous physiologic and laboratory data are transmitted to the remote intensivist. In the virtual consultant model, adjuncts (robot- or cart-based video communication hardware) are used for the intensivist to “round on” patients and provide input. The former variety is more extensively used and more extensively studied, though both appear to show an improvement in outcomes. (70) A decrease in mortality and hospital-level economic benefit has been demonstrated with centralized monitoring systems in both medical and surgical ICU patients. (69) Qualitative studies have reported provider satisfaction with such systems, though some warn that remote intensivists may at times make ill-advised recommendations if not provided with an appropriate amount of clinical context. (71) Though this is all promising, no decrease in failure-to-rescue events has been demonstrated with eICU or telemedicine interventions.

Some have begun to explore big data solutions for identification of deteriorating patients. A systematic review published earlier this year summarized findings from 6 studies on Electronic Medical Record (EMR) based algorithmic detection systems for acute lung injury (ALI), ventilator-associated lung injury, SIRS, and septic shock in ICU patients. (72) One of the reviewed studies (73) showed improved detection of ALI relative to clinicians. The remainder failed to show improvement, one specifically showed no change in implementation of sepsis therapy with an algorithmic system, (74) and most showed a poor positive predictive value (PPV) of such systems (30–60% in 4 of the 6 studies). Not all of the included studies explicitly had a comparator group. A team at the Mayo clinic used a split-sample design to derive and validate an EMR-based system to sepsis detection, demonstrating good sensitivity (80%) and specificity (96%). More importantly, per chart review, their system detected instances that were not detected initially by clinicians. (75) Though no improvement in FTR rates has ever been shown with such technology, this type of system may be useful in the future.

Information technology is also being used to detect adverse events after they have occurred, for the sake of review and improvement. Methods using International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes have been used for this purpose for some time. The use of microbiology data and pharmacy data for detection of infection detection and adverse drug reactions, respectively, is also well-established. More recently, more advanced methods, including natural language processing for analysis of narrative progress notes, are being employed for detection of a broader range of events. (76)

While RRTs have been shown to be valuable, their success depends in part on their “afferent limbs.” Several Australian studies have examined the effects of a delay in RRT (known as a ‘medical emergency team’ or MET in Australia) involvement. In two retrospective studies investigating this, a significant increase in mortality was demonstrated (OR = 2.1 in one study, OR = 3.1 in the other) with a delay in MET call, which was defined a priori as >30 minutes between the first documentation of a physiologic derangement and the call. (77, 78) In a third, prospective study, the same group looked at factors associated with mortality in MET patients and found a delay in the call (this time defined as >1hr) to be one of only two significantly influential factors (the other one being DNR status). (79)

What becomes apparent through the findings described above is that the time course of a given complication is important in determining how feasible it is to prevent a failure-to-rescue event. In order for us to improve upon our performance in the afferent limb, there must be a period of time during which the complication is recognizable AND slow-progressing enough to act upon. Though many post-surgical complications fulfill both of these criteria, there are several that may predispose to mortality that do not. For example, patients may develop asymptomatic deep venous thromboses (DVTs), which cannot be acted upon if providers do not know they are there. Or, a patient could develop a new ventricular arrhythmia (without preceding complication) that proves to be fatal too quickly for the patient to be rescued.

There are many remaining questions regarding how best to reduce institutional FTR rates. For instance, what factors are associated with provider failures in complication recognition, and what barriers exist to escalation of a deteriorating patient’s care? Recent literature has started to explore these phenomena. The concept of “inattentional blindness,” in which people do not notice the unexpected, has been discussed in the nursing literature as it relates to responses to a decompensating patient. (80) In a related concept, the term “afferent limb failure” has been used to describe situations in which Rapid Response Systems were not appropriately activated. (81) Johnston and colleagues have identified delays in “escalation of care” as a significant predictor of FTR events. (39) In two qualitative studies, the group has attempted to identify hazardous steps in the process of escalation and describe the reasons for failure. Identified issues are the use of pagers (causing a delay in communication between nurses and physicians), lack of expertise in junior residents, and lack of availability/approachability of senior residents, leading to recommendations for better communication, junior resident education, and an improved working environment. (82, 83)

See Also
About FTR

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding

No authors have conflicts to declare. This project is unfunded. DNH is currently supported by a training grant through the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (K08HL131995)


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