Farina Pudding: Civil War Recipe, Served to the Wounded after the Battle of Gettysburg (2024)

Farina Pudding: Civil War Recipe, Served to the Wounded after the Battle of Gettysburg (1)

Farina Pudding: Civil War Recipe, Served to the Wounded after the Battle of Gettysburg (2)

This was a hard challenge to do. I had a feeling everyone was going to pick a Gettysburg food or an Independence Day food so I wanted to do something a little different. I thought of doing something from Vicksburg as it was falling around the same time as the Battle of Gettysburg was occurring in the north. However, as the meals were extremely meager in Vicksburg, I didn't think that a rat or bit of mule would be appetizing in the least or fun to cook.

I was incredibly moved from reading accounts about the aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg. Many are familiar with the 3 days of battle but what happened next is truly at the heart of the event. Women poured in from different parts of the country to administer aid and what they recorded was horrific. They noted the smell of rotting horses. The screams and cries of the wounded and family members wandering the fields in an attempt to find the bodies or graves of missing loved ones. They wrote of the many men that they met and the ones they cared for one day who were gone the next. There were over 27,000 wounded men after the battle, more than 7,000 killed and 10,000 missing. The magnitude of the battle is hard to fathom, it is harder still to imagine what remained after the armies left.

Farina was mentioned in many accounts from nurses and ladies of the Sanitary Commission. They were most likely just adding water or milk to the farina and heating it to make a gruel that would feed many, be nourishing and easy to eat and digest for the wounded. I chose to make a farina pudding as plain farina is so simple it doesn't require a recipe. The recipe I used a farina pudding recipe that I found in a hospital manual.

Farina Pudding: Civil War Recipe, Served to the Wounded after the Battle of Gettysburg (3)

Farina Pudding: Civil War Recipe, Served to the Wounded after the Battle of Gettysburg (4)

The Challenge:

Today in History June 29 - July 12
Make a dish based on or inspired by a momentous occasion that took place on the day you made it. Get creative - you would be surprised by all the interesting things that happened every single day!

The Recipe:

Farina Pudding: Civil War Recipe, Served to the Wounded after the Battle of Gettysburg (5)

The Date/Year and Region:

1861-1863 Pennsylvania

How Did You Make It:


-1/4 cup Farina (Cream of Wheat)
-3 cups Milk
-Sugar to Taste

Instructions: Add milk and farina to double boiler. Boil until it clumps together and pour it into a greased mold being careful as it is very hot. Cool the mold off in a large bowl full of ice. Once cool, turn over the mold to release the pudding and top with sugar.

Time to Complete:
15 Minutes

Total Cost:

About $4.00

How Successful Was It?:The pudding did not turn out as smooth as I thought it would. It might have had a smoother appearance if I boiled it in the mold. It tasted good but a little bland as hospital food is known.

How Accurate Is It?: I forgot to use a double boiler so it only took a few minutes to cook instead of having to boil it for 45 minutes. Even using a double boiler, I don't think it would take 45 minutes to cook.

An Excerpt from a letter to J. Huelings in Moorestown, New Jersey from a Nurse in Gettysburg on July 16, 1863:

"The atmosphere is truly horrible, and camphor and cologne or smelling salts are prime necessaries for most persons, certainly for the ladies. We think that diminutive bags of camphor, say an inch square, would be a great comfort to the soldiers, relieving them in some measure from the ever-present odors.

We rode in an ambulance to the hospital of the Second Corps. The sights and the sounds beggar description. There is great need of bandages. Almost every man has lost either an arm or a leg. The groans, the cries, the shrieks of anguish, are awful indeed to hear. We heard them all day in the field, and last night I buried my head in my pillow to shut out the sounds which reached us, from a church quite near, where the wounded are lying.

We could only try to hear as though we heard not, for it requires strong effort to be able to attend to the various calls for aid. The condensed milk is invaluable. The corn-starch, farina, and milk punch are eagerly partaken of, and a cup of chocolate is greatly relished. A poor fellow with a broken jaw seemed to appeal, though mutely, for special attention. I beat up quickly two or three eggs, adding a spoonful of brandy and a cup of scalding hot milk, which he managed to draw through his scarcely opened lips, and at once seemed revived. The Union soldiers and the rebels, so long at variance, are here quite friendly. They have fought their last battle, and vast numbers are going daily to meet the King of Terrors."

Farina Pudding: Civil War Recipe, Served to the Wounded after the Battle of Gettysburg (2024)


Farina Pudding: Civil War Recipe, Served to the Wounded after the Battle of Gettysburg? ›

Instructions: Add milk and farina to double boiler. Boil until it clumps together and pour it into a greased mold being careful as it is very hot. Cool the mold off in a large bowl full of ice. Once cool, turn over the mold to release the pudding and top with sugar.

What happened immediately after the Battle of Gettysburg? ›

After the battle, the Gettysburg area was a tragic place. Dead horses, the bodies of soldiers, and the debris of battle littered its trampled fields. Many of its buildings were damaged, its fences gone, and its air polluted with the odor of rotting flesh.

What did the Battle of Gettysburg do to the Civil War? ›

T he Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1–3, 1863, in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War. The battle involved the largest number of casualties of the entire war and is often described as the war's turning point.

Who cleaned up the bodies after Gettysburg? ›

Weaver, a Philadelphia physician, began the formal removal of Gettysburg's Confederate dead. He exhumed from the battlefield and shipped south, mainly to Richmond, the bodies of thousands of rebels — so many that Richmond's Hollywood Cemetery has a Gettysburg Hill.

When was the last body found at Gettysburg? ›

In 1996 human remains were found at Gettysburg National Military Park after erosion exposed them near a railroad embankment. Scientists from Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History studied those remains as well and determined that they were from the battle of Gettysburg.

What was the bloodiest day of the Civil War? ›

23,000 soldiers were killed, wounded or missing after twelve hours of savage combat on September 17, 1862. The Battle of Antietam ended the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia's first invasion into the North and led Abraham Lincoln to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

What was the worst Battle of the Civil War? ›

Highest casualty battles
GettysburgGettysburg campaign51,112
ChickamaugaChickamauga campaign34,624
Spotsylvania Court HouseOverland Campaign31,086
27 more rows

How many Civil War soldiers are buried at Gettysburg? ›

The Gettysburg National Cemetery is the final resting place for over 6,000 United States soldiers and veterans. Of these, over 3,500 were among the United States soldiers who died at the Battle of Gettysburg.

What resulted from the Battle of Gettysburg? ›

Union victory. Gettysburg ended Confederate general Robert E. Lee's ambitious second quest to invade the North and bring the Civil War to a swift end. The loss there dashed the hopes of the Confederate States of America to become an independent nation.

What did Abraham Lincoln issue after the Battle of Gettysburg? ›

That changed on September 22, 1862, when President Lincoln issued his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which stated that enslaved people in those states or parts of states still in rebellion as of January 1, 1863, would be declared free.

What happened to Lee after the Battle of Gettysburg? ›

Lee and his family instead moved to Lexington, Virginia, where he became the president of Washington College. It is believed that he accepted this low-profile post, which paid only $1,500 a year, because he felt it unseemly to profit after such a bloody and divisive conflict.

What happened after the Battle of Lincoln? ›

Aftermath and effects

The city of Lincoln was pillaged by Marshal's victorious army, on the pretence that it was loyal to Louis, later euphemistically called the "Lincoln Fair".

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.