GDPR in the US: Compliance Simplified for Businesses (2024)

In my experience, many U.S.-based companies operating online have customers from the European Union (EU) or other parts of the European Economic Area (EEA).

If you own one of those sites and it interacts with those customers, then your business is subject to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The GDPR is a comprehensive data privacy regulation that affects many U.S. entities due to its extraterritorial scope.

Join me as I cover the requirements for GDPR compliance in the U.S., explain why your business might fall under its legal purview, and offer easy solutions to implement that will help you meet all necessary business obligations.

Table of Contents
  1. Does the GDPR Apply to the US?
  2. GDPR Requirements for US Companies
  3. GDPR Enforcement in the US
  4. Are Any US Entities Exempt From the GDPR?
  5. How Can Termly Help US Companies Comply?
  6. FAQs About GDPR Compliance in the US
  7. Summary

Does the GDPR Apply to the US?

The short answer is yes; the GDPR applies to the U.S. in several ways.

You can find a description of the GDPR’s extraterritorial scope in Article 3 of the text.

U.S. companies fall under the jurisdiction of the GDPR as either data controllers or data processors. In short, data controllers are entities that decide how specific data is used, and data processors are entities that use, store, or transfer that data in some way.

If your website provides goods or services to EU or EEA citizens and/or collects personal information about them, then you must meet all of the GDPR’s business requirements.

Additionally, the GDPR protects citizens of the U.S. as data subjects, but only when they’re visiting the EU or other EEA countries. The protection only applies while they are using the internet in those territories.

In the following sections, I’ll dive deeper into how the GDPR applies to U.S. companies, citizens, and more.

Does the GDPR Apply to US Companies?

Yes, the GDPR applies to any U.S. company that processes personal information and meets either of the following requirements:

  1. Provides goods or services accessible to consumers in the EU or EEA, even if no monetary transaction is required
  2. Monitors the behavior of users in the EU or EEA, which means collecting, using, or analyzing information about those users

The GDPR doesn’t impose a size or revenue threshold on companies like some U.S. state data privacy laws, namely the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA).

Instead, a U.S.-based company of any size may qualify as a data controller under the GDPR, which Article 4 defines as:

… the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone orjointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personaldata…

Simply put, a data controller is an entity that decides why and how personal information is used.

Alternatively, companies in the U.S. can qualify as a data processor, which is defined in Article 4 to mean:

“… a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processespersonal data on behalf of the controller.”

Data processing under the GDPR refers to the collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available sets of personal data.

To clarify when the GDPR applies, below are some hypothetical examples of how different U.S. businesses are affected.

Business ExampleDoes It Fall Under the GDPR?Why?
#1: The ecommerce website of a New York-based clothing store that ships orders to several major European cities, like Paris and Berlin.✅ GDPR AppliesThis business sells goods to consumers in the EU and EEA and monitors the behaviors of data subjects in those regions.
#2: The portfolio website of a Los Angeles-based freelance travel writer who writes in French and accepts commissions from publications in France.✅ GDPR AppliesThis business targets French citizens and monitors their behaviors while they’re in the EU/EEA.
#3: A Chicago-based coffee shop that accepts online orders for deliveries within a 3-mile radius.❌ GDPR Does Not ApplyThis business doesn’t serve or target EU or EEA consumers and doesn’t monitor the behavior of consumers in those regions.
#4: A website that facilitates language exchange meetups in Houston, Texas.❌ GDPR Does Not ApplyThis business targets Houston-area residents, not EU or EEA consumers. It also only monitors the behavior of consumers in the US.

Does the GDPR Apply to US Citizens?

Yes, the GDPR applies to U.S. citizens physically located in a protected EU or EEA country.

The GDPR uses the term data subjects in Article 3 when referring to the people whose data gets processed, but it doesn’t mention citizenship or nationality. This omission means that the scope of the GDPR is not nationality-based but rather location-based, so we need to consider where the data subject is located when their information is processed.

In the table below, I created hypothetical examples of when the GDPR does and doesn’t protect U.S. citizens.

Human ExampleDoes the GDPR Apply?Why?
A U.S. tourist visits France on vacation and uses food delivery apps during their visit.✅ GDPR AppliesThis individual was in a GDPR-protected region at the time they used the food delivery services that are based in the EU.
A man from New York stays in Spain on a year-long work permit and signs up for Netflix while living there.✅ GDPR AppliesThis individual was in a GDPR-protected country at the time of signing up for Netflix, a company that collects personal information from users.
A person from Boston visits Iceland, which is in the EEA, and uploads content to their TikTok when they return home.❌ GDPR Does Not ApplyEven though the videos used for the TikToks were recorded in Iceland, the data itself is uploaded while the subject is back in the US, which is not a GDPR-protected country.

Does the GDPR Apply to EU Citizens in the US?

Now here’s where things get interesting — because of the location-based scope, if an EU citizen is in the U.S., the GDPR no longer applies to them.

The data subject’s location takes precedence over their citizenship when determining the applicability of the GDPR, so the regulation doesn’t protect EU citizens who are traveling or living in the US.

Although the GDPR might not apply, other U.S. state privacy laws may similarly protect their data, such as:

  • California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)
  • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
  • Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA)

Does the GDPR Apply to the US Government?

Yes, the GDPR applies to the U.S. Government, meaning that federal and state agencies must follow the directives of the regulation because the GDPR doesn’t make blanket exceptions to governmental or public agencies.

Thus, if the U.S. government targets or processes the personal data of EU/EEA-based users, it’s expected to comply with the GDPR, as is the case for all non-EU/EEA public agencies.

However, Article 2 excuses government agencies from complying with specific provisions of the regulation as long as the processing of personal data is for reasons beneficial to the public interest, like preventing, investigating, and prosecuting criminal offenses or threats to public safety.

But, because the U.S. is not an EU member state, these exemptions don’t apply. In other words, the U.S. Government must still meet all obligations outlined in the GDPR.

GDPR Requirements for US Companies

Now that you know that your U.S. business falls under the jurisdiction of the GDPR, you might be wondering how to meet all of its requirements.

Let me break this down into seven simple steps.

Step 1: Perform a Privacy Audit

To adequately follow all GDPR requirements, I recommend performing a privacy audit to determine every bit of personal information that your website collects from users.

  • Keep track of the specific types of data collected, such as IP addresses, names, email addresses, etc.
  • Don’t forget to include cookies and trackers, which you can find by running your site through a website cookie scanner.
  • Note any special categories of information you might gather, like sensitive personal data.

While this step is not a legal requirement by the GDPR, it will help make it easier for your business to ensure full compliance.

Step 2: Determine Your Legal Basis for Processing Information

Now that you know what data your website collects from users, establish your legal basis for the data processing, as outlined in Chapter 2, Article 6 of the regulation.

The six legal bases outlined by the GDPR include:

  • Legitimate Interest
  • Consent of the data subject
  • Contractual necessity
  • Vital interest of the user or another person
  • Legal obligation
  • Public interest or by the directive of the data controller

You must inform consumers about your legal basis for each data category you process, which you can include in your privacy policy.

Step 3: Make a GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policy

Next, create and publish a privacy policy that your users can easily find, read, and understand.

According to Chapter 3, Article 13 of the regulation, you must inform data subjects about the details of your data processing practices when you obtain the information from them.

According to Article 15, your privacy policy must include the following details:

  • What personal information you collect from data subjects
  • How you collect the personal information
  • The legal basis for why you collect the personal information
  • What categories of personal information you collect (sensitive, non-sensitive, or criminal)
  • How long you store the personal information for
  • Who you share the personal information with
  • An explanation of the rights data subjects have over their personal information

Step 4: Obtain, Track, and Log User Consent

If consent is one of the legal bases you use for processing personal information, you’ll need to obtain, track, and log the consent choices of your data subjects to comply with the GDPR as outlined in Chapter 2, Article 7.

To do this, set up a cookie banner on your site that links to a cookie policy and privacy policy and allows users to opt in or opt out of tracking. You must also offer users a way to revoke their consent anytime.

You’ll need to maintain an accurate log of their consent choices for as long as you use their data.

You may be able to do all of this on your own, but I recommend you use an automated solution, like our Cookie Consent Manager, to simplify the entire process.

Step 5: Use Compliant Data Processing Agreements

If you plan on working with any third-party entities that have access to or process your user’s data, you’ll need to create and sign contracts that meet specific GDPR requirements outlined in Chapter 4, Article 28.

These contracts, also called Data Processing Agreements, are entered into by the data controller and the data processor.

A DPA obligates a data processor to:

  • Agree to only process data on the written instructions of the data controller.
  • Maintain confidentiality over the personal information involved in the processing.
  • List all measures guaranteeing the security of the personal information.
  • Receive consent from the controller to outsource any delegated functionality.
  • Assist the controller in complying with the GDPR regarding the rights of the data subjects and with duties outlined in Articles 32 and 36 of the regulation relating to the security of processing and prior consultation.
  • Delete all personal information collected on behalf of the controller after the termination of the contract.
  • Be audited by the data controller as necessary.

Both parties must agree to the specific terms of the DPA and sign it.

Step 6: Follow the Data Security and Storage Guidelines

US businesses considered a controller or a processor under the GDPR must also follow data security and storage guidelines to ensure that users’ personal information is kept safe from breaches or leaks.

In Article 32, the regulation suggests the following security measures::

  • Pseudonymize and encrypt data
  • Ensure ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of processing systems and services
  • Provide the ability to restore the availability and access to data promptly in the event of an incident
  • Implement a process of testing, assessing, and evaluating the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures

The controller and processor are responsible for implementing the appropriate controls and security measures to protect data subject rights.

Step 7: Abide by All International Data Transfer Requirements

Currently, EU leaders have not approved a legal framework allowing for the international transfer of personal data from the EU/EEA to the U.S. without prior authorization — this means U.S. companies must follow the guidelines written in Chapter 5, Article 46 of the GDPR.

Your business must ensure that you’re providing all adequate measures outlined by the regulation and provide data subjects with a way to adequately and effectively exercise their privacy rights. This means fulfilling and documenting Steps 1-6 in such a way that your business can prove appropriate safety for your data subjects.

European Union and American leaders are currently debating over the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which, if passed, would act as an effective adequacy decision under the GDPR.

GDPR Enforcement in the US

In the U.S. and the rest of the world, different supervisory authorities from the various EU member states enforce the GDPR. These individuals are called Data Protection Authorities.

U.S. businesses — or any other entity — that commit a GDPR infraction are subject to fines of up to €10 million ($12 million) or 2% of your gross annual revenue from the previous fiscal year, whichever is higher.

Additionally, if your company has any presence or assets in the EU/EEA, such as bank accounts, real estate, or servers, it could get seized for GDPR noncompliance.

If you don’t have any assets in the EU/EEA, you must appoint a representative who is physically based in the EU to act as your liaison. This individual is called a Data Protection Officer. If a GDPR violation occurs involving your U.S.-based business, they become the channel through which the fines are levied.

GDPR Fines for US Companies

Companies from the U.S. have received countless fines for GDPR noncompliance since the regulation came into force years ago.

The national enforcement agencies of various EU/EEA member states have the legal means to enforce noncompliance fines and penalties on companies outside their territory.

In the table below, I highlight a few of the biggest GDPR fines levied against U.S. companies in recent years.

CompanyPenaltyYear IssuedEnforced ByWhy?
Headquartered in California
€60 million ($66 million)2021France’s CNILFailed to give users appropriately easy ways to refuse cookies on YouTube.
Facebook (Meta)
Headquartered in California
€60 million ($66 million)2021France’s CNILFailed to give users appropriately easy ways to refuse cookies on Facebook.
Instagram (Meta)
Headquartered in California
€405 million ($403 million)2022Irish Data Protection CommissionerViolating rules relating to the processing of children’s data without a legal basis.
Status: ongoing
Clearview AI€20 million ($22 million)2022Italian Privacy RegulatorProcessing biometric and geolocation data without an appropriate legal basis.
Status: ongoing

Some businesses — like many U.S. news sites — actively block their websites from EU users to avoid fines, but they risk losing customers permanently (Reuters).

One thing’s certain, GDPR non-compliance can be expensive for American businesses operating in the EU/EEA.

Avoid the penalties by following the guidelines and business obligations outlined by the regulation, which starts with publishing a GDPR-compliant privacy policy and implementing proper GDPR consent management and controls on your website.

Are Any US Entities Exempt From the GDPR?

Some U.S. entities are fully exempt from the GDPR and don’t have to worry about complying with the different facets of this regulation.

Specifically, U.S. entities that don’t provide goods or services to EU or EEA consumers or monitor their behaviors don’t have to follow the regulation.

In other words, if your website doesn’t interact with anyone from the EU or EEA, you don’t have to worry about following the GDPR.

According to Article 30, Part 5 of the text, businesses employing less than 250 people don’t have to follow some of the record-keeping requirements outlined by the law. However, this is not a total exemption and does not release small companies from the steps outlined above.

How Can Termly Help US Companies Comply?

Termly’s full suite of data privacy solutions can help U.S. companies fully comply with the GDPR. My favorite part? You can conveniently manage everything all in one place directly from your Termly dashboard.

Our Privacy Policy Generator, for example, includes all relevant clauses, phrasing, and information required by the regulation. All you need to do is answer simple multiple-choice questions about your business, and it generates a properly formatted, compliant policy based on your answers.

See a screenshot example of our Privacy Policy Generator below.

GDPR in the US: Compliance Simplified for Businesses (1)

We also provide a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that you can use to meet all GDPR consent requirements, like obtaining and logging consent choices from your EU and EEA users.

Below, see one example of how to configure our consent banner for GDPR compliance, which you can set up based on the regional location of your users.

GDPR in the US: Compliance Simplified for Businesses (2)

Termly’s Director of Global Privacy, Masha Komnenic, helps ensure our legal team and data privacy experts vet our policy generators, templates, and tools. We update them regularly so that you can keep up with new and changing data privacy laws.

FAQs About GDPR Compliance in the US

Below I took the time to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we get about the GDPR in the US.

How does the GDPR affect US companies?

The GDPR affects U.S. companies because it applies to any website that collects personal information and has consumers from the EU or EEA, regardless of the location of the business.

US websites that offer goods to EU and EEA residents or those who monitor the behavior of users in those regional territories must follow all obligations outlined by the GDPR, or they could potentially face significant fines for violating the regulation.

When do US companies need to comply with the GDPR?

US companies need to comply with the GDPR when they offer goods or services to consumers in the EU or EEA or monitor their online behavior.

The GDPR explains its territorial scope in Article 3 of the text.

What is the US equivalent of the GDPR?

The US equivalent of the GDPR is the CCPA. The CCPA (or California Consumer Privacy Act) was inspired by the GDPR, and both laws were created to protect the personal data of online consumers.

The GDPR applies to businesses that collect data from users in the EEA (European Economic Area), while the CCPA applies to businesses that collect data from California residents.

Does the GDPR apply to US websites?

Yes, the GDPR does apply to US websites that collect the personal data of EEA residents. Personal data includes any identifying information, such as names, contact information, and device details. Non-compliance with the GDPR could lead to fines and legal penalties, even for US websites.

What is personal data in the US according to the GDPR?

The GDPR defines personal data as any information that can identify an individual, either directly or indirectly, like names, identification numbers, location data, or online identifiers. This definition applies to businesses in the U.S. and other parts of the world.

What happens if US companies don’t comply with the GDPR?

If U.S. companies don’t comply with the GDPR and the infringement is unintentional, they could receive a fine of up to €10 million ($12 million) or 2% of their gross annual incomes from the previous year, whichever is higher. Intentional violations are subject to fines of up to €20 million or 4% of their yearly income.

You must also stop the data collection practices that didn’t comply with the GDPR and remedy the situation.

Which organization can penalize US companies for noncompliance?

The supervisory authorities in the different EU Member States enforce the GDPR in the U.S. If you violate the regulation, you may need a physical representative in the EU or EEA who acts as your liaison.


Now you know with certainty that, despite being a European-based regulation, the GDPR affects U.S. companies, citizens, and federal and state governments.

Because the regulation protects data subjects based on their location when the information processing occurs, it applies to anyone within an EU or EEA country regardless of their nationality or citizenship status.

Likewise, businesses in the U.S. and around the globe fall under the jurisdiction of the GDPR if they process personal information about an individual within those protected territories.

Any U.S. company that serves customers in the EU or EEA — or tracks their behaviors — must fully comply with the GDPR, or they may suffer financial consequences.

GDPR in the US: Compliance Simplified for Businesses (9)

More about the author

Written by Josh Langeland, CIPM

Hi, I’m Josh! I am a Privacy Engineer passionate about using technology to respect user privacy. I thrive at the intersection of complex technology and ever-changing privacy law. If I’m not drafting a design review or re-architecting a system, you might find me reading a biography or hiking at the closest national park.More about the author

GDPR in the US: Compliance Simplified for Businesses (2024)


GDPR in the US: Compliance Simplified for Businesses? ›

GDPR Checklist for US Companies

What does GDPR compliance mean for businesses? ›

At its core, GDPR Compliance means an organization that falls within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) meets the requirements for properly handling personal data as defined in the law. The GDPR outlines certain obligations organizations must follow which limit how personal data can be used.

What is the GDPR policy for businesses? ›

The two key principles of GDPR are that businesses must have appropriate legal grounds for processing personal data and do so transparently, and a business can only collect personal information for a specific purpose and only use it solely for that purpose.

What is GDPR compliance simplified? ›

The GDPR takes the stance that a data subject must be informed of the processes which will be used to store their personal data. Subsequently, it will then be the data controller's responsibility to make the processing of personal data available to the data subject.

Does the US require GDPR compliance? ›

Does the GDPR Apply to the US? The short answer is yes; the GDPR applies to the U.S. in several ways. You can find a description of the GDPR's extraterritorial scope in Article 3 of the text. U.S. companies fall under the jurisdiction of the GDPR as either data controllers or data processors.

Do US companies need to worry about GDPR? ›

Are US companies subject to GDPR? Yes, the GDPR can apply to businesses in the US or any business outside the European Union. As per Article 3 of the GDPR, the territorial scope of the GDPR applies to businesses regardless of whether the processing takes place in the European Economic Area (EEA).

What is the GDPR in simple terms? ›

The GDPR is a data privacy regulation from Europe that describes the rights individuals based in the EU/EEA have over their personal information processed by businesses (or natural persons outside of their personal use) and explains what guidelines businesses worldwide must follow to process their personal data legally ...

What is the US equivalent of the GDPR? ›

The CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is the US equivalent of GDPR. This comprehensive data privacy act gives Californian residents greater transparency and control over how businesses collect and use their personal information. What are the main principles of GDPR? How is CCPA different from GDPR?

What businesses does GDPR apply to? ›

The GDPR protects the data of its citizens and residents, even if it is transferred outside the EU zone, which means that the GDPR applies to all organizations EU and non-EU, that process the personal information of European citizens. An example would be a China-based company that collects data from EU citizens.

What is not allowed under GDPR? ›

The GDPR does not apply if: the data subject is dead. the data subject is a legal person. the processing is done by a person acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business, or profession.

What triggers GDPR compliance? ›

Simply being in the EU and having personal data collected about you by another party anywhere in the world may be enough to trigger the GDPR. Generally speaking, under the GDPR there must be a “lawful basis” for all data processing.

What is an example of GDPR compliance? ›

If a subscriber from the EU asks you to delete their data from your records, you must do so because email subscribers have a “right to be forgotten” under GDPR. That means as a business owner, you need to be able to delete their data easily and promptly.

What is the GDPR compliance checklist? ›

In your list, you should include: the purposes of the processing, what kind of data you process, who has access to it in your organization, any third parties (and where they are located) that have access, what you're doing to protect the data (e.g. encryption), and when you plan to erase it (if possible).

Can US companies be fined for GDPR? ›

Yes, businesses can get GDPR fines even if they are not based in the European Union. The fines for non-EU companies are the same as for companies from the EU member states. Data protection laws do not care where you are from. If the GDPR applies to you and you don't comply, you are threatened with a fine.

How do companies comply with GDPR? ›

If your website has any kind of forms, e.g. inquiry, contact, or subscriptions, that collect personal data, you must ensure: Include a privacy statement that explains why you're asking for their details; what you're going to do with them; and that they can withdraw consent at any time.

Does my US website need to be GDPR compliant? ›

While you may not be actively targeting EU customers, if they can sign-up or input data to your website or through social media accounts, even if the data ends up in a third-party email marketing or CRM system (and not on your website), you're responsible for GDPR-compliance.

What is one of the major business benefits of GDPR compliance? ›

One of the main benefits of GDPR compliance is the accuracy and completeness of the data that businesses collect. The GDPR requires companies to ensure that all data they gather is accurate and up-to-date and that they have the necessary consent from customers to collect and process the data.

What businesses does the GDPR apply to? ›

The GDPR protects the data of its citizens and residents, even if it is transferred outside the EU zone, which means that the GDPR applies to all organizations EU and non-EU, that process the personal information of European citizens.

How is the GDPR affecting the company's practices? ›

In the broadest sense, the GDPR requires that companies commit to vigorous protection protocols for user data and promote a transparent and accessible atmosphere for the consumer. The GDPR applies to any business that collects personal information from an EU resident, even if it's only an IP address.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.