Free Products: How to Get Companies to Send You Free Items (2024)

Giving away free products may not seem like agood business model atfirst glance. But formany companies, offering free samples isactually asound decision. Bygiving away free products, companies can gain loyal customers andincrease sales down theroad.

The idea behind giving away free product samples isrelatively straightforward. When acompany makes anew product, customers may behesitant tospend money onitatfirst. There isrisk involved ifthecustomer isunsure whether ornot they will like theproduct.

But, ifthecompany believes intheir products, they can offer free samples sothat customers can test them out. This isalow-risk, hassle-free way forcustomers tofigure out which products are right forthem. And forthebusiness, it’s agreat opportunity toearn more customers. People will appreciate businesses that are willing tooffer free trials. And, assuming thecustomers like theproducts, they will also bewilling tobuy more ofthem inthefuture.

Itisthesame concept that subscription-based services use when they offer afree month fornew subscribers. When consumers receive afree trial, itgives them achance toassess thevalue ofaproduct orservice. Once they know that theproduct isworth it, they will bemore willing topay forit.

For consumers andretailers, thebenefit offree samples isobvious: you get free stuff! But how doyou goabout getting free products from companies? Keep reading tolearn about how toget free tools from manufacturers, aswell asalist ofbrands that will send you free products.

How toGet Free Products From Companies

Ifyou are aretailer looking tofind products tosell, knowing which products are thebest can bedifficult.

Reading online reviews ofgoods andmanufacturers isagood place tostart. But without actually holding theproducts inyour hands, you might struggle toassess their quality. This iswhere free product samples are extremely useful forall parties.

Manufacturers want retailers tobuy their products sothat they can sell them inbulk. Retailers want toknow they can trust their manufacturers andsuppliers.

But without anestablished relationship with amanufacturer, knowing how toget free trials isnot easy, either. Sohow doyou goabout asking fororreceiving free tools from manufacturers? There are afew different ways, anditmay vary from company tocompany.

Check thecompany’s website

The simplest way companies offer free products isbyallowing consumers tosimply fill out aform ontheir website. These companies will publicly display their free sample programs, andwant tomake itaseasy aspossible.

Soifyou find acompany whose products you want totest, itnever hurts tocheck. Click around ontheir website tosee ifthey have alink toaform forfree products. Or, you might click onindividual items onthemanufacturer’s website tosee ifthose products are offered forfree.

This process typically involves nowork onyour end. You may need toverify your identity sothat thecompany knows it’s worthwhile forthem tosend you products. But, beyond filling out aform, there isnowork required.

Contact thecompany directly

Ifyou can’t find aFree Sample form onacompany’s website, you should beable tofind contact information. These days, most companies display, atthevery least, aphone number andemail address ontheir websites. You might also beable tofind aphysical address andsocial media accounts aswell. Any one ofthese options offers agood opportunity toreach out tocompanies toask about free samples.

Ifthis seems awkward toyou, there are some tips onhow toask about free samples.

First, don’t betoo demanding. You donot want tocome off asfeeling entitled tofree stuff from themanufacturer.

Similarly, you should try toframe your request inapositive light. One oftheleast appreciated tactics from companies iswhen people ask forfree things while complaining. Ifyou have had anegative experience with acompany, you can complain. But, ifthat isthecase, why are you demanding more free stuff from them?

Instead, ifyou are trying toget free products totest them out, you should have nice things tosay about thecompany. Explain that you have enjoyed other products oftheirs inthepast, andwant totry something new. Orsay that you believe acertain product oftheirs looks great, but you just want tobesure about it.

Ifyou can articulate why you want totest theproduct, companies may see that you are avalued andreliable customer. Inthis case, they may bemore likely tosend free products, even ifthey don’t publicly advertise free trials. Atthevery least, itdoesn’t hurt toask.

Sign upforfree product sampling programs

Ifyou’re not going through manufacturers directly, some services offer free products from various companies. One ofthemost well-known programs ofthis variety isAmazon Vine, which sends free products totrusted Amazon reviewers. But you might beable tofind other such services that better suit your interests.

The downside ofthese programs isthat you often have less control over theproducts you receive. But it’s also agood way todiscover new products with minimal risk involved.

Companies That Will Send You Free Products

The list ofcompanies that will send you free products islonger than wecan possibly share here. Asmentioned, there may beplenty ofcompanies that are willing tosend free products without advertising them. With that said, many notable companies have areputation forsending free products. Here are just afew that are good toknow about.


4Imprint isacompany that specializes inmanufacturing customized promotional materials forbusinesses. Companies can use 4Imprint tomanufacture custom clothing, office supplies, electronics, andmore.

4Imprint isalso known forits exceptional customer service, which includes easy access tofree samples onmany oftheir products. This isperfect forcompanies who are looking togrow their brand image with promotional materials.


The McCormick Consumer Testing allows individuals tosign upforfree samples ofMcCormick flavoring andfood products. McCormick isone ofAmerica’s leading food andflavor manufacturers. McCormick spices, foods, andcondiments can befound inmost major grocery stores around thecountry. And, you can sign uptotest out their new products forfree right ontheir website.

Republic ofTea

Whether you’re opening acafe orfood business, orjust love tea, free samples from Republic ofTea are agreat idea. Republic ofTea offers anextremely wide selection ofunique andpremium tea flavors. And thecompany isoften willing tosend free samples tothose who ask nicely. You can contact Republic ofTea byphone oremail torequest free samples oftheir products.


Sephora isone ofthelargest skincare andbeauty companies intheworld. And they believe intheir products well enough tooffer afree samples program ontheir website. This isassimple asitgets. Simply select theitems you want totest out andwait forthem tobeshipped toyou.

Tom’s ofMaine

Tom’s ofMaine isamanufacturer ofpersonal care andhygiene products. The company’s toothpaste, deodorants, andbath items can befound atmany major retail stores throughout thecountry. But Tom’s isalso known tosend out free products ifyou contact them directly.


Those are just afew known brands that will send you free products ifyou know where tolook orhow toask. There are hundreds, ifnot thousands, ofother businesses out there that are willing tooffer free samples. Inmany cases, thebest way tofind out issimply toask.

Ifyou run your own business, offering free samples isapowerful way togenerate traffic. Want tolearn more about marketing strategies togrow your business? Read Ecwid’s tips onhow torun aneffective “Buy One, Get One Free” promotion online.

Free Products: How to Get Companies to Send You Free Items (1)

Create anonline store with Ecwid inminutes
Learn more

  • How toFind Distributors forYour Product
  • How ToFind aManufacturer forYour Product Idea
  • Where toFind aWholesale Supplier forYour Online Store
  • The Science ofContacting Suppliers When You’re Starting aBusiness
  • How toFind theRight Supplier onAliExpress
  • How toChoose aClothing Manufacturer
  • Finding theRight Furniture Manufacturer
  • How toChoose Plastic Suppliers
  • Connecting With Cosmetics Manufacturers
  • How toFind theBest Toy Manufacturers
  • What Are Private Label Manufacturers
  • How toGet Companies toSend You Tools (Samples) forFree
  • Understanding Supplier Code ofConduct
  • How toEvaluate Supplier Performance
  • Strategies forManaging Supplier Relations
  • How toBeaGood Distributor
Free Products: How to Get Companies to Send You Free Items (2024)


Free Products: How to Get Companies to Send You Free Items? ›

To get companies to send you free stuff, including samples and coupons, you can take a direct approach by simply asking. You can also try signing up for newsletters, as well as complaining when a product is bad. Most companies want to keep their customers happy, so they'll often send you products if you just ask.

How to get a company to send you free stuff? ›

If you can articulate why you want to test the product, companies may see that you are a valued and reliable customer. In this case, they may be more likely to send free products, even if they don't publicly advertise free trials. At the very least, it doesn't hurt to ask.

How to get companies to send you free stuff for review? ›

Try signing up for Influenster, Smiley360, Opinion Outpost, I-Say Panel, or Global Test Market. Each online panel specializes in different kinds of products and offers different reward options, so look into a few to figure out which one is right for you.

How do you get brands to send you stuff? ›

The Golden Rule of Getting Free Stuff
  1. Be Nice. ...
  2. Don't Ask for Free Stuff. ...
  3. Explain Why Your Audience is the Perfect Fit for Their Product. ...
  4. You are Basically Making a Sales Pitch. ...
  5. It's Okay Not to Have a Lot of Views or Subscribers. ...
  6. Offer Companies More Than Just One-Off Cooperation.

How can I get free stuff without paying anything? ›

Search social media platforms for groups such as Freecycle and Buy Nothing in your area to find out what your neighbors are giving away. Or use a neighborhood app and go to the "free finds" page. Also, regularly search for “curb alert” in local groups to find out what your neighbors are leaving outside for the taking.

How do I get free items from Amazon? ›

Robust Reviews Earn Amazon Freebies
  1. Get Invited to be a Vine Reviewer By Writing More (and Better) Reviews. ...
  2. Use Influencer (or Micro-Influencer) Status for Freebies. ...
  3. Tread Carefully With Facebook Groups and Third Party Review Sites. ...
  4. Free Amazon Prime Trials. ...
  5. Amazon Music Free. ...
  6. Free Kindle Books. ...
  7. Audible Audiobooks.

Can I email companies for free stuff? ›

Sending an email is not as personal, but it can still nab you free stuff. Often, companies will have a contact form or email address posted on their website that you can use to contact them. Usually, there's a link at the bottom of the website that says something like "Contact" or "Contact Us."

What brands pay you to post? ›

Influencer fam, we have some awesome pay-per-post Collabs opps with hot products you'll want to share:
  • Coach with PHD.
  • Uber Life Products.
  • nCAP.
  • Everence.
  • Alessandra Luciano.
  • Strength of Hope.
  • Osiris Organics.
  • FamePick (LinkFolio)

How do you ask a company to sponsor you? ›

How to Get a Sponsorship: 8 Key Tactics
  1. Research potential sponsors. Look at your existing supporters. ...
  2. Tell your organization's story. ...
  3. Provide sponsor incentives. ...
  4. Reach out to established companies. ...
  5. Use data to legitimize your pitch. ...
  6. Find the right contact. ...
  7. Build a connection over time. ...
  8. Follow up.
Jul 10, 2023

How to get free products as an influencer? ›

How to Get Free Products As An Influencer in 2024
  1. Step #1. Never ask for free products or services to review. ...
  2. Step #2. Grow a following so engaged that people want to send you free things to review. ...
  3. Step #3. Reject most free product offers. ...
  4. Step #4. Leave only honest reviewS, even if the product was free.

How to get free stuff legit? ›

How to get free stuff online or in person
  1. Check online community marketplaces. ...
  2. Sample products. ...
  3. Enroll in loyalty programs. ...
  4. Use your library card. ...
  5. Take online surveys. ...
  6. Cash in on credit card rewards. ...
  7. Download an app for freebies. ...
  8. Use coupons.
Dec 12, 2023

Is there any website that gives free stuff? ›

1. Free Stuff Finder. Launched in 2011 by Tina Su, Free Stuff Finder is your go-to destination for free samples, coupons, and deals sourced from around the web. Their mission is simple: help users save money and discover new products they'll love.

What is the app for giving away free stuff? ›

Give & get free stuff in your local Freecycle, Freegle and Full Circles groups. With trash nothing, it's easy to give away your unwanted but reusable items to people in your local community and find free things that other people are giving away.

How to request something for free? ›

The next time you ask for something for free – be respectful, specific, and offer to give something back in return. If you do these things, you're likely to build better relationships and partnerships that are mutually beneficial for years to come.

How to become an influencer and get free stuff? ›

How to Get Free Products As An Influencer in 2024
  1. Step #1. Never ask for free products or services to review. ...
  2. Step #2. Grow a following so engaged that people want to send you free things to review. ...
  3. Step #3. Reject most free product offers. ...
  4. Step #4. Leave only honest reviewS, even if the product was free.

How do I ask companies for free products on Instagram? ›

How to Approach Brands for Freebies
  1. Don't ask for free product as a “favor.” ...
  2. Avoid making your first contact with a brand a request for free product. ...
  3. Be able to explain why a brand should give you product for review. ...
  4. Don't ask a brand for their entire product lineup as a “sample.”

Why do companies give away free products? ›

Providing product samples can take away any reluctance to make a purchase, especially when it comes to new or innovative products. This strategy not only facilitates firsthand experience and interaction with the product but also builds trust and establishes a connection with potential customers.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5790

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.